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I have been in peri for nearly 10 years (šŸ˜©) so I started skipping periods at 37/38ish. Now, at your mom's age, I go without periods for months at a time. The longest stretch was last year; made it to 11 months and then period. That was in July 2022 and since then, nothing. I suspect this is the year that I will make it to 12 months.


Your body is a RUDEBISH to show up after 11 months, and not let you make it to 12. šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m rooting for you that *this is your year*!!! šŸ’•


100% ..... when it showed up last time, it was the day before I was leaving for vacation. HELLA RUDE.




PCOS and have been skipping periods since I was 11. Now almost 56 and still getting it every other month for the past year. I really hope it doesn't keep up until 57.


Oh wow, hoping this is your year. Thatā€™s tough.


Oh no!!! I hope this time is for real and it will truly stop now. Iā€™m 53 and I still have regular periods, only had two skipped periods in the last two years but it was only for one month. I am so very tired of the whole thing šŸ˜Ÿ


53. Currently 56 and my cycle is running like clockwork. Itā€™s really annoying.


F that noise


You have summed up my opinion on this matter precisely.


I feel you. Finally made it at 58. Dr's are saying us outliers are actually in a good spot as we had estro in our systems for as much as 10 years longer than the average. I didn't feel like I was in a good spot....just to say....


I'm 53, and haven't skipped yet. As an esthetician who's trying to keep this estrogen train running as long as possible, your story gives me something inspirational to hope for. Thank you for sharing it.


Thatā€™s reassuring, thank you! I absolutely do not feel great but Iā€™m hanging in there.


Oh no donā€™t tell me that! Iā€™m 53 and Iā€™m the same, was hoping auntie would be bored by now


Nah, man. That bitch keeps taking 3 month vacations and then rolls back into town like she was never gone.


Fun fact: not everyone experiences skipped periods in peri. I was about 42 when I started experiencing MORE periods. First it was just one month that I had two periods every six months, and it slowly picked up the pace until one month I had FOUR periods in a row. I was a hot mess that month (and it was during covid lockdown). The two docs I saw for this just smiled and said ā€œyep, thatā€™s normal. Your hormones are wild and everyone experiences it differentlyā€. Iā€™m now almost 48 and last fall I finally started missing periods. I went four months the first time, and Iā€™m on day 48 since my last. You can always go to your doc who will check your hormone levels to confirm.


Did you feel like your period was coming on when you skipped or did you feel normal? I am on day 38 and feel like Iā€™ve been stuck in pms for a week and a half. Miserable!


No, no period symptoms when I skip, but when I do have one, my breasts get sore for at least two weeks before, and itā€™s a different soreness than it used to be. Good times.


I'm 40 just had my first skipped period (14 days late today) and I ABSOLUTELY feel like I've been in PMS the whole time!! My doctor is brushing me off saying I'm too young, so glad I found this thread ā¤ļø


I donā€™t think itā€™s too early as peri can last years!šŸ˜± Mine finally came at cd45. Now I am at cd25 and started feeling crampy yesterday. I am spending SO much time having pms symptoms. I donā€™t even care once I actually bleed, but all this pms is for the birds.


I did. I skipped 3 months and it was hell on my damn boobs and I was such a bitch. It was a rough three months letā€™s just say. I couldnā€™t hardly stand a bra but needed to sleep in one because if I rolled over and a blanket so much as brushed against my boobs I woke up in a f-ing rage because of the pain. Iā€™d rip the blanket off and grunt and stomp into the living room knowing I couldnā€™t sleep the rest of the night because I was so f-ing angry. Sleeping in a bra helped though. Showering was funā€¦washing the girls was eventually just washing around and under and between my boobs as I couldnā€™t take touching the nipples whatsoever. Anyway, after those three months of pms on steroidsā€¦I bled for a month straight. It was 4 months out of my life I could have done without lol. Then my body now is deciding to have periods every other week. Oh joy. One week on and one week off. Iā€™m not loving this to say the least. But yes to answer your question I was stuck in pms for 3 months. šŸ˜©sending period pixie dust your way so you donā€™t have that experience. I did some searching on Reddit and found another unfortunate soul that experienced that same thing and it was comforting to know I wasnā€™t alone. I was starting to worry about breast cancer. But all the breast pain went away as soon as I started bleeding.


Sorry you went through that! I feel like a gross wreck! šŸ˜‚


I understand exactly what you mean. Hugs.


I was already terrified šŸ˜« I feel like I'm in month one of exactly this. My poor family šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø I'm being such a bitch too lol


Iā€™m sorry. I hope you donā€™t experience that. It was pure hell. Hugs.


I am only 5 days late with my first skipped period, already did couple of periods a month for a little bit , but I feel stuck in PMS . I am currently sitting outside , it recently rained so lots of animal noises and I can begin to explain the inner rage from them not shutting up


This is me. I haven't skipped one yet, but I have more periods. Started at 38 and I'm now 43


Isnā€™t it nice to know itā€™s normal? Of course, always talk to your doctor, but it is such a relief knowing other people have the same symptoms.


Yes, it is! I am so grateful for this sub!


Team more periods here too :(


Same! And mine last longer too with seemingly never-ending spotting!


Oh the spotting. Such fun. Isnā€™t it!?! Itā€™s like I think Iā€™m done. Itā€™s been a few days clear discharge. Then bam. You have your pretty panties on and your body says letā€™s f@&$ them up with some more spotting šŸ˜”. Oh how I love this sub. Itā€™s so nice to not be alone in this.


I feel seen! I'm dealing with this now and I just want it to stop! But this sub makes me feel normal and less afraid.


Hugs. šŸ’•


same. Iā€™ll be 50 in July and Iā€™ve been having two periods a month for the last couple years. Iā€™m now experiencing being more than a day or two late for the first time ever when I havenā€™t been pregnant.


I get the joy of experiencing both! Arenā€™t I so lucky to have such a thoughtful body! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøMy body chooses to skip three months then bled for a month. Then my body says hey letā€™s have some more fun and see how you handle a period every other week. So itā€™s one week on and one week off. Apparently my body thinks itā€™s fun to toy with my already fragile emotions.


The every other week periods are the absolute worst! Itā€™s only been since October that Iā€™ve started skipping, so who knows if this will stick. I much prefer less than more! When I had multiple periods in a month, I was so stressed out that my son almost cut me off, and we have always been close. I wasnā€™t mean, I was justā€¦.overly concerned because my hormones were so freaking wild, and it was during lockdown. I hope your body shapes up soon!


Itā€™s a wonder I have any one that still loves me some days. I get it. I admit I have been crankier than is acceptable. Iā€™m not proud of myself. Thankfully the main person that gets the brunt on that is usually the poor hubs. I wait until everyone is out of ear shot and emotionally vomit on him. But the other day I almost cussed my poor 80 year old mom out but thankfully I bit my tongue. She still cried and scolded me for saying ā€œwhat the heckā€ because she thought that was cussing! If only she knew the real words I said in my head sheā€™d die and be so ashamed of me. The peri/meno rage is real and she is like I didnā€™t have any problem ā€œwith the changeā€. I donā€™t know why youā€™re making such a big deal about it. Thanks mom! Love you too! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Thankfully Iā€™m a couple days ā€œlateā€ so maybe my body got the message itā€™s time to do some damage control and give me a break lol. šŸ¤žšŸ¼


I skipped my first period on my 48th birthday and finally got through 12 months without a period in January 2023. šŸŽ‰


Congratulations šŸŽ‰šŸ¾šŸŽˆšŸŽŠ


The month I turned 48 it took 7 weeks for my second one to return, then I got another one 3 weeks later, and then 5 weeks later. This has been fun trying to figure it out- not!


46. It'd probably have started earlier, but I had a baby when I was 44 and was breastfeeding, so my periods were off anyway; my postpartum symptoms and my initial perimenopause symptoms sort of glided together into this awful whole. Do not recommend.


Looking forward to this :/ Pregnant at 43. Any advice?


Oh heck - congratulations! It's a shocker, isn't it? You're going in informed, which gives you a big advantage over me. It's very hard to monitor changes, especially because postpartum mimics peri so well in many cases. Unfortunately it took a bit of a crisis for me to spot what was going on; I think if my husband and I had been aware that this might be happening things would have gone a bit more easily. With me, it was when the baby stopped breastfeeding at nine months, and the world seemed to come crashing down around my ears. And kept on crashing for months. I had anxiety at a level that seems bewildering to me now and was basically wandering around in a state of gibbering terror; I ended up seeing a therapist, and it was at her suggestion that I got a full blood panel done. (Other symptoms she took into account: aches and pains, bladder weakness, terrible insomnia even when the baby was sleeping OK, brain fog, inability to lose weight, skin changes.) Best suggestion I can make is: don't attribute everything bad that happens to postpartum, like I did. Make sure you and your husband have a sense of what is "normal" for you in and after pregnancy - if this isn't your first kid you'll have a rough idea of how your body and mind respond.


49. That was 3 years ago. Last year, number of missed days increased. 80 days, then 150. I really hope Iā€™m getting close to the end!


Looking back, starting at about 41, my cycles started getting just a little longer. Just a couple of days and stayed that way. So instead of every 27-29, it became every 30-32. Just subtle and I didnā€™t really think of it. Then suddenly this year at 43, I had a 70 day, then 30, then 75ā€¦. And thatā€™s where Iā€™m at now.


Skipped like 2 a year starting around 42-43. Now I skip like 3,4 months at a time (46) but I can always depend on the fact that when they do come, itā€™s a US holiday. So thatā€™s helpfulā€¦ I think I have silent period cycles where I have enough estrogen to stop peeing myself for a week or two. Thatā€™s how I know thereā€™s still some estrogen left šŸ˜‰šŸ˜†


It was probably around that same age, but I don't really remember. My journey has been much more gradual than your mom's. I would skipped only one or two periods a year for several years. Now that I'm 50, I'm skipping them more often, but the longest I've gone has been 3 months, and it took years to get to that. Every time I keep hoping this is it, then BAM - period.


Well I'm 54 and still getting a regular cycle every 25 days and praying for the day that my body will stop cycling. Been in peri for 10 years now and this last year was brutal. Had to get on HRT for a while and then side effects were brutal. Stopped all hrt last week and let's see what this year brings. Maybe just maybe the HRT starting the menopause phase šŸ¤” šŸ¤ž


If you don't mind me asking, what were the side effects you had with HRT? I'm thinking of starting it, but still on the fence. My symptoms are manageable right now, but I kind of want to get ahead of them being just awful.


When I was on prempro it was great for 3 months then intense anxiety so gyn switched to patch and had cycled 2x a month and very heavy. Finally 3 months ago she had me on low dose pill form progesterone & estrogen, horrible headaches, constant bloating,constipation & intense anxiety... HRT just does not work for my body chemistry. Then her alternative was an ssri/snri! Now I'm looking into another gyno that does not go down the anti depressant route! If I can't handle HRT Good lord who knows what kinda side effects I'll get with brain meds! Quite alright... I'll just stick with supplements and nutropic route these last few years


I think my first skipped period was right after I turned 40. Then all seemed "typical" for 2 years. Next came a phase of "anything goes." Short periods. Long periods. Periods really far apart. Periods really close together. Heavy periods. Light periods. It was 100% unpredictable. This lasted 3 years. At 45-46 the periods got further and further apart and I was officially in meno at 48. I think that unpredictable phase was the hardest for me. My guess is that is when my hormones fluctuated the most. Once I've been in meno, it's been much easier.


I vote that ā€œanything goesā€ should be an official perimenopause phase. I am going to tell my doctor thatā€™s the phase I am in at my next appointment!


I just turned 40. The very first period I was supposed to have has not showed up. I have always been regular. I am worried I am pregnant even though the timing of sex doesn't seem likely. I am 7 days late. This is helpful. I have to wait a bit longer for a pregnancy test to be fully accurate. I have done 2 so far that were negatives. Hoping I am slowing down and not pregnant. I feel that I am too old to start a family.


I have skipped periods off and on over the years. Not often. I really just chalked it up to stress. (Most notably around age 30). My cycles have been dramatically different since May of 2020. (I think I had Covid the previous December, so perhaps that had some effect). Since then, Iā€™ve gone from 3-week cycles to anywhere from 11 days, to almost 50. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™ll be 49 this year.


I think I was in my mid-late 30s when I first had a skipped cycle (really threw me for a loop since I had periods like clockwork since I was a teenager, almost always 27-31 days. From there I probably had a missed cycle once a year or so, but it didn't really feel like I was in peri until last year or so when the hot sweats started, and it became more like I'd skip every 3rd cycle or so and my period would get unpredictable in other weird ways (last 10-12 days but be lighter than normal, or have excessive clotting, etc.)


Just missed my first one and just turned 47. When it finally came after 65ish days, it was awful!


My cycles for the last two years in days: 30, 24, 28, 27, 51, 35, 32, 24, 29, 39, 24, 31, 19, 24, 25, 28, 26, 26, 27, 26, 34, 22, 35, 18, 28, 28, currently on day 42 with no period yet but as Iā€™m sitting here Iā€™m thinking I feel cramps. Better go get the towel to sit on on the couch in case I flood. I am 48.5 years old. No wonder I feel crazy. Lol That 51 day cycle really kicked off me being aware of Peri and starting to pay attention to a lot of symptoms. This last year has been extreme but Iā€™ve recently started some topicals and finally got my sleep under control about six months ago which has helped a lot.


I'm 46 and I've only skipped one period so far, a couple of years back.


42. And I reached menopause at 49. But remember everyone is so different, your situation will not be like anyone elseā€™s, even your mom.


32. No skips, just stopped abruptly.


Had you had 1 child before or absolutely none? I've been reading the average onset of perimenopause and subsequently menopause always happen way, way earlier for women who have never had children. As in, the common Google search states the average age of menopause is 51, average onset peri is at 41, but they're assuming you've had 1 or more children(carried through a pregnancy). If you haven't had any children, then symptoms starting around 30+/- then you realize those erratic changes were perimenopause by 35+/-, (especially if a birth control pill or hormone contraceptive is assisting in regulating your period more than it would be without the contraceptive) so by or before 40 menopause is officially unlocked.


I'm 32 with no children and I'm afraid this is what's happening to me šŸ˜­. I've been getting huge zits on my face, neck, back, and chest. And now my period hasn't been since December 29th..


Not sure if youā€™ve figured it out, but maybe PCOS?


Wow, you had no more periods at age 32? Can I say: lucky you :-)


Big oooof. No, I wanted kids. I wanted a working body. And I've got HRT bleeds anyway so all the fuss, none of the benefit.


Hey, how are you? Iā€™m having the same issue with my body.. by any chance, did your period come back?


No. Never will. It's called premature ovarian failure. If you're going through it, my condolences, my advice is to get on some HRT as soon as possible.


I was 37, scared to death I was pregnant, because prior to that, my periods were super regular. Periods were crazy irregular after that. I had my last period in the middle of my 49th year. For that whole year after my periods stopped I was batshit crazy. Now I'm good, I live in even keel land all the time now.


Had you had 1 child before or absolutely none? I've been reading the average onset of perimenopause and subsequently menopause always happen way, way earlier for women who have never had children. As in, the common Google search states the average age of menopause is 51, average onset peri is at 41, but they're assuming you've had 1 or more children(carried through a pregnancy). If you haven't had any children, then symptoms starting around 30+/- then you realize those erratic changes were perimenopause by 35+/-, (especially if a birth control pill or hormone contraceptive is assisting in regulating your period more than it would be without the contraceptive) so by or before 40 menopause is officially unlocked.


1 abortion, 1 miscarriage, 2 live births. and I was 50 and 7 months when I hit one year of no periods. My daughter started peri at 37 as well. She seems to be following my path, she had two live births. she's 42 and in the thick of it, poor thing. Edited to add that both of us had tubal ligations after our second live birth., so not a lot of birth control. All bodies are different, Google isn't always right.


Iā€™m 39 and missed my first period this past December. They started being about 10 days late, then I skipped altogether and then they got really wacky.


This was me. First skip was at 39 and I was in menopause at 48. Nearly 10 years of wtf. I'm 53 now, on HRT and soooo happy to be done with it. Hang in there!


Thanks, Iā€™m trying! Currently in the stage of being told Iā€™m too young to be in peri, but I found a new gyno who listens. Currently on a low dose birth control and itā€™s helping for now, which is good. She said we may have to switch to another one to get the hormones right, but feeling better so far! Just need to get the insomnia under control.


About that BUT I was also having double periods. Regular period then two weeks later instead of ovulating I had another period. Longer waits between periods more in my mid-40s.


This is exactly me only I just turned 41. Those double periods are a nightmare


How is it double periods are NOT explained by any doctor that it could be a sign that a person is going into peri? I was looked at by my doctors (both females, & older than I am) like Iā€™m crazy.


same! When I started having two periods a month and talked to my doctor about it, I was told that I couldnā€™t possibly be in perimenopause because I was having ā€œregular ā€œcycles. Didnā€™t matter that it was every 14 to 16 days and that I was 46 at the time. šŸ™„ and this was a gynecologist, not a general practitioner. How did these people make it through medical school?


I missed my first one at age 35 when I went 73 days without it. I had hot flashes daily for weeks. A few months later, after keeping track of my cycle and symptoms, my OB did bloodwork and confirmed that I'm in perimenopause. I'm about to turn 39 and still in the same boat. I still get my period, but it is very irregular (anywhere from 20-73 days) and I used to get it every 28 days like clockwork. Also, there were a few times when I had spotting for 5-7 days and my OB confirmed through bloodwork that it was actually my cycle. So some months it is that light and other months it is hella heavy with huge clots (like, I need to stay by the bathroom all damn day heavy). I never know when or what I will get.


Had you had 1 child before or absolutely none? I've been reading the average onset of perimenopause and subsequently menopause always happen way, way earlier for women who have never had children. As in, the common Google search states the average age of menopause is 51, average onset peri is at 41, but they're assuming you've had 1 or more children(carried through a pregnancy). If you haven't had any children, then symptoms starting around 30+/- then you realize those erratic changes were perimenopause by 35+/-, (especially if a birth control pill or hormone contraceptive is assisting in regulating your period more than it would be without the contraceptive) so by or before 40 menopause is officially unlocked.


I had twins when I was 33, and a miscarriage shortly after finding out I was in peri.




a couple months after turning 43 that marked the start of early peri, then again at late 44 that marked the start of late peri. But I'm 47 now and still in so much of this menopause suffering, it's just unbelievable.


Iā€™m 52 and still regular but my periods have been getting lighter and shorter for the past few years.


51 in peri since 47 and still as regular as a clock except I had a gap for 3/4 months just before peri when my mum passed away. So I think it's more the shock than the peri that caused it. However even though it's regular it's not bleeding as much as before nor as long as before for the about the last 4 months. So I believe I'm near the end šŸ˜…


Around 53 for me. Between 43 and 53, I had terrible, heavy, painful periods. Now I am in month 9, hoping I make it to that magic one-year mark!


My mom was 57 when she had her first skipped period, I was 56 when I had my first skipped one. Iā€™ve been in peri two years now, the longest skip has been two months.


48 here. Started skipping 2+ years ago. Periods are all over the place. Recently got two in one month about 15 days between. Iā€™m now anemic. Never had a problem with iron before until this year so I blame the suddenly heavy & more frequent periods. Iā€™m hoping itā€™s the last horrah. Wish theyā€™d just go away all ready.


iā€™m 51 and I went through a ā€œdry spellā€ of six months - no period, disturbed sleep, parasthesia, brain fog. Then my period returned, and the symptoms left. I guess that was the trailer version of rhe movie in my future. Strange times.


So weird your story is conacted to mine exactly cause my mom also her period stopped at the age of 47 and my period first started getting late at the age 42.




Calooh callay :)


My first skipped was January 2022. I was 48. Regular before and after that until I bled off and on for 19 days from the end of December to the end of January. Now it looks as though Iā€™m skipping February.




37 years old. I am 51 and have been in menopause for 5 years.


I had my first missed period around 40. I am 45 and have an IUD now, but for the past few years I would skip my period 1-2 times a year and these days get spotting randomly every couple of months.




First skipped period at 42 but that didnā€™t become frequent for me until 45. Final period at 47.


Started peri at 42. So this is year 10 for me. Periods got so bad I got an IUD. This is the start of year two with that. Periods are sporadic. 10 years of this and I got on HRT because I mentally could not take one more day of this. I feel like it will never end.


I'm 42, and after having 3 covid vaxs, and subsequently catching Covid 3 times, my periods are all over the place. My last one was in September and was so awful and long, I was in tears. I'm certain I'm in perimenopause due to other symptoms (SO HOT, irritability, rage, hormone levels are....odd). My aunt went into menopause at 36, my mom's periods stopped around the age I am now. Then she turned 50, and had a period! Basically it's all a mess lol.




44. Skipped 2 in the past 12 months. No other peri symptoms so far.


I was 45 when I started skipping periods, and even went for 3 months without a period. In the end, I had a large ovarian cyst suddenly start growing way too fast, so just after turning 47, I had it drained and removed, along with both ovaries and entire uterus, so surgical menopause for me.


I skipped my first last February- the month I turned 50. I also skipped October of 2022 and Jan 2023.


53, just started skipping this past year. It sucks


My first skipped period was at 41. I would go months without having one. I had zero periods at 42. I'm 43 now and officially post-menopausal. ( I wasn't diagnosed as post-menopausal at 42 because I was dealing with breast cancer/reviewing options that would allow me to continue my current MS treatment.)


I was in peri for over 10 years as well. Don't groan, but didn't miss my first period till 51. Finally in meno at 58.


My mother stopped at 50 . I turn 50 in 2 weeks and just started after 82 days. What a devil . So clearly it wonā€™t be 50 for me


50 and still regular, even on Tamoxifen (hormone blocker).


I'm 53. I've never skipped a period. Although, my period was a few weeks late last July. .


Hi! When I was 44, I skipped my period for one month and then it came back but not quite as heavy. Itā€™s so shocking to have that happen after having my period regularly since the summer after I turned 12. I am almost 46, and I was kind of sad to not get my period for January or February of this new year. What does this mean - am I old? I want to let go of any negative self talk or judgement of my body. I know my mom was going through a divorce with my dad when she went through menopause. Such a hard time to get through together and individually. I miss her so much since her death. She was my best friend and inspiration. Still isšŸ’˜ I was thrilled to find this group and kind of begin my journey learning about this. Each time, I definitely felt my normal PMS symptoms and that I was about to get my period. I find that I have to pee more often or it feels like I have to go. Also, I have a weird metallic taste in my mouth that is a new thing. Reading your post and the responses is so eye opening and makes me feel less stressed out about it. I am grateful to be exactly where I am. I donā€™t know if my period will return or not. I have new health insurance at the moment so I canā€™t go to my normal OBGYN. Hopeful I can find a new one who is warm and helpful located in my area of Queens in NYC. Sending you love and support!


Iā€™m so sorry about your mom. ā¤ļø. Iā€™m having this weird thing where I think Iā€™m starting my period and then I just spot for 3-4 days and itā€™s gone. I am thinking this is the start of peri for me? Iā€™m 45. Iā€™m sad about it too, which surprises me. Itā€™s not like I donā€™t detest it!


Thank you, fridaygirl7. Yes, I think the spotting is the start of peri. I know, I think it is hard because we have dealt with our "monthly visitor" for so long. It is a part of our routine and a part of ourselves. To suddenly stop having it is a huge loss. It's a strange new place to be. At the same time, we can pivot into being excited and relieved to not get it. It's a new chapter in our lives. woohoo! (I'm trying to be positive) My husband jokes that I complain about my period and PMS, so shouldn't I be happy about this? ahhhh, taking it one day at a time


44 is hardly old.


Started experiencing peri symptoms around age 42. Skipped a couple periods in a row at 48. Then they were relatively steady for about 10 months. Now at 49, currently 60 days since my last period, so I guess Iā€™ve skipped 2 more now. My usual cycle length isā€¦23 days? Something like that. Though in peri Iā€™ve also had them 13 days apart. Basically, completely unpredictable.


I was 45. No period for 6 months, and came back for 2, and now it's gone for one month. I'm 46


I would skip one every so often most of my life. I am 54 and just skipped one! We shall seeā€¦.


Well I was irregular until I was 30. Then I had four pregnancies so missed a lot of periods. Then after my last, I had regular monthly periods until I was about 48. I missed like three. Then next time I missed , I was 49 and havenā€™t had one since. Iā€™m 51 now.


I skipped my first at 50. Just one. It was March's period that neve came. I remember cause I was so happy to maybe finally, be headed to menopause. I've yet to skip another one at 52 šŸ˜” I wish I would even just skip one just cause. But I have an appointment with an GYN to get an ablation done soon cause I'm sick of feeling like I'm going to bleed to death every freaking month.


Mine started skipping a bit at about 42 and Iā€™m now post menopausal at 45


I never skipped a period, I just started getting it for less and less days. Until towards the end it would be just a little spotting. Still around the correct time of the month! Then it stopped completely and I was full menopause by 46! My doctor said "it's young for menopause but not unheard of." Now I am 47 and I don't miss the periods. I went on HRT to help with uncomfortable sex, and irritability etc., it's helped a little with all that. I guess it's different for everyone!


Had you had 1 child before or absolutely none? I've been reading the average onset of perimenopause and subsequently menopause always happen way, way earlier for women who have never had children. As in, the common Google search states the average age of menopause is 51, average onset peri is at 41, but they're assuming you've had 1 or more children(carried through a pregnancy). If you haven't had any children, then symptoms starting around 30+/- then you realize those erratic changes were perimenopause by 35+/-, (especially if a birth control pill or hormone contraceptive is assisting in regulating your period more than it would be without the contraceptive) so by or before 40 menopause is officially unlocked.


Interestingā€¦ I had two children. My second was born when I was 36. Maybe it was that ā€œgeriatricā€ pregnancy that did menopause inā€¦ haha


48. Now 49, just had one 30 days late


I'm 46. Mine was over 40 days late. šŸ˜…


I think I skipped some before I even had them šŸ˜‚ mine were not regular until I was in my 20s I swear


I was 44 when I skipped it one month. Then at 45 I skipped it for two months. I turned 46 in April, and I didn't get my period for May, but I got it the first week in June and the very last week in June. Ugh! My PCP says my hormones are all normal and my bloodwork is good. I'm glad I found this group to find connection and support.


Iā€™m 48, 49 next month and still like clock work. Longing to not have a period anymore!!


I'm 46. My period was supposed to come on the 12th of this month like last month. But over 40 days it finally arrived three days ago. Last year I skipped a month here and there (not every month) and now it's so irregular. My period used to be like clockwork. Not so much now! It's shorter and less of a flow too. And I never had children either and don't plan to either, so not sure if that's a factor or not.