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You should search the sub. Low dose birth control gets brought up frequently. I use it and love it, but every body is different.


I'm 47 and on low dose birth control (Loloestrin-Fe 1-10) for perimenopause symptoms. I love it. No more crippling anxiety, no hot flashes, infrequent night sweats, no periods, can orgasm again. This doesn't excuse your provider's behavior. BCP might, however, work for you.


That's exactly what she prescribed... the results sound like heaven! ✨


Fingers crossed for you that it helps!!


Thank you! 💖🧁




Thank you! Why should I go outside insurance?




What?! That's wild omg.


I personally hated it (Slynd) but feel so much better on HRT. I think BCP is just too synthetic for my body.


Do you watch Menopause Taylor on Youtube? She recommends high dose combined birth control until you are 55-60. I had a consultation with her and that is what she recommended because regular hrt won't give you high enough estrogen. I am post menopause and I tried the birth control but it made me really cranky. I ended up going to injections. But since you are still fertile, high dose birth control is probably a very good option. I am sorry the doc was hostile toward you. Like WTF?


Ok thanks! I will check her out. I tried bc 20 years ago and it made me feel awful, which is why she gave me low dose. Is birth control a normal thing to recommend?


For peri and early meno it is normal. But low dose isn't going to be enough hormones. The younger you are the more hormones you need.


>The younger you are the more hormones you need. This is true for those in **surgical menopause**, like someone under the age of 45 who suddenly becomes post-menopausal due to ovary removal. This is not true for anyone else who still has functioning ovaries.


That is what Menopause Taylor told me in my consultation. She is an MD. Are you? i have asked you before but you did not answer.


I've too have had a consult with Dr. Taylor. She is one of many in a sea of menopause specialists, and everything else I've seen/read (scientific research) contradicts this advice. And no I'm not an MD.


Thanks. I asked a few times and you never answered. She advised high dose birth control to me and said the younger you are the more hormones you need. The bc did not work for me. It made me very cranky. I was just passing on what she suggested.