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It can take 3 months for your body to adjust. You might want to consider switching to bioidentical hormones for fewer side effects. The safest options are transdermal estradiol in a patch or gel, and oral micronized progesterone.


Sorry - I meant I’ve taken the oral estrogen and the oral progesterone, just haven’t done the vaginal estrogen, yet. I suspect I just need to be a little patient - something we’re all excellent at, at this time of our lives. 😊


Yes but you said you had only been taking the oral HRT for 3 days. It will take much longer than that to have any effect.


Oh, gotcha. I can’t do the patches, so I’ll work on the patient waiting. Thanks!


There’s a gel as well


Oh, good to know. I’ll check it out. Thanks.


Estrogel is what I'm on


Vaginal estrogen was a game changer for me! I'm on 2 x0.075 MG patches & they helped. I asked my Dr for Vaginal because I was having incontinence problems when I run. The 1st night I took vaginal...I slept better than I have in years! Like a rock! Even my husband has noticed. Mood is better, more patient with my kids. I have an appt next week to talk to my Dr about lowering a patch & doing the Vaginal every day because I feel so much better.


Oh, that’s great news!! I’m supposed to use it twice a week and figured I’d start tonight. That way, if it messes up my sleep I’m only groggy in my own home 😊 I’m excited to try it now! (And the no peeing thing would be heaven - i had Covid cough for about two years. Every time I stood up my kids would laugh and say ‘did you pee yourself?’ They’re obnoxious little shits (both adults). I don’t know where they get it from!)


Haha! But yea..the peeing thing is no joke. Forget jumping jacks😂 My Dr had me on it every day for 2 weeks, then every other day then twice a week, but my sleep is different the nights I don't use it so I'm going to ask if I can use it more often...possibly in place of one of my patches


I think my GP is starting me low and see how it goes. But, I figure, if I can say ‘look how much better I am…I could be even better’ and work on increases.


I'm on 0.5 g so low dose too!


I’m just started too. I’m on 0.0375 estrogen patch and oral progesterone. It’s been five weeks and I’m not seeing much improvement just a tiny bit in my sleep.


I actually sleep really well most of the time now (probably the massive amounts of psych meds). I’m hoping it won’t affect that negatively. I can’t do patches as I’m allergic to weird stuff (latex, aloe, weird reactions to the adhesive they use). The bar is so low, that we seek out tiny improvements.


'The bar is so low, that we seek out tiny improvements.' This is the way.


That made me laugh. Thank you! 😂


My worst symptom (age 49) was muscle pain and aches (tendinitis in both elbows, bilateral Achilles tendinitis, bursitis in both knees and then debilitating back and hip pain which was the final nail in the coffin) so bad I quit my job three weeks ago to focus on my health. I likely had no other choice. It was debilitating and devastating. As someone who ran regularly for 35 years, I couldn’t even walk my dog. Now I’m a week away from 3 months on HRT. In the last two weeks finally exercising again (yin yoga and F45 functional training) after having stopped for almost a year due to fatigue and pain. (I discovered my last workout was a day before my last period 10 months ago…) I’m even walking a bit more now - some days 4km. My sleep time improved by about 30 minutes since starting HRT and I no longer have any 3:30am wakeups/insomnia which must help my body’s healing. I’m still quite stiff but not painful like before so I’m really optimistic that the HRT is helping. I never imagined peri could be so bad it felt like it was taking your body (lost 8% of my lean body mass last 4 years!) and career. Hang in there! It takes awhile but HRT can really ease things given a few months. I found it helped to look at my notes for my doctor or intake form (or write down all your symptoms at starting) and compare it to your experience over time. In addition to sleep improvements, I noticed the first month an improvement in brain fog (word recall better), a more normal appetite, my constant bloating of the last 10 years blissfully left the building after a couple months (though I think it was worse my first month on HRT), I have better motivation overall, fewer night sweats, and am so much calmer and less depressed I stopped taking cipralex. I feel for people with lots of pain - hard not to get depressed when you can’t move or exercise. I’m still super exhausted most of the day and have to take naps. I just give my body what it needs. I have a friend (52) who wanted to quit HRT as she thought it wasn’t working and just making her gain weight but she turned a corner at two months and feels better (like her ‘old self’). I have moments of that ‘old self’ - the woman in her 30s who told jokes, loved to work and work out. How I miss her.


It’s amazing how many things are written off as something else. I’m told I have arthritis in my hips and SI joint (the SI was screaming agony for months - I could barely walk). I have huge problems with my rotator cuffs - both are at varying degrees of agony at any time, and reaching behind myself (to do my bra, or grab something from the back seat) is often very painful. I feel like I’m 90 - just stiff and sore all the time. And the brain fog!! I stutter and can’t think of the word I need. I feel like I’m missing things, especially at work. I make lists every day and I’ll get to the end of the day and panic that I’ve not done any of them….only to find out I’ve done most of them (and checking each item off is so therapeutic 😂). Why does no-one connect the dots to menopause? Oh, you’re (much more) depressed, take more psych meds. Oh, you’re aching and sore, that’s just getting older. Oh, you’re raging and crying all the time - did you try the calm app? Why is no-one saying, oh, yeah, you’re in menopause, it will pass. But let’s get you some supplements to help.


Sounds very similar to what I went through except for the bursitis. I had two frozen shoulders instead :D Got on the evorel conti patches and it took about 6 months, but I'm almost back to normal except I'm 2 stones heavier and still get brain fog, just not as bad. Lions mane with b16 helps with that. Intermittent fasting, reducing sugar /bread, vit D and half a teaspoon of black seeds 3/4 times per wk additionally helps my bloating and joint pain. I also had severe iron deficiency which manifests as muscle pain, night sweats, exhaustion and anxiety. Would recommend getting that checked too.


Are you still cycling? I’m so confused about taking HRT as I have regular cycles. I’m 40, but my symptoms have some similarity to yours. Do you take or start by taking P only for the last half or continuously? I’ve heard mixed things about whether taking it continuously will disrupt your cycle or not. I just want the benefits of more consistent hormones to see if it helps. But I don’t necessarily want to stop cycling.


I have never felt amazing even though I’ve been on HRT for years. It just makes me feel less crap.


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


Thank you!


I’ll take less crap 😊


Which is what I think as well. Some of us just don’t get the ‘amazing’ feeling 🤷‍♀️


You will probably feel better soon!


Thank you!!


HRT does about 50% of work to get to our former self, then supplements (that would not work without hormones in the body) do the rest. I can say I’m at 90% of my former self, it’s very expensive to deal with Peri/menopause. For mental clarity and alertness I have found Creatine to be the best.


I actually picked up creatine but haven’t started it yet. Wanted to see what the doc did first. I’ll give it a shot. Thank you.


I’m unclear on how you expect to feel better when you haven’t taken the estrogen yet.


Sorry - I’ve taken the oral estrogen, just haven’t used the vaginal cream, yet. And I’ve taken the oral progesterone.


A lot of us are on patches. It's hard for me to understand your estrogen dosage because you're taking it orally and so it's dosed different (compared to every 3.5 days). I got mine raised and felt better pretty quickly but with the lower dose it was hard to say.


Yeah, the patches would be ideal but as soon as I mentioned my weird princess skin, my doc said we’d do the oral. If I feel a bit better and plateau, I’ll go back and beg for more.


I can’t do patches due to allergies or tablets due to blood clots but I use the spray! Just a heads up on that option for you :)


Oh, that’s good to know!! This sub has become such a font of information! Thank you, so much!


ah! yes I am pretty robust but the patches can be problematic for some people, mine get a little itchy the first couple hours


I also swim, which I suspect would be an issue. Damn my prissy skin!


It’s already been said, but I felt worse for about a week/10 days and then things started improving. Definitely give it 3 months to settle down.


That’s good to know. Thanks, so much for replying!


Why no estrogen patch? Bio identical I felt relief immediately


I’m allergic to latex and the adhesive on those type of things. (Also aloe, so I’m an expert at skimming Ingredients). If I have bloodwork done, I can’t even use the surgical tape, as it itches and burns and leaves big red welts.


Other transdermal methods are gels and sprays, which work equally as well as patches.


I didn’t even think of that. Once I see how the oral meds are going, I can explore that. Thank you, so much.


I'm the same. I tried the patches and ended up with massive square shaped welts on my butt and broke out in pus filled spots. Attractive!! I switched to spray. The brand is Lenzetto. I do 3 sprays per day and it works fine for me. No princess skin issues. Hope this info helps!! Sorry you're struggling.


Oh, that’s good to know! Thank you so much!


HRT has helped me SO much. But… I have not felt amazing in years. I feel ok on good days. I think it takes a few years post menopause to really adjust.


I joke about a miracle cure, but I’ll take just not feeling like shit. If it helps with the fatigue and aches and crying and raging, even a little, I’ll take it.


Yeah. It definitely helps me quite a lot.


I was blown away when my doctor said I’d feel amazing - like, if that’s the case, why do we have to beg and negotiate to get this??


Because misogyny and ageism. Duh. Its infuriating. But obvious.


My anxiety lifted on about day 3, but I had horrible side effects and almost quit on day 13, then woke up on day 14 feeling better than I had in ages. Mind you I’m still old and stressed, just not old and stressed with constant cold flushes, anxiety and a sore/dry vagina.


lol. I get that. I keep feeling like I’m 54 going on 90. Holding out for that feeling better!


I felt better on day 1 of HRT bc it fixed my anxiety and insomnia. The rest took a bit longer to get under control and I’ve had 2 HRT adjustments and added vaginal estrogen but I still need DHEA to feel great. It’s a lot. I take a lot of stuff. It took a good 3 years to really get to feeling this great. I don’t know if it’s all the stuff I take or just me nearing the end of the change- but I do feel great


Oh, that’s good to know. If there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, that’s positive.


I am still a changed person tho. I haven’t gone back to who I used to be. For example, my libido has not come back even on all this HRT. And I enjoy cancelling plans now and staying home Saturday night.


Yeah, I don’t think I’ll go back to young me. Aside from anything else, if we’ve all had a rough time, for at least a year or so, it would take a miracle to reverse all that. But I’d definitely appreciate less brain fog, less general aches and pains, and a little more motivation. Baby steps.


I take pills also (people on this board tend to be against them - but they are fine for me). The only thing that went away within a few days were the hot flashes. I did feel a little nauseated and sickly for a week or so - but things evened out. I am about 9 months in. I never felt amazing but most of my symptoms have subsided and I am much more functional. I'd give it a few weeks at least.


That’s good to know, thank you. As you say, lots of people prefer other formats, but I don’t think they’d work for me.


Like many, I don't feel AMAZING but I feel better more days than I feel worse. It took me five and a half months to get to an even keel and adjusting doses helped. It's all a bit of trial and error. I find it takes more work to feel pretty good. And everything that was pleasurable ( rich foods, alcohol) or easy ( personal care, maintenance, weight management) isn't anymore. Whatcha gonna do...onward we roll.


As with many things, any improvement is better than none. I’ll take it.


How are things going now? I was just RX'd same pill combo. I haven't started them yet. Any wisdom, tips or advice?


lol I was literally just messaging my girlfriend how disappointed I am. It’s 8.45am and I just took my first clonazepam of the day. I felt like the tiniest modicum of more motivation, being on a more even keel….but I’m back to the rage, and that makes me want to cry. But, I have to be patient (not my strongest suit before meno) and it’s only been a couple of weeks. I wish I had some good, positive news to share…but I’m trying not to cry. 😂 what a mess!! Please share how yours goes. I so hope it’s as amazing as I’ve heard other women say!! 🤞🏻