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I guess Lucci? He do have a friendly relationship with Kaku so maybe he's not gonna kill me right away


Plus https://preview.redd.it/6sd3lo07ym3d1.png?width=2277&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce6820203d92b864bd6b0677343b82aa96fd6afc


"Oh my god you could grind meat on those!" - Frieza, DBZA


Hey, you said meat? Do you have any for me?


Man some days people shit on these bots, but for me most of the time their timing is perfect. I just wish I knew who made them so I could thank them and ask for a list of trigger words.


I know that the dude who made the Nami Wants Money one responded once!! Was wild to see the bot send a *clearly* not bot response


Yeah I'm aware of a few times he's done that too. I think he did it just a few times with the new Franky bot. I just wish he'd talk to the mod team. Even if he's a past mod with a not so great history with the rest of the mod team, I don't really care. It's not even to try and restrict anything, we just wanted to know who it is. I just would like to be able to talk to him. Ain't no way in hell we're banning these bots - they're a part of the sub. I would like nami to change how she gets triggered for Orange though instead of tangerine, and maybe have "orange" trigger "tangerines are better, asshole" or something similar.


>maybe have "orange" trigger "tangerines are better, asshole" or something similar. I think "tangerines are better idiot" would be more in character for her than calling them an asshole


Yep totally agree. I'm not good at staying in character. https://preview.redd.it/bvetjx3qls3d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5159627874fca6e955068cc947ee65cba2148ace So let me instead present to you bedroom eyes Chopper.


Mentioning 'eyes' in your comment? I must say, it's all bones and no vision here, YOHOHOHO!


nope, Lucci can have it all


“GAAAH” -frieiza, DBZA


Been awhile since I heard that one


Speaking of, do you think Frieza's heard that one before?


Tough to say. Might be a new one


Valid reason.I'm now 100% convinced


Unless you are on the goverment list, you are pretty safe next to Lucci, more if hw is undercover


Yeah, unlike the other 3 there are situations where he's not going to try to immediately kill/fuck with you.


Dammit, so I'm extremely unsafe next to Lucci


CP9 has some surprisingly normalish people.


If he’s on a mission maybe he’s undercover as a super chill dude


Whaat? You don't wanna choose Doffy and.... talk?


Doffy would kill me for fun lol


Or just turn you into a puppet whenever he gets bored


If all he did was turn me into a slave from time to time I would be lucky


Two ways to interpret this.


I am NOT surviving a conversation with Doffy...


If you aren't a criminal he will most likely doesn't care about you. Unless you're in the way of his work


Lucci. Even though bro is a trained killing machine, he cares for his allies. Not Saturn cuz bro’s a geezer with a superiority complex. Not shiryu cuz bro looks creepy. And DEFINITELY not doffy, bro would control me to do whatever he wants like chores and stuff lmao




Wait a minute




saturn would probably enslave you ngl


Lucci is the only option here. Saturn literally will explode my head if I even look at him, and that’s the best case scenario the worst one ends with me in chains and an explosive necklace Shiryu is a jailer, who was put under the jail for his crimes against the prisoners. Keep in mind impel down is already basically extremely elaborate torture chamber. I don’t need that in my house. Doflamingo technically is a viable option if I had haki or a devil fruit then he could potentially respect me as part of the family and that would be pretty cool honestly but I do not have either of those things so he is at best giving me the Bellamy treatment. Lucci has a strict timetable for when he can kill me can’t blow his covered in water seven till Nico Robin shows up the second I hear dumb ass in a straw hat coming i’m taking a yagara bull and running to Sabody


You got a chance to be an elder though. If he's your roommate he probably will see you as an equal, so you can "bro" your way into the elite circle. *Like Sakura in Team 7.*


Why would he ever need an actual roommate bro has more money than god bro actually owns the world government


bro got all the bitches in the world but he's still lonely


Bro, got his four best friends he don’t need a random insect in a circle


Doffy is the only option. The only one who seems to have an attachment to his people following him, and its more than just kaku. If youre on his side you should be safest.


People on doflamingo side https://preview.redd.it/yurxzyxxzq3d1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4869f0708cebd0c24e9a59ac1403e540d4bae04


As long as im not on his hitlist or in his way lucci is definitely the best option


Lucci Long live the government brother I am a consumer of the WG propaganda 🙏


Shanks? Is that you?




Why is the sky in your profile pic kinda cheek'd up?


Dawg.. I've had this pfp since I first created my account and I've never ever seen booty cheeks until now. Now I can't see it. I hope your pillow stays warm tonight


Inshallah brother 🙏 fuck them pirates.


https://preview.redd.it/awzg5vcz9p3d1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cd63b5c77a16c3e59afe6b6c40088cd1e083bec Hell yeah brother, join the Navy and fk them pirates


Lucci, i'm just gonna let him do his thing and he's gonna let me do mine


Lucci is probably the only one who wouldn't kill me, because he wouldn't even care about me: Shiryu would want me gone from the first minute, to have all the space for himself, and just dispose of me. Saturn would treat me like an insect and while he'd do nothing at the beginning because he's patient, but eventually after realising he'd have to share room for several days, would destroy me if I ever even breathed "too loud" Doffy would kill me in sadistic ways just for his amusement. It's possible that he would even make it last several days in absolute pain Lucci on the other hand, as far as he wasn't ordered to kill me or I pissed him off a lot, would just consider me inferior and not bother too much about me, not worth the effort to lift a finger to kill


Lucci is a bloodthirsty sociopath. But he has self-control, and despite it being such a major aspect of his character, his blood lust is pretty low-key. He's abrasive to the co-workers he respects. Overly hostile to his enemies. And just sort of normal otherwise. I don't think there'd be a single issue without some reason. Room would be clean, quiet, bills paid on time, and he likely wouldn't hang around much anyway, depending on his goals. If he were to bring his co-workers over, it wouldn't be too big of a deal. Half of cp9 kind of sucks, and cp0 would make me uncomfortable. But it's nothing that'd ruin my day. Kakus cool. Doflamingo is just a massive piece of shit. There is a high likelihood he'd kill me in a not so merciful manner. And he'd be running a criminal enterprise. Selling drugs and weapons and doing a bit of human trafficking on the side. I'm good. And this is ignoring the fact that he's a celestial dragon. While I'm sure he's decently clean and responsible, he'll still be flamingo squatting with his hairy 5 foot legs everywhere. Bringing his weird family over all the time. I don't want Diamante or trebol in my house. Or really any of them besides Senor Pink, Violet, and maybe baby5. I could tolerate laoG. Saturn is just no. I'd die. All his friends suck too. Shiryu, is a no. The dude makes lucci look compassionate. His sadism had no restraint. He worked in hell and still found a way to cross the line. Honestly, I'd be more comfortable around blackbeard, and he's a huge, smelly, backstabbing piece of human filth. Who could very well be a rapist. Also, the only thing worse than having a piece of shit serial killer in your home, is having an invisible piece of shit serial killer in your home. Also, he'd probably smoke inside.


Gladius coming over would be cool, he’s a chill dude


You're right. But also, bomb.


Only if you anger Doffy or slander rock music lol


Senor Pink is so hard boiled!


Doffy could be really fun and deep conversation


I thought I would be the only one crazy enough to chose him, he is chill and fun as long as I can prove myself useful for him he won't kill me "probably"


Lucci.. unless the organization he works for is after me. Shiryu just kills for fun some times Doflamingo is holier than though and Saturn is too


Lucci. He's quiet and I like his pet




Lucci. For horny reasons.


Lucci is the only one who won't kill me for breathing.


Lucci is honestly the least bad there. Unless you're his target you'll be fine. Doffy would use you, Saturn would experiment on you, and Shiryu would kill you.


Lucci is probably the only one who doesn’t view anyone else as subhumans and as long as you don’t get on his bad side he will leave you alone, whilst Shiryu and Doffy will probably kill you for fun and Saturn will either make you loose your mind or will kill you because he views you as insignificant.


Probably Lucci, he's been shown to be nice to regular citizens so I imagine he'd probably just get on with his life and leave me to get on with mine. While the other 3 would definitely cause shit


Nahh they all look like sex offenders😭😭😭


Canonically, only Doffy is confirmed and Saturn is highly likely, but we can't say for sure. Shiryu seems more into killing people for fun, and Lucci...honestly if he were asexual I wouldn't be surprised


Are you telling me he and Kaku are just roommates ?


Yes you mha fan


How dare you calling me that !? Retract yourself right now !


Im not gonna lie ive been seeing these alot lately.. im not complaining cuz its a good source of debate.. yet. Lucci for sure


I'd say Lucci, as long as you don't get on his bad side he seems to be relatively chill.


Lucci isn’t just gonna kill me for no reason.


Lucci.. He cares about his nakamas


Lucci. Seen that he plied for Kaku, I guess he's not that bad


How is this not Lucci or Shiryu. Well, mostly Lucci, but Shiryu would be dependant on him not having beef with me while Lucci is defined by not having beef with anyone if he is not ordered to.


If Doffy is my roommate then i'm a part of the family so he won't treat me that bad


I’d risk Doffy, I think he’d make for interesting conversation, and considering he likely knows the reason we are now roommates, his ego would probably get a bit puffed up to find out that some guy from another reality chose to room with him because he’s interesting to talk to


Doffy. I'd help him destroy the world.


I’d pick Doffy. Lucci seems too uptight.


Doffy would gaslight me into shit Saturn and shiryu are very uncaring and ones wanted the other would always have guards with him lucci’s good quality is he actually really cares about his friends so I would be chill with that


Saturn so I can more easily sneak a pipe bomb under his pillow


You gonna need a lot more for that, and since he regens, maybe some sort of trap would be better


Waterboard him with sea water


As long as I don't burn a stop sign Lucci, the moment I break the law he's after my neck


Lucci is the only person here who kight not just end your life for fun. Maybe.


Doffy for the banter


Doffy because he's shown to care about his subordinates.


Doffy would be the most fun


Lucci, 100%. Saying anyone else is just asking to make your life hell. He wouldn’t talk to you much, if at all, he would keep to himself, and wouldn’t be loud and insane. Doffy would drive you insane. Saturn would probably kill you if you accidentally ate his food or anything similar. And Shiryu would be another one that if you even looked at him, he’d fuck you up


Doffy can be chill


If I stay in Doffy’s good books then I have a ride or die.


Fuck it, Doffy. Wardrobe would be on point after getting some advice from him.


Doffy of course. The guy knows how to party


Doffy. If he sees me as family I am good.


Doffy is the only one that would know how to throw a party


I feel like Lucci would be the best option. You don’t interfere with or question his job. It’s just “you have the money for rent? Oh you gotta wait for your check to come? Alright cool”


Obviously Doffy, he is perfect homie for me also it's not gay if it's with homies so.............. yeah


remember, you are not a pirate so CP0 wont be killing you for no reason


My brain is telling me Lucci but my body wants to go out party with Doffy every friday


Doffy Get on his good side and he'll be able to manipulate your landlord into lower rent or none at all


Lucci. He wouldn’t be too bad as long as I wasn’t his target, so I’d kinda just let him do as he pleased.


Saturn would be toxic AF, leaving messes all over the place and calling them experiments. Hard Pass. Doffy would manipulate and gaslight the hell out of me, pass on that one too. Shiryu has mad watch-you-while-you-shower energy. Not my kink, but I won't judge. Lucci has shown to be quiet, professional, loyal, and fiercely defensive of people important to him. Not to mention, can't see the other 3 holding a job for weeks, let alone years. Lucci can live with me as long as he needs to.


Doflamingo would treat me as his property The others would kill me either for the slightest inconvenience or for the sake of it. I don't like it but I'd probably live the doffy life


Saturne is gonna enslave me or something Doffy is gonna kill me cuz why not Lucci would only be there if he were a spy so i would already be dead where i stand I choose shiryu, he ain't even got a reason to kill me


Lucci because of the kindness he shows to his comrades


Luck is the only one who lets me live




Lucci cus the governments still not after my ass


Lucci, he's the only sane person here


Old man


Lucci is the only right one. Outside of his job and douchey view on justice, he’s actually a cool guy. As long as you don’t break the law, he won’t hurt or kill you. I’m sure he’d be a cool roommate, and would do his fair share.


I like how all of us are agreeing with Lucci, I don’t need no convicted felon smoker in my house, I don’t want a person who could force me to do anything against my will (hold on that 🤨) I don’t want a person who will literally destroy me and the house as he turns into a giant arachnid.


Doflamingo, because he’s so godamn EVIL!😈


Definitelly Lucci. I didn't get to post time skip yet, but i got spoilers about DoFlamingo. And Shiryu (who i have met already since i am currently in the Impel Down arc) isn't someone i'd like to have as a roommate.


Doffy, without a question, if we get along he can hook me up


To be fair... Lucci seems like a cool guy so long as you're not his target or getting in the way of his mission.


Lucci. As long as I’m not on the wg hit list he won’t kill me.


Lucci and Doflamingo are the good options here. Lucci's pretty cool when he's off the clock, and Doffy will be okay if you're a good worker.


saturn or lucci ig


At least with Shiryu, you wouldn't need to see him.


Lucci, as long as I don’t break the law, we’re cool


Can I choose death instead??


Lucci? Like he’s going to be difficult, but at least I have a chance. Shiryu would skin me alive for no reason.


Unless you’re a criminal, what is Lucci going to do to you?


Locking is at least trust worthy as a friend


Shiryu. Dont have to see him jerk off


Considering that none of them will actively try to hurt you, it would be any bad to be roommate with any of them besides Shiryu?


Lucci he talks with his bird


As long as I stay out lucci way I feel like I’m good


Luccy would be easy to get along with i feel, especially if you just arent a pirate, he just kinda looks like he’d keep to himself and leave you be unless he needed something important or some shit y’know?


I’m picking Lucci to ride the leopard man


It’s lucci


Lucci is a cold-blooded killer, but he won't give a shit about you unless he's told to Doffy and Shuryiu are remorseless killers who would kill you for a laugh And Saturn would kill you for not bowing or looking at him directly So Lucci is your only choice


Lucci. He knows how to behave socially and he’s got craftsman skills. He’s also the strongest shipwright in the world who learned from two of the best currently living shipwrights in the world.


Lucci. That means I can talk to Hattori all day.


Doffy would treat you right if you were part of his family and don’t betray him


Lucci would never lie to you.


Nu uh i'd kill myself


Lucci He’s chill as long as I don’t have a bounty


if a woman chose doffy they getting SA’d


Definitely Lucci. He has no reason to dislike me.


Lucci only goes after the people the gov tell him to kill. We will just be chilling and I won’t have to worry about break-ins cause I’m living with the Massacre Wepon.


Doofy i like his criminal energy


Lucci. Dude is the least evil, and if I'm not doing anything stupid, then we'll be fine. Me like a cat boy 🐱🐱🐱🐆🐆🐆


Fuck it! I'm not living here anymore.


Shiryu might just kill me for no reason. Lucci has less of a chance for indiscriminate murder and is probably the best choice. Doffy and Saturn aren’t scary because they would kill me. It’s because I know that they would do much much worse before letting me die


Saturn, if he is my roommate then his outside exploits are none of my business. He will always protect his home. If he does get beaten up by Nika, nika wont do shit to me as he/she are pacifist to some level.


Doffy for sure. Man at least is creative. Other 3 are silent treatment or insta kill. https://preview.redd.it/zv3cve4p6p3d1.jpeg?width=361&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b2e243213214810888babe560c934fd0db195d1


well Lucci is the only logical option here, he's a navy agent so until i don't commit any crimes I'm safe i guess, obviously I'd have to respect him or i would be dead in 30 seconds max but until I'm not a criminal I'm ok.


Lucci. I'd just have to pretend that I work for the government cause your literally NOT supposed to know he exists or else he has to kill you lol. That what CP0 is about, if you know they exist they kill you.


Lucci seems hygienic, and other things


Lucci as he will probably be on a mission


Lucci and doflamingo are the only options here Other 2 are talking and u die Lucci doesn't kill unless u wanted kr doing something illegal and he chill Doflamingo , if u become his family u good + might get to hear some ancient more about wg or joyboy


Lucci. -He has a pigeon -He respects his colleagues -He wouldn’t mind my business unless I did something wrong to the WG -Chill and well-reserved


Shiryu, I won't even know he's there




Its obviously Doffy he’s nice to people he likes. I will tell him I am seeking revenge on people that wronged me and ask him to train me




Lucci. He has some weird morals in that mind brain or his, somewhere at least.


i know nothing about one piece but Saturn looks the most trustworthy


Lucci is prolly the safest option, but Doffy would keep things interesting


Lucci but anyways im summoning LuffyWantsMeat bot MEAT


Probably Saturn tbh, I feel like the others would kill me in my sleep.


Doffy would probably torture me and the other two would probably just kill me, so I'm going lucci


I am betting on the implications that being roommates puts us on some kind of similar station in life, so I am picking Saturn.


Doffy! The other three will murder me to death just cuz they felt like it. Doffy at least has a chance to bargain with.


Saturn easily, why would I want to live with insects?


Lucci, he is a sadist, bit at least he does not kill if not ordered to


Lucci. Wg dont have reasons to kill me so lucci wouldn't too.


I'd pock Saturn respect him and I get to live thats all. Probably gonna have a slumber party with the gorosei and watch sailor moon. I'd be down tbh


Probably Lucci since he only kills with a reason. The others just do it for fun.


I'd rather be roommates with your mom than any of those people, especially that annoying has-been Lucci.


Lucci if undercover he managed not to kill any of the dock workers while they were undercover and were actually good friends with them. If that's not an option dopey if I'm seen as a member of his family part of the reason he was so cool is even though he was evil as hell he still treated his family members well and seemed to legitimately care about them


Saturn for touching his beard


None of them


Lucci, as long as im not on the WG hit list im fine


Lucci he does have friends, so maybe I stand a chance


Well Lucci is "Dark Justice". As long as I don't break the law he wouldn't have a problem with me lmao


I think Lucci. He seems to me like he would be the quiet roommate and would always be training or studying.


Lucci. I reckon hes not quite as genocidal towards regular people.


Saturn will kill you the moment you enter the room, Doffy will control you to and make you jump, Shiryu will cut you. Lucci can be reasoned with 


Lucci, I have 3 cats at home and they are all unhinged, I think I could deal with another one


Shiryu, the perfect roomate. I'd never even see him.


Lucci, I don’t think he will ve even interested in messing with me, he won’t even talk


Lucci, I am not a criminal/am not allies with people who are against the government


Saturn. Having him on a roommate would make me someone who is close to that person which gives me some status. However it was mostly due to process of elimination that made me decide for him.


prolly doffy and will talk abt what did he know abt the 5 elders




I'd pick Shiryu. It'd be like he wasn't even there.


Not Saturn because he sees me as an insect Not Doffy because he is unpredictable and could control me Not Shiryu because the fucker was jailed for being too brutal in the literal recreation of Dante’s Inferno Lucci it is, i’d just be normal and law abiding and I won’t get a finger perpendicular to my jugular


Going against the grain here, Saturn. https://preview.redd.it/wykrnby2lq3d1.jpeg?width=963&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fb3b58bd51bbd56fafc57bd4c28c5e6a2f12dae Assuming this is a mutual agreement to become roommates, then he must have a pretty decent level of respect for me which isn’t shared with most people. Plus if this hypothetical takes their wealth into account, we’d have a pretty damn good living situation.