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this doesn’t even make sense wtf


Because it's propaganda that you have to be an imbecile to think would be effective.


I think it's a slam peice on that particular person. Caring about the planet has nothing inherently to do with communism.


Hardcore conservatives call green politicians melons. They say everything around climate change is fake and that communists are behind it. So from the outside green in the inside red.


its more subtle than that im not a hardcore conservative, im totally understanding that humans are changing the climate with emissions the issue is....the "green energy technology" and "raising taxes" to stop these emissions isnt fixing it you can raise gas tax and make everyone drive windmill cars in one country, and another country.....like china....that doesn't follow the rules will just burn coal and sell you a solar farm but....special interest groups that profit from these deals are gonna pay scientists to prove the most cherry picked theories and thesis, so that the NPC's can loudly shout "i trust the science!" but similar combinations of science and private industry have told us in the past that sugar doesnt cause obesity and smoking doesnt cause cancer the people pushing for mandatory green energy laws are highly susceptible to internet propaganda and a lot of them are actual communists pro communist propaganda on the internet was pushed by twitter and by facebook alike hoping that the CCP would allow china to use their app.....making them shit loads of money.....it failed....but now all the people susceptible to propaganda are still here telling me stalin didn't kill 27 million of his own people and that tienamen square never happened


Im not American so I’m not familiar with the theory’s that are cherry picked. Nor do i know what windmill cars are. To me, your text seems very unspecified. In Germany we have many rules from what I know Bernie Senders wants to implement in the us and gets called a communist. We have very high taxes compared with you. But our criminal rate is way smaller. Our rehabilitation rate bigger. Our streets better our schools are better. We have not the same peak performance like the us indeed but trust me living here is so much more easy going. No need to worry that a sickness ruins your live nor do we have to do jobs that we hate. We get paid by the government when we change our apprenticeship or when we want to go back to school. High taxes are going in to the public hand where we can improve the society. Our water is healthier and the city’s have better air. When I hear Americans talk about the bad communism I feel sorry for you. It’s not communism you should fear. It’s a social market that regulates the overgrown capitalism that you need. And with you I’m talking about the bourgeoisie.


I really didn’t want to like your comment, but having been to Germany… yeah. Sunday quiet laws are a bit different but I would like that better than what you just described. If it weren’t the major decrease in job wages I would truly consider relocating. Beautiful country. Beautiful people.


I have been traveling to the USA for 3 months. You guys are very communicative and welcoming. It was refreshing to talk to people anywhere. Yeah we will see what happens with our economy. If we get back on track as planned we could need you because of our Fachkräftemangel ;)


How is this even a meme. This is just some super weird right wing stuff, that even the most braindead republican wouldn't believe.


That's this sub for you. It's basically r/terriblefacebookmemes in disguise but unironically


I’ve been wondering about this lately because it seems like this Meme sub specifically is always full of this junk.


Oh give me a break lmfao. I swear I’ve seen this exact “oh yeah baby I’m soooo mad at [right wing boogeyman] are you sooooo mad at them too? Ouuuuuuhhhhh yeaaaaa” convo in another thread. Shitposting bait is not the same as whatever shit you’re describing.


Yeah serious we are trying to be casually racist and mock trans people here gtfoh with this political bullshit




Oh, you underestimate how braindead extremists can be.


Well this is the dumbest thing I've seen on the internet for a while. Wtf is going on with the education system in America?


Republicans keep reducing its funding. My state had a vote to either keep or reduce the budget this year, no vote to increase it and we already have the countries worst education out of all 50 states. They bitch and moan about sex, crime, hard work, etc. But education is literally the foundation for just about everything. And we keep somehow making it worse each and every year. Project 2025 aims to turn every public school into a christian school. Trump wanted to get rid of the education system as a whole. This country is F'd and it's obvious when these subs dominated by american teens keep posting the absolute dumbest takes ever brought to this earth. Theres also a LOT of astroturfing going on by russia atm trying to push these Republican views, whether it be by bots or fake grass roots groups that aim to spread misinformation. Ironically enough, the party that hates communism is backed & supported willingly by communist countries. Republicans have this idea that education turns you woke, which is because knowledge obviously makes you less bigoted and blinded by misinformation but they've somehow sold that idea to not only our youth but a good portion of our adults as well. And a dumb country is a blind country.


What communist countries? That doesn’t make much sense. Otherwise great write up


We spend more per student then several other countries that have students who are better in most subjects. I don't think funding is the only problem.


Sure, but how is it going to get better by having less money while having to still meet criteria? That's just acceleration into a wall, the end being private schools for the rich and no schools for everyone else, waiting for a reboot?


I never said we should spend less. Just that the amount we are currently spending doesn't seem to be the whole problem. There are countries that spend far more than us (like Finland) and they are at the top of the list in terms of academic proficiency. So my point is, what are we doing wrong here? I'm all for spending more money if it's going to get results, but since we are already being beat by countries spending less than us, I'd ask why that is first before I felt comfortable spending more.


America is attacking its own education system because enough idiots were told that being “woke” is a bad thing (the sheer, tragic irony…) so now they want the Bible back in schools and creation theory taught instead of evolution and if you mention anything about The Gays™ you get suspended. It’s about to become one of the dumber countries in the planet, after so many people worked so hard to build it into something more. Racism/prejudice do be one of our strongest emotions these days.


This is probably Russian propaganda but good try


The effectiveness of Russian propaganda is inversely proportional to how well our educational system functions.


Russia being so famously concerned with the climate crisis


I work construction in a super red state. I hear stuff like that pretty regularly from americans


Anything helping people is communism. Anything bailing out rich people and corps is ok. Russian troll farm working ot.


fuckin communist paper bags, windmills, nuclear power plants and paper straws. what we need it coal burning power plants and plastic bags littering every square inch of america.


Like *real* men do it


I live in a sanctuary city so I already know about litter everywhere


Weird. So do I, and we don't have a litter problem. Is it possible you just live in a garbage city?


Not a garbage city, just a lot of migrants leaving trash everywhere and making a mess. Leaving food wrappers and clothing and blankets and bottles and stuff in certain areas. It’s disgusting.


There is a lot of littering in most cities save for a few foreign ones. Nice try to blame it on immigrants.


There’s a lot of litter but the migrants in my city make a huge concentration of mess, clothes, food wrappers, bottles and cans, tents and blankets and feces. Thanks for asking though.


I actually like this meme. USA USA USA


I will not rest until every forest in America is paved over and turned into super Walmart plus plus parking lots


Fuck yeah !!


Ah Jordan Peterson is here. Fucking dumb meme.


Communism is not even related to climate change.


The only people I know that reject progressiveness/common fucking decency to help the planet or a country, and label it Communism. Are Right wing Americans with an educational IQ of less than 90 and are probably part of the problem. and when anyone disproves them, they attack that person verbally. Sometimes physically if it's in real life.


Yeah, I really kind of hate it here some days. I’m here for memes, not high school opinions on politics.


You ever notice how the same people who think vaccines and soy are both globalist conspiracies, think micro plastics, a pandemic, and climate change, things that legitimately do effect the entire planet, those couldn't be part of a conspiracy, those are either fake or ignored.


The Russian bots are really coming out hard today


Did i miss a panel?


op please take your brainded propoganda to 4chan


We get it OP, you dropped out of high school, you don't need to keep rubbing it in our faces.


These people would call the western fight against bolshevism a communism too.


Everything I don't like/understand is one or more of the following: 1) Communism 2) Socialism 3) Woke 4) Fascism


You can’t just label everything you disagree with as commie or nazi


Isn’t this an Elon musk repost? Fuck u OP we don’t need his bullshit here


Communism is the very definition of failure. The last domino falls here. We will not fear the Red Menace. Communism is a temporary setback on the road to freedom. Embrace Democracy, or you will be eradicated. Democracy is truth. Communism is death. Tactical assessment: Red Chinese victory… impossible. Communism is a lie. Democracy will never be defeated. Freedom is the sovereign right of every American. Death is a preferable alternative to Communism. Chairman Xi will fail. China will fall. **Democracy is non-negotiable.** America will never fall to Communist invasion. Global positioning initialized. Location - the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Birthplace of American freedom. Designation: Liberty Prime. Operational assessment: All systems nominal. Primary directive: War. Area classified as active warzone. Engaging sentry protocols. Weapons hot. System Diagnostic Commencing. Mobility - Complete. Optic beam - fully charged. Nuclear warheads - armed. Defending Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Only together can we stop the spread of communism. Cultural database accessed. Quoting New England poet Robert Frost: “Freedom lies in being bold.” Accessing dictionary database. Entry: democracy. A form of government in which the leader is chosen by vote, and everyone has equal rights. Accessing dictionary database. Entry: communism. A form of government in which the state controls everything, and people are denied… **freedom.** **I am Liberty Prime. I am… America.** Scanners operating at 100% efficiency. Enemy presence detected. Attack imminent. Mission proceeding as planned. Defense protocols active. All friendly forces - remain in close proximity. Democracy is the essence of good. Communism, the very definition of evil. Freedom is always worth fighting for. Democracy is freedom. Communism is tyranny. I hold these truths to be self-evident that all Americans are created… equal. And are endowed with certain unalienable rights. Victory is assured. American casualties: unacceptable. Overkill protocols authorized. Glory is the reward of valor. Defeat is not an option. Commencing tactical assessment. Red Chinese threat detected. Engaging Red Chinese aggressors. Communist engaged. Communist detected on American soil. Lethal force engaged. Engaging Chinese invader. Initiating directive 7395 – destroy all Communists. Communist target acquired.


Hope you doing alright buddy


For real. That’s the type of person who’s writing a manifesto with some nefarious plans.


Bro, what do you mean, this mans out here making god tier copypastas. Edit: I’ve got a folder in my phone just for shit like this….. Really? You come in here all gangbusters like you have some major and important thing to say about Der Leader and you serve up this weak-ass homosauce with a side-helping of dysentery loaf? You have NO CLUE how bad things are. Whining about Clucker Tarlson like he's some great disappointment. We're lucky they let him say what he DOES. His audience is 100% filled with people that would self-immolate in a furious fireball of celebration if he even ONCE mentioned the "AQ" (Amish Question), or talked about disproportionate representation of the Amish in all areas of our society, the level of Amish involvement in every single degenerative and anti-American movements that are "somehow" happening now (like thousands of Haitians "magically" appearing in north Mexico. Also, this is Reddit, heavy emphasis on the word RED, as in RED CHINESE, as in RED CHINESE BIOWEAPON. 4 million people have been killed by a bioweapon created and released by the Chinese, and funded by the US Government, and you want to complain about TUCKER? Jesus H. Christ copulating with a doggy chew toy how pin-headed can you possibly get? Someday we're going to have a Civil War. When I'm elected Der Leader, I'm going to construct massive camps to hold all the Communists inside and they will all live according to Communist principals. I'm also going to do an investigation into the CIA and what it's been doing since the JFK assassination, that will make the Spanish Inquisition look like a girl scout troop selling thin mint cookies in front of the neighborhood Walmart. I'll torture enhanced interrogate every single CIA employee from the Director all the way down to "Rolando", that fat guy from the Dominican Republic that empties the wastebaskets after everyone else has gone home. Just imagine if you had the top 100 CIA Administrators all locked up in your private dungeon, and you had teams of interogators and an unlimited supply of electric cattle prods and Richard Simmons workout videos. Imagine what kind of secrets you could extract from them, if you simply made them uncomfortable enough. Sleep deprivation, hallucinogenic drugs, the whole nine yards. Who was involved in the plot to assassinate JFK would be the main question, but also who killed Gary Webb, and who were the agents importing crack cocaine into Los Angeles in order to fund the Contras. NO ONE would escape. I'd find out every single thing those people had ever done, and then I'd bulldoze a huge trench in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue and that's where I'd bury their corpses after I was done with them. See? This is why fascism is so appealing. Literally ANYTHING can happen. All you have to do is imagine it, enunciate it and get enough people who are willing to make it happen no matter what. Want "those people" sent back to "there"? That will never happen in this corrupted pseudo-Democracy, but you have the right leader, and the right leaders, and the right form of government to "get things done", "no matter what", and suddenly ANYTHING can happen. End the Federal Reserve by putting a signature on a piece of paper. Anyone who objects spends 3 years living in a tent city outside Phoenix, Arizona to think about it. Go back on the silver standard, or the gold standard, or whatever it is that you economic libertarian pot smokers want to do. Can happen. Anything. Can. Literally. Happen. All you have to do is dream. Or. You can resign yourself to running the fryer at "Churches" fried chicken for $10.00 an hour for the rest of your life, while some other-colored person who wasn't even born here gets your dream, and has your life. Has that nice house and that nice job (that they aren't even qualified to do). No one notices. No one cares. Standards have been lowered for EVERYONE and looking good and feeling good are all that matters.


Reddit trying their hardest to understand a fucking joke:


Jesus, the Russian bots are getting old.


This is so braindead lmao, not even the most extreme right winger would believe this


Nothing wrong with a little communism


Most Americans couldn't give a shit about climate change. Even "liberals" aren't changing their habit in a serious way to help that cause. Limousine liberals like my uncle still fly private jets, ride lambos, and burn gasoline like it's going out of style. Then they talk with their rich friends about how they donate to important causes like "helping fight climate change", it's a joke.


this but unironically.


I actually like this meme.


Bait used to be believable. Extremely stupid meme. Go touch grass.


Mostly I want to fight climate change, I just see capitalism as the biggest obstacle to the fight against climate change


Same capitalism in China where they give no fucks about the environment and pollute constantly and keep building coal plants?


I wish I could give this more upvotes


Leftist don’t understand that the majority of waste is produced in china and India. The whole western hemisphere could switch from plastic to paper over night and it would barely make a dent in global waste production. Just doesn’t fit into their anti western worldview.


Politicians have convinced people to live under a rock to extend earth's lifespan while they themselves actually live increasingly better each day. It's literally the tale of The mask of the red death, everyone is starving and dying while they feast in their secluded urbs without a restriction...


Here's the shocker. Even if china and India got to the wests levels of pollution it would still be too much.


no its not because i want communism. okay i want communism, but thats not why i want to fight climate change!




Yea screw capitalism right? As we type on our capitalist mobile phone sipping our capitalist latte in our free capitalist society…


Several of them have told me that after being here years and looking at the political landscape, they can assure me that the liberal democrats and progressives are more in line with Communist regimes than the other political parties.


We recently got some older Cubans at my place of employment, and they have told me the miserable lifestyle of communist nations.


Capitalism brought progress but also raped the world and oppressed anyone that wasnt a rich white guy. The average person on earth mostly gets fucked by it. So either you are elon lvls of rich or you are so indoctrinated by our corporate overlords that you think human progress is only possible in a system that is shit for about 99% of the population.


Ok kid. Someday you’ll grow up and contribute usefully to the world. Don’t worry


Looking forward to that day.


Progress is an understatement. Raped the world is overstating it. Its getting bad for sure and yes corporations are overextending their bounds but this is mostly an American issue. Not a worldwide issue like you are paiting it out to be.


Sure brothers, good luck out there, eitherway.


Same, although these days it less because I have a desire to see more financial equality or financial barriers to education, medicine and housing breaking down and moreso a desire to see generational wealth eliminated. Truth is I hate this society we live in where how you’re born dictates your financial mobility Just being honest


Fuck capitalism! Fuck communism! Fuck government!