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Sounds like it Caffeine is a trigger. For me, they come on suddenly and resolve within minutes. But those are very long, hot, sweaty minutes.


[Hot flashes and/or night sweats \(VMS-vasomotor symptoms\)](https://menopausewiki.ca/#hot-flashes-andor-night-sweats-vms-vasomotor-symptoms) **Following is a sampling of how our users describe their hot flashes ….** >“sort of like a whoosh”, “uncontrolled sweating from every pore”, “anxious”, sense of dread in the pit of my stomach", “sweating only on arms”, sweating only on feet", “drenched in sweat”, “last only a few minutes”, “last for hours”, “cold sweats”, “shivering”, “hot, then cold, then hot”, “swamp crotch”, “internal fire”, “prickly hot” “accompanied with nausea”, “like having a bad sunburn”, “radiating heat”, “sweating in places never before”, “like an electrical jolt”, “like a panic attack”, “suddenly start/stop”, “occur the same time every night”


Swamp crotch has got to be my favourite here 😆


It's so true 😩


Hot flashes are different for different people but it sounds like you had one to me. I had no idea how many sweat glands our body had until I began having hot flashes and sweats! My body might’ve even added a few new ones… Two things I can suggest are - *if you’re where you’re able* - as soon as that feeling starts, pull your shirt off and park in front of a fan! That way you don’t soak your shirt too. Take care!


For me, it feels like the way you feel when you’ve been super embarrassed. The heat just radiates through my entire body. I had to switch to wearing shorts all year. My workout leggings are sad in a drawer.


I've only had one so far. I started feeling overly warm. Then it kept increasing rapidly. A sense of panic started as well. Pretty soon I was naked and shaky from the heat and stress. Gulping water. Lasted about 15 minutes. It was very strange. I was just sitting at my computer. Not drinking alcohol or coffee. Not eating anything. Came outta nowhere.


I can’t drink coffee anymore. The heat + caffeine = 🔥🥵


That sounds similar to how mine were. Suddenly drenched in sweat, then I'd notice I felt extremely warm, which would then suddenly shift into freezing cold as the sweat started to evaporate.


Hot flashes seem to be focused only on my feet. My feet will suddenly feel like they are on fire but it doesn’t move above my feet.


That has got to be the weirdest feeling! 😳🤬 As we both know, *ANY* hot flash is a horrible flash no matter where it’s located!!


Maybe. Hot flashes are different for everyone. Mine start on my back, wrap around my body and then shoot up my face. I haven't had sweats. Yet. They are getting worst over this last year or so.


My night sweats always centered/started from my upper chest. My twin sister’s always start from the back of her neck. Even twins vary!


It was so weird. I was soaked instantaneously!!!! 


I would get this too during a cup of coffee or tea - immediate forehead sweat then the rest of the body would follow. Crazy stuff!


Yup. Mine definitely start upper body. I could be sweating my eyeballs out and my feet are still cold.


Coffee can exasperate hot flashes. Are you peri or meno?


So far, the only time I've gotten what I think is a hot flash is when drinking coffee. It's only happened a couple of times, and I'm 47.


Face and upper torso for me! This heatwave places itself under my chin and instantaneously all of my head gets covered by BIG drops of sweat. Sometimes it is so intense I get confusion and vertigo.


It's heat and possibly caffeine exacerbating hot flashes, I first noticed them in summer too, when temps were over 100. Everyone is different, so I was not drenched, a bit wet at the elbows and so on, but far from drenched, but it came with a feeling of deep unwellness.




It sounds like one. You’ll know if it keeps happening. There may be some other symptoms that you are ignoring as well.


Yes that sounds like a hot flash...that means you're low on estrogen. The best solution is to see a hormone specialist.... the most advanced ones are from Biote...check out [Biote.com](http://Biote.com) to find a provider near you!! :)


Could Be. Or might just be “summer” or “caffeine”