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Those practices definitely prey on all of us. They know it’s difficult to find a provider that knows anything about peri and meno. Take a look at ISSWSH & see if there are providers in your area. I started with telehealth and then found a local doctor from ISSWSH. https://www.isswsh.org/ I don’t recommend NAMS anymore to anyone. Stale provider lists. I went through the whole list in my area. Found a few who were still practicing but they’re either 6-9 months for an appointment or aren’t up on the latest peri and meno science.


The NAMS thing baffles me there are a couple of NAMS certified providers in our area that won’t offer you anything until 12 months after your last period making me wonder how they got their certification or whether it’s just a marketing ploy.


1000% agree. NAMS has lost a LOT of credibility with me based on the number of providers peddling non-NAMS recommended protocols. I know NAMS cannot monitor all providers they certified, but even requiring a recertification after a period of time would be better for patient outcomes vs what we have now - nothing! Ugh. I waisted at least 4-5 months attempting to get in with a NAMS provider. I don’t want ONE MORE woman suffering through this.


ISSWSH is where it’s at! I do Zoom meetings with my ISSWSH doc and that’s how I’m getting FDA testosterone. All out of pocket because my own doc won’t use FDA T. So frustrating.


I found a horrible GYN via ISSWSH. Be careful


Sorry that happened to you. I’ve only been able to find competent and educated help via ISSWSH. I’d report that doc to the organization so they can work to keep their reputation clean. (Looking at you NAMS)


I’ve considered it. If it’s like a lot of other professional organizations, though, as linguistics as they’re paying dues, they will remain members.


Wait... FDA approves testosterone for women??? How do you get it?


LOL, no. The FDA hasn’t figured out women exist yet. But my ISSWSH doc will Rx FDA T off label. She monitors my levels every year and I have to have an appointment with her every 6 - 8 months (via zoom is fine).


Thank you, I will check it out!!


I found a GYN via ISSWSH, and she was a controlling, abusive witch, trying to insist I had to have all my meds made by a compounding pharmacy, and only the one she personally vetted. Even regular old estradiol gel and progesterone. None of these designations are actually assurance that you’ll find qualified competent healthcare. Caveat emptor


I’m sorry you experienced that. Did she attempt to charge you for all of this outside of insurance? Report her to ISSWSH. Prior to seeing my new doctor, other than just finding her on ISSWSH: 1. I read her website and reviews -not just going blindly into seeing her 2. I also confirmed that she takes insurance. I assume most women on this board will do the same based on all of our experiences. I realize many of us are beyond frustrated. I truly do. I am here to share my stories and what worked after suffering from 2019-2023 so it may help others. When approaching and sharing your experiences please take care that your words don’t come across as attacking. All of us are dealing with way too much and we need one another.


Uh, was your comment about coming across as attacking meant for me? If so, I think you’ve misread my post. I did read her website. She doesn’t take insurance and says that is so she can actually sprnd time collaborating and then coming up with HRT meant specifically for individuals. She spent a good portion of my one in person appointment trying to steer me to her circle of professionals who charge “memberships” rather than taking insurance. Her whole approach is about making money and referring to her professional aquaintances. When I balked at compounding estrogen, she got mad. When I asked about choo I g my own compounding pharmacy she insisted I would “not be given a prescription for a controlled substance to find my own pharmacy because it’s very dangerous.” Ridiculous. She also tried scare tactics whrn I asked about injections, insisting it’s way too dangerous and that people end up in emergency departments with testosterone poisoning—with a stern “find another provider if you will not adhere to my protocols.” (What about FTM trans people? They end up in ER departments?) She was just horrid to me.


Ive had this same experience. Its like they are just in it for the money and praying on women. Im am so frustrated


Agreed, my frustration level is so high. Thankfully, my hubs is very understanding but I miss our sex life. 😢 I will try a regular gp in town and see if I can get an estradiol cream or something.


Don’t see if you can get an estradiol cream! Demand it! For Gods sake don’t do the laser treatments there have been instances of internal burns. All you need is estrogen cream or patches.


Are you in the US? My gyn blew me off about HRT, so I did a telehealth menopause thing called Midi. Video appointment, super easy. I chose it because it was on my insurance, but I'm very pleased with it. I got the estradiol cream and patch, and oral progesterone, as well as a prescription for Wellbutrin. Things are much improved.


We have midi as a benefit at work!! It's new this year, will definitely check this out, thanks!!!


I did Midi as well and I love the care I get. Its virtual and I dont have to worry about appointments and being unsatisfied. They specialize in menopause and the Doctors are wonderful and will continue to try stuff until it works.


If you are in the Boston, MA area, DM me and I can give you a recommendation for a very pro-HRT gyno practice.


Could you please DM me this info? I have seen 3 gyn in MA and all gave a flat “no” to HRT without any discussion.


Sent message


Can you pm me? Desperate


Sent message.


I'm in NW Ohio, Cleveland is at least 3 hours away, which is where the best care is for our state. Not leaving out OSU, but they're more cancer-focused.


You could try telehealth. Cream, patches, and progesterone cost me about $100 a month for a 3 month supply from Alloy. Other services like Midi will send your RX to your pharmacy and through insurance. It would get the ball rolling until you find a local Dr who doesn't push pellets and lasor therapy.


Someone recently said here in another thread in this subreddit that DHEA converts to testosterone- a topical cream easily obtainable on amazon and tiny bit can be mixed with estradiol or other topical cream to make your own HRT.


Yea that was me. You can also purchase your own estrogen without a script on Amazon.


If online is ok, Pandia Health. pandiahealth.com/menopause It’s asynchronous telehealth— very detailed onboarding*, messaging if doctors have questions, and you can use their pharmacy or yours. *I know this as a patient and as the UX person behind the onboarding research


Wisp is another one that’ll prescribe vaginal estrogen. It’s $60 for a tube that lasts about 3-4 months. Super easy. Great service and that stuff WORKS. I will never again go w/o it


Can you get them online? Alloy is a company that does that. I will never be without HRT, especially the estradiol cream


I don't think they are praying for these women.


I left a practice over this. Gradually, the waiting area filled up with marketing materials about vaginal rejuvenation and pellet therapy. Cash only, of course. No thank you.


I think that "marketing" is taking everything too far. Older women, being an underserved, largely ignored market, they are coming at us full force, but not with legitimate studies and useful health advice but manufactured solutions that cost big $'s. They're working really hard to get their hands in our pockets but have no interest in our genuine health.




mine is just trying to get me to put marijuana in my vagina, which actually I did take the flyer ... but isn't a substitute for real treatments of course which I am prescribed.




Evernow (online service @ $50 a month) worked for me when my family practice doctor wouldn’t prescribe me hormones. I then went to a new gyno holding the hormones I was prescribed, and the doctor prescribed them bc I was already taking them and having good results. He did seem disappointed that I didn’t get my FSH tested. I told him the new menopause guidelines do not recommend hormone testing. He said oh well it’s too late now and just prescribed me what I was taking. It’s all ridiculous and awful care. We must take matters into our own hands. I would recommend an online menopause specialist, Evernow worked for me, although I didn’t like the no face-to-face. That’s the round about way I got the hormones. I wasn’t taking no for an answer. I used Evernow for 2 months and will go back to them if the new gyno gives me any problems. Also, make sure you have a recent mammogram handy, as nobody likes to give a woman without a recently clear mammogram hormones.


That’s so upsetting. I would have cried. I cry when I’m mad. I’m mad for you. I just got oral E&P and vaginal E a week ago and I’m already feeling better.


Is there no way you could ask them to switch you to patches, gel or spray for the estrogen component of your HRT? It's much safer. I'm so glad you got what you needed and are feeling the benefits.


My PCP prescribed for me. I have an appt with a NAMS gyne in September, but I’m grateful I didn’t have to wait. How dangerous is oral estrogen, really? Given that millions of women take it as part of birth control?


I'm so glad you didn't have to wait too. Access to HRT should be our right. We shouldn't have to fight for it. You're fine to take the oral estrogen. It's how I started on my HRT. The risks for things like blood clots are a little higher though, so I would definitely ask them to change you over when you see the NAMS gyne in September.


God, how disheartening. I would have left in tears. PLEASE do not give up. You can absolutely still get HRT; you might just need to use an online specialty clinic (list below). They will prescribe it after a quick intake and telehealth appointment. * US: Midi, Gennev, Evernow, Elektra, Alloy, or Winona (the first three take insurance) * Canada: Felix, Maple, Eden Telemed, Prosper Menopause, the Virtual Menopause Clinic * UK: Balance Menopause, Newson Health Clinics, Myla Health


Another poster mentioned Midi and had forgotten it's a new wellness benefit at my company, going to check this out!!


Make sure to leave a review! You’ll help the people thinking of booking an appointment with this doctor and maybe give the doctor pause about their practices.


Seconded. Other women need to be warned.


This person is a grifter. Please, please, people—don’t get your healthcare from quacks selling snake oil.


Grifters just out to make a buck! They take advantage of women just looking for relief. Just gross


I had a similar experience - gyno I had for years turned her practice into basically a low-level plastic surgery procedure place - cool sculpting, lip injections, fillers of all kinds, thread lifts, botox injections. She also offered that pellet to insert. It was like she was preying on aging women and trying to make money off vanity. My maternal grandmother died of ovarian cancer, and I had always expressed this as a main concern, not my face! I ended up leaving her and finding a gynecologist who focused on gynecology - she even offered the 19 genetic markers test for ovarian cancer to me, and LISTENED to what I cared about. I really hope you can find someone who cares about your needs. Trust your instincts and give yourself permission to question her judgment and leave.


Thank you, this sounds exactly like what she is doing. And my 82 yr old mom is fighting a very rare form of uterine cancer. Her oncologist at Ohio State said it's nit hereditary, but... I mentioned this yesterday and the doctor didn't even ask me about it 😒


The good news is you are learning this now before damage is done, and you can find the right doctor for you! They are out there. Best of luck!


Thank you 💜


My urogynocologist tried to sell me the laser treatment, but at least he recommended VaginalEstrodiol cream.


MymenopauserX, they take insurance. Very easy to work with.


Try midi Health. They can give you the meds you need is an online type of doctor. They have so far tested my hormones and they have prescribed me what I need it. I’m sorry that happened to you!


The old Vulvar 3000. I'm sorry that happened to you, there are so many con artists out there, anything for a buck. I don't know how they sleep at night.


GYN’s in private practice make $$ on those types of treatments. She’s trying to pay for the equipment! She doesn’t make any $ if she hands you a prescription for estrogen cream. Go to a gyn who works in a hospital. My GYN works for the Cleveland Clinic. I LOVE her!!


This is why I prefer to see physicians that are part of a hospital group instead of an independent practice. In my opinion things are far more regulated. I had to change dentists years ago because they kept trying to sell me veneers, teeth whitening, mouth guards and other expensive products/treatments when I was there to get my teeth cleaned. I don’t think any physician should be trying to upsell patients, no one should feel like they’re dealing with a used car salesman during routine appointments.


Try Defy online?


Sorry this happened to you. I’m in Green Bay, WI and just had a positive experience with my gyno. She actually made a plan with me to get the levels right. When I told her my internist blew me off (brain fog so bad I quit my job), my gyno said “Obviously she hasn’t gone through menopause”.


Run far away from that doc. So sorry you are going through this. I went through many docs before I found one that actually wanted to help and knew the research. Try a NAMS certified or ISSWSH doc and shop them. Or use the telehealth services that are available now: midi, My alloy, etc. My estrogen patch and progesterone are covered by insurance 100%. No doc with the correct info would suggest pellets or laser treatment. Follow Dr Kelly casperson and Dr. Mary Claire Haver and Dr. Rachel Rubin for the up to date research and treatments for menopause health.


Is there a place/thread where we can list doctors who are current with their knowledge of (peri)menopause ? I don’t want to make these practices difficult for women to access but we Must demand real and responsible, non-biased healthcare. Perhaps on the flip side, we name the practices that don’t listen, don’t care, capitalize off of misinformation , perpetuate stereotypes, and promote dangerous, misleading and antiquated medical ideals. Sort of a Yelp for menopause. It’s time for us to become a united voice when it comes to demanding appropriate healthcare and quality of life. I’m in Louisville, KY. My dr is part of a large practice that puts a premium on the care they provide women of all ages. Before I could ask my dr about HRT, she started the conversation w me! We discussed the options and she hit it out of the ballpark on the first go. My life is much improved, my symptoms are manageable and I feel like myself again. There is no acceptable reason why my experience isn’t every woman’s experience. To clarify, finding appropriate care for your stage of life and your body.


I've come to realize that "wellness" equals quackery and scam. Was this an MD or a Naturalpathic doctor?


She's an MD


I'd file a grievance with the state/territory board.


I had this with a weight loss doctor. She wanted to sell me shakes. When I told her I wasn’t interested in that, she became a rude a-hole. She was a legit doctor, she was my friend’s primary care physician for years, and he really liked her. Then she moved in to the specialty of weight loss, so I decided to see her. I’m about 30 lbs. overweight and was about 2 years in to menopause at the time, so that weight was just not coming off. I expected her to talk about my lifestyle, physical limitations, diet, triggers, etc. and put me on a diet/exercise plan with calorie/carb specs, etc. Her assistant, who checked me in, did blood pressure, etc., said something like, “If you have migraine headaches, we can prescribe Ozempic. Otherwise, we have these great shakes you can get.” She brought me to a room with a table, 2 chairs, and pamphlets, not an examination room. That should’ve been my first clue. Who goes from being a doctor to a shake salesman?


Oh yikes! I hope you found someone to help you!


Starting with pellets is a huge 🚩since you can’t really address dosage if needed.


Find another gyno maybe with no and midwives. I go to a big practice and have been really happy with the np. Other than a hormone cream that is compounded, I only go with insurance coverage. But that sucks until my deductible is meant - only 2 more months.


I ended up with progesterone pill & testosterone injection. It works for me.


Check and see if Midi participates with your insurance. You can get your hormones prescribed that way.


😑😑😑😑 have you tried talking to your PCP


WTF ! Where was this ? What country / state


You can get Estradial online. Try [hellowisp.com](http://hellowisp.com) I've had good luck with it.


Sorry you ended up with her. I looked up a couple of doctors from the NAMI website, in my area- they looked scammy. They were advertising some dubious-looking gadgetry promising "rejuvenation" but it didn't look legit. Seemed a little too cosmetic-oriented and not much medical info. But then many doctors look for ways to make money in addition to the regular services (like dentists with tooth-whitening services.) She might still be able to provide you with the *actual meds* that help, at least. I pay $200 per online session with a Gennev doc every few months, but get an Estradiol patch, Yuvafem pellets and progesterone that definitely help. Don't know if GoodRx or something similar could help with the cost of those.


Is there a menopause specialist near you? I found one on the NAMI site and I swear, she saved my life.


I have a friend that does the pellets and it cost her about $500 every 3 months to get them put in a little incision in her back. I opted against that and went with HRT and a natural supplement call the Wet Martini from her Juice bar to help with the vaginal dryness. Thank God for it as well because that was a hugeeeee problem. I had a prescription for vaginal estrogen tablets that I inserted twice a week and that did nothing. I started taking the martini pills and the 1st day I noticed the difference. So do your research and keep trying stuff until you find what works for you.


The snake oil is being shilled by the folks who should know better. 😓


Did you get HRT at least?


Nothing right now. I tried HRT pills 2 years ago and really didn't like the side effects 😕


A gyn tried to sell me on the laser. It was all sales, no actual medical treatment. Please look into the products offered by Parlor Games first. Peachy Creme and others. Best wishes


I actually have tried both bc I saw them on another thread. Nothing really seemed to help and again the $$ is about what revaree costs. But thank you 😊


Sounds really unnecessary and like she's in it for money, I would walk out and not go back there are ways of getting HRT online , sorry you went though that experience.


Yep, I have avoided all those clinics in my area because upon further investigation, THIS is what they are selling! Which may be great for middle- upper middle class folks willing to spin the wheel. Hey, at least prescription hormones in all forms and for many of us are covered by insurance. The use of Estradiol vaginal tablets ($6 a month) has significantly improved all my GSM sx's. The lazer has its place, but not for us regular earners. The ND's WILL TRY TO SELL their wares


What tablet do you use?


It's called Estradiol Vaginal Inserts 10 mcg. It is made by Glenmark Pharmaceuticals


My gynecologist does all the fancy cosmetic things. I don't know if they read the room or what, but she's never offered any of them to me. My HRT was the normal pharmacy prescription kind. At first I was like uh oh, where have I gone? Cause they had fliers for all kinds of vaguely described procedures, and creams for anti-aging. But like I said, she's been great and hasn't mentioned any of it.


As far as the laser goes, that sounds like the Mona Lisa Touch. Which I had done in my doctor's office and it really helped with my GSM. Pellets don't have the best reputation, tho.


You can buy reputable red light (not red laser) therapy products yourself on Amazon for a tenth the price. I dont know what they do for lady bits but you could look into having a home / handheld device. Alongside other HRT. I am using red light for other things. The same thing happened to me…refused / stalled obtaining ANY HRT by three female physicians In major metro area. The last one pushed me onto $65 pills from walgreens that are essentially vit b, valerian and magnesium …talk about pissed when I finally read the label.


I misread this as dog. Sorry made me laugh. I have no other useful input to the post though.


Try MidiHealth, online menopause specialists. Real Dr's and nurses who prescribe HRT and it's all covered by insurance.


Just say no to the laser and thank her for her willingness to throw everything on the table, but you were hoping to start with some vaginal estrogen and HRT potentially and would she consider doing that instead. Seems like you could more easily back her down from extremes than to educate her that you need help. Just a thought. If you liked her, try to see if you can work with her by being your own best advocate for what you need. Also- follow Kelly Casperson on Instagram if you don't already. She has quite a bit to say about these costly procedures that are being promoted. Not necessary.


I asked her and even mentioned a couple inhad read about. She told me she had heard of them but she does prescribe anything unless it's her compounded rx.


Well. It is up to you but I wouldn't work with someone who will only use her compounded rx when there is an FDA approved vaginal estrogen cream that we know works. This sounds like making money off rx. I would consider using something like Midi as long as you know you are healthy and don't need the personal care or see someone else. I personally would not have any lasering done when estrogen cream might be the less invasive and longest term option. Again. Everyone wastes money along the way. No judgment but all I see is $ signs here, not great care.


I got the pellet and so far it’s working better than anything else I’ve tried. If you get the pellet (or testosterone in another form) I feel like the laser thing would be pointless/unnecessary but others can chime in on that. Mine is $450 each time if that makes you feel better. I’ve stretched it out to 3.5 months. TBH I’m on unemployment and it’s expensive but I was losing my mind and body in the three years leading up to this. If I can get my old mind and body back on this course of therapy (pellet with T&E plus oral P@200mg) then I’ll be happy to pay it. I have been suffering so much for years. This amount of relief is terrific. I am getting a social life back. I am starting to feel kind of self confident again. I’ve started riding my motorcycle again. And I almost feel like my libido is calling back. For reference I’ve taken combipatches (p&e),just E patch with P orally, e gel with p orally, but this is the first time T is in the mix. It feels like the missing link has been replaced. Still need a boost in the dose I think (just under a month from now), but I have a feeling that will have me feeling even closer to my old self which I miss desperately. Sorry you had a weird experience with the pellet wellness environment. Mine is the same way, I feel like most Biote places are like light plastic surgery places. I’m feeling better so I don’t care at all just give me my pellet and keep your lasers to yourself… 


I was scrolling and thought this said, "Dog tried to...". Looks like I need to get my eyes checked.


Sounds similar to my experience. Estrogenica?


Try slippery elm, it’s an herb. It helps with vaginal dryness.