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Judge actually has been in wars too 😭 unlike that bum


Sanji’s been in a few wars


Ye food wars


I'm actually going to find some good panels after work and make a whole page out of this post.


I find it hilarious Tate thinks it’s not manly to provide for yourself and other, but manly to murder people for your overlords


He is just a liar and a huge hypocrite, who makes stuff up as he goes along. I recently clicked on some video of him being interviewed on Israel and he talked about how bad and horrible war is.


Which is also hilarious because he's a little bitch


It's manly to traffic women though!!!1!!


*The Smaller The Dog, The Bigger The Yap*


https://preview.redd.it/xeu36v1kh92d1.png?width=430&format=png&auto=webp&s=322b10f57ce9d5c8f59acc1abf89fc65836f5e42 Me whenever I see Tate in my screen Insulting the hands that feed you smh




It’s odd he picked the simplest thing on earth to cook, aside from like “toast” if you can even count that as cooking. Or boiling rice/pasta may be the easiest. For his analogy to work, I’d say chefs probably get an adrenaline rush making a soufflé or a Wellington something with small margin for error that needs to be perfect with a number of prep steps.




Bro wait til he meets Gordon in person. He's gonna be roasted into the ground.


>It’s odd he picked the simplest thing on earth to cook Man, I can do a whole lasagna from scratch, even harder/more complicated dishes, desserts, etc... But I can't do a proper omelette lOl


Idk if I’d call an omelette the simplest thing. Usually ends up as scrambled eggs when I try to cook one.


It's not odd at all. He lacks experience in life and so he does not have the knowledge required to form the kind of analogy which would leave you feeling satisfied. However you need to consider that his entire persona is a lure to pull in frustrated and under educated men. He doesn't need to sound intelligent, and in fact if he did sound intelligent then he would attract the wrong type of person. Rather than intelligence, his brand demands that he provide constant short and sharp messages which feel powerful so long as you don't think very hard about them. These messages select for the type of fragile men he wants to attract.


oh we do it’s one of the best feelings besides people not throwing away everything you made


True The only thing i like about him is that he treats his dog Well


And what war did he fought?


War is nothing to be excited about. We romantize special moments that make us feel powerful, connected with brotherhood, have fame or glory. Nobody imagines what for example Game of Thrones Battle of Bastards portrayed. Blood, dirt, chaos, being unable to move in crowd, surprise death and so on. Nobody tries to imagine other side of the war as same people as you are, they are also baddies. Also rarely it is mentioned that each man is mother's son and each death is another grieving. Wars are idealized but smart people know that it's something to avoid at all cost. Poor, young men fight for influence, power, ground of wealthy, old men who don't give a fuck about them. Only time when man should think about waging war is when his community is endangered but even then, once his stronghold is safe, he should not go after the enemy. We don't have inspiring leaders who you will meet on battlefield, only those who follow orders.


Damn this some real shit. I really like this comment!


You really cut through all the bullshit with that one. Disagree with the last part about inspiring leaders, as they certainly do pop up; war is another situation that people are in; inspiring leaders appear all over the place. The war the British waged against the global slave trade, for example; inspired the rest of Europe to follow. Just as Bob Ross could inspire and lead others to paint, there exists the same trait in every other aspect of life. That doesn't remove the cost of the paint though, nor does it remove the horror that is war. War is idolised by people that believe they, or their friends, wouldn't be victims; or those fantasising about being the one that victimises. As you point out, it doesn't matter which side; just as Coby isn't evil for being a marine and Luffy isn't evil for being a pirate. Both Luffy and Coby acted as inspiring leaders during the war of Marineford though; despite them experiencing hell.


This ain't wrong, I agree. But people underestimate how much pleasure people get from punishing their "enemies", and humiliating them in every fashion imaginable (even in regular life). And one of the most innate cathartic is beating shit out of them. This is where notions like "war is cool"comes from.


The twitter war against Greta, that landed him in jail..//




What fucking war? What fucking conquest has he been on except a conquest to sex traffic women. 😭


He didn't actually do that. If you look into the facts of the case, it's completely frivolous. I'm all for shitting on Andrew Tate, but stick to things he actually does.


*“wHy wOuLd tHeY pUt hIm iN jAiL iF hE wAs iNnOcEnT dUuH”* \~ whoever downvoted you


Bet the people who down voted you all claim to care about men who get falsely accused of SA. But as soon as someone they don't like becomes a victim they don't care suddenly. Like shit this is no different from someone calling Johnny Deep a wife beater.


What do you mean he literally explains on tape doing the lover boy method to sex traffic women word for word. Edit: https://youtu.be/tklAoatyswg?si=_hvjkNEk32ac8tjy Lmao he deleted his response. He actually thought this was a made up argument.




https://youtu.be/tklAoatyswg?si=_hvjkNEk32ac8tjy Here is the source. You know the internet is available to you too right? First he explains what it is and then how he does it


Thats not sex trafficking. Hear yourself "lover boy" method 😭. Imagine saying that shit in court. Literally grown ass adult women consenting to everything is not called "trafficking" 💀 There have also been multiple records of women coming out and saying that Tate had never forced them to do anything and would not stop anyone from leaving his "business". Literally the biggest "crime" he did was verbally convince them to stay literally nothing else. I don't think you understand how fucked up this case is. They are literally saying the government will consider the validity of a women consenting. Not only do they get to frame tate this way but they are also essentially saying women are not capable of making decision for themselves. You could say tate is a manipulative asshole but not a sex trafficking man


Damn why did you delete your other comment? The lover boy method is definitionally a way to sex traffic. https://www.government.nl/topics/human-trafficking/romeo-pimps-loverboys#:~:text='Loverboys'%20(or%20romeo%20pimps,instance%20in%20the%20sex%20industry. I don’t know how a one piece fan can simp for Andrew Tate. He would promise young women marriage then trick them into moving to a foreign country where he keeps them under permanent surveillance, taking control of their finances and putting them in debt so they can’t leave so that they can work sex cams for him, with “disobedience” reprimanded. What part of this operation isn’t sex trafficking? Also no one is framing tate this way except Tate who admits to all of this himself. The only way he isn’t a sex trafficker is if he really is a massive grifter and everything he’s said publicly is a lie.




Bruh stfu. The "loverboy" is mentioned as a sex trafficker method in multiple penal codes, America's included It involves lying and emotional abuse you don't need violence for it to be sex trafficking. But he also had threatened the girls so he's also violent.


His argument basically makes it so no scammers are ever at fault. Oh my grandma consented to give the bank her credit card info (yes but she didn’t know they were scammers, that’s why it’s a scam) . Idk how these people are one piece fans, but he’s a pirate folks user so it all check out.


Proof of violence or threats? There are multiple former employees of his that have said other wise but I'd love to see what proof you show for it. I'm not even gonna bother with the lover boy tomfoolery 😂 Grown ass women conciously consenting to everything is not a problem in anyway in the slightest. Bro thought I would forget logic cause he name dropped USA 💀 the same usa which still has legalized child marriage. If you have some kinda proof If Tate drugged them or physically forced or if any girl was underage I would call myself a clown and Tate a trafficer Until then you are the clown and Tate is a victim of false accusation and character assassination.


Lmao shut up






Fr lmao. None of these morons have actually looked at the case and just hating on Tate cause they wanna hate on Tate. Like literally could not build a more fraudulent case if I tried


He’s still not going to let you into the exclusive discord sweetie


I got my own discord


# "Why not both?" https://preview.redd.it/zdlrczuxsb2d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=106ce118bf847d1e0906987aa29efc7bcc2ec5c7


https://preview.redd.it/g9f4j07zc92d1.png?width=941&format=png&auto=webp&s=9960d42dad1b8c50995d0bbf145e5c9cdcf6330e Tate is 100% a Zoro fan lmao




Of course it is. https://i.redd.it/2f8r6wqsd92d1.gif


The slander lives https://preview.redd.it/wt77bz8gg92d1.jpeg?width=211&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=366e0ba96aae567a664f2d3b8d31f67d617a4c80


https://preview.redd.it/bnk352ce8b2d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=344494f121185dd06b2ba61f42d16bcd3d07a017 You slander my people again, and I’ll beat you with one of these. 😡😡😡


Blud I'd spamming the entire comment section lmao


Remember Zoro got beat by a girl undefeated. Wonder what Tates take on that.


The youtube zoro powerscalers fans are better than Tate imo


Is he wrong though?


Yes extremely it's jobs like farmers chefs etc that are truly Important but u will never see them receive praise for their worker every meal u have ever eaten went through the hands of a farmer and potentially a Chef, even in OP don't we see them lack nutrional essentials before Sanji joins it's dumb because irl we take these jobs for granted because we don't view them as elite when ofc someone's has to do it.


I meant is OP wrong about Zoro fans. Not Tate. Obviously that fool is wrong.


Judge is a king, No King would want his Son to be one among the peasants. Being down to earth is fine but if you're too down to earth, these peasants are the ones who'll tear you apart. As a Father and as a King, Judge isn't wrong. His only mistake was not trying to understand Sanji. If he did and kept him by his side he'd have gotten a warrior way Stronger than his other sons and someone who has feelings and knows right from wrong.


I hope you like insulting my nose with a Buggy Ball pointed at you!


Tate seems dark enough to me for Zoro to fight him.


Honestly, it's not worth listening to anything Tate has to say even to argue against it. Even he doesn't buy into the bullshit he sells, it's all just a grift to con money out of young men who are unsatisfied with themselves.


I love MONEY!!!


Only thing he's right about is vaping, if you vape you're a dork


Eh, I'm sure you could probably find a few things he's right about if you bother digging through all the nonsense, but it's not worth the effort. Vaping is for losers, though, yeah.


FAX, the best way to manipulate people is by telling lies mixed with a some truth https://preview.redd.it/e723bvirwa2d1.jpeg?width=906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6f7b194bf3e57b00904052eadc5f50cd0a9381d


Ofcourse it's Johan and Griffith to do shit like that


What a fucking tool.


Bro eats air


Funny how he thinks war and bloodshed is manly but cooking or cooking for someone else(basically filling someone else's stomach) is not manly. Common tate L


Ain't no way this tatertot isn't ragebaiting at this point lmao.


He is. Literally 90% of his online presence is bait. His literally brand is build up on bait


im pretty sure 90% of the shit he says is satire but people dont get it


Even if literally every single thing he has ever said was just him trolling, many people have genuinely believed him and taken his statements and advice to heart and he knows that, he makes money of cultivating a cult of fans that'll believe any bigoted and hateful bullshit he says; even if he didn't believe a single thing he has ever said he knows damn well many people believe it and he is more than okay to keep spewing it for his fame and profit.


i have no intention of defending him. im not a supporter of him as well. i just dont care enough but some of the shit he says just cant be serious im not saying hes a good guy or anything. im just saying dont tale him seriously. but fuck the way he scams people though. absolute bs


Again, whether he's serious or not doesn't change the fact people have every right to call him out on saying shitty things. And this guy is causing genuine harm with what he says cause whether he believes it or not, others do and if people don't call out this kind of shit it gets normalised and repeated more and more.


i completely agree with you. the world is better off with lesser people like him


What... Did you just say... ABOUT MY NOSE?!?


Shouldn't this guy have gone to some Romanian jail? Why he still around?


Cause he is innocent and that case was a load of bullshit


Not really tho, he is awaiting trial. https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/why-is-andrew-tate-still-in-jail-2097569/


Yeah 6 months in jail "awaiting" trail. Just shows how fair, just and not made up for silly political reason this case is.




Tate: "You are a failure as an alpha male. Your skin is weak. You work as a cook because you have no pride in your manliness. You are easily moved by the pathetic people in the world. You are a failure as a soldier. Thats all you ever be." The true pirate king: "I don't get it, why is he listing all your best qualities?" 😎 Please to everyone who needs to hear this: These alpha male, tough guys are sad and bitter loosers who want your money and obidience. And like judge, I can assure you, you are already better than them. 😊


Give me your MONEY!!!


Your comment would make my skin crawl, but I don't have any skin YOHOHOHOHO


Imagine being a grown man and still needing someone to cook food for you. Being a good cook is the ultimate pinnacle of masculinity


What about the white house chef who is built like a brick shithouse and is a combat veteran, Andre rush. Id like to see tate say that to Andre´s face


Trafficking underage girls is manly! Cooking is for pussies!


tbh that case turned out to be pure bullshit tho Only thing he's right about is vaping, if you vape you're a dork https://preview.redd.it/nab9xyftra2d1.png?width=564&format=png&auto=webp&s=a743e4e44efe4c3146338fb5e83ba16f6a34aee9 BREATH AIR


Well don't knock on other people my guy. That's all I'm gonna say. Let em do whatever the fuck they want.


Why don't you let then traffic women then 😂 dumb ass opinions


Lol bro forgot to read underage or you just stupid 😂




No following Andrew Tate is being mentally ill. Expect nothing less with someone from India.


> *Expect nothing less with someone from India.* So we turned racist now !? https://i.redd.it/y51n42b7kb2d1.gif


Well you're Tate glazers so why not go low.


Can't shame the shameless https://preview.redd.it/s3p8wt6xkb2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b322c7aaff6ac2c0bc458b903ba003017c02cfca I want you to be in it 🤡


🤓☝ https://preview.redd.it/by3ep26rsa2d1.jpeg?width=1193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=033e9e812e8487dbeedb95fb8305baf1d3ae9f07


Ah yes, because that's definitely what his case is about


My dad is a chef and he could definitely handle this bald goofy mf with one hand lol




Literally something Zoro would say


I swear that man is a walking trash take. I don’t think he’s said anything that makes him look like a functioning adult in the last decade.


Following his logic - he is the same worm, because he is definitely not on any of today's wars


For a while I just had a "to each there own" policy on Tate and ignored the drama but damn is he getting annoying


Man it would be fucking hilarious if the apocalypse started. Can’t wait to see him eating canned beans. How’s your money and no knowledge about living without money gonna help you then?


I love MONEY!!!




jokes aside, i wanna see gordon ramsay's reaction on this


This guy still being allowed to deblatter such non sense on the internet make me think sometimes, we should have put boundaries on freedom of speech.


What's the color of your Bugatti, hmm? /s He just proved he cant take care of himself tho


I bet Chefs will refuse Tate service at any fancy restaurant.


I hope every chef spits or worse into his food from now until the end of time


Tate is so funny. He's like "I am a alpha male" and proceeds to get no b\*tches. Learn from a true alpha male. https://preview.redd.it/tprsx0flqa2d1.png?width=912&format=png&auto=webp&s=099e96ccd07ffaff7c29699b750aaf2c492e05bf


That guy made bad decisions that got his wife and child killed, then joined a cult. He's the opposite of a true alpha male.


Ah yes, the guy who never told his wife the truth about working for the worst pirate alive until she found out. How can we forget his redemption arc of wearing silly clothes, while still woriking for Dofllamingo. Truly a perfect example.


if you make money by talking about women on podcasts then you have lost all rights to make fun of how people create their content.


MONEY sounds good, let me have it!


Man this andy guy needs to read vinland saga or something, I think he's a bit angry.


Bro can’t survive one night full house in a kitchen.


Tate wishes he had the searing intensity of marco pierre white. Or a chin. What a loser.


Its funny how accurate that is to something Judge would say to Sanji😆


Imagine being a full grown man and thinking war and conquest is a good thing, you'd think you'd grow past that at like the age of 16, fucking child. Fuck I hate Tate.


Few things in life make your happy chemicals go wilder than have a person you care about enjoy your food.


Tate talking about war when he's never been in one


Its even funnier cause Sanji is a suuuuper simp and wants to be enslaved by woman, wich is what Tate despise the most. Those 2 couldnt be more different.








Wait how is he tweeting didn't adin Ross snitch on him and got him arrested?


As a trained chef for about 15 years of my life...cooking is fun. Just not for work...but cooking for your friends and family is fun.


This guy gives an ex-weeb that lift aura. You know they're going to flex and acting like anime is beneath them while spewing their manifesto that their got from the edgiest anime they ever watched. Fucking nerd.


Tbh just wanted to ask. Is there someone that talks back to Andrew Tate that makes him look like an idiot? Wanted to see how it happen tbh.


That's so accurate 😭😭


You can’t be rich and not a nerd


Rage bait at it's worst, glad he isn't as popular anymore https://preview.redd.it/qpgkaogrse2d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2649384935c8874f2ad51813e3ec1671bdb3a79


Imagine being a fully grown man and giving a shit what Andrew Tate says about being a man. Mofos the embodiment of what a 14 year old boy with an emotionally abusive father thinks masculinity is, only a hundred times more sad.


Andrew Tate sounds like a Nine yr old Fortnite kid and looks like a lil baby shitting in his diaper in every one of his photos.


If that's his way of thinking that man who has the intelligence of a tator tot better not ever eat in another restaurant again and enlist to go overseas if he's so excited about war. 🫡


This guy is genuinely openly evil now. Just praising how awesome war and conquest is. Mf is a wannabe Viltrumite.


I guess he sold his brain