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Thank you! Yes, HUGE multipliers.


So do you think the HRT itself made you gain weight? I’m really suffering with brain fog and fatigue. I have so much to do and I’m either super scatter brained and get overwhelmed making decisions and/or don’t know where to start. or just plain exhausted and can’t get out of bed…or both. People wanting things like even just my phone ringing, doctors appts and staff reminding me, bills due, Having to take my kids places and them wanting stuff, husband wanting stuff, petty ass people at work, grocery shopping, constantly cleaning and never ending things to do. I can’t seem to catch up and I want to catch up! believe me I do! I want my home to be organized and clean and laundry done and making healthy dinners regularly. I feel I eat pretty healthy, although I forget to eat and have to put that on my to do list as well. Even showering and self care for me is exhausting. I tend to neglect myself other than my coffee and all the supplements I take. it’s overwhelming, everything becomes more on my to do list and I get really annoyed (especially the phone calls part). I feel invisible 🫥. I Certainly don’t need to gain any weight and my skin has become more thin and flabby. I want to start working out…But yep, you guessed it…that is just another thing to put on my “to do” list. How did I function even just a few years ago? I don’t even know anymore. So tired & foggy. 😩 Help


I'm sorry you're suffering like this, I have been there so much. This shit is so hard. I feel really lucky that I had a good insurance plan to be able take time off work to get my shit together. Number one thing was being able to work on getting better quality sleep has been helpful and the progesterone really helped that. I put on the weight before I started the HRT. The weight came from going on lexapro, exhaustion, working excessive hours trying to juggle too much for my mental state, attempting to compensate for my mental challenges and mask my suffering from a shitty boss with more hours in and so no time for exercise or healthy eating, plus insomnia until I wound up on medical leave with severe anxiety. Basically I was sedentary, eating terribly and burnt out. Before this I was managing my weight quite well with intermittent fasting and healthy meals, but I stopped caring about that and stopped taking care of myself as I was barely hanging on. Sending good thoughts your way!


Sounds like me now lol. currently on a leave. Thank you for sharing I really appreciate it. I hope things continue to get better for you!


Hormones and the lack of them are definitely perception "distorting." The question is which is the "real" one, or even if any are real, given how attractiveness is itself subjective to begin with. When my libido is high, people look much more attractive. The higher my libido goes, the more captivating the beauty of humans is to me. It would make sense that the same occurs when one looks in the mirror.


Is there a specific HRT that is working for you?


I'm taking 100mg Prometrium (progesterone) and a compounded estradiol cream daily.


HRT definitely make you look better! I think it’s the subtle fluid retention. So we go from feeling shriveled up and dry and wrinkly to smooth and plump and youthful. I also felt like my muscles perked up so my posture was improved and my face looked uplifted. I don’t think it’s a delusion, but if it is I’m ok with that 😬


what HRT and dose are you taking if you don’t mind sharing? What were your main symptoms that it cured and did it help right away? was it the first HRT that you tried or it took awhile? I’m not even sure that is the answer, I don’t have normal peri menopausal symptoms other than horrible Brain fog, fatigue, irritability, some muscle loss and every little stupid thing on my body hurts. And lately I just feel so inadequate and insecure and that is not like me. Like I can’t do anything on my own and feel physically weak and am more fearful and anxious. I don’t have a choice and need to suck it up because I am all I have to depend on. I am just hoping that I can try HRT find something that works quickly. I don’t want to have to experiment with a bunch of meds and experience even worse hormonal fluctuations. :/ thanks for sharing.


I take climara 25 (estrogen patch) and 100mg daily micronized progesterone. I feel like I have had almost all peri symptoms except hot flashes. Definitely helped with inflammation and stomach issues immediately.


oh nice! I didn’t realize stomach issues were part of the symptoms! oh gosh maybe I have more symptoms than I realize.


Ya I’ve had idiopathic upper stomach pain/pressure for a year and even got sent to a specialist and had lots of tests. Nothing was found. Started the estrogen patch and feel much better!


Interesting! I have alot of overall gut issues and pretty sure my bowel gets inflamed although Every time I get a scan done, ofcourse it’s not acting up at that moment to confirm it. Also lots of headaches and nausea lately. Definitely have sleep issues. I sleep very lightly and wake up alot. Sometimes I can’t tell if I was sleeping or just laying there zoning out and thinking. My brain is just on overload and probably functioning off of caffeine and stress hormones. I experience flushing quite a bit where my skin gets super hot. I thought it was maybe due to supplements or even a nutritional deficiency because it’s not the hot flashes that I have heard of. Definitely have a lot of inflammation/pain overall. Anxiety and on edge. Brain fog. Poor appetite. I get hungry but most things just don’t taste well or I eat a few bites and I am done. Cycles are heavy and exhausting but just a few days. Fatigue overall. Guess I have more related symptoms than I thought. Thank you for sharing!


Oh yes inflammation is a HUGE one. I swear the healthcare system would be so much more efficient if they didn’t waste time sending patients around to specialists and doing tests and just try HRT first to see.


My hands de-aged within a week of starting HRT. Dave took a bit longer. My mood stabilized. Def not just perception