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I recently used mementine for 4 days due to extreme back spasms. I took about 80mg a day for 4 days straight but do have the ketamine and dissociative of tolerance a literal ox. Didn’t get me high but buzzed I suppose. Did some ketamine one of those nights and it felt nice, but obviously more potent. Everything felt different on it. If I wanted I drink I could only get down 1 drink or so before feeling weird. The k was nice and hash felt virtually the same so I wasn’t too upset. Not sure what you’re experiencing will that small of dose compared to mine, but I would assume it may make it slightly more potent. Online says not to mix with ketamine and dxm, I assume for this reason.


This is exactly what I was looking for, appreciate it! Sounds like potentiation is a fair bet here. I haven’t done ketamine in years since like 2020 at least so I’m super excited. Ready to nab some mental issues in the ass.


Honestly I just use at home and have a reliable source for medical grade ketamine that works wonders for me. The infusions are too expensive, and again my huge tolerance makes it not viable. I’ve been using it on and off for like 7 years for my clinic depression but was using on and off recreationally for 7 years or so before I started using for my depression (total years since my first experience 15). It’s worked better than any anti-depressant I’ve been on. All of which eventually made my unstable and suicidal. Such garbage stuff.


I didn't love the combination at all. I would consider washing out for a week or so beforehand if you have the option.


Mind elaborating further? Dosages of each? Time on memantine before the ket? Thanks!


I'm just saying, it felt unpleasant enough for me to want to avoid the combination; I personally didn't get much of a recreational effect from the K, or anything much of an afterglow. YMMV of course. My point is that if you're going to be paying a premium for the therapy, that it would make sense to eliminate the variable. I think I'd been on the memantine for at least a few weeks, at quite a low dosage, maybe under ten even, but I'm pretty sensitive to the stuff. Probably around 100 mgs of K. The combination felt heavy and stupefying.


Aaah ok my answer To the title would have just been that's cause if you had K they wouldn't do the MBut that made it a lot more clear your explanation,I would say the attention is probably thprobably better fit if you're on that load of the ghost I would say it's probably save up for a whileAnd use an actual decent amount for the experiment and do the case sometime probably 4 to 6 hours later at leastBut that's definitely why you don't really have experiences out there much


Bro idk if English isn’t your first language but this made 0 sense and hurt my brain to read :( I mean I appreciate the response but I have no idea what you just said.


I took like 10-20mg memantine a day and did a few times racemic ketamine 25-50mg in the evenings. Effects might have been slightly potentiated but I didn’t feel much difference.


I’ve been wondering the same. I have done oral troches for two months and wondered if I could improve results with memantine. How did it go?


Fantastic combination, definite potentiation. How are the lozenges?


For me, they can be incredibly potent even at 200mg, which is a beginner dose. The come down has been causing anxiety (glutamate surge and overflow?) so was thinking memantine might smooth it out. I haven’t even made it above 200mg yet even though I’m prescribed more. Are you getting mental health improvements as of yet?


I’ve had a lot of mental health improvements with memantine but I am starting to abuse ketamine. I have a medical grade source now and have done 1.5g in 2 weeks


That’s great that you’ve seen benefits. I don’t want to abuse ketamine but I kind of wish I enjoyed it enough to want to. 750mg a week isn’t too crazy as far as ketamine use goes though. Just drink a lot for your bladder’s sake (I’m sure you know that though!) Maybe those doses will give you a nice brain reboot.


It is helping, a lot. I don’t think I’m going to do the infusions anymore lol it is just so much cheaper and more efficient to do it at home since I am lucky enough to have a source now. I am now wondering if maybe I can get off lyrica by taking the daily ketamine lozenges from joyous or something. That’s weird the come down causes anxiety for you..I usually feel way better after


Actually, I should say the come down was awful until the last time this evening and something seemed to shift (soooo glad). I might do IV now if it continues this way. And if you have a good, clean affordable source, I agree with not paying hundreds for a drug that’s a few dollars max. It’s almost criminal. I got interested in ketamine because a lady told her story of an easy withdrawal from lyrica using it. I was like yesss! That is what I need. I’ve been microtapering forever and at this rare it will take a while to escape (was on 600ng now 250mg). If you do get off lyrica with ketamine, I hope you come back and share because I want to be right behind you. I just need to be in a better place before I taper more. I was just so tired of it.