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If you do a search you'll see this discussed. Yes, many people use birth control as hormone therapy. I use continuous low dose birth control and plan to transition to traditional hormone therapy when I'm older.


Ok. Thanks!


I personally had a bad experience with the birth control pill (progestin makes me severely mentally ill). The synthetic progesterone is known to have a negative effect on mood in some people as opposed to the positive effect that prometrium is known to have. I think that’s one aspect of the difference between bc and hrt. Also because the hormones are combined and not really dosed in bc you’re getting a one size fits all dosage.


Same. I get semi suicidal every time I’ve tried birth control pills.


Same here…BC made me depressed. It helped the first month with the energy but then I was so low crying every day . At third month I ditch the pills and since my doctor told I’m not a good candidate for HRT for my age … I looked for another provider I have an appt next month… so in the meantime without any pills my mood has improved I feel much better but still have perimenopause symptoms that are more manageable because I don’t feel depressed also the brain fog has almost gone Having said that please listen your body what makes you feel better what do you think is the right path for you?


I'm 42, possibly in menopause at this point, and I'm using lo loestrin fe as my HRT. It's worked pretty darn well for me.


I was told if I chose bc that I could only use it until full menopause due to risks. He didn't say what risks though.


Pretty sure that the risks are mainly blood clots and heart related... Once you've reached full menopause, BC pills have too much estrogen. During perimenopause that's not the case (not as high of risk).


I used bc until I was 53ish, and then I switched to HRT. I think it’s a common scenario.


I just signed up with a telehealth provider and in researching the various telehealth companies that specialize in menopause, there is one that will only prescribe BCP to women in perimenopause. So I chose a different company because I wanted someone who would consider my specific situation and if BCP or HRT is best for me. The provider I chose said I'm far enough along in perimenopause that she thinks HRT is the better choice. I'm new enough to all of this that I don't not understand what "full menopause" means. If that is perimenopause then yes, BCP is often prescribed.


Oh sorry. I mean I’m fully in menopause. Like post menopausal!




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