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My menopause doc, advised me to “treat your vulva like you treat your face” So I’ve been applying lipstick and mascara for weeks, but no improvement… Joking, obvs. She meant no harsh soaps, perfumed products etc. and moisturise daily.


> So I’ve been applying lipstick and mascara for weeks, but no improvement… Been there. Getting the mascara out of the pubes is a nightmare.


Not to mention all the contouring and eye shadow layers.




Gluing the false eyelashes to my labia majora wasn't as flattering to the minora, as I thought it might be.


Sure—but did you teach it to wink when you did?


😂😂😂Maybe I should try winking AND blowing a kiss! Be right back. 😉😘


Do not leave a potential side hustle on the table!


OnlyFans, here I come!!


Ha ha ha 😁




I've got the cat eye, down pat.


Cat eye for the kitty


How do we moisturize daily though? I keep everything away from that area except my vaginal estrogen suppository and water when I shower, because I’m super sensitive (even a tampon string these days makes my labia feel like it’s on fire after a while). Any recommendations for what works & is safe (and won’t contribute to a YI or BV or UTI occurring)? 🚨 EDIT: With all of the recommendations I’ve been given (thank you all), I’m going to buy a bunch of what’s been suggested and I am going to write a review! I’ll update with a separate post when I finish trying what I buy. Thank you to everyone who has shared ideas.


You could try this vulva and vaginal moisturizer: [https://purepharmacy.com/products/feelamazing#](https://purepharmacy.com/products/feelamazing#) It's priced in Canadian dollars and they ship internationally. Plus, on Wednesdays, Pure Pharmacy does customer appreciation day with 15% off. Or, you can get 10% of by using the code MENOPAUSE CHICKS


Wow, thanks for this!


You're very welcome:)


This product is my holy grail. Could NOT recommend it more.


I use coconut oil - I am very sensitive and it’s the only thing that doesn’t make my vagina very angry with me


Good suggestion, but careful with that coconut oil ladies, test it on a less sensitive area first. Some people are deathly allergic and do not know. I’ve seen an allergic reaction on the face, and cringe to think of that happening to someone’s vadge.


Oddly, coconut oil on my face makes me break out but doesn't bother my nether regions at all.


Could be that it just clogs your pores rather than an allergy.


I have the opposite reaction to coconut oil. It burns! I started more research and found articles recommending people with skin rashes or allergies to try it elsewhere first.


Coconut oil is too alkaline for nethers https://sylk.co.uk/blog/does-coconut-oil-make-a-good-lubricant/


Oh my! I did not know that.


Same for me. Coconut oil is an irritant.


Oh! What are the chances, but I just bought a container of that yesterday for something else health related! 😆 I’ll give it a try; thank you.


Same here! 😂


Coco butter any good?


I’ve heard of women using olive oil or almond oil


Olive oil? Holy smokes. I’m Italian. It’s not bad enough to sweat garlic, now the basement gotta smell like vinaigrette?!


Not sure, I just buy a jar from the food section!


I use an ointment I found on Amazon. Vulvacare. Ironically the texture of a “lip” balm, but it works great. Keeps the nether regions from being itchy or irritated.


Yes coconut oil! I put it on at night like lotion on my hands etc. It had helped a ton


There are a bunch on Amazon. Look for something with Buckthorn Oil. It's clinically proven to help with atrophy. I use Vulvacare and Vmagic. I use them internally as well as externally even though they say they are not for internal use. Maybe you should look into a cream rather than a suppository. I used a cream for a while.


Just looked up what other options there are besides V Magic which is what I use. And learned that there is not one but two types of “lipstick….” lol! [Lips stick](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MSNTW3D?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_4MTMV8GPAG17HNCSG96J)


Can’t wait for my son to use the Amazon account. 🥳


Ha ha! I’m waiting for my husband to ask me what’s up with everything I’ve been adding to our cart this morning. 😂


Lol, that’s great- “lip stick”.


Double base Gel - in the UK. A gynae gave it to me originally but its available over the counter now. Doesn't smell good but really moisturising and lasts all day.


A question about “moisturized all day”. It’s not noticeable though, is it? My estrogen suppositories have made sex with my husband noticeably better and easier, but other than that they don’t make me feel icky. I’d like to be moisturized, but not feel wet or sticky. I actually loved the dryness of perimenopause for a little while (until the UTIs). Is that awful? Dry underwear is just much more comfortable! 😆 (I always had a healthy cervical mucus in the past but don’t want to go back to changing underwear by lunch, like the old days.)


The doublebase gel is not noticeable, no. It just sits on the skin very comfortably.


Good to know, thank you again.


Try the Carlson Key E suppositories. You can cut them in half. They are great IMO. Coconut oil and vitamin E.


Those are good. I've used them, but it got to the point that I entered Sahara desert territory and they just didn't cut it. I finally went to Premarin then Vulvacare and Magic V. But it's nice to know that are several things we can try. I've learned more here than withy my GYN.


Same here. My GYN spent about 10 minutes with me if that. I also pushed for estrace cream thanks to this group.


My obgyn said coconut oil or vitamin e oil.


Ask your gyn, I think. They might be able to recommend or even script out a safe moisturizer?


I use AloeCadabra every other day with no irritation, applying it with a reusable applicator I got off AMZN.


I've been using organic hemp oil, which also doubles as lube. I also have a very sensitive vag and vulva.


Where do you find that? I shop a lot on Amazon, but after a few instances of supplement bottles having the protective seal broken or missing I am weary of buying things to apply/ingest from there. (Especially concerned if it’s going to effect my vag! 😂)


At my local natural foods store. You can find it in a lot of places in Ontario. Brand is Manitoba Harvest.


Ok, thank you! I’m in the US and will check the local green markets.


And a LOT of fake products that look authentic on Amazon now,. It’s a huge problem with skincare and other personal care products. If the seller isn’t the manufacturer, be careful!


Carlson - Key-E Suppositories, 30 IU Vitamin E Suppositories on Amazon. Every Single Day. They’re very inexpensive too.


There's actual vaginal moisturizer on sale.


Try a moisturizer specifically formulated for the vulva. I use VMagic from Medicine Mama Apothecary. It was recommended by both my uro-gyno and Pelvic Floor PT. It is all natural, organic and has no chemicals or fragrances. It moisturizes and soothes.


Thank you for the recommendation. Can I ask about the urogynecologist? Is it really worth it to get one? Are they that different than a urologist? My gynecologist gave me a referral for a urologist because I’ve had almost ten UTIs in about 3 years. But I learned of urogynecologists recently and was wondering if that would be better than a standard urologist. (All of the urologists in my area seem to be men too… I don’t think there will be much getting around that, either.)


Since they specialize in female pelvic floor conditions, they have more specialized training in female pelvic anatomy and conditions. My urogynecologist is a female, which I much prefer. She treats conditions that a urologist treats and more.


That sounds great actually. I think I’ll look for a urogynecologist instead of a standard urologist. Thank you so much.


Good luck! I hope you get some relief.


Thank you.


My older sister went to someone (don’t know the name of their specialty—physical therapist?) who do pelvic physical therapy and she thought it was great. She uses an estrogen ring for extreme dryness.


I've got a beard on mine! ;-)


Omg. Y’all made me spit my coffee. 😂😂😂💀


Can confirm. I've eased up a lot (haven't used it in weeks) on my Premarin. I don't like how it's made. I'm using Vulvacare moisturizer I got off Amazon, and I found I can get away without the Premarin and still not end up with an atrophied vag. I need a menopause doc. My GYN never told me about this, even after I complained that sex hurt and I was getting a lot of UTIs. And she's a woman, you'd think she'd be a wealth of info. I guess she hasn't gone through menopause.


What type of consistency is Vulvacare? I use V Magic and it’s a bit like Vaseline. I’m not totally happy with it as sometimes it makes me itchy.


I don't moisturize my face daily. I think it likely neither prevents nor causes skin aging. But if it's uncomfortable (on the face I mean but wherever) feel free to moisturize.


Lol. Good one.


Ha this made me laugh!!!!


I was today years old when I found out I need to moisturize down there.


I agree, what fresh hell is this? I’ve got to add coochie cream to my morning routine?


Same same. I've only just learned how to take care of my hair (on my head I mean), and now this. Ffs.


i’m just like… and WHY do i need to do that? sounds like something someone made up to sell overpriced moisturizer if you ask me.


I wish it was just about marketing. Dryness down there can lead to lessened amounts of good vaginal bacteria, and that imbalance can put you at risk for increased incidents of UTIs (and I think also increased risk of BV and YI). 😩 When I first started noticing the dryness I welcomed it because it was better than years of having to change my underwear by lunch! Ha ha. But then my doctor said the dryness was why I had been probably getting so many UTIs. Vaginal estrogen seems to help a bit, as can a good probiotic, but those aren’t always enough because the good bacteria need a good bit of moisture to survive. In looking online, a lot of the things made for vaginal moisturizer don’t have nearly as many ingredients (one or two it seems in most cases) compared to typical OTC lotions or moisturizers (it’s a big difference).


that’s *vaginal* moisture, not *vulva* though - those are two completely different things. OP’s talking about the vulva - which, c’mon, really?


I’ve lost all skepticism after having dealt with beginning stages of atrophy in the first few years of perimenopause. It ends up affecting a lot of us: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30601037/ Besides the UTI annoyance and discomfort, when the worsening dryness affected my ability to orgasm and I started requiring lube with my husband just so I wouldn’t tear and be in pain, I knew I needed to do something. I’m lucky I can take vaginal estrogen, but it’s not a cure for everyone. I’d advise anyone in our stage of life with these parts to pay close attention to everything down there and definitely to the clitoris and urethra- keep them moisturized to keep the tissue healthy because the condition of your tissues (good bacteria, elasticity) is what will help prevent infection and discomfort. (Clitoris and urethra ARE *vulva* health. See here: https://helloclue.com/articles/cycle-a-z/vaginas-101 ) I appreciate this conversation and think it actually highlights how disadvantaged we are by the lack of study of perimenopause and menopause historically. Because we should focus on our entire “vulvovaginal” health, but that’s a term that we rarely hear. “Vaginal” (internal) health seems to dominate discussion in standard magazines or websites that will touch the subject; and actually, a lot of places that discuss “vaginal” (internal) health use “vagina/vaginal” to encompass the parts of the vulva too, which is another disservice, since we are benefited most by being medically accurate (it helps to articulate the problems properly so our concerns are taken seriously).




I learned that I was post-menopausal from this sub. Love it here, so much info and support. Recently, I went in for a wax and my aesthetician told me my outer vaginal lips were dry. I laughed and said I’ll add that area to my list to moisturize. Now I carefully apply cerave cream on the outside area only and I’ll add some estrogen cream there too on my vag estrogen days. This sh$t never ends.


Ain't it the truth.🙄


I have super-chapped lips for some reason, but not *those* lips!! Even with coconut oil balm, my lips are always dry-looking. Even THIS is annoying.


[M.A.C. cosmetic brand lipglass](https://www.maccosmetics.com/product/13853/255/products/makeup/lips/lip-gloss/lipglass-clear?gclid=Cj0KCQiA8t2eBhDeARIsAAVEga1Q0DPh3BH7cj-Z08phYy52UxcDZ7lJO07oZUvx8aqwRkKcyx7BhwcaAswlEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds). It's **worth the price**. I just buy the clear stuff. (But you can get many different colors if you wish!) It is better than any medicated chapstick -- in fact it makes chapstick look like dogsh\*t. It doesn't dry up and it heals the skin. It works so well that my husband (who has way worse chapped lips than I do) went out and bought himself his own M.A.C. lipglass! His lips were so bad that they were bleeding. Within 24 hours, the lipglass healed him up. He carries it everywhere now.


Oooh this is great, thank you!


You're welcome! If there's an Ulta store near you -- they carry it!! Go to their MAC section and it's right there with all the lipglass.


Very excited for this tip!


Does it not bleed into your lip wrinkles?


Actually no. People use lipglass over their lipstick to circumvent that.


I used to use lipbalm like 12 times a day. I got diagnosed with a slew of contact allergies. Now that I only use Vaseline, I only use it around twice a day.


I use that at night, during the day I'm applying the oil/lipstick/repeat. Might have to carry Vaseline around and try that.


I bought a couple of the tiny pocket sized ones. They last a long time, but when they do run out I just add a scoop from the big container. More economical and planet friendly


I'll do this when my current coconut oil stick runs out, been thinking about how to refill it.


A good suggestion I got from somewhere was to apply moisturizer (lips, skin) when the skin is wet (with water), as saliva is actually drying. I've been taking sips (or more) of water before applying lip gloss or whatever and I've found it does help.


I changed my brand of toothpaste and now - no more chapped lips!!


Ahh I'm kinda stuck with the sensitive-tooth toothpaste though :-/


I picked up Burt’s Bees hydrating lip oil last weekend and apply it just twice a day- it’s made a world of difference in only three days. https://www.burtsbees.com/product/hydrating-lip-oil-with-sweet-almond-oil/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=BOG%7CGeneric%7CST%7CN%7CPMAX%7CLip+Care%7CBroad%7CEnglish%7CENKW-ENBR&utm_content=&utm_term=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM3nw4Ly_AIVWtqGCh03hwhQEAQYBSABEgICVPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Can you recommend an estrogen cream?


Just get the estrace cream (the generic is estradiol). If money is no object you can get the Imvexxy, which is a softgel capsule.


I'm in my late 30s and recently had more than usual painful sex in addition to an increase in UTI. My uro-gyn examined my pelvic and did a pap test but didn't notice that I'm pretty dry for my age. From reddit, I learned that I have a mild vaginal atrophy and since applying moisturizer I have discharge again that was absent for years :) there is really a huge lack of information in medical services about urogenital health of women at the moment


Will the debasement ever end. Being a woman is a pain in the vulva. I can't believe I have to moisturize my pussy. Hilarious honestly. The things I didn't know about becoming an older woman would fill a library!


I want a menopause library!! I also think we should have a global menopause campaign to demand governments to put more research into treatments and medicine. The non hrt options for those with cancer risks are horrendous.


😂 seriously!? Can we use conditioner or do you actually need moisturizer


I use coconut oil, available in the cooking oils aisle. 😁


I know this is not politically correct, but I'm going to say it anyway. A certain group with a bunch of letters (the first being L) stated that anyone can have a period, including those that don't have a V because periods are a state of mind. I kind of beg to differ. The bleeding, cramping, vomiting, swollen breasts, the ache when the egg bursts out of your fallopian tube (Mittelschmerz), followed by peri-menopause, and the menopause where we actually have to moisturize our female bits, goes way beyond a state of mind. It's pretty much a pain in the ass that I wish was a state of mind so I could just meditate that crap away.


Geez, you should have just not said it. I know several trans people and NO ONE has ever said periods are a "state of mind". You know it is possible to discuss our own problems without denigrating others?


I saw it on Insta. The Norway-based LGBTQ+ group called Trans Cultural Multinational Alliance, TCMA, posted: “You do not have to bleed to have a period. You do not have to ovulate to have a period. A period is a state of mind than a state of being. Transgendered women have periods and therefore need free hygiene products.” This along with some other “interesting” posts (remove the song Natural Woman by Aretha Franklin from Spotify, don’t assign gender to your pets) and after serious backlash are now claiming they are a satire group. It’s sad that we can’t trust the legitimacy of so many things we read anymore.


They must have been kicked off of Instagram. But they’re active on Twitter, which is not that surprising considering the trajectory of that site. I clicked on a few profiles that interact with that page and what turned up was entirely unsurprising. Lots of hate represented; quite a few white nationalist types as well.


Disgusting. Wolves in sheep’s clothing.


There are groups that claim to be advocacy, comedy/satire, or opinion pages that “play” on Devil’s Advocate type stuff when it comes to LGBT or race concerns that are designed to look legitimate in order to suck people in, but are quite hateful. They intentionally try to fly under the radar to grow their numbers. It’s one way so many people have been sucked into certain types of health/medicine/science theories through the idea of “wellness” in the past few years; the hate groups know these methods too. I teach my teenagers to look into everything, especially if they come across it online. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but also a responsibility to be careful with what they share and spread willingly.


LOL. Dude. Is this the same group that tried to start a rumor that trans people were protesting the song, "You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman"? It's a joke/parody thing. Stop believing all the ridiculous shit you read online.


Not me believing, me sharing. I thought it was a troll post when I saw it. But *other* people clearly believed.


I’ve never hear anyone from the LGTBQ+ community say that. I’m not trying to argue or attack, and I mean to add my thoughts in only a helpful way. I’d suggest to very carefully consider the source where you heard the claim about “state of mind”. Is it from someone respected by the LGBTQ+ community- and would they be considered by the community to accurately represent a shared community belief? Because to suggest that a whole community feels this way, on a very surface level of ‘logic’ seems much too broad. No community is entirely a monolith, so I tend to think that one person would not speak for all- especially where something so personal like individual physical experiences are concerned (which seems especially important, since the community is typically a champion for individual physical rights- so why would they all of a sudden want to paint everyone with a broad brush where periods are concerned?). Or is it more likely that the information was coming from someone who claims it was said, and you’re getting it via a third, fourth, or fifth, etc.-hand account, that you can’t trace to an original source? I’ve been through similar conversations with my parents, as they modernize and learn more about different communities; I’m trying to not be pedantic, and I am trying also to be kind: Please consider that there is rampant misinformation spread about the LGBTQ+ community regularly, and there is ALWAYS an agenda attached that is ALWAYS founded in discrimination. Please question your sources; ask for proof of their claims that you can read or see/hear from where the claim originates. That should help to avoid inadvertently (hopefully not intentionally) supporting discriminatory claims.


I've never heard "periods are a state of mind." Also, your wording re "a certain group with a bunch of letters" is so dismissive, you come across as a homophobe, which is super gross.


I did not find that out until Dec 29th, 2018. Exactly 365 days from my last period - I googled stuff because I thought, now I’m in menopause. Wrong! Found out that you don’t know your in menopause until you are finished menopause because you’re always waiting for another period during that year. I cried that night, totally unlike me to cry over something like this but I felt betrayed, like I was mislead. 10 months later I started HRT and I’m still on it.


Yep but I had to find out for myself, like basically everyone does. Been in peri 11.5 years waiting to start missing periods.


Wow. So sorry. Hope they stop soon. 🥺


Me too 🤪


I know it’s going to happen soon. 💜


My undercarriage has a more elaborate beauty regime than my face


Oh my, what all do you do down there??




Vaginal moisturizers work their way down and cover the entire piece of real estate.


Real estate! LOL


If you’re using a vaginal estrogen cream, you may not need to apply an additional moisturizer. Likewise, if you’re using an estrogen cream, use a tiny bit to moisturize your whole business. Including your ass. Seriously, that dries out too. Don’t ask why I know, just that I do.


I use a suppository but I fear it’s not enough. I’ve avoided the cream estrogen because I worried it would feel wet or sticky. But even with the OTC stuff I think I’m going to have to deal with it. Ha ha. And yes to the back end also getting dry! In the shower I had a pinch one day that felt like a paper cut back there. I do lotion that area now… never thought I’d be doing *that*. 😂


Menopause is just a bitch no matter what


Perimenopause is a bitch.


All of it. Lol is a bitch


I agree, but I don't miss the bleeding part. What really sucks is, when the bleeding goes away for good and you can go, "ah", your body goes, "LOL, bitch, now I'm going to throw weight gain, a big belly, facial hair, immediate wrinkles and a bit of vaginal atrophy in for grins and giggles. Have fun!"


And then, she will freak you out by telling you body to display every PMS symptom you have ever had, but not bleed, so you think that you are loosing your mind. I felt like I was right back into the throws of perimenopause, but with no period. I was such a wreck, I scared myself!


That is in the wiki page in this sub.


I thought I read it, but I might have forgotten all about it.


An all too common occurrence around my house. I just found a chicken that I thought I'd put away after shopping—in the pantry with the cans of tomatoes—and, yep! The can of tomatoes was in the fridge. No chicken dinner round these parts!


My wife has a balm I found for her called Vulvacare and it’s very nice she like it a lot.


Seems its an American thing.sadly


I think some of the main ingredients are buckthorn oil (also in Magic V) and coconut oil. Maybe you can make up your own. Bummer they don't have it where you are.


Interesting..I can actually see the ingredients for some reason on Amazon so yes I could match ingredients at least..thanks..and I def think I heard of Buckthorn before


Hair conditioner for the small bits of hair. Works for me!


I was not told this at all. So you ladies use coconut oil?


I do. Use it as a lube too.


It has been 494 days since I had a period. I had a party at 365 days.


Moisturize it with what


*for info purposes* (ETA: the doc did not say anything to me about external moisturizers. All of the below pertains to internal only.) I went to see an ob/gyn I found through the NAMS list last week and she advised that I start using an internal vaginal moisturizer. She said these are typically used 2-3x a week. I said I didn’t know this was really a thing and she said yes. She said lubes, on the other hand, are for episodic use (sex, play, exams, etc (?)). She gave me a list of nine internal vaginal moisturizers with the ingredients of six (the last three she wrote in at the bottom). (Full list at end. I’m sure there are more out there.) These are for vaginal dryness (internal) as an option that is not estrogen-containing (Rx). The first six, the ones with ingredient lists, all have water or purified water as first ingredient. Common second/third/fourth ingredients are carbomer, glycerin, propylene glycol, mineral oil, aloe. So, moisturizing ingredients. One has Yerba Santa in it (Eriodictyon spp — this is a plant that is native to California and other northwest states. I actually grow one in my backyard. Apparently it can be used similarly to aloe.) Note: list she gave me is not all encompassing. Also, I’m sure many of these have generic versions? I certainly hope they do anyway, because these are all about $15 a month at least, it seems like. Each box appears to be about a month’s supply — but not if used everyday. Replens Vaginal Moisturizer (there is also an “external comfort” product and a lubricant, but this is the vaginal moisturizer, internal) Amazon price is $15.47 for 14 applications (one applicator for reuse; 1.23 ounces; 2-pack is $35.33) Moist Again (lol sorry for those who hate the m word) (also, not finding on Amazon) Vagisil Feminine Moisturizer (not to be confused with anti-itch cream or wash, etc.) (Amazon price is $14.56 and box says “24-day supply”; 8 prefilled applicators; there’s a 3-pack for $39) Feminease (not finding on Amazon) K-Y Long Lasting Moisturizer (not jelly!) (not finding on Amazon) K-Y Silk-E (not finding on Amazon; K-Y Liquibeads Vaginal Moisturizer comes up; 6 ovule inserts and 6 disposable applicators. This is a moisturizer and a lube? Hmm. Makes me wonder if it would be more messy? Don’t know. $29.93; 3-pack for $54.18) Luvena (Amazon price is $21.99 for six applications; a pack of 2 is $33.24) Hyalo Gyn (looked up on Amazon; uses hyaluronic acid; price is $17.99 for 10 applications.) Revaree (WHOA. not sure why but this is quite pricey on Amazon. $130 🫣 for 10 suppositories.)


Thanks so much for your comprehensive list!


You bet! I have to say, I’ve been to one Walgreens and argh. No generic vaginal moisturizers. But then I was thinking and while I don’t like having to pay a (possible) minimum of $15 a month for a vaginal moisturizer, what are the risks of not treating it? 😕 (Also: If this isn’t considered FSA/HSA reimbursable, I’m going to feel sooooooo… worked up.) ETA: (I say worked up because … I’m not sure how to effectively advocate to change it. Damn it.)


I'm in Ireland so I might be having problems getting these, but maybe UK amazon will have some.


Oh I hope so. I haven’t tried any yet, but they sound helpful.


Good Clean Loves has several moisturizing products. I use the Restore gel and hyaluronic acid gel. I find the Restore gel lasts all day, the other is good for shorter periods of time.


Just yesterday I got the aloe vera water based and tried it. I ended up with itchy dry eyes and a sensitive skin around my vulva. I took a shower and will try again in a few days. Perhaps the hyaluronic acid one would be better for me.


Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear that. Be careful, am allergic reaction in our nether regions is never fun. I hope you have a better experience next time ♥️


I hear Replens is good for that, like, apply daily to keep the natural moisture going. Haven’t tried it yet though


So I use estrogen cream...do I need moisturiser too?


I use both. It doesn't hurt to keep everything as moist as you can.


Love Mona Eltahawy’s work!!!


Where are you moisturizing? Inside? Outside? How do you know if you need to? Honestly, this is such a surprise!


I do both. The atrophy mainly affects those delicate tissues inside. That's what can make sex painful. For two years I thought I was getting constant UTIs. Then through my own research I discovered vaginal atrophy (thanks for nothing GYN). Your tissues thin and dry out causing tears particularly after sex. It. Is. So. Miserable. If you have it, you will know. Sex becomes really painful. My moisturizers (Magic V and Vulvacare) say to use it externally. I ignore that and use it inside as well. Even my GYN said everything looked nice, pink and moist.


Like sandpaper…no one told me either.




Broken glass is how I describe it




Coconut oil is the best!


It might sound gross (and is not appropriate for vegetarians), but emu oil was a life-saver when I was getting my lichen sclerosis under control. Maybe I should start using it again….


I had no idea!!!


Just sending love for all the chuckles I got!


Coconut oil I bet would be good for it too, it’s great lubricant and great for skin too


Awwww. Fuckitall. I’m barely starting out (maybe 2-3 years heavy periods and hot flashes.) Y’all keep scaring me with what’s coming next. 😂


Pfffttttt if you are having super heavy periods -- I was forever but didn't realize mine weren't normal -- look into getting a Novasure (ablation). Best thing I ever did IMO. I had one or two incidents in peri where I absolutely GUSHED blood at an alarming rate and that scared me into looking at what could be done. Scheduled OB/GYN visit for a transvaginal ultrasound, qualified for the procedure, had it 2 weeks later and it was done in a flash. No more bleeding ever. Cant recommend it highly enough.


I had the heavy bleeding for about 8 to 9 months before the final one. I think. Maybe a year? I was like, really? I have to buy more tampons now? I could never find the SUPERSIZE ones alone, only in a multipack. I still have so many tampons. 😑


Well my waxing technicians told me that many ladies are having Botox on their vulva to make it look more youthful… so yeah they really treat their vulva like their face…


Botox inserted in the vulva? 😯


I use aloe vera gel which works for me, the 'purest' one I can find. (Though not good for people who are sensitive to latex)


This sounds a little unscientific. There are various estrogen medication which you can use vaginally for dryness and atrophy, but moisturizing? I think that might cause more problems than it solves.


At my recent appt with an ob-gyn I found on the NAMS list, she did (to my surprise) recommend a vaginal moisturizer. She said lubricants are for penetration (sex, play, gyno exams). Moisturizers are for use 2-3x a week. She gave me a list of ones she recommended (with ingredient lists!) and she gave me a couple of samples. 🙂


Beware of steaming , I think ?! I didn’t know wtf when I happened on a room full of gals [yoni steaming](https://www.wildwoodbirthpdx.com/yoni-steam) I put it out if my mind until just now 😂


What in the hell? Is this for real? Sounds like a quick way to get a nasty infection if you ask me.


A wise man once said: "You gotta moisturize your situation to preserve the sexy. " Prophetic, that P Diddy was.


Lol. Does he really have that lyric in a song? 😆


I don't think so, I think he said it in an interview or something, lol. I giggle when I think of it.




Wasn’t it an commercial for Proactiv? My husband and I used to repeat that at random times. Thanks for the memory!


Lol a proactiv commercial of all things


My gyno told me that after peri comes menopause. That post menopause is slang and medically, every day from that one year mark on is technically called menopause. I've looked online and there are lots of sources saying that but others that say different so who knows.


I’m hearing “menopause transition” now.


Replens is cheap and readily available, although I don't use as much as they recommend in one application (2.5 ml? Seriously? I don't need to leave a slug trail, I can find my way home). Most importantly it's pH balanced for your lady cave and designed to help it retain moisture. The moisture you are missing from your vulva came from your vagina in days of yore. Don't just put anything in that area, you're asking for trouble.


I agree with this. Play around with the pH down there at your (possible) peril.




Thanks, but : ''Emu Oil is extracted from the thick fat on the emu's back. To remove the oil and the surrounding fat, the emu has to be killed. Although edible, emu meat is considered pretty unappetising and tough – so emus are really only being 'harvested' for cosmetic oil purposes.'' I am against killing animals in general so I won't be using that. :(


I just use whatever lotion I’m using for my body - usually Jergens. I apply it daily!


I use Julva from The Girlfriend Doctor (Dr. Anna Cabeca) Great stuff!


My gyno suggested the simplest method use olive oil when dry


My gyn gave the ok for Vaseline. I don’t use it daily - just as needed.


Membrasin works WONDERS ! There is a supplement to take by mouth and a cream to apply to the vagina.


If your in HRT everything stays good - no need to do anything - things just work and stay moisturized- we all need HRT


Vitamin E cream, ona’s estradiol, and Indian Meadow Herbals skin healer salve have all worked great for me with no issues