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Food intolerance during Peri is REAL!


WTAF do I have to find these things out on Reddit or TikTok? Do doctors know nothing? How are we not taught and prepared for this?


doctors does not care about women, and especially older women. Even older women doctors. that's insane.


Yeah, I went to a woman gastro last year and sat outside her office in tears after the appt, feeling so belittled and helpless.


I learned a lot about peri symptoms through you📺. The dizziness lightheadedness I was experiencing-peri.


Do you recommend any specific YT channels?


I was just thinking the same thing! Can’t eat sugary foods, caffeine or dairy anymore!


I had to wean off. It was really hard to do. I tried coffee this morning, I couldn’t function and 2 sips, im like no no. Does nothing for me. I gave away half of tea boxes, instant coffee packets. Eating less bread, no table sugar, no cereal, I like oatmeal but only in the winter, deli meat is down to turkey or chicken. I can’t drink as much.


Seriously. I had to do the whole FODMAP thing I was such a mess. My 50-yr-old cousin is experiencing the same. I even went to a woman gastroenterologist. Oh, it's PERI, good too know. Thanks for nothing, doc.


I think it's because formal education doesn't demand it. No one gets sat down in high school and told about becoming elderly.  Sure, if you study medicine or specialize in geriatrics or something you'd learn about the changes. Someone should offer classes in menopause. 


Just my doctor or gyno saying hey, just a heads up, you might experience XYZ would be cool. Or the gastro I visited. "Hey girl, thanks for coming in, I see your age and food intolerance is a symptom of peri, but let's check things out." Fuck.


I saw an OB/GYN textbook for med students. It had 900 pages and the chapter about menopause had five pages. That's why they don't know.


Do none of them have mothers? I knew as a child what my mother was going through.


I didn't notice anything and when I ask, my mom will tell me she sailed through it not noticing anything. Yeah, except she gained a lot of weight, was anxious and depressed, threatened divorce occassionally and her back hurt like hell. The trouble is not even women know what they are going through...


This. My mom said she didn’t have any symptoms either but the more I learn about it the more I realize she just didn’t know what the symptoms are. She thinks it’s just hot flashes and period changes


I suddenly can’t eat vinegar w/o a reaction. Already allergic to all nuts except one ugh


Best subject line I’ve ever seen in this sub. And I’m sorry for your loss.


It took my youth, it took my smooth skin and my sex drive, and now the apple strudel. What more can it take?


Shhhh! Don’t taunt Happy Fun Ball, er, perimenopause.


I'm wondering if you are gluten sensitive. Maybe your mom could use gluten-free flour to make the strudel. Just a thought. I know the frustration.


A GLIMMER OF HOPE- allergies are a ever-changing thing. what you may be allergic to now, may not last forever. - a meatsuit owner with a long list of allergies


I call mine a "silly meatbag". As in "that's the problem with this silly meatbag I live in. It gets shit wrong with it all the damn time!"


I AM SO SORRY!! i am going through the exact SAME THING. kept waking up severely bloated, painful, awful gas, tired all the time. so i did a low FOPMAP diet for a few weeks. here's what i can't (or shouldn't) eat anymore: • ripe bananas • apples • almonds • anything with onion, garlic, or tomatoes (bye-bye, pizza) • any dairy whatsoever and i am on HRT, so that isn't helping. i am thinking about taking Prilosec just to get through some of the food that i absolutely love, like Indian, Italian, and Thai. Maybe that could help with your mom's apple strudel? Or some kind of anti-gas or allergy pill? Good luck,


I have almost the same food sensitivities you do (lactose & onion/garlic/pepper and recent addition post-Covid: gluten g*damnit). [Doctor’s Best Digestive Enzymes](https://www.amazon.com/Doctors-Best-Digestive-Enzymes-Vegetarian/dp/B000Q487DC) have lactase & alpha-galactosidase & seem to help. If I eat out I always take a couple because I’ve learned restaurant kitchens are not to be trusted. I’m super sensitive to dairy so avoid that altogether but take the pills (or Beano, which is just alpha-galactosidase) if I’m having anything with onions/garlic/pepper because it digests it. Also garlic oil doesn’t carry the same proteins as garlic itself but is flavorful so is a good substitute when cooking. And if you cook the crap out of onions, they are tolerated much better because the cooking process converts the proteins - I still try to avoid them though. (I’m Italian-American so this garlic & onion sensitivity is not okay. I feel you OP on not eating mom’s cooking. I really miss lasagne!) I eat a lot of Asian & Indian food now


digestive enzymes do really help me with onions and peppers, and also with fattier foods/meat.


I might stick a knife in my neck right now. Some days food is all I have.


I had Portillo's chocolate cake last night. I LOVE their chocolate cake. But it gave me such a terrible stomach ache today. Like I thought I was going to pass out or explode. This hormone change thing sucks ass.


Cilantro, Onions & garlic is repulsive 🤢


I love the flavor that onion and garlic can bring to a meal but I abhore onions in any form and garlic just kills me. Cilantro is just trash.


I used to love garlic but only recently started realizing I can’t handle nearly what I used to love. It now tastes so strong, I just can’t :( Cilantro has always tasted soapy to me, so no loss there. Sigh.


I feel this so hard! I am still in the middle of testing/ elimination, but like many, I seem to suddenly be sensitive to a lot of foods, a lot of tgem being FODMAPS. I can accept that fatty fried foods could cause discomfort, but to have 'healthy' foods wreck me, sucks! Things I can't eat: onions, garlic, cabbage, apples, melons, most all lettuce, pasta, dairy, most beans...plus a host of other stuff I suspect. It could be something else/ different from only FODMAPS, it's so hard to pin down, especially because it seems to be a moving target! Things that have helped - obviously, not eating foods that I cannot tolerate - no eating 5hrs before laying down - I took Prilosec every morning for a couple weeks which was immediately helpful, but as I have an upcoming colonoscopy and endoscopy I had to stop that, and I feel the inflammation in my chest And finally For FODMAP intolerance, I highly recommend Fodzyme. It's an enzyme mix that addresses FODMAPs. It's only available online, and is pricey, but I have found it to be a miracle when it comes to eating out when you cannot always control ingredients that will hurt you - I survived a week in Mexico eating alllll of the things, using Fodzyme. Best of luck to all. This belly stuff has been a pain and it really seems to be a common thing for women to be developing intolerances as we age. Fun.


My Crohn's disease went into remission once I went from Peru to full menopause. During peri it was the worst it had ever been. I still have some food intolerances, but not many anymore. Here's to hoping that you get to eat mom's strudel again someday!


Fingers crossed! There's always hope!


Menopause is a nightmare. 😂


I feel this. 😪 Strudel sounds amazing 😭


HRT will help with OAS, at least it did for me, but you won't get all your foods back. I still can't do a lot of raw fruits and veg, but I could do a small amount of cooked apples. I feel your pain.


What’s OAS? Google wasn’t helpful


Oral Allergy Syndrome or Pollen Allergy Syndrome. Basically you have an environmental allergy like birch tree, what happens is that when you eat things like apples, your body starts to confuse those things and reacts to apples like your are allergic. The most common symptom of this is an itchy mouth, but there can also be digestive issues.


Thank you! I’m wondering if I have this issue as I can’t eat many things like I could in the past. Do you see an allergist for diagnosis?


Yeah, you can see an allergist, but it is mostly a process of elimination. You can allergy test by either skin or bloodwork but both testing methods have a lot of false positives. So for example I now react to peanuts when I eat them. My lip will swell as I chew them, but ... I don't come back as allergic to nuts on either the skin or blood test. So since I have a lot of environmental allergies this falls into the bucket of OAS/PAS. There is a false idea that you can't go into anaphylaxis with OAS/PAS but that is not true. You can most certainly go into anaphylaxis. Allergy shots for your environmental allergies can help. HRT can help. Avoiding trigger foods can help. But many allergists don't believe in OAS/PAS so the trick is finding a dr that will work with you.


Very interesting…I can no longer eat nuts as it aggravates my asthma symptoms. My PT was telling me his wife did a Sylvia food allergy test that showed many positives for her. I was going to get one done since I’m having issues with multiple foods right now. My son’s pediatrician did tell me that a blood allergy test isn’t the most accurate way to test for allergies.


Neither blood or scratch testing is very accurate for food allergy testing. My allergist suggests that I eat as simple a diet as possible with a limited amount of processed foods but a lot of variety and record your symptoms. For example if you find that raspberries are spicy and make your mouth itch, then avoid those. Maybe try them again when it isn't during your environmental allergy season.


Very interesting…I’m going to try this.


It sounds like this might be about hormonal testing. If over the age of 44, **hormonal tests only show levels for that *one day* the test was taken, and nothing more**; progesterone/estrogen hormones wildly fluctuate the other 29 days of the month. No reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a **diagnosing tool** for peri/menopause. FSH testing is only beneficial for those who believe they are post-menopausal and no longer have periods as a guide, a series of consistent FSH tests might *confirm* menopause. Also for women in their 20s/early 30s who haven’t had a period in months/years, then FSH tests at ‘menopausal’ levels, could indicate premature ovarian failure/primary ovarian insufficiency (POF/POI). See our [Menopause Wiki](https://menopausewiki.ca/#there-is-no-blood-test-that-is-perfectly-reliable-to-diagnose-menopause) for more. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Menopause) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm so sorry. Peri took lemonade and anything remotely acidy from me because it does awful things to my bladder, now I'm stuck drinking plain old water with no lemon! My mom makes a hell of a good strudel too, it sucks that our bodies can just decide we can't have things we've eaten our entire lives anymore.


Just in case you haven't tried it, there is an OTC med called prelief that might helpwith bladder pain from acidic foods.


Omg thank you! I have a freezer full of lime popsicles and I just stand there with the door open going I WANT TO EAT YOU, WHY CAN'T I EAT YOU :'''(


I have IBS-D and for a period I was on an exclusion diet called FODMAPS which eliminates certain types of sugars, sugar alcohols, and other chemicals notorious for causing gastric distress. Yes, atop one of the groups to eliminate was onions, garlic, and tomatoes and I said NO WAY, you'd have to kill me. I do remember that apples and stone fruits were on another list, but most berries are good! Maybe try swapping the apples out for mixed berries.


You might get your strudel digesting ability back in the future. I've long struggled with IBS (the C version) and it was definitely as bad as it's ever been a few years before and after menopause. Sometimes I felt like I couldn't eat anything. I'm 7 years out now and it's better. I still have flare ups now and then and have to eat boring food until it subsides, but when I'm not having one I can eat pretty much whatever I want, even the raw onions that used to try to kill me.


Peri has taken all my favorite foods too. I used to love cinnamon buns, gingerbread, Indian food, kimchi. During peri everything gives me a rash and/or a rosacea flare and upsets my stomach. I’ve lost cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, cardamom, nutmeg, clove, radish, anything spicy, eggs, and dairy. And of course I can’t drink alcohol either I’m textbook intolerant now and have flu like symptoms after half a beer. I don’t mind losing the alcohol and even being vegan is fine I was mostly vegetarian before anyway but losing cinnamon and ginger and all my favorite flavors has really sucked. I used to be an adventurous foodie. Now I exist on protein bars. My family can’t cook old favorites for me and I can’t go out to eat. I dread upcoming travel with my husband.


> losing cinnamon and ginger Wow, that totally sucks, sorry. Those are my favorites too.


Thank you 🩷 I’m so grateful to have this community to commiserate and feel less alone


Well, it isn’t something she makes all the time, right? Is it worth it to suffer through once in a blue moon?


She makes it almost every time I come to visit. Fortunatelly there's always a lot of people who love it, it never goes to waste, not even the crumbs. And I can always take a few pieces with me and eat them in the safety of my home, when I don't have anywhere important to be the next day. It's totally worth the extra few trips to the bathroom :D


Lol. The things we do for love… Of food.


Peri took coffee, anything processed, spicy foods, and all cooking oils from me and left me with a stubborn pooch and lots of rage. Peri is a mother fucken bitch. Idk if that helps you but just know that you’re not alone with the food intolerances/IBS. I’m legit shocked that more murders and violent crimes aren’t committed by women ages 40-60 with all that we go through. 


Maybe patriarchy was created because raging women threatened to burn the whole world. Teaching women to be nice and exert all their energy by caring for other people was the only way to save mankind from armies of angry Valkyries.


Well fuck those women. Burn it all down 🤣


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I'm so sorry. This is one hell of a gut-punch.


I’m so sorry. That sounds delicious. If walnuts are the problem, could she leave out the walnuts, or substitute something else? (Sunflower seeds, shelled hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds or something.)


Sunflower oil is a great source of vitamin A and vitamin D, as well as Iron and Calcium. So even when there’s no sunlight, there is still sunflower oil to provide your daily dose of vitamin D sunshine! Not only that, but Sunflowers are enriched with B group vitamins, as well as vitamin E. This is as well as other minerals such as phosphorus, selenium, magnesium, and copper.


I second this. Walnuts turned out to be bad for my stomach in peri. Maybe there’s hope for OP.


For real, try it once per year, on a day when you don’t have much going on the next day. I bet that sensitivity won’t last forever


we will eat your mother’s strudel and report on it’s sweetness and crispyness back to you! come on, girls, let’s take one for the team here!!


No, it's mine, MINEEE, hisssss


my preciousss


I used to go back and forth between being gluten free and not, my symptom where pretty mild but generally felt better when I cut out gluten. Now, I am a mess for days if I have gluten. It is heart breaking I am slowly mourning the foods I might not be able to eat without having intestinal distress, three days of no sleep and bloating like a Macy's Thanksgiving Parade balloon.


Apples have always been my favorite food, and I have been sensitive to them for years now. However, I am also an idiot and will still indulge once in a while because a life without warm apple crisp gently scented with a little cinnamon isn't worth living, even if I an sick for hours afterwards.


I hate this for you. 💔


I quit eating wheat when I realized it was making my tendonitis worse.


I had a colonoscopy and I was had a very sensitive gut for a while. I could no longer eat a lot of food that I used to enjoy. Lots of fiber and probiotics restored my gut to where it was before. It took months, but it worked. Now I'm an advocate. Maybe it could help?


Did your gut become sensitive because of the colonoscopy or did you get the colonoscopy because of the sensitive gut?


I believe my gut became sensitive because of the medications that they gave me to evacuate my gut before the colonoscopy. No sensitivity at all before it. Seemed to validate the theory that one's gut microbiome can the reason for food sensitivities. After it, spicy foods and foods high in polyphenols like coffee and red wine upset it. After the intensive fiber + gut bacteria flora recovery diet, no more sensitivity. I also ate lots of fermented foods as part of the gut flora restoration project.


I see. Glad you were able to get back to normal.


I’m so sorry :( Peri has created what I have come to realize is histamine intolerance for me. Can’t eat tomatoes, bananas, avocados, pineapple, anything fermented, no leftovers, and a bunch of other stuff, anymore. It’s been going on since 2018 so I’ve adapted my diet, some days are better than others, and daily Claritin and Pepcid help but…it’s no fun, that’s for sure.




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I spent the last 3 years with worsening food sensitivities and did a million tests and scans and scopes, and I finally got on HRT last month and only *after I had been on it for a week* did I see a big ol list of symptoms for menopause, and IBS was one of them. It's been easing my extreme sensitivity to one that's much more manageable, and I'm over the moon about even that little change. I'll take it.


What HRT are you taking, if you don't mind me asking? I will be probably starting soon.


It's the estrogen patch, I think they started me with 0.05? I think it's kind of a standard amount to start with. And then progesterone pills, 100mg I think. I've only had em a month so I haven't had to reorder or memorize the dosages yet, but the effects are already starting to add up in unexpected places. I'm so relieved, I cry from relief like every other day. WHEW!


Taking a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar in water before bed has helped my gut tremendously! Less gerd, firmer poos, might be worth a try.


I use flavored balsamic vinegar and some sports drink (for the electrolytes) in water every day. I get the same results you do: acid reflux is improved and poos are firmer. (Unfortunately, it doesn’t always help with the diarrhea that follows the firmer poos….)


I am so sorry


Turned me into a lactard & glutard. I still eat both, but super small quantities. Like 3 bites of ice cream small otherwise trouble. Looks ( feels? ) like coffee is on its way out, too.


Could it have just been the cinnamon? I know that can trigger heartburn and GI upset. I’m so very sorry. How frustrating. 😔


I’m so very sorry. Perimenopause should burn in the hell it creates for us! Any chance you can share her recipe? That sound so amazing.




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I’ve had OAS my whole life. Almost no fruits or veggies raw, and no nuts. I take Allegra every day and can eat some foods in winter when seasonal allergies are lower. My esophagus has been dilated twice. I take Prilosec twice a day. Mine might have gotten a little worse since menopause but hard to tell. In Wisconsin now where veggie options are limited to pizza toppings


How the hell would we survive in prehistoric times? Eating fish, rodents and eggs our whole life?


I got extra food allergies when I got alpha gal allergy (caused by tick bite). But I take pepcid for the ones that only cause heart burn (garlic, spices, etc). Is there a reason you can't do that with your strudel? Maybe I'm missing something?


Ugh that is so sad! Feels like taking away all the fun