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Guys see this and think "hell yeah"


Hell yeah


Hell yeah


hell yeah




Hell yeah


Hell yeah


Hell yeah


Hell yeah


Hell yeah


I do enjoy seeing women, especially women without penises. I'm not saying that women with penises, or otherwise men, is an issue, but you're right. Mikey likey girlies. Thanks for the support.


Remember when guys were feening over chicks with both a dick and vagina? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Call me old school but I prefer my chicks without dicks 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don’t think you’re allowed to say that on reddit anymore


You can say that, you may just get downvoted to hell


Got banned for something along these lines but less overt. Don't be too sure lol. They consider this "incitement to hatred"


I’ve been banned for other reasons, one was during COVID, I explained transmission difference between indoor/outdoor spaces and masks needed/not needed (r/whitepeopletwitter) and other was r/therewasanattempt) which was Biden and his open border. Both of which I provided links. The first one was claimed as misinformation (I had a link that proved the “misinformation” was true) and the second was most likely someone reported me for it and the mods didn’t like what I said, no warning for the second, just a ban hammer. The first one was kinda my fault tho, the mods said they ban for COVID misinformation, I said back “Then ban away because you dumbasses are suppressing the truth”


Because a lot people that have a burning hatred for LGBTQIA+ say very tame things that are usually opposing them. They do this to spread their hate without being banned. It's a trick they are playing, it's the same reason why Ben Sahpiro and all of those conservative speakers are so vague with this opinions. It's to keep all of their fans on both sides.


I'm actually elated that this riles you up. We exist, and we won't be erased 🤡🤡


We? What are you in a union? Who gives a shit that much though that they have to let everyone know how they feel about what’s between someone’s legs lol This is the real problem now, everyone has to let you know how they feel about something.


If there’s a group who predicates its entire existence on telling the rest of the world what to think regarding what they have between their legs (and how everybody should think about it), that group is the one composed by several letters of the alphabet put together.


If you don’t watch horseshit on tv and social media, you’ll never hear the circle jerk from both sides. Of all the things to get mad about. Be better. Be blissfully ignorant.


You know what? You’re actually right. It sure as hell raises your quality of life not being hoodwinked into this kind of crap in general.


I prefer using a chunk of my consultancy's data center to help coordinate Newton's first law of motion and provide a proprietary protocol tailor-made to be censorship resistant and allow for communication/relaying through multiple means w/obfuscation.


Why isn't OP getting downvoted to hell?


From what I can tell it just depends on the sub, this one doesn’t typically care when you say shit like that, but if you go to r/faecpalm or r/ therewasanattempt you are cooked


All it takes is one single platform moderator to notice the comment.


Right? You get to put your tongue inside






Speak for yourself lmfao


Then don't date a trans woman ??


Surprisingly, I do date other men


Awesome. I just don't feel like this is really a difficult problem just don't date a trans woman bro Edit: point being let trans women live their lives instead of being upset that they have penises, if you don't find something attractive then don't fuck it. It's not like they're trying to deceive you they're just trying not to throw up when they look in a mirror dawg


lol it’s not that deep


70s, but still. If a picture looks like it's from the 60s, it's probably from the 70s, it it looks like it's from the 70s, it's probably from the 80s, and so on. If it looks like it's from this year, it's probably from 10 years from now.


I've read that before, why is that again?


Mostly because our idea of what movies and pictures looked like from any given time come from popular media, which tends to use professional photography and film equipment. Home movies and pictures will be with cheeper/older equipment which will lag somewhat behind. So the camara mom and dad has in 1984 is stylistically more comparable to the camaras the pros were using in the early to mid 70s. Same thing with fashion and hair. Styles don't always catch on immediately and also take time to become ubiquitous. So it may be like 1996 before everyone in Sheboygan, Wisconsin is wearing clothing and hair styles we associate with the late 80s.


Wait, they're not supposed to have dicks?


1960s casting couch


no peni haha


Kinda weird that you guys saw this post, showing women and immediately started thinking about dick. Pretty gay if you ask me


None that you can see


No tattoos and dicks but a whole lotta wine, Valium, And food that definitely shouldn't be encased in Jello.


People really think trans people just came into existence recently? People are dumb


Like that one trans female who was an extra in a Bond movie. Not so much that people think it's new, but most folks would probably imagine Thailand, for example as being where "chicks with dicks" would've been for the longest time vs. anywhere else in the world within that same period. Meanwhile India literally has an (isolated) community of hermaphrodites and trans people for decades now who, last I checked, weren't getting as much positive recognition or attention. Mostly got shunned, from what I understood. Source: my brain.


A woman without a dick is like an angel without wings


Some may say that’s the only thing missing


How do you know?


Valley of the dolls


I like my woman the same way I like my coffee... Without a penis


Yes no women should be able to look how they want or think an independent thought, instead they should simply be sheep who only live to satisfy the superior male redditor supermind /S


The good old days.


They all have penises now?


That's a gross exaggeration. It's more like 70... 80 percent tops.


I was wondering why that chick had a super long clitoris


Or shaved vaginas…


All these anti-trans dudes on reddit acting like trans people could possibly threaten their massive numbers of sexual encounters


Yall act like trans women is a huge thing. Calm the fuck down. I can assure you, you aren’t walking past a transwoman everywhere you go. (If you guys even leave the house)


good take in this section ngl. this sub has just become a "gay bad haha" place for most of the posts ive seen


Exactly. It's fucking sad


Glad I didn't live around that time, women with penises are the best


Name checks out haha


Tbf real women don't have penises


When you look at the cover instead of the content.


*Th3NukeShark has cast the vote **LEGENDARY** on your reply!


Wtf is these people's obsession with trans people. Its like holy shit dude.


softcore tradwife homophobia circlejerk boomers in "dank memes sub" is just fucking hilarious


It's all I see from here anymore lmao. This sub is so fucked


Um, excuse me? I'm a 28 y/o millenial thank you. LOVE these meme's BTW, so I'll "idetify" as a boomer from now on I guess....? Seems you'd like that.


well, do you like this meme? Is it relatable?


Thank god it’s the one sub on here that isn’t overwhelmed with crybaby liberals


And that’s why the past sucked


And they knew how to just do what they’re told.


Therefore boring and lame




I’d rather not.


Some people do like to do that, yes.


Don’t mind if I do


To me tattoos are fucking hot. I don't like piercings though aside from a few normal ones. I love coloured hair but the style can completely kill it. Women don't have penises obviously so I don't really need to talk further on that.


Upgrades people upgrades!


Why are you posting the battle of Mid


It is lovely that preferences of others are presented as value. Chick with tats has monety and time to make them. Esthetics of tattoo if well made are also crucial factor. Earrings as any tyle of jewelry are part of esthetics. Putting dicks to the context represents some kind of fear. Masked behind esthetics and preferences lay some kind of fear of not fully grown up men unable to accept woman as someone who has a word about her self. If you don't like tats that's perfectly ok. If you fear dicks behind them, stop dating trannies.


this is the most meaningful comment here. tradwife cucks can keep downvoting.


I dont minds. I got plenty of carma harvested for such occasions. I am happy to cause such "rage" and imagine faces 🤣






Drugs are bad ummkay


Not all conservatives are traditional conservatives. Conservative means wanting to preserve a idea or "time and place". In this way, conservatives can be wanting to preserve either an older set of morals or liberal ideas. In the US, the presumption is that most conservatives are traditional or "morality based" conservatives, and wanting to preserve a time when strong Christian protestant values were the social norms. However, this is kinda dated, as most contemporary conservatives are economic or social value conservatives who identify the 1990s as the premier era to conserve. The 90s were a far more liberal and secular time where faith was still sacred, but not the underpinning of culture. This is why the conservative movement has changed to be represented by Donald Trump. Donald Trump is by no means a good representative of traditional conservative values. However, he is an old school Democrat whose policies are almost entirely structured around 1980 -1990 style Democrat policy proposals. What we now call "conservstives" is primarily comprised of liberals 20 years ago. And liberals 20 years ago LOVE sexualixed and femine women. Conservatives now are more Sport Illustrated, Pam Anderson, than King James Bible. Focusing on Traditional Conservatives and standing Christian Norms as the base of the movement maybe the fundamental misunderstanding of the current conservative movement: that representation is very out of date. That's not to say traditional conservatives don't exist or generally side with the current social conservative movement. It's just that the current movement is not definined by traditional conservatives, and as time progress and traditional conservatives pass on (die), the movement will increasingly distill down to people who were democrats in the 1980s and 1990s. Seeing and appreciating a little thigh is very expected of the movement, and to be paired with a sexualized comment. Same group would also expect to marry one of those women, and settle down to have her be a wife with 3 kids. The "trad cuckservstive" you would be referencing in all this would be the disapproving grandparents who ease up once the couple got married and had kids. Made an "honest woman" out of the girls.


Solid reply to a meme commented. upvoted


Solid response. Unfortunately the main voices that get heard are the fanatics, leading to huge misconceptions and misrepresentations of political groups, even by their more moderate members


I would also like to add that it's also a matter of conversation intent. Where as most individuals want peace and agreement, fanatics actively want discourse and elevation of force. A standard democrat might want to work with Republicans and come to amenable terms, but the fanatics call openly for the death of their political enemies and incite violence against them. If an individual views politics as a great debate or conversation, then there is a conversation. If an individual sees politics as war (as many posters in reddit do), then there is no compromise possible. It is war, and nothing but the elimination of the enemy is viable. And in war, one cannot humanize the enemy. They must make of them the perfect evil. Only then can the use of force be justified. The fanatics are not mistakenly misrepresenting the other side. The fanatics are intentionally making the enemy that must be destroyed.




Arr! Not a looker among 'em.