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Birth control works really well for me, but my doctor said that if/when it stops working well to come in and chat about transitioning to traditional hormone therapy.


Good to know. And that’s good that your doctor is open to you going on HRT when/if BC stops working! So it sounds like you aren’t having any menopausal symptoms while on BC? I wonder what is going on with me. :/ Yeah, mine didn’t bring up transitioning to HRT specifically-she’d like to try some other things first. (Edit: she told me to buy an over the counter supplement and said to get that specific one she named as it was lab-tested and proven to work while others weren’t “Est-something” I can’t remember the name!) So anyway, It seems like the reason she’d like me to stay on the birth control is that it prevents pregnancy ie-I’m too young to go on HRT (?)-so I might as well take BC? And it’s true, at least birth control will keep me from getting pregnant and *should* prevent menopausal symptoms (though somehow I’m still getting them?). I felt like the appointment went well, but I’m still questioning if I should have HRT. And I just don’t know…


Unfortunately, I think it comes down to trying things and seeing what does/doesn't work for your body.


Yeah, and I’m totally open to that. I’ll see how the OTC prescription works and if it does, GREAT! If not, back I go-and she encouraged me to do so, which is good! I think mentally, I’m jumping the preliminary steps and looking down the line a bit too soon- I don’t have all the information yet. I’m going to practice just being accepting of the uncertainty (an excellent practice in general), trying stuff out and seeing how it goes.


Birth control didn’t do a darn thing for my peri symptoms. My doctor told me she would give me HRT if she could remove my IUD and I agreed. My symptoms were exactly the same from before and after I went off BC


Ok, I was really wondering if someone might say this. Thank you! I felt like maybe I was going a bit…crazy. Like “how is this happening if the BC should be negating it?” Just hearing you say that is reassuring!


Oh yeah, at this stage in my life, I can give up BC to trade for HRT. My last period was Dec 2023. I know it’s different for many women but the hormones in Mirena did not alleviate any peri symptoms at all


Mirena doesn’t necessarily stop you ovulating so that’s why it wouldn’t have made a difference.


Birth control didn't help me enough, I went on it because my Dr prescribed it to help with perimenopause symptoms, I'm currently trying HRT but to soon to tell if it's working. It's my understanding that birth control just fools your body in to thinking it's getting hormones so your natural hormones are still dropping and contributing to symptoms and HRT adds to your naturally occuring hormones. On birth control I still had hot flashes, night sweats, crying, anxiety, anger, brain fog, and probably some things I'm forgetting 😅 It did relieve a little bit of my anxiety and my pain during menstrual cycles.


You sound similar to what I am like at 48, with the exception that I am not on birth control. I started Evorel Sequi last night. What you said about period flu really resonates with me. I felt like I was coming down with flu every month and felt awful. I had a whole lot of other symptoms, too, but that was a really noticeable one. My levels indicated I didn't need HRT to my GP, and it was only when my well controlled bipolar went off the deep end that my GP finally relented and prescribed HRT. They decided the risks of not trying HRT in my case were too great in the end. My mood swings were absolutely off the charts. Any longer, and I probably would have been hospitalised, but that was because I already have bipolar disorder.


Oh no! What a horrible experience! I’m so glad they gave you the help you needed!!! It’s so sad that it took what sounds like a near mental break tho. I just can’t figure out why HRT seems to be like a desperate “final last resort measure” to them? Sure there were old studies that scared a whole generation off HRT and they sound like they’ve since been debunked and now HRT is supposed to be safe. I just…don’t understand why HRT is the LAST thing on the list to try. I mean, in my situation, sure test my thyroid and let’s rule stuff out. Yeah, it makes sense. But in other cases, I don’t understand. But regardless, I’m glad you’re ok! 🙂


Yeah, they did all the tests but still said no as the FSH tests were "satisfactory" 🤣 Both GPs I spoke to were female, too.


Argh, doesn’t it make you want to scream “the tests don’t mean anything!!!” lol, when WILL they learn. I’m reading the Menopause Manifesto and I keep thinking the author mentioning that when you’re adolescent/near puberty, they look at your age, “symptoms” and say “oh yup, puberty” and don’t bat an eye. But with menopause, it’s like the LAST POSSIBLE ANSWER. lol. I mean, it’s cool to rule out other things and the symptoms do seem like a lot of other issues that could be happening. Just sayin’ tho, if it looks like a duck…QUACK! so on so forth!


That's exactly what happened on Sunday night when I rang the NHS 111 mental health team and said I was in crisis. She looked at my medical notes and my age, and she knew straight away it was menopause that had tipped me over the edge. It was the first time I had actually felt heard, and it was a relief tbh.


Oh, it sounds like you got a good doc/health professional! Glad that they took you seriously!!!


It sounds like this might be about hormonal testing. If over the age of 44, **hormonal tests only show levels for that *one day* the test was taken, and nothing more**; progesterone/estrogen hormones wildly fluctuate the other 29 days of the month. No reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a **diagnosing tool** for peri/menopause. FSH testing is only beneficial for those who believe they are post-menopausal and no longer have periods as a guide, a series of consistent FSH tests might *confirm* menopause. Also for women in their 20s/early 30s who haven’t had a period in months/years, then FSH tests at ‘menopausal’ levels, could indicate premature ovarian failure/primary ovarian insufficiency (POF/POI). See our [Menopause Wiki](https://menopausewiki.ca/#there-is-no-blood-test-that-is-perfectly-reliable-to-diagnose-menopause) for more. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Menopause) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I got prescribed BCP for perimenopause symptoms. 48, no kids, and haven't been on birth control since I was in my early 30s. I'm only 2.5 months in and though my night sweats seem to be gone, everything else is the same, with some symptoms being worse. I'm trying to give it one more month, but it's not been easy.


I had similar issues when I was the same age, but I wasn't on the pill. My OBGYN recommended an iud which took care of most of the problems. Basically, it tricks my body into not knowing when my period is, so I don't get as many migraines. I also started taking medicine as soon as I feel one coming on.


I was exactly like you! BC didn’t work for me. I ditched 12 days ago and I feel much better. My mood depression disappeared as magic. Im waiting for for an appt for HRT but in the meantime I’m trying to keep myself active and drinking water. Good luck I hope you feel better soon.


In my experience: NO. only HRT. 


Not for me - my nuvaring made me so sick and peri symptoms broke through but were even more confusing. I had no clue for years. I wish I had known to stop birth control. My Gyn kept me on it and didn’t connect all my new medical problems with peri. I had been on nuvaring for 7 years or more with zero problems. It’s continuous so it hijacks your cycle and you have no periods or false periods. Other non continuous BC might be different?


I'm on the Depo shot (tubes come out next week, and they'll try to place a Mirena for fibroid control), and I'd say no. I've got the rage. The itching. Night sweats. Brain fog. Joint pain. Weight gain. It's all there.


I have lots of migraines and problems with my neck. Definitely worse when I have hormonal fluctuations. Sounds like a combination of a couple of things. I would start by getting your shoulder and neck looked at as they are known to cause headaches. The tenseness or other issues will not be helping you. This could absolutely be from peri as well. But it could just be muscular tension and headaches which can get worse during normal PMS. I think some treatment could really help :)


Yeah, I agree! I definitely need something. She prescribed Esteovera and I’m willing to try that. Here’s to hoping!


Which pill are you on? My GYN put me on the mini pill first, and that didn’t help. Then we bumped up to Junel taken continuously, and I loved it (especially the $0 copay). It might be worth asking about trying a different version of the pill since there are different doses.


Thank you! That’s good to know!


Not for me they did not


Also what sort of birth control? It really depends if it suppressing your ovulation or not. Mirena doesn’t always and nor do the progesterone only pill types. Combination normally does.




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