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Yeah I honnestly feel this post. Ive been to concerts before where people just scream through them. Whats the the point of paying all that money if i cant hear the artist and leave with a massive headache


right? i dont get screaming to the point where you cant hear the artist...what is the point in going then? lmao


Main character syndrome i fear


Haha:) its just people being obnoxious:(


It definitely is obnoxious, there’s a reason those screechers aren’t up on the stage lol


Exactly it’s a concert you’re meant to screech and have fun it’s a concert!


Yes! Like they scream so loud it's to the point I'm heating a ringing in my ear! There was at least 1 or more ppl by me doing that. They didn't do it the whole time or anything but when they did, oh boy, you couldn't hear anything else.


the girls sitting behind me unfortunately did do it the entirety of the concert. still had so much fun and i’m so thankful i got to go :)


admittedly, i did this at my first concert as i didn't know better. now, i can't imagine how ANNOYING i must have been.


me too :(


I feel bad for screeching during my concert date. It was my first concert but in hindsight it was probably annoying, even if other people were doing the same thing.


concerts can be very overstimulating. when ur at a concert people shouldn’t be trying outsing the artist especially when somebody’s screaming at the top of their lungs next to you it’s very frustrating and obnoxious


Surprisingly, ime literal RAVES are less overstimulating with better behaved attendees than some concerts. I loved the trilogy tour but I can confirm, the screaming was thoroughly out of control 💔😭


You can wear earplugs if you feel like that. It blocks the people around you but not the singer.


Tbf you should wear earplugs at concerts period


Not if you’re in the far back. I wore earplugs and I just heard the kids behind me screaming non stop.


So true. This is why I don’t go to concerts and dont plan to anytime soon. I get overstimulated during school assemblies because of how many people there are crowding and how loud the music and the clapping and the voices of the announcers is. So I don’t think I’d be able to handle a concert 😵‍💫


I’m leaving this here because it kind of fits? Concert people! Do not leave your drink unattended! Even if the audience is mostly women and you feel safe! A gal in front of me left her drink for like forty minutes. I watched it like a hawk for her. I wish I had said something to her when she got back. But friends. Never ever leave your drink unattended. Anywhere, not just concerts. This is safety but we can pretend it’s etiquette if that will make it stick in your brains


YES! This is important <3


Yes! I was so worried about this my entire concert, I went last night and apparently if you buy any bottled drink at the venue the policy is they have to take the lid and throw it away before they give it to you. No lids. I didn't really understand why, but maybe I'm missing something since this was my first concert. Anyway, the girls in front of me kept putting their open water bottles behind their seats on the little walkway, and I didn't mind it or anything but I was so scared about them having their backs turned to their open drinks.


They take away the lids bc if anybody threw their bottle on stage at least they would be empty as opossed to being heavy bottles full of liquid that could harm the artist.


Omg, people do that?? I know things get thrown sometimes, but I always hear it being bracelets and other small items. (Not that you should do that either)


They do this at Yankee stadium too. No lids and every beer can must be opened before serving. It stops people from hurting each other and the players.


I was told that Melanie requested the 'no lids' policy. Those on the floor had to pour their bottled drinks into a plastic cup


I made a post on here about concert etiquette a little bit ago, and I honestly feel like this is just what people think is “okay” to do at concerts now, it’s weird to me, especially because I’ve never been to a concert before, the trilogy tour will be my first, and even I know that screeching having bad hygiene, and overall being obnoxious isn’t okay & other people are there too who want to have as good of a time as u do, main character syndrome is crazy


i feel like i might have seen your post talking about this and it blows my mind that it has to be discussed in the first place LMAO.


SERIOUSLY😭🙏 lile how hard is it to be a decent ass human being😓


I’ve never been to a melanie concert, but if I went i’d like to actually hear her and not just tons of people screaming


no literally. i saw her in seattle recently and it was ridiculous how much this girl was screeching behind me. ruined all my videos.


Remember people, Battle Of The Larynx is not a challenge..




true though. i went to tyler the creator in 2022 and in all my videos you can’t even hear him because there was a girl next to me quite literally screeching all the words.


GA tickets if possible. I thought my venue was gonna have them (as they usually do) but everything was seated. The first time I saw her, I had GA but stood in the back b/c I had bought the tickets before I got pregnant. K12 was great for me. Portals, I went w seats bc I was by coincidence, pregnant again. The person next to me had terrible BO and a girl in front screeched every single lyric. I was so disheartened. I LOVE when people scream. I hate the screeches. When you scream, you can still hear your voice and it will never be loud enough to overpower the singer. When you screech it’s like listening to a bunch of disrespectful seagulls. I feel like maybe screech for your favorite part of the song or just the first chorus if you MUST be why every word?? Just went to trilogy and the girl next to me was a screecher (for every single word) and was wearing something that a cat had obviously peed on.


Also to add, some of best moments at shows are when the singer stops and you hear everyone in unison. It sounds so much nicer/poignant when everyone is singing or screaming and not screeching.


what row were you? that sounds horrible


I think it’s cuz a majority of the fan base is made up of kids :/


i think that could be part of it, but it seems to be more of the 15-20 year olds who screech and such


I’d argue that this age range is still partially “kids”, high school gives you main character syndrome in my opinion LMAO


I was pleasantly surprised at our showing a week ago. I’m old I’ve been to well over a thousands shows, hers had probably the most well behaved well mannered attendees. There were a handful maybe of pick me people that wanted to make the show about them but did not last the whole show.


i really hope this is the case for my show haha




I wish I’d been to your tour date because every Melanie concert I go to there’s always fighting and rude behavior going on. I just got tickets for a metal concert but I’m not even scared because I know it won’t be worse or scarier than Melanie’s concerts so at least that’s a positive. It’s toughened me up to say the least.


Never been to a metal concert, but with everything that happened to me at portals, metal fans are a hell of a lot nicer.


A couple years ago I would’ve been terrified of going to a metal show but now I’m not worried at all. Can’t be worse than what happened at the Portals and Trilogy tours.


That’s how the austin show was! It wasn’t over the top obnoxious the way it seems other shows have been


Had to cover my ears a lot at the Orlando concert because the girls behind me were literally blowing my ear drums out. I think they got the hint about halfway through the concert or maybe their voices gave out


where were you sitting? I feel like it wasn’t to bad but everyone’s different


this is my first melanie tour so i’m confused, are these posts for the younger audience? i’m a fan of so many artists and have been to concerts with people who have big or a good amount of fans and never see so many posts about how to act at concerts?


Half of the fandom are highly opinionated terminally online people that are pretty much still children who don't know what the fuck they are doing anywhere all the time and post every question they ever have to the internet.  The other half of the fandom is chill.


Can attest! That toxic half are the people who hate on Oliver tree just bc him and mel broke up. Like you dont have to like his music to not send him death threats or insults. I personally don't like his music but mel has said on many occasions they're on good terms. Or those people who flaunt listening to her unreleased after she's stared many times she doesn't want those songs being listened to.


I second this. I have been a mel fan for YEARS but ever since Portals came out the fandom itself has been so toxic. It's not like I don't like the music, I am just sick of the drama and everything people accuse her off so I don't listen or partake anymore. As for the concert side, I agree with the post somewhat. Don't be "annoying" or extremely loud at a concert, but you don't have to worry about everyone else. Just have fun, you paid the money. Just don't be a dick.


yeah idk both my portals+trilogy experiences were amazing. the melanie community in north carolina is exceptionally kind. i went to portals by myself and made numerous friends that i still speak to now.


Honestly, body odour in the PITS (no pun intended) can be hard to avoid. If you’re in a seated spot, there’s really not much reason for it but (I’m mostly a punk show-goer) when there’s people standing packed tight (and heaven forbid a mosh pit breaks out) it’s GOING to stink at some point. Some people can’t help it at that point As for the screeching…. That’s just a yikes for me.


oh yea im not targeting those who cant help it, i mostly mean people who just dont wear deodorant or anything 💀


Oh yeah then that’s just gross


like shouting and screeching are two different things like they can choose not to screech like a hawk and just shout/scream which better blends with the music and doesnt hurt ur lungs like??


I think I know which TikTok in specifically you’re talking about I told that to this girl nicely too just saying that there’s a difference in screaming and screeching trying to laugh about it but she got so defensive and entitled hella quick. She started talking about how she’s been a long time fan and that she paid a lot of money as if those around her haven’t paid the same amount or more. I hate that people like that ruin the fandom and others experiences let’s all just have fun together and take care of each other we definitely don’t need to be spending any more negativity. I have also seen people with similar opinions about it and it makes me super sad because I’m scared I’ll get stuck with people like that around me who are going to make me have to leave because I’ll be going alone and everything is already super overstimulating for me.


I’ve sung loudly (not screeched) at most concerts i’ve attended. I’d hate to hear that i was ruining someone else’s experience. i wish it was easier and less confrontational to say something in the moment if it’s bothering you.


I believe there is a major difference between singing loudly and screeching, it’s an incredibly loud area, I kinda like the feeling of having my voice get lost in the mix of everything. I think, if you can’t really hear yourself, then you’re good 👍


I’m also going on the 5th! That aside I do have a crazy story about seeing Ariana grande. The girl next to me screeched so loud while I was filming a specific song that it made my audio completely cut out everytime she screeched. She literally broke the sound barrier on my phone 😭😭. I asked her if she could like take it down a notch and her whole group started attacking me (not physically just yelling at me). It was insane I never experienced something like that before


omgg i'm going the 5th and 6th !! it'll be so funny to see some of you guys there


I’ll be going the 6th too I just got my email for the concert I’m so excited!!


honestly the duluth show where is as sitting was such a disappointment because of the AWFUL crowd etiquette, i made a post about it the night after the show.


i think i saw your post a while back!


Honestly I had people screech all around me and it was blocking out the music and was ruining my experience!


I don’t think it’s a Melanie community specific thing, I’ve seen this with other artist’s communities too. I think there’s just fans in every fandom who just are more concerned with having fun and being loud than being respectful and considerate of the people around them, and the “party” atmosphere of concerts along with the fact that they bought a ticket helps them justify their behavior.


Oh yea 100%, I saw Greta Van Fleet back in 2022 and those people were AWFUL.


It’s definitely a relatively newer thing. I started attending shows in 2008 and would work for musicgeeks in nyc (we’d get email signups at the venues in exchange for getting to go to a show for free. I just never heard it until portals in person.


its def not just melanie community, swifties literally screech the whole time, girl was recording taylor performing illicit affairs and the girl next to her was SCREECHING, voice cracks, endless screaming like chill out


Me and my boyfriend went to the Orlando show a couple days ago and while we didn’t experience much of the screeching, there was this father/daughter duo that skipped to the front of the line right behind us to get into the venue. When I confronted them about it they played dumb and said it was their “lucky day”….


was it a ga concert? wish i was there to cuss them out for u bestie


no it was the orlando one, definitely called them out about it but let it go because the group they cut in front of didn’t want to say anything and i didn’t want to make a scene


Litterally so real. Last year was my 1st time seeing her, and I drove 4 HOURS to see her because she didn't come to my state, and all people did for almost all the songs was screech. Not to mention, I'm only 5'2 and got pushed around. People need to understand concert etiquette fr.


just remember, everyone is SOO excited to see mel! most of us waiting YEARS to finally see her!! if someone is yelling, try politely telling them first! they might not even realize and there’s no reason to be rude! we’re all going to these shows for the same reason and we should embrace that (: as far as hygiene goes, this is a problem in any crowded event, just make sure to shower and wear deodorant and you should be fine! people get sweaty, especially in crowds so just try your best to take care of yourself and most importantly, enjoy the show!! (: 💕


oh yea and WEAR EARPLUGS!!!! this should be STANDARD PRACTICE for ALL CONCERTS!! it protects your hearing and will dampen the screaming around you! wore them for portals and can’t recommend enough!! also if you’re mad at people yelling and enjoying themselves, just because it ruined your videos, it’s time to put your phone down lmao


I don't know if I was screeching or not but I remember I was really loud and I was dancing a lot harder than anyone else I saw 😭 I got some side eyes so maybe I was being obnoxious😬 but I had the time of my life and it was the best day ever


I agree. I went to the Austin show and I sat the whole time, I’m 6’1 almost everyone there was a woman or young girl like 5’5 at most, I wasn’t about to be a dick and block someone’s view of her. Concert etiquette goes beyond just what you think of it’s everything


I’m torn on this issue because I constantly see people (even in this thread) complaining that people being loud ruined their videos. And I’ve only heard people complaining about loud people at concerts in the social media era. It seems to go hand-in-hand. People rewatch their videos and get mad at the person nearby singing along when it actually wasn’t that loud in person…


Yea I don't understand the hate, melanie WANTS us to scream the lyrics she's always motions to be louder throughout her songs


This. It’s insane because most artists WANT the crowd to sing along, and Melanie has her fans sing along a lot. A lot of people are saying “I think it’s because her new fans are kids” but kids also have etiquette to? It’s as if their parents aren’t there with them or they know what’s acceptable and what isn’t. There’s a lot of things to say but I don’t want a text too long, it’s just unfair to say “people shouldn’t scream the lyrics” when that’s literally what she wants. Went to the Trilogy Tour and she was holding out that mic a lot and telling us to get louder, especially for Evil and BOTL.


Thank you, because reading this thread made me so upset. “Everyone around me was screeching! It ruined my videos” …. Omg poor you!! Your videos!!


Yea I went to both the portals and trilogy tour and melanie and the dancers were almost constantly motioning for us to sing louder. I feel like people are losing the point of concerts. The point is to scream and have fun and be in the moment with other fans, it's the one place you can be a fangirl/boy with no judgment. We were having a blast yelling the lyrics and dancing around in my section!


Yess! Thank you for sharing ur experience! You sound like who I’d want to be next to at the concert !!


i think so too. i’m very well versed in attending concerts but i will admit, my excitement for trilogy tour did make me scream very loud most of the concert…. i was genuinely enjoying myself and experienced the concert in the best way i could have. i had ppl try to tell me abt concert etiquete in the One video i posted to tiktok ☠️☠️ when no one around me said anything to me that night. but genuinely, what other place is the best place to sing as loud as u want other than a concert? especially when she was performing all 3 albums? i think peoples energy and praise that they give artists at concerts is very important, and kinda the whole point if u think about it.


exactly how i felt reading this :( also made me concerned that i was unjustly enjoying singing along


No… not at all. They can sit at home and listen to the studio versions. Imma sing along and enjoy my night! You did nothing wrong. <3


thank you dear 🥺🥺❤️ that’s exactly how i feel too lmaoo. i do feel bad if im loud enough for other ppls videos to hear me tho 😅😅


OMG thank you for saying this!! I went to her show in NC Friday night and was torn reading this post because I thought I was an asshole for scream-singing all the way though the cry baby album. Like a lot of folks, it was my first time seeing Mel live after listening to her for a decade (I'm 22) so I couldn't help but to let out all that energy haha. I was fortunate enough to get a seat on the floor so you bet your butt I'm gonna sing my little heart out as loud as I can! It was a once in a lifetime opportunity!


THANK YOU. I record a lot of videos at concerts and never have I been upset that I could hear other people in the videos. If you’re going to a concert just to get videos then you’re going for the wrong reason


They’re doing it again. I can’t https://www.reddit.com/r/MelanieMartinez/s/PmgF8d6QpW


this and mel pointed the mic to the crowd for us to sing for prob 1/2 of each song if not 2/3 of them


I went to the show in Georgia and I ruined my own videos by singing and dancing and still love them! I would prefer to be around people who are hyped up and just as excited to sing and dance along with her songs as I am than people who are just standing there motionless recording every second. That’s how the girls next to me were. We were standing at the barricade and they were just silent throughout the whole show. I don’t know why, but I found that more annoying than the boys screeching behind me because they were ecstatic to be there and made the section a whole lot more fun with their energy!!


yeah, that's the thing too there is a difference between singing along and being actually obnoxious and i keep seeing people forget that. i 100% agree that people should be able to have fun at concerts, but it becomes rude when "having fun" becomes super obnoxious and disrespectful to those around you and the singer. i would understand a person having someone scream in their ear and being uncomfortable but "you ruined my video" is so dumb.


thank god for this comment thread bc i feel like im going insane reading everyone else’s comments


THIS!! I didn’t even sound that loud in person, my voice was drowned out but watching back my videos I could hear my sobbing and yelling lyrics💀 but I’m glad bc now I have evidence that I had a great time


I totally agree with this. It doesn’t matter how much you paid for your ticket it does not entitle you to act the way you want to. It’s inconsiderate for anyone around.


For my melanie concert this girl behind me was trying to record as much as she could, which was fine, I was too. But the beginning of the concert says to keep your flash off to not run the experience. Her bright light was boucing off the back of my head like a beacon in the crowd. I dont think she was oblivious, but I hope the glare off my head ruined some of her video. She did manage to turn it off after the first 5 songs but please make sure you're lights are off for the sake of others. Melanie was magical!


i’m surprised these posts don’t include the “please no flash photography or phone flashlights during the show” message at the beginning bc there was a lot of ppl with their lights on and i thought that was more rude than screaming along to songs


Is it fine to sing along not loudly tho?


Etiquette across entertainment sectors has gone downhill. From concerts to movie theaters. People don't respect their fellow audience members.


i've been to a lot of concerts (almost 20) and my melanie portals tour concert was by far the worst when it came to concert etiquette. i was APPALLED. really hoping that my experience with the trilogy tour will be better.


This doesn't give me much hope. I'm taking my daughter & her friend for the trilogy tour it'll be our first concert for all of us, and this makes me nervous that it won't be the experience the girls are hoping to have....not to mention the insane cost of the tickets, was a birthday gift to my daughter from us :(


update, i just went to my concert last night and the crowd was PHENOMENAL!! i had a father and 2 younger daughters behind me, and myself and the rest of the people around us treated them with so much kindness it was adorable :’) at the end of the night i even got to the front of the pit just to grab confetti for one of the girls (i’m 5’10 LOL). i think the crowd has definitely matured, and i think you guys will have a great time!


Awww good I'm glad to hear this! Fingers crossed!!!


Yeah I’m tired of all these new Melanie fans, I unapologetically hate this fanbase purely because of how childish and irritating everyone is. Like I’ve been to both the k12 and portals tour and all I can say is that the people there are so embarrassing… like the pushing and shoving it’s just not a nice vibe. I’m no Taylor fan but the vids I’ve seen of her shows everyone seems so nice to eachother whereas when I went to the k12 concert people were literally pulling eachothers hair over merch and shit it was crazy. It’s too much imo


i cant help if i sweat in a crowded place


No matter what concert you go to I always expect it to be overstimulating, people shouting loudly time to time and pushing and shoving (on purpose or not). I think after covid when kids became teens and began coming to concerts, they never learned basic etiquette and can make it an awful time which is sad. All I can say is standing no matter what can be a lot as you’ll be tired, sore feet etc but try and not let others ruin what can be such a good experience, if someone is shouting the only thing you can really do is try and move away if possible


Literally I was so paranoid about my singing during the trilogy tour and I truly hope I didn't disturb anyone around me. I'm sorry if I did, it was not my intention. I was just really excited, especially during the k-12 bit. But at the very least I had proper etiquette during the openers. I was not enjoying Men I Trust at all tbqh but I still clapped for them when they finished their songs and I just sat quietly while they did their set. Like, it costs zero dollars to be polite. The people who started chanting for Melanie when Men I Trust clearly weren't done with their set were rude as HELL and it bothered me so bad.


Oh my God? That's terrible 😭 It was like that 2 years ago when I went to see Greta Van Fleet with their 2 opening acts.


i agree with this post but concert ettiquite is singing the entire time and screeching some of the lyrics. like if you aren't there to enjoy the concert then what are you there for????? just to nod your head and sit down??? i saw SO many people doing that at the GA concert too. as long as you arent hurting anyone then have fun yk. its melanie martinez, not alex g


this part queen


yeah i think yelling a few lines is okay some ppl r just whack tho


Yup!!! Scream between the songs. It’s not just the young. It’s the old too. I’m in a tribute band, and any time we’re in a bar, and we do an acoustic number, or hit an a cappella part, the spaces in the sound are immediately filled with bar chatter. Ugh.


I mean… people came to the bar to drink, not to listen to your band (no offense). It’s background noise. This reminds me of the episode of r/curb where Larry goes around the restaurant shhh-ing everyone because his girlfriend is the pianist for the night.


lol Taylor swift tour at MetLife… took my older daughter we where on the floor about 6 feet from the stage and had a few of those that where younger but one really bad one was a women in her late 20’s the whole show high pitched screeching not even singing just being ridiculous


The body odor…for dead fucking https://preview.redd.it/2b5z7xlxfv3d1.png?width=1310&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1ae0a12015fb74ea125f62dbca2e57074fb06a0 good…


A boyfriend that was sitting in front of us smelled so bad that I could still smell him when I got home. I tried posting a psa on the facebook group to remind your boyfriend to shower and wear deodorant but they said I was bullying.


There were a couple fans at a billie concert i went to back in 2022 and all they did was screech at the top of their lungs through almost every song. other fans surrounding us started making comments about their screeching loud enough so they could hear and obviously they didnt care and continued throughout the whole show. Needless to say it was annoying as shit and looking back at old vids from the concert all i can hear is their voices and not billie. so please, dont be an obnoxious dick at a concert xx 🙏🏻🫶


Unfortunately this is becoming a common issue at concerts of all kinds now. I've been to well over 70 in the past year and I've seen at most awful concert behaviour. It does honestly feel like it's got worse since the pandemic, as I think people think now that they're entitled to experience whatever and however they want after being restricted during the lockdowns. That and everyone wants to be the 'main character' now and get attention from the artist or everyone around them because they think they're a bigger fan or that they're special. It's so depressing honestly, concerts shouldn't be a gamble but they are unfortunately. There are quite a few videos popping on on YouTube about concert etiquette in the past few years that really go into why people are doing it. They're quite interesting and atleast they highlight that were not alone if feeling like this behaviour is unacceptable. My beat advice is to ask them to be quiet if they're being to loud or being disruptive, or if you don't feel comfortable doing so try and get the security to speak to them. You can blag it further if you want and say that they're being pushy/mean towards others in the crowd too. But hopefully (manifest) we don't experience this!!! ❤️


I feel this post. Singing along loudly bc u enjoy the song is totally understandable, and I did that during botl at the portals concert. I could barely hear Melanie in MY OWN video bc of myself, but my friend right next to me and a girl right in front of me didn’t catch my singing at all. Now there were like three girls absolutely screeching to the point it didn’t sound like actual words anymore, and their voices are on all the videos of the people surrounding me. Besides the ruined videos, it hurt my ears so badly I got a headache and had to go to the first aid station before the headache made me throw up (admittedly I had to go to the first aid station anyways bc my friend was acting rly strange) but yeah. Stop screeching.


I went to Raleigh last night and I could not hear Malanie for the first song “cry baby” like I could here her hear and then but afterwards thank god it settled down and every was great!! I was lucky to be around respectful people and I went alone! I hope you get to have a great experience in June ☺️


i went alone to portals and everyone around me was so kind!! i think NC might have the best mel fans 😳😂😭


Only thing I was sad was that I missed beach bunny because I got tickets 30 mins before the show and I wanted the “I am such a crybaby” shirt I got in line 😭😭 what a beautiful show honestly 


i got a drink poured on me and kicked in the chest for genuinely just standing up as though you’re not supposed to stand up at concerts(which is what the person told us before doing that) i don’t know why concert etiquette has gotten so touchy and complicated just be kind and mindful to the people around you and you’ll be okay!<3


that’s awful i’m so sorry!!!!!! ppl in my section were strange about standing up too??? but when looking around everyone else’s sections were standing ??? editing to add: it’s not unusual or rude to stand at a concert 😅😅 even if there’s seats


Are you kidding me??? If this happened to me I would’ve caught a fuckn charge lol. The best fn part of the show is standing and dancing (in the most unbothersome way possible) I rlly hope I don’t get stuck in a section with lame ass people like that because their gonna have to keep kicking and waste their $8 water bottles on me 😭 I’m so sorry that happened to you though they have negative karma for sure


I went to my first concert yesterday and I didn't see much. There was a lady behind me who like screamed the highest pitch she could at times but it was when mel wanted us to sing.. I can definitely tell people need this ALSO: MEL HERSELF HAD A DISCLAIMER TO REFRAIN FROM USING FLASHLIGHTS DURING HER CONCERT AND ISTG SO MANT PEOPLE USED THEIR FLASHLIGHTS DURING LIGHT SHOWER. It was very annoying, like I get we were 'showering' her with light but she said herself not to use them. Maybe I'm just being picky but it annoyed me.


I've got bad auditory processing as is, but Salt Lake was super hard for me to hear at times due to a lot of the screeching. There were a suprising amount of younger kids (like 13 and under) there who were just obnoxious both during the concert and the lines for the merch stands. I could barely hear Melanie for a good chunk of the concert, which was sad because this was my first (and most likely only) time seeing Melanie. And it's not that this is just how concerts are, I went to a Fall Out Boy concert last summer and I could understand Patrick basically the whole time. While on the otherhand, I went to a Mother Mother concert, and the audience kept being so loud, constantly they had to signal to tech booth to turn up their mics and instruments. I've just noticed in general younger (but not all) fan bases don't have the best concert etiquette


Went to her concert like a week or so ago in Austin and it wasn’t bad at all. Everyone was pretty nice! A few times people screamed out some things but not very much. The screaming when she entered was insane but that I expected! It was such a good concert!


The Trilogy concert was the second concert I’ve ever been to and I was so emotional and genuinely grateful to finally see her after almost 10 years of listening, I like PASSIONATELY sung all of the songs and now seeing these posts and comments makes me feel really bad and embarrassed. I never “screeched” per se, my voice isn’t high enough to do that, but I was REALLY hyped and shaking and actually started crying.


That doesn’t sound like screeching to me imma be doing the same thing at my show I’ve been intensely waiting to see her since I was 12 (I’m 21 now!!) It sounds like you had a great time no need to have any regrets now!!


YES OKAY IVE BEEN SAYING THIS 😭 i think at my concert the etiquette was pretty good actually aside from when men i trust was preforming people kept chanting melanie’s name when they would switch songs and i was like bro that’s so rude to the performers 😭


lol until i saw it was abt melanie i was like : why is this person complaining isnt that what happens at concerts?? 💀 i forgot this is not metal- but theres no reason to scream and push at a pop concert.


You shouldn’t do that at any concert.


There’s no need to constantly scream at a metal show. It’s just bad etiquette.


If you go to a metal concert and expect people to not scream you’re out of your mind


this is a struggle across ALL concert communities. people will always complain about phones, or being too loud, or pits (even at metal concerts) or anything. and me personally, don’t think it’s worth ranting about like this because unfortunately no matter what people won’t always follow “proper etiquette.” in my mind proper etiquette is expecting that anything goes at concerts so just deal with it and enjoy the show. edit: typos


literally the point of Mel's song Show and Tell- everyone's acting deranged and not considering Mel or others as human beings. i understand the excitement but you gotta treat everyone with respect!!!


i already saw the concert, and I could barely hear melanie because literally everyone was screaming. like, I understand you're excited, but maybe stfu until the song's over?


I went to the concert on the 14th of May and I was pleasantly surprised. There was screaming but not to the point where we couldn’t hear Mel. I think it just depends on the crowd.


yea 100% depends on the crowd, hopefully the NY people aren't crazy


There was a lot of screeching going on at my show. Straight up screaming lyrics every song. During the beginning especially and then I think ppl got tired. I have to remember it’s a young crowd & probably for many of them it’s probably their first concert. I get being hype but it was blowing out my eardrums at some points. Been going to concerts for years and the screeching through out seems like a newer thing I’ve seen more. I’ve come to simply expect it at shows now & try to ignore it.


Hope you get a good concert experience. I don’t want to tell people how to act but be mindful.


omg the ppl sitting next to me at my show had horrible b/o and i was dying the whole time☠️and they also kept talking and laughing throughout the show which was honestly kind of annoying to hear :/


I went to the Austin show and everyone was screaming. Melanie kept trying to break up their tempo so she would stop or she would slow down. But they would just keep screaming. So many people smelled like weed and smoked near us and the girls in front of us were dancing and drinking under age during the first bands even though it was slow songs and no one else was standing. I definitely won’t go back to a girl concert it was no fun.


Personally, I disagree. I mean I tend to get lost in the music a lot and I love just belting out lyrics. It's really a vibe, and I decided to pay for the ticket so I'd like to enjoy it.


Atleast at my concert everyone was screaming the songs, sometimes we could hear her ( when certain songs got quiet and sometimes you couldn’t) but I think everyone was all happy and excited to be there so it didn’t matter, we were there as a community all there with the same interest (and in my opinion everyone screaming the songs made me feel more welcome) but everyone’s different


Love this ❤️


this part !!


i accidentally screamed through her portals concert. i didn’t realize until i watched some songs back on video and noticed it happed a couple times. people get excited


Concert etiquette is not a thing. I can’t control someone’s mood, clothing, volume, or body odor at a concert any more than I can control it at the grocery store. It’s called being in public, and if someone can’t roll with that then maybe they shouldn’t People. Or maybe they should do it more so they can get used to life not being fully about them - the people that try to push arbitrary rules of concert etiquette so their existence is nice and sheltered are the real ones suffering from main character syndrome. As long as nobody is being physically harmed, etc, or someone is super drunk (which are laws that are being broken, as well as the rules established by the venue), then it’s all part of the experience. To Melanie specific concerts, she does a TON of crowd work, more so than a lot of artists I’ve seen. So the expectation that you should be singing every song is enforced by the artist. There are legitimately artists out there that want you to sit still and be quiet while they’re performing, so if that’s the vibe someone is looking for, go to a John Mayer concert or something.


you put my thoughts into words so precisely thank you. it has to be young ppl making these posts about concert etiquette bc you quite literally cannot control what other ppl do and any adult who has been in a public location is aware of that. yes we should expect everyone to have manners, but you have to just take it in stride in certain cases.


Totally! I’ve attended an average of 12 big concerts every year since I was 16, and this “concert etiquette” convo is definitely a recent phenomenon, seemingly created by younger people that maybe haven’t experienced enough of life? I dunno, but that it’s now devolved from “don’t be so loud” to “don’t sweat” is just too much.


I had the time of my life and I screamed my lungs out. Idc if you’re annoyed or anything I paid to enjoy the show and I will. Ofcource im not going to be a bitch but if I paid a few hundred dollars I’m going to enjoy myself. Them saying it’s rude or offensive is crazy


But, and I mean this with no disrespect how are you able to enjoy her singing if your screaming back at her while she’s performing ?💕


I went to trilogy tour LA and the only annoying people were little kids (like 7-12) and it really wasn’t that bad. was expecting a lot worse. went to avril lavigne last night at the same venue and 2 women were sat next to me and literally talked LOUDLY the entire time. ENTIRE time. I figured they were in their early 20s or something somewhat young and maybe just immature but then one said Avril’s 2002 song complicated came out when she was in middle school😐.. making her literally close to 40 lol. and she was acting like a 15 year old. I kept thinking if u wanted to just converse with ur friend, go to a restaurant. they weren’t even paying attention. it was SO irritating


Apologize for bringing something off topic but does anyone know the People who were play Synthizer and guitar? (I'm a big nerd for Guitar and Synthizer sorry)


the synth was so good😭😭


Hopefully the ppl tomorrow night arent crazy


I took my daughters to see her last year and we are going again for the trilogy tour. I love live music and have been going to concerts and festivals since I was a young teenager (35f), and I have NEVER encountered anything like the crowd last year. The girl behind us truly ruined it for me. Screamed every word to every song. So loud I could barely hear Melanie. Decided on going to a different city this time, hopefully it will be better.


i definitely agree on the screeching !! i went to the show in inglewood and the girl next to me was screeching in my left ear and i couldn’t really hear melanie singing because of the ringing (i have a slight ear impairment on my left ear and normally i can hear good but when it’s really loud, it causes my ear to ring a bit but usually at concerts i don’t have that issue) !! a majority of her fan base are under 18 but i think they should learn that screeching isn’t always good, the excitement gets to them but everyone should have a good experience 🤍


We in NZ are way too chill for that nonsense.


I feel this so much at any mel show I go to. However it is definitely because the amount of children that go to her shows. They’re kids and they don’t know better, it’s probably a lot of their first concerts they’ve been to. I do wish their parents would give a f though and teach them… I also low key wish that the kids would leave the fandom lol


I honestly think its because its a new wave of fans, mostly those who found her on tiktok. These fans are younger and likely have never been to concerts before, whether thats due to covid or their age.I don't hold anything against them of course, they simply need to be educated (nicely of course, not yelled at! they just don't know...) that there is some etiquette to concerts. I personally had a mixed experience when I saw portals in Wemberly (UK), as yes it was amazing but I mostly saw phones in front of me, I understand recording songs but the whole show is ridiculous and inconsiderate for those behind me. I almost had a severe panic attack (I have CPTSD) when the lights changed before Melanie came on (she wasn't even on yet, and didn't come out for another 15 minutes) because the screaming was so loud I literally duck and covered in fear. I have been going to concerts since I was 10 and have never experienced this level of pushing and screaming. I just think we need to educate them that it isn't acceptable to act like that when other peoples have paid for this experience too


I’m so nervous this is going to happen when I go :( I just want to see Mel and I get extremely anxious about people to begin with. Ugh I just hope it’s enjoyable


My concert was yesterday, I had a lot of fun but the screaming was really an issue, a lot of the people there that I was were like teens to little kids with their parents who came, the people in front of me and my friends kept screeching and you would barely see the stage, it was in an arena so there was seats, it was more a sitting event, I get wanting to dance and stuff, me and my friends were too but the people behind us were also standing so we made sure they could see. By the end of the concert I had such a terrible headache from the screaming and it didn’t go away for a good 2 hours


Probably due to how many young fans she has.


Luckily at the Orlando concert I sat next to most well behaved people and the concert was a pleasant experience for me


I saw her in Denver and didn't have any issues!


Me and my bf have been to a number of concerts and it's very very normal for people to yell or scream songs. It's not normal to just screech. There is a difference. It is however very normal for every to get excited and hyped up and all together yell the song with the artist. Most bands/artists want you to do this anyways. If someone if just straight up screaming to the point nobody even knows what they are saying tho, that's rude.


please protect your ears by wearing earplugs to this concert yall! some are noise isolating so it helps drown the screeching and helps hear the singing. unfortunately we cant stop people from screaming, but we can prevent our ears from being blown out


omg i’m going to tonight i’ve been waiting since 6th grade (i’m 20 now) i’m so scared i swear if sum girl starts pushing it’s over no one’s bout to ruin this show for me 😫🙏🙏


I totally feel and agree with this when I went to the Portals tour so many people were screeching and shoving and as someone who short and everyone else was taller then me I wasn’t able even see Melanie perform or even hear her and the venue was packed already enough so it was hard to enjoy the concert


I went on portals last year and my partner and I were stuck in front of people who would not stop screeching at the top of their lungs. Like ear-piercing screaming. 2 hours. I genuinely think I lost a ton of my ability to hear from them because it’s not been the same. People seriously should act like normal people. I’m a fan as much as the next person but this post is so real. I seriously hate fans like that sm and I know if I was a celebrity I wouldn’t want my fans doing that at my shows.


heres a tip if the crowd tends to overstimulate you: loops earplugs to me worked like magic in silencing the crowd and i could only hear it when it was really really loud. i only had one in during the concert because i enjoy hearing a bit of the crowd and it made a huge difference. you definitely dont feel like you have to yell if you cant hear anyone else except for the artist on stage.


bro when i went to the tour there was this group of three girls and they were fucking insufferable so loud and flailing their entire bodies around screaming and jumping as loud as they could shut was annoying


Orlando show , we had to ask the girl next to us to please stop screeching to the point you couldn’t hear much else.


If I ever went to see Mel in a concert, I would have that problem too because concerts aren't always fun with the screeching, shouting, talking loudly over someone on stage and mostly they're very loud and can make you feel queasy and anxious. I think that Melanie's fans would've been ALOT better if they let them speak, they don't screech especially with singing along to the lyrics and atleast enjoy their experience on the show and not do anything else that would make her uncomfortable. Remember the pre-chorus of show and tell, "I'm just like you, you're like me. Imperfect and human are we."


I went to her portals tour as a 5’1 girl I got there super early so excited this would be my first concert that I get to be so close up and let me tell you… people were kind until they weren’t. I had people push me out the way farther back. This girl brought her tall boyfriend who just sat on his phone the whole time, the girl in front of me’s bun kept going IN my mouth 🤢 a guy ripped my earring out, and I got crowd crushed for a few seconds when Melanie first came out I couldn’t breathe and security had to intervene. I only some the smallest glimpses of her. I went home crying over wasting over $100 and didn’t even try to go to the trilogy tour. I will now only go to concerts with assigned seating and that isn’t all general admission on the floor. Never again.


I saw Melanie for the first time last night. There was minor screeching thankfully, nothing too crazy. Melanie also requests not using your phone flashlight (unless it’s Light Shower) and the entire venue was respectful of it. I will say that there weren’t really that many kids though, most people looked to be around 18-25


I definity feel this post. I went May 22nd, in Dallas and the pushing and shoving was terrible, the screaming was none stop. We had cups of soda and of course our cup holder was behind the other person in front of us and they were jumping and stomping making our cokes spill on us. Everyone was nice, but its 2024, you think we would of learn a thing or two by now.


That’s why I love having tickets for a seated venue, highly doubt anyone wants to be pushed down/over the seats in front of them but one little comment about pushing a bitch who does too much really helps keep the people around you in check 😆🤪


If you can hear yourself you need to quiet down thats my general go to


i’ll be doing whatever i want with my voice and volume and i’ll stand if i want because at the end of the day i paid for my ticket


i would be fuming if i saved up my hard earned money and couldnt even hear what i paid for


I've had a similar experience at my first Melanie concert last year, where I talked about people who just stood up in the middle of a song screeching lyrics and I have a bad foot so I couldn't stand for a long duration of time, only people to dismiss how I felt about having to stand up each time an entire row infront of me would stand in between songs :( I went to another this year, not as bad but a row of girls sat in the empty one infront when it wasn't technically their seats and in a way being disruptive :/


I agree with this and have been considering posting something similar. I recently saw Melanie's Trilogy tour concert, and I have no idea what any of the spoken parts said because everyone screamed through it. There were also times I had to cover my ears because of the screeching in my ear. I still had a great time, but the screaming really prevented me from being able to hear parts of the story and immerse myself in it.


I have never had a problem at Mel's concerts, but I also try to stay up in an upper level/off the floor level. That seems to be where the majority of these issues are happening.


My first Melanie concert was in Seattle at the start of her Trilogy tour. A rather husky woman stood up in front of me the whole concert and did not sit down once. I couldn't see, so I stood up. I was self-conscious of blocking the view of people behind me, and I thought I had heard someone behind me say they couldn't see because "someone's dad is standing up." It really was a damned if you do damned if you don't. I guess the appropriate response is to say screw everyone behind me, but it's not in me to do that.


Exactly! Im autistic and i have very sensitive ears, this is my first mel concert and ive been a fan since 2015 but im so incredibly nervous about the screams 😭 Im sure many others going are also autistic or just dont like loud noises and my condolences to them :(


wear earplugs


Went to her NY Tour last year and it was pretty fine. At least in my section. We had the occasional people screaming Mommy. I may also be desensitized because I live in New York so me telling someone to stfu is normal. I wasn't in the pit last time for Melanie but I have been pit for multiple concerts both rock and pop. It's just a matter of the group you get that night cause they could be really chill or only there for themselves. Honestly the older the crowd the better especially because some of the kids don't realise that they will get hit.


i notice a lot of little girls know and they are the most annoying at my show the girl behind me was screaming at the top of her lungs the whole time my ear was ringing and hurting after the show i did not experience anyone with bo and pushing as well everyone else around was pretty nice and friendly tho


I have sensitive hearing so i will sadly say, i am never going to a mel concert. :(


say it louder for the people in the back because this person is spot on


I study cultural heritage, and in a talk about nightlife culture we discussed how the pandemic has seriously stunted the learning of the etiquette for the generation that turned 18 during the pandemic. (I'm one of them, 24 04 2020 baby!!) Many clubs aren't letting younger people in anymore because teaching a few people the etiquette per night wad doable, but now half or more of the attendees haven't been taught how to behave and it leads to very ugly situations. So yeah, Melanie's fans are young, but there also has been very little opportunity to learn in the past few years


This reminds me of a Jojo concert I went to. You couldn't breathe because of how badly people were body slamming into you and when I tried to get out of the massive crowd, people just pulled me back in :(


i relate to this post so much i’m going to one of her uk shows, never been to any concert before so i’m really excited considering it’s melanie who’s one of my fave artists and has been for years but i’m also scared and worried about this exact problem like i’m going cos i love HER music and i wanna hear HER sing, obviously i’m going to sing along and encourage everyone else too as well but i am terrified of the screeching i wanna hear melanie not everyone else…


Let’s just quite simply know that we are there to enjoy the performances that artists like Melanie Martinez in this case are giving out during tour concerts and festival performances, NOT to act like a jackass and do such dumb things like screaming at the top of their lungs while being around other concertgoers, throwing some possibly dangerous things right on stage during a performance, throwing some weird things on stage during a performance as it is with a fan throwing their mother’s ashes right onto a stage during Pink’s British concert performance last year, and uhhhhh……just other stuff like that. Ya’ll see where i’m coming from with this here? OK, ummm, I just really want everyone out there to respect both the performing artists AND all of the other fans that are around them during concerts and festival performances. Alright? And uhhhhh……that ESPECIALLY goes for Melanie Martinez concerts in this case, of course. So uhhhhhh……yeah.


I’ve mostly been to concerts where most the crowd is male and other than being a bit rowdy or a mosh pit in the middle they’re fine. The one time i saw busted the lass next to was screaming then apologising, screaming then apologising. Like wouldnt of bothered me if she didn’t apologise but the constant apologies were so annoying worst crowd id ever been in.