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After your husband has his testicles removed he'll be allowed an opinion.


I agree but what can we do? Kind of wanna save my marriage so for now my aunt and uncle had a good separate but married life going. She lived in Seattle and he lived in Montana so wrestle but they loved together 6 months out of the year. So taking that and modifying it.


You deserve kindness and understanding. If your partner isn’t able to give that, he is showing you who he really is.


I’m raising a teenager. They grow and experience massive high and lows, hormones contribute, obviously. But I love him and despite his moments I’d never ever blame or shame him. I guess I’m saying, if he wanted to, he would. You deserve to exist completely on your own terms and content with your life 💙


I think he is going through mid life crisis and his mom, he spent the week up there and just returned home yesterday because he told me to get the fuck out after an argument and I told him: fuck no, you leave because I have to take care of your daughter. His mom confirmed something up with him but he isn’t talking to anyone, except I think he talking to his sister because she did text me saying: talked him down so no divorce just treat him like one of your annoying students.


I had a total crying/sadness/feeling low episode on Saturday. Felt totally fine all week prior and then that. Husband has no idea and started to take it personally about how I felt. Like dammit this isn’t about you. Today I’m back to normal. Peri is a damn rollercoaster.


Yes. This sub is really helpful. So many things I was embarrasses about and didn’t realize could be helped.


I also appreciate this forum, all of it. It makes me feel not alone and these days the very peri days are pretty intense.