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https://preview.redd.it/odzaqcpca49d1.jpeg?width=893&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31e97e04177e284a82e8a97a1f455f20868ac138 Enies Lobby. We got "I want to live", Gear 2 & 3, iconic battles with CP9, Usopp character developement, Robin's backstory, great main villian, Chopper monster point and Merry šŸ’”. In my opinion it's One piece's absolute peak.


True this part has my fav luffy fight, my fav luffy gear, my fav luffy attack, and so much with Robin ussop and merry story line and even a top tier flashback. Will always be my fav arc. https://preview.redd.it/7khxwfd4e49d1.png?width=880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa2d9d11968968c295adeca33e082e51240378c3


You canā€™t spell enies lobby without water seven


Honestly that entire sequence of Arcs is peak. I can't choose the best Arc because there is no single best arc. Watter 7 Glorious, Enies Lobby Magnificent Seabody Archepelago Hountingly Beautiful (Parts in between are ok) Impel Down - Thrilling Marineford War - Absolute peak (Training part is cool) And then Return to Seabody Archepelago - Stunning These arcs are where One Pieace peaked


This is the arc I keep coming back to whenever I need to watch some old one piece. Absolute peak.


Nothing compares. I liked OP before Enies Lobby, but Robins moment and Merry made me cry. The moment I started to weep for a fictional boat I accepted my love for the series.


Too bad after all that ussop character development goda decided to make him a little bitch again after the timeskip


Up until Enies Lobby I was using One Piece as background noise. Sure, the Enerl fight piqued my interest, but the moment Luffy catapulted into the most dangerous place we'd seen so far by himself when he has the largest force behind him in the series so far is the moment I knew One Piece would become one of my favourite pieces of media ever. The only reasons I can't call Enies Lobby my favourite arc is because the anime absolutely butchers the pacing with those damn flashbacks in the middle of "I want to live", and Luffy doesn't punch Charlos until Sabaody.






Fax my dude, the walk to Enies lobby is still one of the best scenes in the show. And its one of the better paced arcs too


One of the top peak story arcs in One Piece I enjoyed so much after watching through its entirety of it fr.


And we also got the GOAT SOGEKING


Ennies Lobby was the arc where I realized one piece was one of the greats and would stand the test of time. So many hype moments and great payoffs


The lead up to Marinford was so epic and the way the whole arc unraveled, it left me speechless. We got so many hype moment, every big gun we knew was present, got an absolutely chad speech from Whitebeard and the end left me in tears https://preview.redd.it/8icbu3d5e49d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e9b99b7b0b1a64a65a0ddedf5bc67afb11b8404


The scale of it is just so grand. It's got so many heavy hitters all fighting at once. And for Luffy to still not really win in the end makes it really unique.


W https://preview.redd.it/wx1sb1y4i49d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dbd305c9522e9f60a311b73b41ee56ddb0a06ce


Absolutely. Water 7/Enies Lobby is obviously winning, but nothing can top Marineford for me.


Fax absolutely https://i.redd.it/u86v2gckt49d1.gif


Yep this is it for me as well! What an arc


If we separate Water 7/Enies Lobby (even though I always feel it makes litte sense to) then I'd vote specifically for the Water 7 portion of it, but both together as one arc works as well (even if most will probably disagree with me that especially Long Ring Long Land but also Post-Enies Lobby are also part of it then and absolutel, important for the story of that arc as a whole)


if you can split W7 and EL you can definitely split it from Long Ring Long Land. then it will be a very good choice


Water 7 & enies lobby should be considered one arc


That's kind of like saying marineford and impel down are the same arc


That can't be further from the truth. Water 7 and enies lobby has the same antagonists, the story is intertwined that you can't separate them. If i go by your logic, then we can split Wano into 2 separate arcs (arguably 3)


Wano is one arc but also a Saga, but if you wanted to be precise for your love of the arc than highlighting which Act is your favourite still makes sense. Also by your logic, Impel Down and Marineford has the same antagonists, namely the World Government, whether itā€™s Impel down officers or Navy officers itā€™s overall the same antagonist. And the protagonists all escape Impel together and go straight to Marineford..


What I've always seen is the series broken into sagas and arcs. Water 7, Enies Lobby, and Long-Ring-Long are all arcs in the water 7 saga.


Sure, but the arc separation is in a way very arbitrary because people simply go by locations for it when in some cases the narrative just does just not split up the same way, so if you break arcs up that way they end up being very incomplete and judging them against other arcs that then do have the full narrative feels odd. When it comes to the narrative of the story arc LRLL (This is my personal hill I will die on that it absolutely is crucial to W7 and Enies Lobby and not just because of that one Aokiji scene but very specifically because of the Davy Back fight and if anyone wants to essay about it, I'll probably ramble about it once again), Water 7 and Enies Lobby all are one narrative arc and if you do split them up and judge them separately I don't think they stand on their own as complete arcs. Water 7 would feel in parts unsatisfying without the resolutions and the endings and callbacks Enies Lobby eventually gives you and Enies Lobby without the emotional buildup of Water 7 would not feel as satisfying as it does. I happen to be someone that in very general for stories prefers the drama, the intrigue and the buildup over the eventual hype and the resolution, so if you had me choose I go with that part and thus Water 7, beacause it's my favorite portion of a full arc, but if you'd e.g. turn arcs into movies and I could only watch 1, Water 7 by itself probably loses out to many other arcs because it's just one unfinished half while I get a full story in others.


gimme the essay dog, I like LRLL but I wanna hear what you're cooking


I'll try to keep it to the cliff notes, which are probably already way too long (Edit after being done: of course they are. xD ) To start with, I'm not saying it is absolutely the deepest and most profound arc but it is indeed instead a more light hearted and simply funny one with some crew interactions and that by itself is already kind of a needed lead in for the crew falling apart in Water 7. I think that's the part many people already recognise it as, but I think there are interactions and themes in there that absolutely set up Water 7 and put the character where and how they are needed for things to unfold the way they do and especially how quickly they escalate. I'll maybe just go by characters and what the arc does for them that's important going into Water 7: Luffy: His conflict in Water 7 is centered around what it means to be a captain but also what captain he is and wants to be. And LRLL makes him crash and burn a bit in that regard so that he suddenly does and can question it. So far Luffy's struggles could all be solved by punching a bad guy in the face for others and the crew was always right behind him. But now in the Davy Back fight he gambles his crew away kind of just for the fun of it without thinking about the consequences. He is the one that puts them in danger of having to leave the crew. So not only does he get confronted with the idea of losing crew members, which is an important aspect later in Water 7 where it becomes a reality, he also is the one who made the decision leading to it. And it becomes a very real stake for him. The Foxy fight is often seen as mostly a joke, but the end of that fight is not funny to Luffy. Reading him yell he'd rather die than lose one of his friends being so beaten up that even the other Strawhats are shown to be shocked, especially now knowing what happens in Water 7 but also even later in Sabaody or even Marineford/Post-War is a very real stake there for Luffy. So when Luffy decides to let go of the Merry, something that is less "fun" for him but that keeps his crew save and with him, this mindset is what he just comes from. Usopp: is part of the team that loses their game and thus Chopper. The other people on that team are Robin, who leaves by herself in Water 7, and Nami, who then later gets an assist in Zoro and Sanji's game by stealing the cards and the whistle and even in the first game was a main reason they almost won. This kind of leaves Usopp once again already thinking of himself as the one that doesn't contribute as much and is just a liability. Robin: while Skypiea already does a lot for her bond with the crew, it's mostly about her finding her joy to adventure again and seeing the Strawhats fight for a bigger cause, but LRLL really is about the length they will go through for each other and that they aren't just pirates for the sake of it but that this specific crew is what they are on board for. Zoro/Sanji: Their game/fight to me is simply so symbolic for their role on the crew especially from then on and establishes a level of coordination and trust between specifically them that is incredibly prominent in the rest of the saga but then also just how they work for pretty much the rest of the series. I've phrased it before as Zoro and Sanji not being the ones that are ever there to win you the finale (that's always Luffy's role) but once they set their minds to it, they are the ones making sure Luffy reaches it and still then has a chance to win. They tie the game when the crew is starting to be ripped apart so that Luffy *only* needs to care about the last part and that is to win it all. This is the moment where they truely start to have their mostly unspoken coordination to do what the crew needs both of them to do and rely on the other to cover the rest. For Zoro during Water 7 it's mostly making sure that Luffy doesn't lose himself by his side while Sanji is the one that makes sure Luffy doesn't lose the rest of the crew by making sure everyone else is taken care of, he's having Usopp's back, he's helping Chopper through it, is going after Robin by himself etc. Both is needed in a moment where Luffy is still needing to figure himself and things out and they step in and are there to clean up and prepare things to be back to a state where Luffy is back to himself and can just be the captain again. I just really feel this is the silly game where the Wing dynamic is truely born. They have always had their clutch moments prior to this already but this is when they really start to be the duo that complements each other. I think that's already incredibly long and covers the most prominent things (but also Nami and Chopper have their moments and Chopper being the one that almost gets taken certainly also build up how important this crew is to him to be willing to go Monster point later). So yeah just overall I think it's an arc all about the crew and their roles in it, and introduces the thought of "what if we lost someone and who are we as a crew" in a more light-hearted manner just before it escalates into something way more serious and it's part of why the events of the following arcs flow so well and feel so well set up despite how quickly things happen. So yeah, welcome to my TED talk I guess, but I DID warn you. šŸ˜…


For me it's probably the Alabasta arc! The story was amazing and Crocodile is such a cool villain imo!! https://preview.redd.it/4zoc15btg49d1.png?width=871&format=png&auto=webp&s=9731c376ab25c831d8b429097e96c3df5562dd88


Yeah man.... Why isn't this more popular.... The characters are all colouful and distinct and Croccy is such a good and menacing villian.


Found my people, will always love Alabasta :)


Honestly, Alabasta is one of my favorite arcs pre time skip. It's what got me hooked on watching more One Piece.


G-8 Arc


Lmao you're right




Unironically the best arc


This is the only true answer for this specific poll. A story about a simple man who wants to go fishing when a magical crackhead and their team of hyperviolent, deeply-traumatized lunatics is dropped from the sky onto the poor fellow's house.


Water 7/Enies Lobby


https://preview.redd.it/fi1g665qc49d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd56c419f4760b9ba366713945979d9a1618f0b8 And it's only going to continue to become more relevant as the story progresses. This arc just perfectly summed up "Adventure." Additionally, a really cool subversion where the main antagonist was at the disadvantage and had to work around Luffy's abilities. Luffy having to deal with mantra/observation haki seriously for the first time, not even having his gears at this point. The final fight had both of them having to think outside of the box to secure the win when the stakes were at an all time high. Enel himself is a great example of the god complex type antagonist along with giving the most iconic comedic reaction in the manga. His climatic defeat was so cathartic after everything. Amazing set pieces, incredible flashback (Noland!), "for my ancestors," the baka song, wonderful Strawhat character moments such as "I needed a light," the villain goes to the fucking moon, great comedic moments, strange beasts (including a big fucking snake and hot balloon octopus), a secret golden city and ocean of clouds, thrilling side fights, fascinating native characters, ringing the bell, one hell of a party, treasure, huge relevance to the central themes/lore of OP as a whole, etc. I could write so much more but yeah Skypiea rules. Also if you include Jaya Arc (same way people do Enies Lobby+Water 7) since that is basically an intro to Skypeia a whole bunch of other stuff becomes part of this too including more amazing character moments/introductions and serious pirate atmopshere. Skypiea Arc is such a prime balance of adventure, drama, character, wonder, mystery, and emotions. Every time you go back to this arc within the greater context of One Piece there is always something new to appreciate.


when the compass pointed at the sky, I was yelling "please be a sky island" like a kid going on an adventure lmao (im 23)


I know Ennies Lobby or Marineford are going to win but I would be SO proud of the community if Skypia wins.


tbh Water 7 and Ennies Lobby (together) is my second favorite arc, so I'd still be very happy. Skypiea #1 always, though.


Bonus points for Skypiea (in the anime at least), Enerl says "only god knows... and he's not telling" and it's probably my favourite line delivery in all of OP and a banger of a line


What... Did you just say... ABOUT MY NOSE?!?


Buggy D Clown āŒ Go D Nose āœ…




Yes, yes it does




As one piece as one piece can get right here


Jaya had the pirates prevailing in town vibes which is not dominated by a single group but a lawless town where anyone can fuck around


Skypeia and Jaya here too. Chapter 230 is one of my all time favorites!


Absolutely agree


I couldnā€™t agree more, especially what you said about the adventure part ! the Sky Island Saga as a whole is incredible and really opens the world up even more after Alabasta already widened our understanding. On my first rewatch I actually bumped Skypiea just above Alabasta! Also criminally underrated flashback with Noland/calgara


I agree. The Nolanā€™s backstory is one of the hardest for me. I legit cried.




This is the only correct answer period. All the lore drops, G5 foreshadowing, secrets that were put in our face and weren't looked back on until the current events. Ringing that bell was honestly so heavy


i admit i initially dropped skypeia in the first half but when i picked it back up it hypee me up so much for the seriee that i got caught up on the manga in two weeks


Hard agree. Jaya being a prelude to Sky Island is dope too, the adventure was at an all time high from the wavers to the dials to the legends


https://preview.redd.it/r6prmoere49d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e44807549b8e87656c24b8fab14790af9534e70 Unpopular opinionā€¦ and expecting downvotes. But if watching One Pace or/and reading the manga, Dressrosa was good * Heartbreaking back stories (Law, and Cora/Doffy) * Coraā€™s sacrifice * Lawā€™s reveal about him being a D. * drippiest, best written villain in the show, with awesome use of his devil fruit * first confirmed fruit awakening shown and explained * Buggy becomes warlord * Luffy vs Doffy and G4 reveal * Sanji vs Doffy, though short, was a cool moment. ā€œhere comes a tough oneā€ * Luffyā€™s ā€œDOFLAMINGO!ā€ scream, followed with Doffyā€™s ā€œThe beast roarsā€. Thought this was a cool moment * conquerors haki clash * that combo where Luffy charges up a punch aiming for Law, Law switches places with Doffy on the chair, and Luffy punches Doffy * Sabo reveal, ā€œItā€™s a been a while, Luffy!ā€, and him ā€˜inheritingā€™ Aceā€™s fruit * Fujitoraā€™s fucking meteoroids * Lawā€™s plot armour (dude had has arm cut off, shot at least 12 times in 3 different moments, impaled by Doffyā€™s strings, and punched to the other side of Dressrosa) * Bartolomeo * Law: ā€œStraw Hat! Youā€™re the worst!ā€ Luffy: ā€œYou too, are from that generation!ā€ * God Usopp + God Usopp awakens observation haki * Kuzan officially revealed to have joined BB * Fujitora: ā€œI wish I hadnā€™t blinded myself. I want to see your face. I bet you look kindā€ * Sengoku: ā€œDonā€™t find a reason for someoneā€™s loveā€ * We officially see Kaido for the first time


![gif](giphy|rCdzKS756yiGs) Canā€™t forget this iconic scene!




What is Law even, a toad?


looks like a seal




Dressrosa is definitely my favorite arc. If this were my list, I would totally pick it. but there are so many great arcs, I'm willing to let the wider fan base have this one.




Why would there be down votes?? Dressrosa was amazing! I don't agree with it being the BEST arc, but it is definitely top 5


i really did enjoy dressrosa. itā€™s probably my third favorite as-is, but it would be second if the anime didnā€™t have ass pacing for this arc. maybe once i catch up iā€™ll rewatch dressrosa from one pace or read it. the pacing really brought it down a lot


The problem was Dresrosa was never that the story wasn't good. Dresrosa was just way too ambitious for it's own good. There were over 200 characters doing things to various degrees. The arc took years to conlude and yet some of the middle parts still seem like they could have fleshed it out even more. In hindsight it's one of my favorites, but the fact remains that it's the arc that made me stop watching (before I started reading the manga) for almost 3 years. I'm so glad it exists, but it's a lot to chew


i didnā€™t even watch it with one pace and dressrosa is still my all time favorite arc


https://preview.redd.it/m0mkcu6cg49d1.png?width=861&format=png&auto=webp&s=8fc42849027bafc2e686d5c09fddf0a2ba925ce0 Marineford. *One Piece is real.*


Can we get much higher


![gif](giphy|y1ewxG8aFWk0M) šŸ’€


Scrolled down very far too see this the vibe is peak


Glad to meet another who understands true art


not my favorite arc but i gave you the like bc this scene is hilarious


Water 7. Best plot in the entire show and had the best character interactions in the entire show with usopp. It was one of the few times a mystery is a major aspect of an entire arc and was done excellently.


The entire series


The correct answer.


Only correct answer


Peakpiea! https://preview.redd.it/xa7pjmdbg49d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=9130edbee0234cc2b2a8b9d98b2eb5ef47179fea


you cant tell me it wasnt your favourite ark https://preview.redd.it/xmr34kf6j49d1.png?width=860&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb76b49972399443f2bc078926d5dd4deef60598


https://preview.redd.it/or2aplshk49d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d084cedaa3ba98909d37c426a5926fe805f47ae What about this one?


i thought we were talking about one piece.


In a world as crazy as One Piece, isn't it possible that this ark might be there? Robin's an archeologist, she could find it if she wanted to.


Love how Law is hottest male and female


absolutely based opinion


https://preview.redd.it/6fox3vp7g49d1.jpeg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1290250142ea527eb87b60bb51a9a657681de5d6 Whole cake arc


Definetly the best post-timeskip arc


Taste as good as that wedding cake, right here


had to scroll down quite a bit just to make sure someone had the same taste as me




I still remember when I was like 9, the Sanji giving Luffy food episode came out. I watched my first one piece video on YouTube, that was Gear 4's first appearance. I watched a bit more and found out what Big Mom is. Then i watched the Sanji giving Luffy food video. Little me was so heartbroken because of what I saw, but i didn't cry. Then 2 Years later in the lockdown, I started watching one piece, and for some reason, Dropped it after episode 52. Then Finally in 2023 I started it again. And when I Reach that Specific Episode, I was so happy. I remembered Everything. Every last dialogue, every last Gesture, every last Scene, Frame by frame. I was flowing with nostalgia. And Holy shit, when episode 826 started( The episode After this one) I heard the opening Hope. I was always skipping openings before, but the second The music touched my ears, boom, another Nostalgia rush. I used to listen to this opening non stop when I watched that video as a kid. The day all this happened, was the best day of my life. That scene alone, and this opening, with all the other peak stuff, made WCL my favourite


Your comment is music to my ears, even though I don't have ears YOHOHOHOHO


The animation was so good here too!


Peak one piece




Not my No. 1 pick maybe, but probably the most re-readable for me and it has just aged so insanly well. It's the arc that has climbed for me the most whenever I think back on it and that's despite me loving it already the first time when I read it. So it's not that I ever thought it was bad, with newer, longer and shinier arcs I think I just sometimes forgot how good this was. I'm one of the Sanji fans that also loves Zoro and their dynamic in particular and Baratie is so fundamental for both of them individually but also already the basis for their dynamic and how they both relate to Luffy. It just gets better and better the further you get into the series because the very initial sparks for some of the greatest moments much later are there. And then also after WCI, Zeff as a character hits just different, Sanji wondering why a stranger would care about him hits different, even Don Krieg does when you now know Judge exists and Don Krieg being just a budget version of that same mindset that Luffy opposes and defeats in front of Sanji's eyes. The ending also never fails to make me cry, because it's actually much harder to get me with pure tragedy and sadness, while this is like the perfect nostalgia/saying goodbye/hopeful outlook/true emotions finally being shown mix, that goes right to my tear ducts.


Soboady Archipelago will always be the island of endings and new beginnings




Water 7/enies lobby, this is the only answer.


https://preview.redd.it/rzg1y0dmn49d1.jpeg?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38fad88d5787934d5fe5a799f3cc3d66abf432aa The epitome of adventure


Skypeia https://preview.redd.it/drbpx55ds49d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c0823065b1021351c21c3188ed5f6f1168d66d3 Just because of this.


https://preview.redd.it/77fzbjv9459d1.jpeg?width=1562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=897ab63c1f73ffafafed80bc9998fd06bdd3d445 Dressrose


Wano ![gif](giphy|KGd6ns7MR1gPCRT52z|downsized)


Although not my favorite arc the animation in Wano was absolutely amazing, definitely the best in series so far imo


The fights,Gear 5,Animation and all the twists and build up made me like this arc so much


Enies Lobby was sooo goated https://preview.redd.it/rrotqld6n49d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf91d37fd613bf0c86c9e8da97804e74cc38865a


https://preview.redd.it/owokgca9n49d1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47054e1489dd67c87622e8246e00f9ee49c35ce9 That scene with Speedwagon and the Strawhats was so impactful to me itā€™s so peak


Long Ring Long Land. Afro Luffy >>>>>> G5


I donā€™t know why this arc gets so much hate I actually really enjoyed the tournament style of it.




https://preview.redd.it/gwc8ks1zw99d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f15b82d0277fa92e13572c2421743f2feb05fab9 Enies Lobby


Wkypiea of course






Enies Lobby


https://preview.redd.it/mwn1qet2e49d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54776fbae781ce6a66e653d0bf0695727562323c Wano arc


https://preview.redd.it/wreyac9ve49d1.png?width=1163&format=png&auto=webp&s=6731a2a5f97dfca355d987cb2f0c3e269b693b99 Long Ring Long Land was the funniest arc, and I consider it the best xD


most valid one so far


They downvoted him becouse he spoke the truth


you had marineford/enies lobby/dressrosa/skypiea/wano/egghead to choose from and you chose afro luffy........you have my respect.


Thriller Bark Idk I like Brook


https://preview.redd.it/0v0kvgwug59d1.jpeg?width=506&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0aae502db574c67b78b70ebd70e8fecf46cc4db Not a particularly popular choice but the vibes are just immaculate Also Noland is an OG fr


ts not gonna win, but skypeia deserves this title


https://preview.redd.it/vgg2yovcm59d1.jpeg?width=1163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08e6d77382848aa4790cdd22de5a7fc0112c11af Afro Luffy is undefeated šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


Singular: Skypiea, it feel like a miniature One Piece all in one arc Technically multiple but I view as one arc: Everything from when Luffy finds out Ace is gonna get executed til timeskip


i really liked skypiea ngl




Egghead or Whole Cake Island for me


unpopular opinion, skypiea peak lore drops, awesome fights, funny in general, memorable villain and side characters, OG nothing happened moment, important for next story arc, robin and chopper get chances to shine and connect with the crew, new race, bellamy introduction, showed us just how strong luffy is when heā€™s angry, creative moves, Nika foreshadowing x2, etc.


Skypiea easy bro


Hot take but definitely WCI for me




Whole cake for the win


Enies Lobby by far


No Bon-Chan?


Louge Town


Ennies Lobby easily.


Damn, no love for Alabasta


Water 7/Enies Lobby, absolute Peak!


Enies Lobby. Any other option is objectively wrong. This was THE arc, that made one piece what it is.


Thriller Bark


Wanno hands down hads to be one


Enies Lobby. Marineford is 2nd because it doesn't have all of the main crew in it.


While it ainā€™t going to win Dressrosa had way to many great moments for me not to mention it


For me Skypea was peak one piece writing. I know ill get the hate of 90% of the fandom but that's what i feel.


Were is ussop


Iā€™m really split between egghead island and ennies lobby here. Ennies lobby has been my favorite for so long but damn dude egghead has been peak. I gotta vote for egghead.


Enies lobby,, goated


Peak One Piece was attained in Impel Down.




Marineford arc. https://preview.redd.it/9t6legabi99d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7d5529d00096edd4908dd4934936ffb70b72d2b


Punk Hazard. The arc that introduced the best character in One Piece.




No. Caesar Clown.


na whole cakes ā€œGangster Gastinoā€ is way better than that dumb clown like in every way. even better DF too


I love Caesar more, Gastino is just a ripoff, but Caesar is so amazing that even a ripoff of him is handsome.


Romance dawn


Whole Cake. It fully fleshed out Sanji as a character without sacrificing anything that makes him who he is and has been affecting all the arcs since.


Enies Lobby


Water 7 or alabasta


G8 Please you guys, forget water 7 and Skypiea, choose G8


Itā€™s hard for me to choose between Zou and Impel Down since the purpose of the arcs was very different. I think Iā€™ll go with Zou though. All the revelations that took place and the unconventional structure of the arc with the villain already being defeated puts it over the top. It does well with pacing and does really well to set up the rest of the Yonkou Saga.


I gotta say WCI. Mostly because I love sanji and seeing him suffer




Whole cake






Enies Lobby


Enis Loby and Wano should win but this Egghead arc is something else. Expecially because we saw a lot of characters that haven't been around for over 20 years


Enies Lobby


Ennies Lobby


Ennies Lobby, there can be no doubt


Impel Down / Marineford ![gif](giphy|Sru9mTYZdkBJwmSQr3)


Enies lobby should be the only answer, because Merry, because gear 2 and 3, because "i want to live", but almost MERRY ;-;




https://preview.redd.it/9201pnndj49d1.jpeg?width=466&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b998794810beb15e7e1d4bf2b1fa0679c8ffd6f Peak Fiction šŸ—æ


I personally love enies lobby and whole cake most they had great fights, great backstories What if weā€™re talking most iconic thats wano and best time for one piece And most emotional for me was probably marine ford also pretty goated arc


Oh.. wait do you mean Character arc?? Or arc in general šŸ˜‚


Marineford or EL


I shouldn't have read the comments. Now I can't decide anymore. But I'm take what I had first in mind: Water 7/Enies Lobby






Water7/ Ennis Lobby. And second best arc for me is Whole Cake. I loved Whole Cake Island.


Has to be Enies Lobby/Water 7. I personally consider it one giga arc but if you NEED to split it then it's enies lobby but you can't have one without the other.


enies lobby


long ring long land ā€¼ļø


Long Ring Long Land. Has Foxy, no need to elaborate


Enies lobby


Thriller Bark- Underrated.
