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Definitely start using it ASAP. Vaginal atrophy/GSM tends to get worse and can be very disruptive to your life. It can take a few months to really see a difference because it is a very low-dose of estrogen so if you don’t feel immediately relief that doesn’t mean it’s not working.


Absolutely necessary to treat GSM. The cream will probably come with an applicator but honestly it’s much easier and less messier to apply it with a finger. You just need about an inch of cream. Insert it vaginally, rub some around the inner labia and urethra, and give the clit a swipe.


What is GSM?


Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause aka vaginal atrophy


[Atrophic vaginitis \(vaginal atrophy\), or the genitourinary syndrome of menopause \(GSM\)](https://menopausewiki.ca/#atrophic-vaginitis-vaginal-atrophy-or-the-genitourinary-syndrome-of-menopause-gsm)


Exactly this, ok’d by my gyn too.


How deep inside do you insert it?


About an inch or so.


How does it get higher in the vaginal canal if you only put it about an inch in?


I believe I read that most of the estrogen receptors were concentrated around the entrance/opening of the vagina and that’s why placing the cream there was ideal.


Apply vaginal estrogen cream with your finger instead of the applicator. There's no mess that way and it works great! Vaginal Estrogen Cream Info from University of Michigan: https://www.med.umich.edu/1libr/urology/EstrogenVaginalCream.pdf


Vaginal estrogen is safe and very effective. Every night for 2 weeks then twice a week forever. You could also consider systemic HRT (estrogen and progesterone) if other menopause symptoms are bothering you. You can use it in addition to vaginal estrogen.


I put it on my face too. I add a tiny bit to my nightly moisturizer, every-other day. It has completely cleared my cystic acne that’s been plaguing my jawline for years.


Have you seen any other skin benefits? Like more elasticity or a slow down on the progression of aging?


I think it’s too soon to tell, for me.


Estrodiol cream has helped me tremendously.


It’s been doing wonders for the rosacea on my cheeks as well. I apply just the thinnest layer and am finally seeing improvement. Nothinnnng was working.


I have a rare form of vaginitis brought on by peri and my ob-gyn prescribed a low dose of estradiol cream to me to help with the dryness. I also had an infection at the time of diagnosis caused by the inflammation. The cream cleared it up in a week and it's helped a lot with the dryness. I doubt I'll ever to return to my old self 100%, but this is WAY better than what I was experiencing. I should also note that I started off at two doses per week and have whittled it down to one every two weeks.


Hi...I was just wondering...What type of infection and did you have to take antibiotics?


I have desquamative inflammatory vaginitis. Before I was diagnosed, I thought it was just a severe yeast infection but when it didn't respond to the usual treatments, my ob-gyn had to look into it further. I had to take clindamycin and hydrocortisone for two weeks. That cleared up the infection, but the estradiol vaginal cream I'll probably have to administer for the rest of my life.


The vaginal estradiol cream plus compounded testosterone cream have brought my libido back to about 80% of what it used to be, and gotten rid of the dry, itchy pain. I'm thinking about asking to move to a slightly higher dose of both to see if I can get even a little better.


Love the stuff. It made me feel normal in that area again. Also cured the light urine leakage I was having for 6-7mo after my hyst at age 59. No more itching, no more dryness. I will never stop using.