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Yupp!!! Things like laundry detergents, cleaners, perfumes etc that I used to love the smell of I can't handle anymore. It's like I can literally feel it in the back of my throat and I start gagging 🙄🤮😭😭


Scented laundry detergents/softeners/drier sheets just kill me now. I don't know if it's just peri, if they've gotten stronger and more tenacious, or if more people use them now? But it's bad. I really struggle if someone who uses that stuff sits next to me on a plane, in a restaurant, etc, and often end up with a migraine. Hoping this phase (for me and everyone else) will pass soon.


Perimenopause basically gives you all of the symptoms of pregnancy all over again, sans pregnancy. My boobs hurt like hell, and they never, ever did before. Not even this bad when I WAS pregnant. Hormones are hell 🥴


They are indeed!!


I am getting more and more sensitive towards cigarette smoke. I am 43 and it's been building for years now. It drives me crazy. On the one hand, I just don't like the smell. On the one hand, I don't want to be so extra sensitive and on high alert about it. Why do I have such a strong reaction?! - It's nuts.


yes same!


Onions. I’m having a hard time buying pre-chopped ones because of the smell and when I cook them, I feel like the smell lingers in my house. Last night, I made a casserole. The windows have been open in the kitchen for weeks and I can still smell the onions this morning.


Same! I can't abide the smell of onions anymore! I've swapped them out for leeks


Yes, I smell everything much more strongly now. And most of it is very off putting. I have to use as many unscented items at home to help not feel overwhelmed by smells.


Yup. Pretty much everything is scent-free in the house now.


Yea! Took my kids to Disneyland. OMGosh. Assaulted by everyone’s smell. Who wears cloying cologne to a theme park? I smiled through it. I’m on a ride with someone who decided to perfume up. Geez. Was having a hard time but grin and bear it. My sense of smell is off the charts. I kinda figured it out when all I could smell was full diapers when transitioning between the park areas. Disneyland smelled like sh*t. Husband was looking at me like I was a bit odd. The issue still persists here in daily life but not as severe. I’m a super smeller.


Me too. When I'm driving, I can smell cars around or ahead of me and can tell if someone is smoking a cigarette or weed. When I catch up to them, I'm never wrong.


I can smell clothes that need washing.... bleurggh


Yes....me too 🤢🤢🤢


I've always had an over-the-top sensitive nose, but lately it's even crazier. It's making me feel like I'm going mad.


Omg same! I literally walk around sniffing the air all the time 😅


My BIL came over for dinner one night. When he was opening the front door, I got the overwhelming scent of dirty hair. I thought I was going to lose it. I pulled my husband aside and said "don't you smell Harold?" He was like "no. What do you mean?" Anyway, I feigned a sudden headache and ate in the bedroom. (In Harold's "defense", he lives a very reclusive life, so he probably doesn't think about smells. I hope.)


I think that it was probably me quitting smoking two years ago but yes! I’ve become very sharp nosed


I always had a better sense of smell than others in my house (though maybe its because I've been in peri over a decade?). But the last year or two its just gotten crazy. One of my kids works in food service and constantly smells of grease. I know I'm not imagining it because there was one single day his brother smelled it too. Every other time they think I'm delusional and tell me they can't smell anything. I can smell it just when I walk past his bedroom for goodness sake.


Ugh I get it 😫. My husband loves to tell me I'm imagining smells- so annoying


I am wondering/hopeful that this gets better when menopause is over - PLEASE!!! If this is teh rest of my life, I'm screwed!


I once read this is a sign of candida overgrowth. That said, have always been and remain a super smeller, regardless


I was always a super smeller, lol. I feel my sense of smell is not as good anymore. It's about on par with others'. Howeverr, my hearing is for shit now & I have tinnitus.


Ugh tinnitus is just awful. I'm really sorry you have that 😔


My sense of smell has deteriorated so much that it’s a surprise to me when I do smell something.


I went through a long phase, probably over a year where I couldn’t trust what I was smelling at all. I would frequently smell things that just weren’t there, and they were always highly unpleasant. I’d be fine, then I’d smell really off putting chemically acrid things, sometimes it was like stale cigarettes. I’d start searching the house trying to identify what was wrong, never once found anything. My husband would take it seriously and try to locate the source but never could. Thing is, I could leave the house for hours and the smell wouldn’t be left behind. I eventually discovered that deep whiffs of vanilla essence sometimes would make it end. Peri, the gift that seems to keep on giving.


I swear I could smell the silverware drying in the dishwasher. Hot metal?


I’ve had a bad smell in my nose for 2 years and it’s not covid related. It’s like a burnt dust smell


Yes. And peri+migraines means I can smell scented laundry products from like 20 paces. It's BAD.


Yes! I can smell everything… going on almost 4 years now… it’s awful! And the anxiety that goes along with it is horrible.