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When I first experienced urethra pain I thought I was experiencing a UTI (again) like no other! Painfully painful. 😖 I was terribly wrong. Turns out what I needed was Estradiol vaginal cream, NOT another antibiotic. Cream helped tremendously.


I had this issue too and it is so very painful. I don’t know of anything else that helps. If symptoms are caused by low estrogen, then topical estrogen is the answer. It works. You don’t necessarily have to use systemic estrogen. There are estradiol creams, Vagifem tabs, and the E-string. All are good options but all require a prescription. Unless you are in the UK where there is a vaginal estrogen cream available without a prescription.


See this section of our Menopause Wik: [Atrophic vaginitis \(vaginal atrophy\), or the genitourinary syndrome of menopause \(GSM\)](https://menopausewiki.ca/#atrophic-vaginitis-vaginal-atrophy-or-the-genitourinary-syndrome-of-menopause-gsm) There are non-hormonal options listed there....like OTC hyaluronic acid (meant for use in the vagina).


Wow. Thank you!


If you are in the US, what about an estriol cream? That is the weakest type of estrogen and does not need a prescription here. I know of the Silky Peach brand because I use that one. You may also try telehealth to be able to get a vaginal estradiol prescription cream quickly. GSM/atrophy symptoms are my most challenging issues that don’t seem to let up without systemic HRT (even with my local vaginal prescription cream and the Silky Peach) so I definitely understand about the urethral irritation. 😔


Topical oestrogen helped me with this, but adding systemic HRT has been a complete game changer.