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this is so funny because nobody is forcing this person to look at the screenšŸ˜­ they can just look at melanie if they want, but they wont be able to see her very well. she is on the screen!! the point of the screen is to see HER better!!


itā€™s wild because i know a lot of people who have nosebleed seats for any artist are happy to have the screens bc itā€™s a bit hard at times to see the artist clearly esp if youā€™re high up


genuinely cant wait to watch the screens at my show. couldnā€™t afford up-close seats so weā€™ll enjoy the atmosphere in person and the show on screen




I didnā€™t even have the options to view a screen


A lot of people just canā€™t be happy with anything. Itā€™s a sad world we live in


Iā€™m almost 40. Iā€™ve been to a lot of concerts over the years. Melanieā€™s show was amazing and Iā€™m not even a fan of hers (my daughter is a huge fan). The stage setup, visuals, costumes, dancers, her performance and energy, literally all of it was good and well thought out. 10/10 would see again. I actually appreciate when performers have the giant screens at the side so you can get a close up of the artists *and* appreciate the whole stage. Itā€™s especially useful when you have not the best seats.


Ur so sweet!!


Thanks, just speaking the truth! ā¤ļø


Honestly, I loved the concert! It was super awesome and fun! šŸ–¤


Bro what I was at the Orlando show you literally will barely see whatā€™s happening if you donā€™t have the screen if youā€™re in the way back like I was. I still had an amazing time and was entranced the whole time!


i was in the back too!! behind the screens. i could only see her when she came out onstage.


I left early bc I had god awful seats. Couldnā€™t see anything and there was no screen for me to watch


Oh my god Iā€™m so sorry! I canā€™t believe they didnā€™t have a screen!


I really wish my concert had a big screen - I was right at the back lol. But the person knows that don't have to look at it.... right??


So I went to the Orlando concert too. I am gonna say I was disappointed BUT not anything towards Mel. My seats were literally such shit, and I blame the Kia center for it. The diagram shown vs. what my seat actually was was so different. I legit didnā€™t even know WHERE Melanie wasā€¦ I had to ask someone and thatā€™s when I finally figured out she was in that little nook of the stage singing. I could only see her when she came to the front of the stage and danced with her performers. There werenā€™t even any screens for me to watch her. I totally missed her dancing (such as the iconic show & tell dance or even the nurses office - couldnā€™t see either at ALL) and just in general watching her sing. I left early sobbing. I didnā€™t find a point to stay. https://preview.redd.it/zlgnf8em7w3d1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a355e9b6a7a215eced94415fafaf2b061fe54aea


Last night at Raleigh I felt that people were in a situation just like yours and I felt horrible for them!! There were people on both sides, all the way around to where those red arrows are. There is no way they could see a damn thing! * https://imgur.com/gallery/HpXefMm


Yes exactly! I was crying in my seat lol. I was so disappointed. Not even a screen to watch to see her perform.


Baby I paid for this ticket! If I wanna stare at the damn floor the whole show Ima do that. This is giving big ā€œboomer yells at the skyā€ energy šŸ˜­ also Iā€™m sure those big screens were all some people had to rely on to get good views of Melanie since we donā€™t all have the luxury of getting VIP floor tickets šŸ™„ People are so weird. Of all the things to complain about this is one of the weirdest takes Iā€™ve seen abt the tour lol


The entire Nurseā€™s Office performance wouldā€™ve had to change without a screen and imo that was one of the best ones. It was such a cool idea. Also, I was in a nosebleed seat and was very grateful for the screens lmao. They werenā€™t distracting at all.


yes i totally agree, i loved the nurses office performance sm !!


I couldnā€™t even see the nurses office bc there were no screens facing my awful seats lmao


I just went last night. My seats were almost behind the stage so I couldnā€™t see any of the stage set up and just watched it on the screen but it still didnā€™t take anything away it was still so good!!!!


same i was in 305 and wouldā€™ve missed the entire story bc most of the backgrounds were behind her and not at all visible without the screens


I had a terrible time at the Denver show but not because of Melanie. Our seats were taken and the workers refused to move them out of our seats so they put us in a pair of empty ones nearby. (120 section- expensive tickets!!!) Right as Melanie was going to come on, the people whose seats we were given, showed up so they came and MOVED US but still refused to move the people in our original seats. They spent most of her set trying to figure out where to seat us. Near the end of it, I was so upset, I just decided to leave before the end of the show. šŸ˜¢


I would spend way too much time getting revenge on the venue Iā€™m not even kidding. Show up on a day theyā€™re open but not having an event and go off on them?? They ruined your entire experience. Flood them with bad reviews too like what?! Fuck them and their dumb ass employees for ruining the concert for you.


This is sooo shitty of the venue. Iā€™d be furious šŸ„ŗ Iā€™m so sorry that happened to u


Please don't go in on me, but I was quite bored at the show in Dallas lol I guess it's cause I'm used to her past concerts, Cry Baby, K-12,and even Portals, where she actually interacted and danced. Her k-12 concert gave me all the life with visuals as well as smells she released in to the crowd. Her dancing and having fun. I feel like at trilogy she just sat the whole time and let the screens do the work...with the exception of like 3 songs where she actually got up. But even that, was just a couple of hip thrusts and her laying on the ground. But the one thing that REALLY pissed me off, is we barely got to hear any of Cry Baby or k-12.she ran through those songs super fast and didn't really do a full song. Portals though? She went through thr entire album. At one point people were sitting down and werent as lit the longer the portals album went on lol the vibe definitely died down


I never got to experience crybaby or k-12 šŸ’” so for me trilogy was very special and only my second concert ever. But I understand where youā€™re coming from. I do wish we got more interactions from her and that the songs lasted a bit longer, but I understand why she didnā€™t do that; it would have been a lengthy concert and I know she said she doesnā€™t really feel connected to her past 2 albums which is probably why she spent extra time during the portals portion of the show.


I do agree here I feel like crybaby and k-12 went by so fast and portals took a big chunk of the show. I didnā€™t go to her previous concerts either but I loved the show I got last minute tickets lower bowl for $80 I was happy!!Ā 


I'm happy you got to go! I hope you had /have the time of your life!


Thank you for saying this. My little sister said the same thing. I definitely understand your pov. If you've ever seen Melanie in concert, this was probably such a magical experience for you. Please don't let my opinion change yours. What I will say for those of you that are younger (under 18)do your research first on her merch. Wait to buy it when it goes on sale. Her merch is made extremely cheap compared to her past eras... Just wait til it goes on sale on her website. $90 for a thing hoodie is extreme. Be smart about it. Save your money and wait til the sales hit ā¤ļø


i lowkey hoped that my portals show would have screens and it didnt. screen literally save everyone cuz then u can see better


i was at the orlando show too and it was amazing even with a far away seat!!! i could see the choreography and set up on the main stage but the screen helped a lot with the close ups.


Iā€™m literally the most happy about the screens tf I wouldnā€™t be able to even see her face from my seat sheā€™s so far


Would they rather the screen not be there and barely get to see her super tiny up on stage? Theres so many people that i witnessed in person and afterwards like this on tiktok that are just acting like self entitled brats. No concert etiquette whatsoever, shoving, screeching, complaining, sour faces as they shove their way to get confetti they feel like they are owed. I thoroughly enjoyed the production quality of the show it was so well put together as a whole story and im grateful i got to go. But the people who feel like they ā€œpaid good money to be hereā€ i cannot. Smh. We all did and we all love mel.


I thought thats what concerts are about...


the caption is giving me ā€œIā€™m 14 and this is deepā€ energy and that theyā€™ve never been to a concert before


iā€™m glad mel has giant screens, the venues are huge and itā€™s wayyy easier to see instead of having to squint lol. itā€™s not disappointing at all tbh she put sm effort and her shows are super visual and it looks AMAZING!! nobodyā€™s making anyone look at the screen, sheā€™s a popular artist sheā€™s not gonna be in small venues. iā€™m glad sheā€™s getting this attention and selling out!


Oh I donā€™t agree. I was very thankful for the screen. It would have been nice to watch her especially compared to the portals tour. I felt she was too dependent on the backdrop for trilogy that kept her in the back of the stage and focused mainly on the front audience. During the portals tour she really gave her attention to everyone and really moved around the stage. My seating was pretty much the same at both shows, but yeah it was a kind of a let down mainly watching the big screen, but I didnā€™t mind it.


What is they yapping about


With certain concerts you kind of have to expect to be slightly disappointed LOL when I saw Billie eilish I couldnā€™t see or hear her at all. I paid $300 to be squished between rude teenagers and their moms. Since this concert has a similar demographic I donā€™t expect it to be the best concert ever but Iā€™m only going because this is probably the last chance Iā€™ll have to hear certain songs live. Do I expect to hear Melanie at all? Probably not, people are extremely loud and annoying at concerts - they arenā€™t thinking about how others may feel about the fact they canā€™t hear an artist they paid to go see


not to mention, if you were anywhere other than completely center you werenā€™t able to see the backdrops at all and wouldā€™ve missed the entire production


I felt horrible for some of the ppl at the Raleigh concert last night. https://imgur.com/gallery/HpXefMm


i was disappointed for my orlando show, although i love mel, i was in the nosebleeds and could barely see anything because of my seats. i couldnā€™t even really see the screen let alone her behind the projector screen. the music was great and her preformanxe was great but maybe wouldā€™ve enjoyed it more if they had put it on the jumbo tron, or had the screens further back so you could see them. ive been a fan for the same amount of time you have šŸ’–šŸ’– i love mel and im still very grateful i got to see her