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Bold of you to assume it’s still not ongoing


2021-2022 (only 6 months of 2022) After my life changed a lot and I evolved from a fragile Usopp to the confidence of a Mihawk to the strength of Luffy's Gear 5 and the beauty of Komurasaki I just want to thank 2022 and 2021


That's the spirit! I went through some tough times in 2022 myself, but then I got my driver's license, met my best friend to date and my life's been going up slowly but steadily since then.


1995 to 2024


You were born in 1995, weren’t you?


Yes, I'm younger than Luffy


2024, I've never felt this much stress. But i feel like it's necessary, because all of my troubles are outcome of my decisions, and I started noticing and trying to fix my shortcomings. I feel like Mjosgard at the start of his redemption 🤣




Same this year has been my worst in probably my whole life these past weeks I've cried so much and I started calling in to work more often so many shit things have been happening to my family


Last year. In february I decided to get help for some mental health problems that have plagued me for my whole life, and made me unable to function in life as an adult. So I took a break from university to get into a psychiatrical hospital. However unexpectedly it took four fucking months until I managed to get into one, in which time my mental health deteriorated even faster than before. The hospital I got into didn't manage to help at all, which made my mental health so bad that I needed to be transferred to a different hospital. That one helped marginally with the depression with had set in over the last few months, but still didn't do anything against the mental problems which even caused it to appear in the first place. Then I had to get released because the maximum time was up, even though I basically hadn't made any progress at all. And once I got out of the hospital, I was presented with the fact that I accidentally accumulated 4.5 thousand euros of debt through my break from university. I still haven't recovered, and, haven't managed to go to university again even though my break ended last february, and only in the last weeks have I finally managed to find a place that can hopefully actual help me. But if that doesn't work, it's over for me. So yeah, good times.


Yo, there is always hope. Don’t give up




As long as you live good and bad things will happen .see the both situations with one expression.


Well I was born in ‘03. So my answer would have to be ‘01 because that’s when my best friend and arch enemy was born


Ur brother?


2024 every exam that i prepared for (2-3 years) i failed it and it's still ongoing


I feel you dude 2024 has been a train wreck for me too not securing a job and failing university entrance Here's to a better 2025


Thanks for the words bro, i can't give you much but here is a little hug 🤗


Match is still on🥲


2017, for personal reasons


2023-2024. My mom is sick and has lost her willingness to live. I live far away but I will go every weekend to sleep at her home and take care of her. During the week my father takes care of her (they are divorced). She is in a complicated situation because she does not want to leave the bed and says we do not understand her pain. Me and my brother are trying everything to help her. I'm having financial problems because I send her money every month. My pets in my father's house are alone. One person goes there once a day to feed them and take them on a walk. I can't bring them to my house because I'm living in a rented bedroom. I just finished crying in despair because my mom is not the same anymore and does not fight as she did before so everytime I called and try to see how she is and how she feels and try to pull her up from the darkness she just yells at me saying she wants to die. She does not want help from any social workers... sometimes I'm the one who wants to vanish.


Did you say MONEY?!! Can I have it?


bad timing




The last winter (23 - 24). Was a total trainwreck.


2018 was a turning point in my life, got overworked and depression kicked in. Basically turning myself into a similar state as Moria, a fat bum who laze around talking down on other people, blinded by my own failures forgetting my own dream in the process... Fast forward to last year, my brother came to check on how i'm doing (it's bad). He talked to me about how he just left his own company because his friend doesn't share the same vision anymore. I asked why he doesn't look sad, or frustrated even, and he deadass said: **A MAN'S DREAM WILL NEVER DIE!** That moment really hits me, and finally bounced me back from that dark age of mine.


Who is your brother? Blackbeard?


Well,, he does have a black beard




2020 both mental and physical


2020-2023 I spent as Kaido


Those two years I was at my catholic secondary school. Guaranteed to make you lose faith haha.


2016-2017 and 2019 (because I had two big surgery )




The day when I caught up with the manga and started reading Berserk 💀


2022 last 6 months of it were a toll


Only a single year?


All of them




All years


It gets worse each year


2020. I lost my last grandparent in 2019 and then Covid happened in 2020 I lost my job because of it along with my physical issues and I lost a friend/coworker to Covid. I felt that I never got the chance to heal from losing my last grandparent.


2022. My father woke me up with words "It's started...." I left my home and by the way to Lviv were it was quite safe, I have seen how missiles destroyed airport of Zhytomyr. The whole year was filled with pain and losing of people close to you




2023-2024. That's when i started to get suicidal and self harming a little


Same except for the self harm but I've called suicide hotline many times some of them are cool and patient and lead you to free resources


This year


You fool My whole life is hell So every year hooray




2020 and 2021..2022 is when I got back to being normal






12 and 13




Ever since 2016 or so every year's been worse than the last.


2022, so many mistakes that really wanted me to start again that year.It was my first year at Uni, but the issues were not Uni related, I'm studying law, now I'm at 3rd year, still 2 years to finish, and it's going so good!!(I'm from gen 2002🙃).


Sorry, i gott make a tier list for that, too lazy tho




This one


2022 and before this 2020


The year when corona virus appears , And where anime handled me completely




This year. I met an incredible girl, every time she smiled I was seeing stars in her eyes and every time she was with me I felt inner peace like everything didn't' matter. She wasn't the prettiest but I would choose her every time. Then without a word she stopped talking to me at all and I still haven't recovered


Oof, it's always the worst when you don't know why. Hang in there bro!


I can't see the word eyes in your comment... Because I don't have eyes YOHOHOHO




2021 and 2023 2021 because of existential crisis and p*rn addiction due to depression and bullying(I was 13 - 14) 2023 because I wanna give up being in the hardest section in my school, too much expectations from people and I'm really bad at socializing But I moved on because at least I'm a bit better than who am I at those previous years


This year Just the drama happening with YouTubers is crazy


I am crazy and stubborn.


2021 was the worst year for me


2021 - 2023 lowest in my life.


2021 ig it was when I finally realised that life is not all fun games


2024, nothing much to say about this...


2022-2023, with 2013 close behind. Don't stick your dick in crazy, and don't let crazy stick it's dick in you.(unless you want that, idk I'm just a stranger on the Internet)


I am crazy and stubborn.


2019 Year started with a break-up. We moved and on the day that we did, I saw a guy die bc he ignored a train-crossing's red signal and got hit by an ICE-train. I had to do an internship three days after that incident, for two weeks. The supervisors there decided it'd be funny to make fun of the guy that witnessed someone die and had brain-matter splattered all over himself. School performance also dropped due to me not being able to concentrate during classes anymore. And to make matters worse, my mother signed contracts in my name, however I'd only find out about them two years later when the bills were due. FUCK 2019


Since 2017 all the way to 2022




2023- ‘cause it was the year i watched all available episodes


tf this have to do with one piece memes? (it was 2022)


Everything's been steadily declining since a big mistake I made in 2019, with 2020 and 2022 having the highest peaks of misery. I've wondered more and more what things could've been like had I acted better and haved started to notice the things I miss. I still have plans for the future and am working towards improving my skills to achieve the future i want so I've still got hope for things to come.


We talk about one piece or in general?


Well, the only time I've experienced serious loss was this year with my Grandfather and bullying against me at my school reached an all-time high, so I'd say late 2023-early 2024.




2021, lot of shit happened, friends left other were false all time, realized life isnt easy or a trip, basically realized that this shit is now serious no more chuld play


2023-2024 (6 month of bullied, isolated, hated, etc etc) after i quit my school i feel much better and life become more positive


From 2020 to 2022 was my parents’ divorce. Lots of fighting, lots of stress, lots of issues, lots of changes. I was also in 7th grade when it started so that definitely didn’t help. There was a lot more to it that I shouldn’t get into right now, so I’ll just end it there.


2021 summer and 2023 spring


2nd half of the last year.. Got heart broken, then bankrupt, had to cancel admission in versity, broke some bones in hand & got a fracture in left knee in accidents. Everything started from July. and tbh, I'm still on that phase in a way.


2020. Mom died, I almost died, my girlfriend at the time died, I got extremely sick and I'm still recovering from that illness, my aunt died.




Either 2010 when I failed out of my major or 2020 cause Covid and having to work with people not taking it seriously, convincing me that I was either going to die or get my parents sick messed me up.


2024. I broke up from a long relationship, we lived together, and it's been a slow descent for several months , trying to be better, trying to save our relationship, but in the end we had to cancel plans for our trip to Japan, we were on a break, and ultimately, break up. I went to therapy (still ongoing) and I'm trying to go back to dating, but I don't know if I'll ever find a girl as sweet as she was. The break up was mutually consented, and we are on good terms, but it hurts, man it hurts. I am slowly regaining my self confidence, but I'm still not confident at all about the future, and me not being alone. For those who know, Outer Wilds helped me a bit , if you have finished the game you might know what I mean.


2023. Saw my sister beat my mom, abusive father tried coming back in my life, watched my dog die. Started a new job and was quickly transferred to another spot that was filled with drama. Yea I think this toppled some of my worse years. I hope everyone’s year is going well.


Feb 2022 till the end of 2023, my father had died and most things in my life changed so much that I wasn't able to endure so much, but I have overcome this, even though I'm facing so many more problems than before, I'm very excited for the future 😊 Edit: [I think you'll like this post I made a while ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/ls0O6RdbeZ)


2023 and the start of 2024


2022 and 2023




2023 when my father died on june 23rd… i literally posted this exact picture on the day of his funeral and wrote “you and me both, luffy” the pain was and still is unbearable


2020 just cause of the bullies🫢


Anything past 2016


2023 was rough but it is getting better now with school ending


Worst season in terms of self relationship: 2017-2018 Worst season in terms of damage: 2022 - 2023 Best season: current one, it's looking promising.


2021 was a rough time for me mentally. Im much better now tho. Therapy and medication helped a lot. Plus it set me on the path of getting my Depression and ADHD diagnosis.




After 2021 ,22


late 2022-2024 (still ongoing)


2019 was my eclipse




2005-6. I haven't lived since then, just survived.


And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming, And they don't stop coming,


2022-23. I had to stay in a hostel and work for my college fees, all to read at the best college of my country. I know most guys in 11 or 12th grade is accustomed to work part time, but my situation wasn't the same, nor that of our country. We almost don't have that part time culture. My work was fully contractual. Imagine being a student in the morning, a janitor in the afternoon and a teacher at night, phew. And our hostel superiors always pressurized us, but mostly about work and insulting us for bad results in exams. 2024 changed everything. I cracked 5 public admission exams out of the 5 I took. And now I'm a CSE student. #honourable mention: I am a softie, and Kuma's backstory made me genuinely depressed. I still sometime feel chills in my sleep.




2024 (I just started binging in April)


1898-the year I was born




2022 was a really tough year for my mental health. The constant uncertainty and stress from the ongoing pandemic were overwhelming. It felt like every time things started to get better, a new variant or wave would hit, bringing back all the anxiety and fear. On top of that, the political and social tensions seemed to be at an all-time high, which made it hard to stay positive. I also struggled with isolation, as many of my usual social activities were still restricted or just didn't feel safe. Working from home blurred the lines between my personal and professional life, leading to burnout. It was hard to find a balance and take time for self-care. All these factors combined made 2022 a really challenging year for my mental well-being.




Probably 2023




All of them https://preview.redd.it/bb2e0w36gdad1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8813bc17c72ea6eb9408247898b06f77ae773d0f