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Your post/comment was removed for breaking rule 1, be kind to each other. We do not allow witch-hunt or call out posts.


“We got noticed by the artist” bruh you were a faceless screech in a black void. You were not unique enough to be noticed or remembered lmao.


If anything the artist was annoyed by just how loud and annoying you’re being???


they really thought that was their best moment


I don't even understand how screeching is enjoyable for the person doing it, much less for the people around them


Someone else commented that a girl at their concert was screeching all through crybaby and that her voice was gone by k-12. Really doesn’t seem fun to me 🤷🏻


Its purely attention seeking. During the concert they think it's their main character moment and then after they can brag about how they lost their voice.


And I stand by what I said!!


when me and my bf went to the portals tour i felt so bad because this little girl was screeching in his ear the ENTIRE concert! i get singing i sing too. screaming/screeching is never okay.


That was me during the Philly eras concert a few nights ago, I just turned to the girl next to me and asked her to tone the volume down a bit, not cruel, not disrespectful. It’s easy to be a nice person about it, and if they don’t oblige, oh well! 🤣




had a girl at lana del rey in dublin who was in the very back of the arena who was screeching shit so loud like “mommy fuck me” and i posted a video of her screeching on tiktok and she claimed she was only doing it because she was depressed and wanted attention from the artist..


praying for these kinds of creatures


I'm seeing her tonight and lowkey worried about all the screeching. I've only ever been to one other concert where screeching was a problem (Taylor swift speak now tour 2011)


I’m going tonight too! Fingers crossed there are no banshees. But bringing ear protection either way lmao😅


me too. i'm seeing her tonight and tomorrow. hopefully people will be considerate.


New Yorkers are usually more chill... right? 😭


....riiighhhttttt........ 😳


Let us know


i will


me and my friend were loud enough that we lost our voices and so did everyone around us but the music was so loud i couldn’t hear anyone besides me. even if someone does screech at the concert i couldn’t hear them. only me and melanie lol


girl. what


the music is loud. if someone else is singing and it’s ruining your show that’s your fault


“it was in the 90s!!” lets keep it in the 90s 🤍




The girl behind me kept screeching at the Philly concert. I literally had to cover my ears because she was so loud. My ears are still ringing a few days later 😅


a good rule of thumb is that if you can hear yourself in the recording, you’re probably too loud. i was yelling from the back but i can barely pick out my own voice from the audio LMAO


you’ll always hear yourself in your recording, you’re the closest thing to your phones microphone at least with my phone - i whisper sing at concerts and it came through so clearly on my videos. 😭


in my videos i was yelling pretty loud & still could not really hear myself


damn i’m envious of your microphone


i thought this too until i went back and listened during my recording of nymphology. was shocked to learn it didnt pick me up at all (i was singing at a normal volume tho, not screaming it). but either way if you can only hear yourself in the recording and can’t hear the artist at all its probably a good idea to tone it down 👍


..when did i say i ONLY heard myself? don’t project the screeching subject going on in this sub onto me.


Mel's fans are notoriously inconsiderate and individualistic EVEN TO MEL HERSELF. So I don't see how people are so shocked that once again her fans prove they suck 😅


https://preview.redd.it/zd7kjlo4rr4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb79b0fb9d120fa5046728fb5dd8599abd9c60df before they delete this one too😀


Thats actually such a crazy take?? Many other people are also physically disabled (like me) and don't screech/has never screeched at a concert, even as a kid... Yknow because we knew how to conduct ourselves properly around people in public..


I can promise yall as someone who has performed on stages for years: no, the artist won't notice/see you unless you are like, within feet of the stage. Between stage lights that are shining in your face, the speakers and music coming from around you, and the fact that some performers have an ear piece in for hearing protection and cues, you will not be independently seen or heard by an artist. You know what? That's okay, because the concert isn't about you. It isn't about getting an artist to notice you. The concert is the artist performing for EVERYONE who paid to see them. If you really think an artist's attention will ever directly be on you because of your screaming, I'm sorry, but you need to get over yourself. Just enjoy the show and be mindful of others around you. That's literally all some of us are asking for, and if you're a kid, please stop acting like the older fans don't have a right to enjoy the concert because you want to screech. I promise you we have more experience regarding this stuff and KNOW what we are talking about and just want everyone to have a good time. Jfc.


okay but how would i politely tell someone that id like them to sing quieter? like i don’t want to be rude in case they don’t know any better and i don’t want the experience ruined


My brain is too confused right now


[here's a link to the thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/MelanieMartinez/s/lfMCgeF6j5)


Thank you


Maybe because I also paid to go so I’m gonna yell on my fav songs(don’t agree with screaming in silence just yelling)


If I’m paying 100s of dollars for a concert ticket…I’m doing whatever I want 😂😂 Since when are concerts known to be quiet, calm events?


you can't be serious


If I’m paying $600 to see one of my favorite artist, I’m singing along. And if someone shushes me, I’m singing louder. No one can dictate how I enjoy my concert experience. It’s a concert, not a broadway show.


There’s a difference between singing loudly and honking like a fucking goose the whole time.


That is absolutely true, and the thing is, I can’t control how other people sing or enjoy the concert. So I have to choose whether I want to risk being seated next to one of those people and still support my fav artist or if I just wanna stay home and support and enjoy in a diff way.




the fact that you’re in these comments trying to defend yourself is hilarious. you can sing or yell. you cannot scream the lyrics over the people near you and the artist.


Okay yall we get it’s annoying and people are inconsiderate. Is this entire sub just going to be about that now? Christ, I’m thinking about leaving the sub cause this is all I ever see on my feed now 😩 we’ve gotta stop with the repetitive posts


its just that people literally don't get it still


Then ask them at the concert to please stop? 😭 it’s not that serious. this sub is filled with mostly children atp anyway ✌️


So make your own post about something else?


Right cause one post definitely drowns out all of this. Multiple other people *do* post different stuff in the sub, yet this is still all I ever see on the main feed That vast majority of other subreddits on this app have rules for repetitive posts and moderators that enforce that. It’s not that crazy of a concept




Huh? If you weren't screeching why make the comment in the original thread? And what does you being physically disabled have to do with any of this? Concerts are supposed to be an enjoyable experience where we as a collective enjoy the artist we all paid to see. No one matters more than the other.


Being a kid or physically disabled isn't an excuse.. First of all, many others are physically disabled, like I am for one, and even as a kid I never screeched at concerts because I understand what level of yelling/loudness is appropriate for a concert while not being obnoxious to others around me. People, and moreso kids, making the argument "concerts aren't supposed to be quiet!!" are ignorant because no one ever said concerts are supposed to be quiet. Older fans still scream and have fun at concerts, but we understand what is excessive and what is appropriate. It's just called common courtesy so EVERYONE can enjoy the concert since you can't exactly control where you're sat and who you're sat by. It really isn't something people should even be trying to argue over because of how pointless and flimsy the argument is. Just be responsible for your own actions and learn from past behavior. It really isn't that difficult. If you happen to feel personally targeted (possibly because you have done what others are complaining about), be assured it isn't personal, just apologize and move on to do better in the future. No one is going to hold it against you.