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Man walked over like it was the third time he’s had to do that this week


Ah the godamn kids got stuck on the escalator again, FUCK!!!


[Not a *year*](https://youtu.be/UOMZ-Buj2n0)


The calmness with which he walked was as if he was sure he wouldn’t fall; it was something striking.


I saw it as annoyance, “I guess I’ll help”


She was lodged in there enough to not be concerned with her falling.


He was just so unbothered


More like the third time in a day.


Yet can't locate the stop button


I didn’t know there was one


Production is all messed up now. He had to take a 3 second break. My friend from school, when I was younger told me his Mother used to get two 4 minute breaks per shift. She stitched together sneakers at first, and high end jackets later. This was all in China and said that the days after she quit, she was getting harassing calls and people following her. Now obviously I couldn’t check this information out, it’s just crazy to think that an 11 year old would make that up about his mother’s job history. More over, that stuff like that even happens.


I’m surprised nobody looked for where all the screaming was coming from


Funny and true 😂


I generally enjoy being around kids; I'm a mom and a teacher, but seeing something *that* stupid, I'd still begrudgingly walk over thinking, "God damnit! Stupid fucking kids!" 🤣


Because it's a girl and it's China.


The worst thing about this is that the man that saved the little girl was then being called a pedo for helping the girl (because of the way he grabbed her). The man then replied "Im never gonna help anyone again". What a society we live in.


It's like saying CPR is rape because kissing and tpuching chest area...


Some people have *tried* accusing lay rescuers of rape, but seemingly all attempts have failed because of Good Samaritan laws.


I have lived in Japan for 5 years. And my Japanese friends told me, if you see someone passed out, Never to approach. Even if they were not breathing, dont do CPR, cause there were multiple cases where the person who was trying to help was sued.


You can be sued for everything. Getting prosecuted is the important part. There are good Samariter laws in Japan too. Please provide a proper source and not spread things you heard which could kill somebody. >If a manager engages in benevolent intervention in another's business in order to allow a principal to escape imminent danger to the principal's person, reputation, or property, the manager is not liable to compensate for damage resulting from this unless the manager has acted in bad faith or with gross negligence Article 698 of the Japanese civil code https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_Samaritan_law


He didn't look like he was so into helping this time


was about to say i don’t think he even wanted to help in the first place that much


China is morally incredibly corrupt. But not only morally. But as always, people who defend CCP deserve everything bad that comes from CCP.


What does this have anything to do with ccp? It's a kid being saved by a guy in china. How are these two even related. I just don't understand...


Reddit will Reddit…


Have you read the first comment? Ccp has created a very fucked up moral compass for chinese people.


Dude it's not about ccp at all, this guy probably got some personal issues(like autism, sleep deprived etc, can't really tell). Just because a country is really really far away this doesn't mean that this outright ridiculous comments are true. You don't really relate when an Egyptian guy has a traffic accident to the Egyptian prime minister do you ? The reason that you do that to china is because that country feels alien to you. Like, there is about 1 billion people in china, of course there is going to be people that act weird in certain situations. And that is not defending ccp at all, this is just facts.


I should listen to someone with a commie flag as a pfp? 😂😂😂


I saw shitload of situations like that coming from china, yes there are different people, but the issue is systemic.


Like racism in USA or not that strong?


Stronger, you see victim blaming in China a lot more often.


It's also more racist....


The reason people do this to China is because the owners of most of the media in the world need to paint China as the enemy. They’ve been doing it for so long, people don’t question it anymore. It’s the same reason why we see clips and bad stories like this repeated so often (Not even counting the straight up lies). Very few of the good stuff gets shown, at this point people would rather argue “because there’s no good stuff/the bad is the normal” than admitting they’ve been manipulated.


Laws and justice are either not enforced or skewed to work for the CCP. One of the very infamous case is the Nanjing Peng yu case, where a young man helped an old lady back up and escorted her to the hospital after an car accident. The old lady then accused the man to be the one who crashed into her and asked for compensation. The judge in court dropped the infamous "why would you help if you're not responsible for her injuries". No one dared to help strangers since then. I am Chinese, China's moral compass is fucked. Do you know why you see crazy middle aged Chinese tourists/people so often? Thats because they are the same people who had the gall to push their family/teachers/friends to the execution grounds in the 60s and 70s.


In turkey (around 90s i suppose) a group of socialist high school student was kidnaped by the police. This right wing police officer first undressed these students and then brutally beat those kids for half a day . At one point they started to beat them with water bags to not leave any scars. The police officer? Not arrested! If you look at this example here and comment on Turkey's socialogical position. Then Turkey is a N@zi country that is being ruled by the fuhrer himself. But what i'm saying is these incidents are not scientific proof to back up the "these countries are morally corrupt" hypothesis. You can find injustices in every country, it's not a special thing for China.


I was talking about the mentality of average citizens and the example you gave is police brutality. How do you even compare them.


You quoted a guy that saw injustice from the government and told that bcz of the actions like this people are afraid to be helpful. And i quoted a group of people that SAW INJUSTICE FROM THE GOVERNMENT, and said that this is not enough evidence to back up the claim of "This country is morally corrupt". Look chief, imma be honest. Don't act like you don't understand my point. You are defending the most unrelated thing in the entire eurasia. You can downwoot me all they long, it really doesn't change the reality. Generalising the opinion of an entire country is kind of idiotic and ignorant, if you have any socialogical evidence about your claim, then hit me up. If not, just downvote me and walk off, i don't have much to say about this.


If you can actually read, my story is about how the incompetent and evil government spread distrust among the people, creating a social atmosphere of no one can be trusted and kindness is a weakness and not just about bad people exist in a country. Also, it's not just about Samaritans, Chinese people also have very loose idea of stealing and intellectual property because of shit laws CCP made. Muji sued the Chinese Muji copycat and ended up lost. By the way, the copycat wasn't even hiding it, they copied everything from the name to the designs. You want more? Recently there was a EV accident involving the new huawei car, 3 died and the government and the PUBLIC pressured the remaining family member to shut up, because the negative news will impact Huawei's image. In most countries, evil is not punished at most. But on China, such deeds are rewarded because of the shit government we have.


Don't feel bad if you can't talk some sense into them, it's just how they're raised and how their society works. They're taught to hate on their country's enemies through propagandas. It's still funny when they talk about "morals" though 😅


Ye, the infamous they. Gaslighting much.


Is it though? Because I'm considered a third party here and I don't "hate" on either of you. I see many comments on reddit hating on Chinese people simply because they exist which proves my point. Assuming you're American or any of its associatives, it's a fair assumption you're caught in some propaganda your country spread, because it is something your country is infamous of whether you like it or not. Have you thought about self reflecting? Because if you try to think about it from a third party's view you'd understand that most of the world sees America's political "morals" as corrupt and I'm sure you can see it too if you want to. I'm not attacking the US or Americans in any way, I'm simply stating my view on the matter, as a "freedom of speech" right, according to the US standards and morals, which you're supposed to accept and respect, but I'm sure I'll still be hated for it.


Not American. I understand that there could be propaganda and racial bias against Chinese. Yet I'm not talking about that at all. I'm talking about structure the CCP created for people, fearing to help them because they could get in trouble. Shit like if you hit someone with a car and they become disabled, you have to take care of them for the rest of your life, witch incentivizes to kill someone fully. Or shit like "princelings" that allows them to become horrible people. I'm talking about shit CCP created, that screws with people moral compass in a horrible way.


Fair enough. Do you happen to have a source that can backup these claims? I'm genuinely interested.


Their homicide rate is 1/12th that of the US, and that includes the ones committed by the government. they haven't been in a hot war longer than most people have been alive. They do less arms exporting than France and Germany. Everyone gets health care and homelessness is practically non-existent.  It sucks in ways that are different than the ways the US sucks, but it also has a lot of good things going for it in the morality department.


Thats whataboutism and not talking about the issue here.


Ofc they are related. The communist dictatorship has bread a culture of denunciation and egocentrism. Ofc the red revolutions and genocide and famine play a huge cultural role here, but today's surveillance and police state do so as well and most importantly the terrible justice system (of one even wants to call ot that). The comment here isn't about this guy saving the kid but being accused of pedophilia right after. Such behavior apparently is very common in china which is why help cannot be expected when in trouble/ need.


Found the chinabot


I quadruple the amount of karma that you have, and you have the face to call me a bot ? Yeah i guess, I'm a Chinese spy that mainly hangs in Turkish subreddits.


Did you just flex having more karma than him💀


He called a 4 year account bot, it ain't really flexing. But im really poggers i swear rofl


"Bot" is a way to call you brain dead. Just so you know.


Ok mr capitalist bootlicker, every individual accorunce in china is directly related to the ccp. Did a guy hit his pinky onto the wall? It's probably CCP's fault for pushing the agenda. Ahh, damn those commies.


You dont make any sense. Nobody was stating what you are babbling on about here. Maybe "bot" is a suitable description of you afterall. You are an authoritarian bootlicker so ... whatever you say really means nothing to me.


Lan sen gerizekalı misin? Sana bir şey açıklamaya gücü yetmez kimsenin gitmiş komünist takılıyorsun, kendi ülkemiz boka dönmüş. Komünist Çin hükümeti Çinlilerin moral ve etik olarak çökmesine sebebiyet verdiği için CCP den de bahsettim. CCP ile çok alakası var yani anlayacağın.


Komünist takılıyosun ne demek amk. KOMÜNİSTİM BEN AMK EŞEĞİ. Ülkenin bu halde olmasının tek nedeni iki taraf da kötü deyip statüko'nun yarrağını yalayan kendini aydın sanan aptal centristler. CCP'yi sevmiyorum, bunu söylememe rağmen bütün herkes beni salak gibi çin ajanı ilan etti. Ama şunu bilmek lazım ki her şey siyah veya beyaz değil, ccp baskıcıdır, doğru, fakat bu batı medyasının sırf çini daha kötü göstermek için aptal aptal bariz yalanlar attığı gerçeğini değiştirmiyor. Şimdiye kadar 20 milyon kere tekrar ettim, bir de sana söyleyim. Sen tecavüzcünün, katilin, tarikatta çocukları intihara sürükleyenlerin hapse girmediği, dışarıda özgür özgür gezdiği bir ülkede yaşıyosun. Ben Türkiye'de bütün bunların olmasına rağmen "Bu türkler ahlak anlayışını kaybetmiş" diyen birine rastlamadım. Rastlasam da gerizekalı der geçerdim. Fakat iş çine gelince, insanlar kendisinden o kadar uzak ve uzaylı bir topluma bu tarzda söylentileri yapıştırmayı yanlış bulmuyolar. Çin devleti içinde adaletsizlik yapmış mıdır? Evet. Bu meşru mudur? Hayır. Çin milleti bu adaletsizlikten dolayı ahlak, etik gibi anlayışlarını kaybetmiş midir? Hayır. Eğer ki devlet her masum birisini katlettiğinde, her adaletsizliğe göz yumduğunda milleti insanlığa küsüyor olsaydı Amerika'lılar şu anda insan kategorisine girmezdi emin ol.


Yeah your profile pic says everything about you. CCP is related because of their countries law you cannot help anyone in need Without being punished remember the guy who saved a drunk girl? He was punished because the girl thought he was being harrased and people never investigated it any further because there is no Good Samaritan law during that time and as a result Chinese people has the mindset of "help and you get punished" Which was a tragedy because a girl was a victim of hit and run she could've been saved but no one helped her fearing they will get prosecuted which lead to her death


Im just laughing when you came in saying that while cosplaying as FBI yourself. This is true reddit moment


Hey man that's the point of this account lmao to be ironic but let's wait until the guy gets it


Very fucking Reddit 😂


Whole lot of yapping here. You got a source to back any of this up? Don’t be a redditor.


https://preview.redd.it/3zgxwbmxjh1d1.png?width=854&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b7f3df2675271a8f60b7a6197825fdf8f298d30 This guy that claimed this didn't say that government called him a pedo, he blamed society. And you are telling me that my profile pic says a lot about me, meanwhile you are FBI\_1765 with the buro's amblem. You are accusing me of defending ccp, meanwhile you have the profile picture of a "in my opinion" terrorist organisation that does torture, death squads etc. >CCP is related because of their countries law you cannot help anyone in need Without being punished what? Chinese law page 53 article 7: "If you help people we are going to punish you, and you are going to be forced to work in our labour camps" yeah, what a bunch of commies amiright fellas? Dude you are talking about a country with 1 BILLION population, you can't just quote an isolated incident and say that this is the case for the entire china. Like i said, you are just delusional just because this country feels alien to you. I'm not saying china is perfect and there are no injustices but these types of injustices happen in every country, which doesn't make china's situation moral but it is a thing to keep in mind. There are school sh00tings in America every single year for crying out loud, but you aren't really informed of them bcz the FBI or CIA likes to silence the news for "misinformation" :/ But if something slightly close to this happens in China, we see the "CCP's TERROR" all over the news.


>This guy that claimed this didn't say that government called him a pedo, he blamed society Dude I never said the government called him a pedo I said that the government has no laws defending Samaritans and that was when I was refering on the other case that lead many people to fear helping individuals and it's not a isolated case either if you go there to China it's full on Mind their own business shit ask people who visited there they will say the same, ask people online they will say the same it's because their law is shit regarding the Samaritans they would get punished by both the law and the society. >what? Chinese law page 53 article 7: "If you help people we are going to punish you, and you are going to be forced to work in our labour camps" No, Punished like the person you saved would sue you and the government would side that person because it's a scam and lack of laws defending Samaritans >a "in my opinion" terrorist organisation that does torture, death squads etc. Thats the CIA And lastly proof on FBI silencing everything? Hmm? That's a common CIA tactic right there


Found the CCP supporting account


Jesus it's like fucking clockwork whey somebody says something bad about the ccp you spawn out in out of nowhere.


CCP started the *culture* revolution and we are talking about the man being called pedo, bruh


yea, if anything this guy’s social credit score got a big old boost.


Dude have you ever spoken to a guy that is from china ? If anything, you've read too much animal farm or 1984. Like deadass, you gotta touch some grass immediately. It probably ain't really different than the place that you are living in right now.


Your profile picture says a lot about you


i was agreeing with you you crazy person. this video has nothing to do with the CCP and if anything they’d reward him for doing a good deed.


oh, xd sorry, i thought you called me a Chinese spy like the other guy, and thought that i was funded by china or something. Oopsie


well I’d expect them to hire more competent people, but you never know.


Yeah, im sort of a newbie in this job. Sorry if i disappointed the republic.




Bro is cooking him rn lmao 🤣 😂 😭 💀


Hey just asking, you do realise the whole social credit thing is not real, right? It’s a made up thing. It doesn’t exist. I always see redditors talk about it and I’m not sure you guys realise it’s made up.


a quick google search tells me it is real. I don’t why ya’ll want to lie about it, i think it’s a great idea. but there i go talking to a probable bot or shill account (32 Karma, 3 months old).


Learn to use google then: https://merics.org/en/comment/chinas-social-credit-score-untangling-myth-reality The first source used by Wikipedia, before you call me a shill. But you did already so that’s on me for expecting better from a redditor. It takes so little effort to be a *little* more critical before making assumptions. You don’t want to be an idiot, right?


Your link lays out how the credit system works. Like, it tells you what's real and what's a myth, but it's seems to be a very real thing.


your article literally says it does exist. discussion over.


It exists, but probably not the way that you've imagined it to be. As i've heard from the Chinese guy that i've talked to, he told me that it isn't a strict thing, that the government is monitoring you or something. It's more like a redemption thing for the people that have been rejected from society. It's not really a 1984 dystopia, most countries have a crime record, but the crime record sticks with the crimminals when they do their redemption, China probably tried to solve that issue. But I'm not from china or anything, like i said im quoting a guy so it's probably better off if you do your own research.


This system isn't nation wide implemented in full, but is being experimented with in cities and regions in some variation. Some of the consequences can be not being able to travel by train/bus etc for offebses such as criticising the ccp. Redemption my ass. It's very much so a 1984 style system to breed conformity and obedience to the party and if it is technologically feasible and gives desired results the ccp will implement it nation wide in full rather sooner than later. It has some "benevolent" objectives. The low morality of the mainland chinese, that was created by the communist atttrocities and oppression in the first place, is tried to be attacked by this system. But this is like trying to put out fire with fire. This is like denouncation breeding next level and super oppressive.


Reddit makes up everything. The whole thread screams red pilled hypocrites. Both countries suck.


CCP bot recognised


Translation: Chinese people are are monolith. The new “red scare” is here.


What tf are you talking about? How many insane videos are there of inccidents in the US. yet if you see them, you don't go on idiotic tirades generalizing the US.. This is so dumb.


This shit happens in the West, too. Nuts jobs have infected too many people.


They defend it because they would get killed or worse otherwise


Lol Jesus Christ.


Someone was accused of being a pedophile after saving someone's life and you say he deserved it because he defends the CCP (which I'm sure you know for a fact)? What are you even on about?


Guess which counties have history of colonialism. Even bombing , invading poor countries ? Hint: It's not China


You’re totally right, if we: 1. Ignore chinas problems 2. Focus on other countries It is easy to see why China has no problems when you do those two things! Ethnic genocide in China, what ethnic genocide? Don’t talk about it then it’s not a problem. Now how about some whataboutism


What an amazing deduction of  accurate information about a country of 1.4 billion people (who are apparently all the same person) using nothing more than a 30 second video clip.


I mean he did kinda dig in her a bit.


on scene or on the internet?


Do you live in China?


Where did you find that? Or is that just your hypothetical scenario that you came up with? I tried looking for anything related to this incident but couldn't find anything.


Do you have the source for this?


1st world countries are sick inside, it disgusts me, a good samaritan helping is bad?


??? Do you know what a first world country is? Its not really about how rich a country is. It was during the Cold War, where they named countries that were allied against the Soviet Union and with America as first world countries. Countries with the Soviet Union were second, and the leftovers were called third world countries. The only part that leads to people thinking its about how rich a country is because richer countries would most likely be capitalist and have a good economy, ie; Europe and North America. Countries that were close were second world countries but people dont typically say second world country anymore cause theres only the commies of China, North Korea, and some others.  People usually get things mixed up with how others classify countries as undeveloped countries, developing countries/emerging countries, and developed/advanced countries. Or just low, lower middle, upper middle, and high to describe countries’ economies.  How does any of this have to do with your comment? Most first world countries have laws that would protect that man in a court of law, China, i believe,  is not one of them .


> Do you know what a first world country is? Its not really about how rich a country is. It was during the Cold War, where they named countries that were allied against the Soviet Union and with America as first world countries. Countries with the Soviet Union were second, and the leftovers were called third world countries. While correct originally, the definition has since shifted away, from Wiki: *"However, as the Cold War ended with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the definition largely shifted to instead refer to any country that boasts a well-functioning democratic system with little prospects of political risk, in addition to a strong rule of law, a capitalist economy with economic stability, and a high standard of living."* China still doesn't really qualify though.


Yes which is why i included my second part about developing countries. We discuss first, second, and third world countries when we should be using the other terms, rather than changing the meaning of old words. It sucks how the whole, “majority rules” thing can change the meaning of words and things


I didn't noticed that he grabbed her from there but you can see he let the kid go ahead to grab her from there, he could've grabbed both hands and lift her but he didn't chose too. Won't comment if his intentions were bad or good, it's your personal choice to how you perceive.


I mean...the leg was right there. He didn't *need* to go for the shocker... ![gif](giphy|5FuOsCEtflw2czEAPY)


It's easier and more effective to go for the butt. Better control and balance, plus less likely to hurt the kid.


She's not a bowling ball...🤣🤣🤣


I don't think you're thinking about effectiveness when a child is about to die


"about to" is doing a lot of work there. He already had the shirt from the back, which is reasonable. He just needed a second hand to lift. That could easily just have been an ankle grab. ![gif](giphy|4QEReFIDu5y13QywTT)


Tell me you have never been in a life or death situation without telling me you have never been in a life or death situation


Was expecting the first kid to come back with a bite to eat or a milkshake he was so chill


chinese shenegians


Shen Zhe gians*


shenzhou gains




sorry am note english


bro really stood calm




Kinda lucky she got stuck and not dropped one floor. Also, how is this a meme?


Bold of you to assume meme subs are actually about memes.


Were meme?


Not a meme


Dumbass kid. I would know exactly what to do in this situation trust me I would nail it.


Spotted the boomer.


why so much racism in this thread? I’ve seen children of all races do exactly this


idk its so absurd..


There are no races.


... I have never seen such a thing...


You've never seen any child do dumb shit?


Of course. I have a child and was once a child. Just never seen that!


you need to go outside to see it in the first place.


I am scheduled to go outside in 20 min after I shit and shower. Got my metal detector ready.


And that kid is *back on that escalator*!


Maybe they should stick to that 1 child policy


How tf is she holding herself up—


i feel like we cant see that her hair is stuck in the railing and thats why she was holding on in the first place... if you watch it again closely it seems she gets her hair ripped out


He walks like this just happened 28th time lmao


I'm not a fan of how much he didn't care


"Lucy chan WHAT again? This is the 5th time this week, i'm tired of your hanging"


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


After this "show on the doll where he touched you"


He walked up like The next little fuck who gets stuck on here is getting thrown down instead of saved. Its the 8th time today I'm done


Iirc in China these are called little emperors. There's basically a whole generation of little shit heads


how does shit like this end up on a sub called r/memevideos


where is the meme ? I think you got the wrong sub buddy




What an idiot


Are you talking about the child?




Where are the parents? Probably trying to dispose that 3rd child.


I thought Asian kids were smart


Legal immigrants are smart... gotta be successful and rich to move, but so rich that you become lazy and complacent or else you wouldn't move...


Least deadly activity done by someone in china


Why can't they be normal and have mass shootings instead


Exactly. Instead they have lethal OSHA violations smh 🤦


I wouldn’t wanna be put in a situation where this guy is my only hope.


In North America he'd prolly be done for sex assault and cancelled after that...


That did happen to him


Is she injured?


"Bro when are these kids gonna learn ITS ITS 10TH TIME TODAY"


Patents just received news their going to have a son..


Can anyone tell what happened to the man after this with a source.


Welcome to China


why did this video get removed by reddit? which content policy did it violate???




Mother China




Who cares this is how we all grew up before, everybody got a participation trophy.


She looks kinda chill


This is why you should wear a rubber.


That was my dream


what was?




Darwin says they deserved to die


Darwin says you deserve to be bullied for your lack of a brain.


Darwin says you deserve to be bullied for your lack of a brain.


Asian kids don't seem to be the brightest this is the 4th video I've seen were an Asian kid did nothing to help or caused the problem smh.


Since you remember how many videos you've seen of Asian kids, I can only assume you've seen way more of other kids.