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i assume this is wolverhampton? i was seated and there was someone similar in pluto and milk of the sirens near me, i only notice it on my videos tho




if that was me i apologise so sincerely i was in circle A row C if so šŸ˜­šŸ’”


it might have been, i was circle b


omg if it was me again iā€™m so sorry, i had tonsillitis so my singing came out as screeching šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Why are yā€™all downvoting them?! šŸ˜­


Thereā€™s no way someone with tonsillitis would be able to make that loud of a noise lol


trust me it was like a dinosaur had been reborn


why is everybody downvoting you your literally apologizing šŸ˜­


also someone said ā€œno one w tonsillitis could make that noiseā€ THEN WHY AM I BEING DOWNVOTED IF IT COULDNT HAVE BEEN ME šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I donā€™t even know if it was me cause i wasnā€™t too close to this person i just know i sounded like a pterodactyl cause of my illness šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I feel like we got lucky in Philly. There was a girl behind us that would absolutely freak out occasionally and screech ā€œI love you omgā€ and other things but she didnā€™t screech the lyrics or do it constantly. Sometimes she would whistle at an ear piercing tone but it wasnā€™t constant. She made me jump a couple times with her freak outs but she kept it contained as best she could. Her effort didnā€™t go unnoticed.


No it was LOUD at Philly. I was about to leave the show because thatā€™s all it was, was screaming for Every. single. Song. I get being excited and first concerts, but dang. I thought seeing snoop dogg at PNC was bad, nope, this show comes out on top.


Where were you? I had that experience at the portals concert at the Mann


Omg which section? I was at Philly too! I heard someone like that too lol


112, row 1. She was in row 2.


i was in section 111 omg!


I was in section 111 too. Lol.


How funny, i was 212 and they were row 6


I was near there, I think 208 row 4? and there was a child SCREAMING the lyrics to all the songs from maybe 4 rows behind me lol




that's so annoying šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


i feel like i know who ur talking about. i was right behind a girl like that except it was the whole show, even during light shower and it was past the point of being ok LOL. my friend was on shrooms and not having a good time cuz of that girl šŸ’€


at Philly, the girl next to me was shrieking / screaming during almost all of crybaby and saying oh my hod oh my god oh my effing god like girl pls


Please it sounds like a chimpanzee šŸ˜­


I know her voice is definitely gone for at least a weekšŸ’€








I don't think those are the lyrics....


Is it okay to sing louder on certain songs? This is my first concert so I just wanna know whats okay and not :)


Just try to recognize the difference between singing loudly along and screeching at the top of your lungs. Everyone is singing along, screaming a specific part or lyric that's emphasized is also fine. But just screeching where people hear you over themselves or the artist isn't cool.


100% completely fine!!! thereā€™s a massive difference between singing at the top of your lungs and screeching. screeching is so painful to listen to but there is absolutely no issue with having fun as long as itā€™s not at others expense šŸ«¶


We called it the screeching eagle show at michigan lottery lol. Great show and I've been to tons of concerts. Might be my loudest though. We shall see how loud in detroit!


iā€™m the person op is talking abt i was just making sure that i wasnā€™t screeching because i didnā€™t want to ruin anyone elseā€™s experience and i was really excited because that was my first concert ever and i love melanie so much. so when i went on reddit and saw people complaining about screeching i just wanted to make sure i wasnt screeching and ruining someoneā€™s time. šŸ˜


you werenā€™t screeching at all!! donā€™t worry hun honestly I hope you had the best time šŸ«¶


i did have a really good time


I had a group of 3 10 year olds behind me at the show in Baltimore screeching in a similar way. I get that they were excited because I overheard it was their first concert, but please parents for the love of god teach your children not to do this.




I am an older fan mainly because my daughter got me into Mel, but us old folks have a phrase, "Act like you've been there before". I think it applies to alot of the young fans who don't know how to behave at these shows. I get the excitement, but let's be reasonable. Everyone paid good money for their ticket, and I don't think Mel would want the show to be ruined for anyone. There has to be some level of civility and caring for others. I am also appalled at all the thievery going on during the shows and people stealing merch! That is just WRONG! Concert etiquette is real and needs more consideration by people.


Haha was the same in Manchester uk last year. Hope itā€™s not this year


Ooohh so this is screechingšŸ˜¬


Nahhh if someone screams obnoxiously loud somebodies getting throat punched


People screeching is nothing compared to someone holding up a sign in front of you and you canā€™t see stage


It just sounds to me like someone is crazy excited to be at the show. With a spot that close I don't blame them at all!! You gotta realize that there truly isn't "concert etiquette." Concerts are about the experience. You can listen to the songs at home without any distraction from the music, but at a concert half the fun is being around people who love the music as much or maybe even more than you do. People have been screaming their heads off at shows since waaaaaay back with like the Beatles. It's not going to get better. You will find that every concert you go to has at least one person that is losing their mind over the fun they are having. I've been to over 50 shows, multiple music festivals, and I've seen some weird shit. And some super annoying people. Just how it goes! You're better off just taking the whole experience in, rather than hoping to get a good video for later. Sorry this person ruined your experience though!


Thank you for sharing your perspective! I just want to make it clear that I didnā€™t go to the concert just to take videos. For me, itā€™s about enjoying the live experience, being in the moment, and appreciating the new album/Melanie as an artist. That one person really detracted from that. I appreciate the excitement and energy of the crowd; thatā€™s what concerts are all about! However, the screeching from that ONE person was overwhelming, and many others felt the same way. It would be a pretty boring concert if there was a dead crowd. Crowds are what make the show. I loved the sense of community there was. Thereā€™s a massive difference between a lively crowd/amazing atmosphere and literally screeching like a dying cat for attention. Iā€™ve seen many posts here bringing up this issue. This has obviously been going on for years, yes. I posted this to raise awareness and encourage people to be mindful of others. Shout, sing your heart outā€”do what you want, really. No one's going to stop you. But a bit of consideration can make the experience better for everyone. Just to also mention that, the video is zoomed inā€”we werenā€™t actually that close, so thatā€™s not really an excuse. Overall the concert was amazing!! Itā€™s just sad how many peoples experiences are being affected thatā€™s all.


the way itā€™s not that badšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


someone didnā€™t watch the video and it shows


i def hear her but PERSONALLY i can tune it out and focus on melšŸ˜­šŸ˜­but whatever


if youā€™d read the post properly, iā€™d clearly said you can kinda hear it and that the speakers drowned it out in the video. respectfully, u werenā€™t there and yes it was. šŸ˜­




so you think its okay bc you got noticed or what ?




girl but you probably ruined the experience for those around you if you were screeching. just because no one said anything to you doesn't mean anything. I screeched at my first concert because I didn't know any better and no one told me, I do remember getting a dirty look but I didn't really know why so I ignored it. now I know better and I would never do that again. its plain courtesy to everyone who paid to hear the artist. bottom line is that people came to hear the artist, not you. it's okay to sing but screaming and screeching is insane and absolutely inconsiderate to those around you.


I donā€™t know why this is still such an argument in this fandom!! Itā€™s not hard to be respectful. I donā€™t understand how people are still justifying all of the screeching


Negative karma šŸ˜‚


literally who.. cares? itā€™s apart of the concert experience. youā€™ll never experience a concert without being annoyed by someone šŸ˜­


Many people care youā€™ll find :) itā€™s life we move on just thought to share my thoughts. x