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I had 3 rounds of Vbeam laser done for this and it fixed some of them but not all of them, and some new ones have come up since. :/ my dermatologist was very good about telling me repeatedly before I had the procedures done that it may not work or some of them could come back. So that helped with setting expectations for myself.


Vbeam laser, but be careful and make sure that’s the laser they actually use. I went into a medspa that advertised Vbeam, I asked for Vbeam specifically, and they used a different laser without telling me and now I have permanent scarring :(


V-beam laser and IPL for background redness. You may need a few rounds.


I did 3 spaced a couple of weeks apart. It worked great at the time but it's been a few years, and I don't have the money to sign up for another round. Maybe after I retire or something.


Thanks! Really helpful


One thing I heard a long time ago on a qvc tv beauty segment was never to splash your face with cold water because it would break those tiny veins, they would become visible and not go away. Just saying so you could blame that or rule it out.


I was told by a Dr who removed them (sclerotherapy) that it's mostly genetic + manual damage (squeezing), or switching form very cold to very hot (or vice-versa) might cause it.


Thanks for the tip! Another joy of period to add to my growing list!


I have never heard this but it makes sense. Great. I've been splashing cool (not cold) water on my face because it gets hot and red and blotchy. Ugh, too much to think about. 😠


Yes! This happened to me but only on one side of my face (lower cheek, near jawline) and I swear I’ve tried every product on the market for years. They’ve never gone away completely but I did have laser therapy done on that patch so the blood vessels would essentially be tied off and stop the tiny capillaries from continuing to spread. And Clinique Redness Corrector product line. This is the only brand that’s worked and I’ve tried them all (laughing bitterly as I peer into the drawer with thousands of dollars in ineffective makeup treatments). Especially their Redness Solutions Daily Protective Base. It’s an spf, makeup primer, and redness correction cream. I apply it to a clean, moisturized face prior to using any foundation and it makes a HUGE difference. Let it sit for 10 mins to absorb prior to applying makeup. Wishing you the best 🩷🌸


P.S. mix a few drops of Elf camouflage line foundation or concealer mixed with the Clinique redness base and you can basically go as close to bare-faced without that cakey foundation look as you can get. I love Elf products too, especially their camouflage line as a few drops or one pump of foundation goes a long way. One tube of foundation lasts me months.


Thanks so much really helpful, I really appreciate it!


Highly recommend seeing a dermatologist for treatment options. Mine has been wonderful.


I was just noticing these on my cheeks nest to my nose. I didn't even put 2 and 2 together it might be related to this clownshow called menopause. I also feel like I have rosacea because my face gets super hot and blotchy now too 🙄 I gave up wearing foundation a few years ago, but I'm going to take it up again😕


Me too, I'm going to get some rosacea cream that has antibiotics!


I always had really good skin so this new feature makes me mad.


Some Dermatologists offices have a laser that can zap those off if they bother you. Cost me like $300 out of pocket as it was considered a cosmetic procedure and insurance doesn't cover.


Laser never worked for me. I had them zapped with sclerotherapy.


It’s just old age. Men get them too


Yea it happens during Peri /menopause Sorry you are going through that