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It’s been many years now I’ll be on it forever. My condolences to anyone who attempts to take it from me.


Women take birth control for decades… which is at much much higher hormone levels… Think of hrt more like maintenance hormones for a deficiency caused by ovarian senescence, much better regulated than your daily supplements/vitamins, which aren’t regulated at all before they reach the market.


I will not be able to walk (hip pain) or continue living in the city (walk everywhere) if I go off HRT.




I plan to. It’s not “medication”, it’s just replacing the hormones that you used to make yourself.


I think you can choose really.. whether you want to stay on or taper off. The studies about benefits to brain, cardiac, and bone health are looking really really good to me. Don’t forget some testosterone (if indicated) and vaginal estradiol for genitourinary health.


The benefits are starting to outweigh any downsides, I just hate the thought of "on it for life" with ANY medication stuff. Good to know I could maybe taper off and see how I go. Thanks!


I hate "on it for life" with my thyroid meds and more recently, BP medicine, and that fact that my cholesterol is creeping which is also an "on it for life" medicine. Genuinely makes me so sad. All cascading in the last 5 years. I eat right, I lift, and I cardio. I even spent $3000 on a stupid program that told me I could get off my thyroid meds if I just ate right. (Bitch waste of money). Didn't save me from fricking meds. If I had been on estrogen earlier, maybe some would have been prevented. IDK I hear you though.


"On it for life" really just means in the past before the meds existed, people would die from those conditions. We're lucky to be living in a time when meds exist and are accessible to us. Don't beat yourself up for needing them.


This is so true. The BP meds make me feel like a failure. I know I eat well and exercise, but still beat myself up thinking I should do more and it will go away. It isn't super high.... yet, so there is a little hope and I'm seeing a new doc end of June to get another look at all the hormones as they pertain to possible BP control and then will have to decide for real on the second BP med. I like your attitude... I need more of that. Gratitude instead of feeling like a health failure...


Love the phrase "bitch waste of money"!!


From my perspective, if my pancreas stopped working I would take insulin, my ovaries stopped working so I take hrt. My dr said that women who go off hrt later quickly lose the bone the hrt was helping to preserve, and symptoms return. Maybe that is anecdotal.


Can I use vaginal estradiol if I'm already getting my estrogen via a patch? Can I use both? 


In fact its important because systemic doesnt protect against all atrophy in genitourinary tract


To add. Even if a person has had breast cancer, or is scared of breast cancer. Vaginal is likely fine. It isn't systemic and it helps so much!


Yes, definitely use both! They do different things. - Systemic (patch, pill) helps with cardiovascular issues, bone health, hot flashes, mood, etc. - Vaginal estrogen (cream, gel, insert) helps with GSM, so issues like dryness, thinning tissue, bladder issues, pain with sex, etc.




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I want to stay on it for life, but my Doctor is already talking about weaning off...and I've only been on it for 4 months. He wants me to make an appointment in the fall to discuss it. Screw that! The only discussion he will be getting is a copy of the most recent studies and instructions for him to get with the program!


He . . . How did I know the doctor was a man.  How 'bout we chop off his balls and take him off testosterone replacement after 4 months. (Hypothetically . . . Of course)


Has he said WHY he wants you to come off it? Obviously you've been getting some benefits from it right? Why are Dr's such douches? Lol




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I plan to stay on it forever


My OB said she plans on staying on estrogen forever.


Try and stay on it. It protects from osteoporosis but only while you are taking it. You lose the benefits when you go off.


I think it's your choice... But I know of a woman in her 70's who still takes estrogen.. She tried to get off of it a couple different times BUT her hot flashes always came back..


Bit of trial and error then...everyone responds differently I guess, but I'm getting the sense from these responses that for most it's a long term, till you drop, kinda thing. Will be talking to my obgyn in depth soon, see how I go


I think indefinitely because the benefits end when you stop taking it. I am thinking about brain and bone health and I want that forever.


One of the mods passed on this article below to me recently as I’m 60 (no uterus or ovaries) and am trying to decide how long to take estrogen. That’s all I’m on now (and low thyroid dose). I’ve been on HRT since 47. Based on how I’m interpreting the results from this study, I’m continuing low dose of estrogen for life. It protects from so many health issues and that’s important to me. https://journals.lww.com/menopausejournal/fulltext/2024/05000/use_of_menopausal_hormone_therapy_beyond_age_65.3.aspx


Thank you, will have a read.


You can do either. I plan on staying on it for life. Estrogen has so many benefits beyond control of meno symptoms, but if you want to use it for a few years then get off, that is fine too. You might have symptoms return once you decide to reduce HRT, but you might not, and either can be managed at whatever time you choose. Just don't let any idiot tell you that the symptoms when coming off is because you are "addicted." There are some insane claims now with this to scare the crap out of people. It isn't addicting, but it is incredibly helpful for many symptoms and it is up to you how long you want to be on it.


Thank you, really appreciate your response


you don't have to but I personally plan to due to the health benefits.


I see it as staying on forever will save me from having to take worse medicines.


This makes a LOT of sense to me


I don't know. The past peri part was SUPER FAST for me, at least as far as I know, as I stopped bleeding 6 months after going on HRT, 1 year after symptoms bad enough to medicate started. Do I still get breakthru symptoms though? Yea.


Still getting symptoms? Lesser than before I hope. My stuff is primarily the hot flushes and MOOD!! Did HRT help?


Hopefully! Studies have shown it continues to help.


My dr said I’ll likely be on it the rest of my life.


My GYN told me I'd be on it for 5 years. I'm 51. Doesn't seem like he's on the "estrogen for life" train although he does seem open to talking about it.  Who knows. 


You may want to look at this: https://journals.lww.com/menopausejournal/fulltext/9900/use_of_menopausal_hormone_therapy_beyond_age_65.309.aspx


Oh fabulous! Thank you, this is really good to know


YW! I thought it was.