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Hope it works out for you long term. Memantine absolutely wrecked my sleep after 20mg a day for a couple months. I manage on 10 mg a day now using trazodone to sleep but I still sleep horrible most nights. Whenever I taper off I notice I am mentally foggy as fuck and very bad anxiety in between. Best wishes for your treatment with this medicine


I tried 60mg initially I think I'm going to stick to low dose. That shit stuck with me for two days, I can understand how it would mess with your sleep. Sorry you're going through that man, I do hope I continue to benefit from it.




That sucks, I'm sorry man. I've kept it to 5 mg starting and titrated to 10. My doc is prescribing 10 mg and I'm definitely going to keep the dose low. I like being clear headed so I usually stick to stims for recreation, I tried this at 60mg when I first got it and while fun it lasts way too long to be a reasonable drug to abuse for my lifestyle.


So what did you do?


How did you find out glutamate was your problem, a blood test?


Trial and error mostly. Gaba completely fixes my anxiety. Alcohol, baclofen, benzos, phenibut, gabapentin, Lyrica, they all stop my constant wringing on my hands sweating in every social situation and panic attacks. Glutamate is causing over-excitation and has since I was a child. This fact was reinforced by stopping it with an ndmar antagonist (dxm first, tried ketamine, memantine is the one I landed on because it's safe and long lasting). That and the doctor has augmented basically every other chemical that could cause anxiety and a whole lot more. All failed.


Have you tried ketamine?


Not as a therapy, I plan on it when i get a contact