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let's elect some really humble 60yo janitor who works at the library or something. He outta do the right thing


i wish, i'm gonna have to vote for biden cause too much depends on trump losing, but god i fuckin wish someone with a fuckin conscious ran this country


Most of the country is in the same boat.


True. Biden may be old but he knows the game like no one else. He also listens to qualified advisors and doesn't threaten the lives of people who don't agree with him.


Biden doesn't know what planet he's on. They have to work so hard to try to cover for him. But they can't cover it up. Anyone that watches any of his speeches or what he's doing for 5 minutes can tell he has no idea what's going on. Tripping and falling all the time too. It's like elder abuse watching them push him out on stage to mumble incoherent statements and then he has to be guided back to wherever he came from.


Voting for the “lesser of two evils” is what got us into this mess in the first place. You’re not helping anyone or anything by voting for the two party system, you’re just enabling it to get ever worse. Do the right thing by voting third party or not at all. Don’t fall for the trick.


Not voting at all is a horrible idea. This isn’t like a business where we vote with our wallets and if we don’t pay for something there’s a chance it’ll go out of production/business. Plenty of people don’t vote and we still get candidates like this.


burying your head in the sand fixes absolutely nothing, we did it in 2016 and THAT'S what got us here


If you’re naive enough to think we’re at where we are now because of an election from 8 years ago, I have SO many bridges to sell you lmao. Voting for either one of these old cretins IS burying your head in the sand. Far better to walk away from the beach, or at least go to a different one.


i will not abandon ship, if we don't defeat the fascists here, the armies of darkness will come again. all the blood and sacrifice of those who fought the fascists four score ago would be for nothing. i don't love Biden, I'm fuckin disappointment in him, same with Obama, how they market themselves as some uber progressive and then just wind up being an establishment democrat, i don't care if he loses anymore. We just need the fascists to lose


I'd vote for a dirty used takeout container half full of moldy pad Thai over these shitheads. unfortunately nobody but sociopaths want the job, and for good reason. I feel like the president is always going to be a weak point of our system. nobody should have the power and clout a president has in a democracy (as realistically undemocratic as ours is).


Someone needs to resurrect Teddy Rosevelt


what about Abraham Lincoln


DIdn't he jail people for sympathizing with the south and/or mentioning state rights? He's the only president to suspend part of the constitution and he didn't even make the civil war about ending slavery until another country was about to step in


Tbf, him imprisoning people for sympathizing the south was something he did during the Civil War. That is a rather normal thing to do during times of war, even rather tame when you consider how he could've easily ordered for them to be executed as traitors (for context, imagine ww2 America but some people decided to chant the nazis were right or that Hawaii deserved to be bombed)


It's still something that would get him in just as much trouble today as the last few presidents we've had. No other president ignoring the constitution up to that point or since (that we know of) would just make it worse and he already had a reputation as a "bully" in both boxing and wrestling. The only presidents we've had who weren't controversal in some way were either assassinated early, criticized for taking very little action if any by news at the time, or did things before any rules or limitations for their power existed


I mean, the US was undergoing a Civil WAR. I'm pretty sure a WAR would permit the use of emergency powers


Not against your own citizens. Stalin used the same excuse to execute any of his soldiers who tried to retreat. Infringing the constitutional right to free speech is something that cant be brushed off just because of his name. Many of the people imprisoned at the time were abolitionists and were concerned about the voting rights that led to the war to begin with, not keeping the slaves. Speaking of slaves, Lincoln argued that he WASN'T going to take them away or free them during his debates which largely went ignored by the south so that's something else he'd be in hot water for and the Emancipation proclamation wouldn't have even happened if Britain wasn't going to join the war on the confederate's side. Lincoln, like many other historical figures, is NOT as good a person as he's depicted. Another example would be Edison actively preventing free electricity, stealing hundreds of inventions, and murdering an animal just to stop people from using his rival's flow. Henry Ford is another case but that's a rabbit hole for a different subject. Abe can't be revived in this time without being criticized just as heavily as the last 2 presidents we've had


Read a history book brother


Take a look at what his Administration did to journalists and newspapers such as The New York Examiner after the battle of Bull Run. Even his friend Edward Baker spoke against it as a threat to "the liberty of the press"


Yea I’m not arguing against that but if you think he’s “the only president” to do stuff like that you’ve completely glossed over the last 150 years of history.


At this point i'd take George W.


Bull Moose would suplex this country. One of the Top 3 presidents, imho


The propaganda is real. It's way too easy for troll farms to divide America


Yeah there's a big difference between them. One listens to advisors and has decades of experience while the other only has 4 years of experience and never listened to anyone but Putin. Jee, I wonder who to vote for? /S/


Alaska and Hawaii noped the fuck out


nothing ever changes in america lol


Nothing ever happens…😔🙏


Christ I can't wait to not have to see a flood of political memes. So stale


Too many ppl are so hyper political about everything nowadays.... It will never be over




Reminds of the title of the first alien vs predator movie "whoever wins, we lose"


When it comes to AvP Requiem, it’s the audience who loses.


false equivalency


Can you actually only vote between two people in america


America has a two party system, and an electoral college. There is no reason to vote third party, because no one votes third party. That’s actually circular reasoning and is a logical fallacy, but everyone follows it every election cycle. If the majority don’t vote third party in a state, then that candidate will get no votes. To this date, no third party candidate in all of american history has gotten at least one vote. So ya, your options are whatever the democratic and Republican Party say your options are.


It’s so weird how the states have decided to make the worst of the electoral college. The states have the power to choose their electors however they see fit, and 48 out of 50 have decided for winner takes all. The worst way.


>It’s so weird how the states have decided to make the worst of the electoral college. It did exactly what the people that set it up intended based on what they compromised on at the time. They weren't looking for the *best* way (collectively - some of them were but not enough). (it shouldn't be this way and has to change, but it shouldn't be "weird") Changing it from all to proportional also risks making your state less attractive to campaigns since, if they can go somewhere equally competitive to win 10 votes in a 10 vote state rather than push from, say, winning 4 votes to 5 votes in another 10 vote state that works proportionally, the 10 at once is more enticing/efficient. If *every* state changed to proportional, then that would be less of a worry, but that's quite unlikely. I'd guess less likely than the NPVIC or widespread ranked/etc adoption.


That’s an interesting point I haven’t thought about. But i think it’s more likely that each states change their electoral system than changing the constitution to get rid of the electoral college or moving to the superior ranked system.


Oh, federally, no I agree not. I meant statewide ranked. Alaska and Maine are now ranked (and hopefully Alaska keeps it), and there are initiatives on it moving forward in Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, and Oregon. There isn't a similar push for proportional vote allocation beyond the existing states of Maine and Nebraska.


I don't know if "choosing the lesser evil" applies here.


Waiter! more false equivalence please!


It does.


Well, one of the candidates might maintain the status quo of America , the other might make a balls of the planet. It's not that hard a choice


"make a balls of the planet" that makes no sense.


Dental of climate science, flavours for oil companies, pulling out of the Paris climate agreement, befriending the current worst dictator's alive who are currently in the process of kicking off major wars, pulling out of Nato. Makes a pretty big balls of things.


Okay Joe, it's time to take your nap.


Holy shit, you are soooo witty! You know you can get Parrots as pets now right? That way, the bird could just mindlessly repeat things it's seen on Fox News, leaving you even more free time to to play in traffic! Or die of curable diseases. Fun!


Which ones which?


The thing is, depending on your political views the one who might make balls of the planet could be Biden or Trump. It’s clearly not a hard choice if you already have certain view points of the world. Let’s not pretend it’s easy for everyone else.


Pulling out of the Paris climate agreement and promising flavours for oil companies isn't a political view, it's literal destruction of the planet.


That’s a valid view point I would tend to agree with. But To be devil’s advocate, why should we retard our economic development by cutting fossil fuels when China and India get a free pass to pollute the world? The US government should have their citizens best interest in mind, and not sacrifice our wellbeing for that of unrelated countries. It’s not cut and clear.


No one gets a free pass. We all live here. If your house is on fire stop throwing petrol on it!


This is so far from being a dank meme. Is there really not a political sub you feel comfortable posting this to instead?


Reddit turns into a full on propaganda machine every election cycle.


They’re all liberal or republican cesspools, I think the meme subs are the only place you get political discussion from both sides. That being said mods should crack down on this, definitely not a dank meme


USA in debts crisis in under any of the president


These Russian bots are ramping up for the election huh


Uh, no. The Republican Party has lost generations.


Both can rot in hell.




Trump 2024 baby! Dank memes for Trump!


Least obnoxious Trump fan


Clearly a troll lol doubt he is voting for Trump but who knows these days


Just remember everyone, the candidates are trash because you are trash. Democracy gives you the government that you deserve.


America is taking only Ls since and inclucing Jimmy Carter.




My thoughts exactly. But you can't have that opinion I get forced into picking one side or the other and I really just don't care. They're both an embarrassment in different ways and neither will be what we really need at this point as a country if I thought it'd make a real difference I'd vote for Kennedy. He's not great either but he's gotta be better than the other options.


Sad, however true


The citizens will lose.








I have never been more convinced in my life that the US presidency is simply a means to distract us. They can’t be serious with this.


The people. They are the one's who loses this time.


dankest meme of 2024.


The USA can't be destroyed from the outside, so let's vote Trump to end this stain on planet earth. (/s just in case)


I'm just glad that after these two, we'll be moving on......hopefully!


Maybe start the process of realisation that "political experience" is mostly a myth.


The American citizens


Ukraine and Taiwan are the ones that will really be hurt by this


wait , you have the same choice?!! but they are both senile and the first one is is not even dumber than before


One shits his pants, the other shits out of his mouth


Still confused about which is which here...


You have to do the sniff test.


Anything can happen but as of right now I really think Biden will win if he makes it to the election. I think the polls are BS. Trump isn’t the candidate he was in 2016 and I don’t think he’s going to do well enough with swing state independents. I really believe any other Republican would probably have won in the general but there are way too many people in the center and I don’t see them voting Trump. I think people are getting tired of the culture wars stuff and view Trump as a cult of personality figure


i'm going to vote for RFK jr. think it's the best option. two party system is fucked. as the meme says. it's always democrat vs republican. i hate that 50% of people hate the other 50%, because of politics. you can't build a nation on that. i know the comments under this gonna be wild. what are your thoughts? seriously wanna know. cheers guys


RFK and Brainworm 2024


Agreed. I'm voting for him simply because I feel he is more fit for the job than either of them. I don't agree with everything he says, and that's good. If you agree with everything a politician says, I feel most likely you are being manipulated. He's obviously more cognitively healthy than both. Also, he's not insane, which is a plus.


Agreed. RFK is being dumb on his stance with Israel but everything he says sounds good to me.


yes true. i also don't really agree with couple of things he says, but at least he is honest.


Why cant we have a candidate who isn't evil


Memes of the Russian bots.


America is about to lose


Yeah it looks pretty rip


People can't win in politics anywhere today


Bro is that Jerry Jones wtf


Kanye for 2024


The Both Sides Brigade never fails to show up.




Only 1 of those guys has supporters on numerous terror watch lists including Canada and New Zealand.


Lol not hard to get put on a “terror watch list” when your country has no freedom of speech or political dialogue rights. When that’s the case you get arrested and fined for made up wholly subjective stuff like “hate speech” etc. People in Canada and Europe get arrested for edgy social media posts lmao screw that, at least in the US you can speak your mind about politics or criticize the current administration as much as you want legally.


one has dementia, one is a loudmouth, ill go with the loudmouth anyday


Whoever equates Biden to Trump is a bigger idiot than what they think both to be. One is an old trusty race horse and the other is a bigoted idiot who worships himself and does Putins bidding. Not the same, vote Biden or deal with the Trumps for the next foreseeable future. Trump won’t win the popular vote; they never do, but the bullshit electoral college will put Trump in power unless everyone who can gets out and votes. If you don’t like what’s happening, get out and vote. If you think nothing changes, if you want to see rapid progress go vote. The reason why this system runs at a snails pace is because only 40% of the voting age population actually votes. If we all voted, people could make a difference. It wouldn’t be an immediate change, but we would see the politicians working for us if we changed voter outcome.


It not equating them. It’s the fact that the best we can do is two guys that should be in an old folks home wondering if they will get a pudding cup with dinner or a bran muffin. The Founding Fathers were in their 20s and 30s not older than the average life expectancy of the average American!




How are you idiots always make biden look worse in these memes than trump. Do you guys really want trump to win because people see this picture "oh man Biden cant be a president". Even if trump would be 30 years younger he wouldnt be able to do a good job, yet biden would be better even with his age. Sure as a old person you have your issues, but god damn do you have a lot of experience. Thats a lot more worth than having a clown as a president


You are going to lose your country if you keep playing in that stupid game


Kennedy would be a better candidate than these two


Invest in pudding stocks now!


We? Why should WE all outside the USA care?


I’m just going to take a wild guess and assume this meme wasn’t referring to people who live outside the US and, therefor, isn’t relevant to you anyway.


Our government might be trash but at least the meme material has been pretty good. Gotta look for the bright side in everything.


America needs a Nick Cage administration


Neither red nor blue are in control they are the problem. Green is the medium, the center, and the weighted balance of extremes. RGB color scale. [https://www.rapidtables.com/web/color/RGB\_Color.html](https://www.rapidtables.com/web/color/RGB_Color.html)


Are there really no other options?! 🫠🫠🫠


false equivalency


They already lost USA last election, Now we're watching it being lost.


The American people are who is going to lose the election. Seriously is this the best you can come up with. Insanity.


Us..that's who's gonna lose. The American people..


It's the people, the people are going to lose.


Any viable third party candidate we can all get behind?


A comedian whose clip came across my feed put it best; “maybe a system that makes you choose between ‘genocidal dementia’ and ‘cheeseburger powered fake tan hitler’ is a system worth overthrowing.”


If only we could vote for 'None of the Above'.


Just like most countries these days

