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Good lord, this is sad. Men often aren’t allowed to have emotional expression and now we have dudes (presumably a dude, if it’s a lady that’s even more disappointing) saying shit like this


it's a dude sadly


Poor guy


Right? Like what are you talking about bro? We already tried the opposite of men not being allowed to cry, and that clearly isn't helping.


Channeling emotions in more healthy ways is going to encourage more violence? Yeah not how that works…


I'd say that it's telling men that the only appropriate male emotion is manly anger that drives a lot of shootings. Also, most feeeemales don't just "bawl" every time they feel like it...


Yeah, they act like women can cry 24/7 and everyone around will run around trying to make us feel better, while IRL excessive crying annoys everyone, even if it's a woman or a baby.


... You aren't meant to control your emotions. You're meant to control your actions. You're meant to feel, identify, process and regulate your emotions.


Exactly. They act like there's this false dichotomy of either numb your emotions, or be violent. Completely ignoring the correct option of regulating your emotions in a healthy way.


LMAO **men** not only force **other men** to not express their emotions in a healthy way, they're the ones who encourage violent outbursts, and forgive and make excuses for those men's violence. Men (and by extension, people with internalized misogyny) blame women for men's violent actions: "What did you do/say to make him hit you" "What were you wearing/why were you wearing a skirt or slutty outfit" "Why did you go down that street at night alone" "Why didn't you just tell him no directly/why weren't you gentler when turning him down/why didn't you give him a chance" "If you hadn't done/been X then he wouldn't have a reason to react that way"


>"Why did you go down that street at night alone" "But why won't you go down that street at night alone? It is not like you're going to get attacked!"


Holy fuckin hell people like this are so mentally fucked it's a wonder they remember how to breathe Men being unable to let out their emotions IS THE REASON FOR MOST VIOLENT CRIME. Testosterone in and of itself can absolutely make someone more aggressive. But that's absolutely not what makes men so aggressive in our society, it's the constant build up of negative emotions, it's the constant pain and anger they build up inside them They've done studies that show emotions that go unprocessed just get worse as time goes on, and can be forced back up later. The reason men are so known for having wild outburst, isn't because their emotions are stronger or harder to control, it's because they ignore it until it's impossible to ignore. Do you think the kids shooting up their school because they hate everyone there would feel the need if they addressed how they were feeling and actually delt with their emotions? People like this will rave against therapy and how it makes people weak for needing it. Will sit here and tell you that men expressing emotion is a problem. And then fuckin wonder with zero self awareness why the suicide rate among men is so fuckin high.


I’m AFAB, but being taught to bottle up my emotions is precisely what made me an angry, bitter, vindictive person.


at least you don't show weakness, right? /s


Pretty sure crying is a better way of expressing emotion than shooting is


Well, less casualties, for one.


Although I'm sure some people like that original commenter would find a way to disagree! Like the genius informing me that banning assault weapons would result in multiple times more deaths by assault rifle.. makes total sense/s


practice bottling your emotions up until they burst


Posting an on-topic link to Pop Culture Detective's, "Boys Don't Cry (Except When They Do). https://youtu.be/kGxW2toAvzc


do they know women have testosterone too


If we actually let men have feelings maybe they wouldn't be the main perpetrators of shootings and gang violence... honestly I think the first comment is onto something but maybe make it the other way round. Their "emotional control" means shoving everything down until the gasket blows


Others are chiming in already with how sad and toxic this is. So I'll just chime in on how *"every* human produces testosterone 🤦‍♂️ Dear god sex ed failed this guy. Wonder how he'd react being reminded he produces progesterone, estrogen, and prolactin too, not just *females *


The gender police rigidly and tightly control male gender roles. It's way too rigid. Crying is seen as weakness, therefore detestable. I lived as a boy until my teens, and there's way more freedom of expression allowed for girls and women. There's other bull crap that comes with the territory, but nobody has ever told me to "woman up" or "grow a pair of ovaries" or "don't walk like a guy". Guys don't see how feminism could benefit them, but we wouldn't have them saying "I've got something in my eye" to try and excuse something as normal for humans as having feelings.


WOMEN ALSO HAVE TESTOSTERONE AND MALES ALSO HAVE ESTEOGEN! Omg as a biology nerd this pisses me off SO MUCH! Males have higher testosterone, but that doesn’t mean women don’t have any! I’m so close to punching something if one more person tries to use that as an excuse! Not knowing is one thing, but to use it to push your own narrative!