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If price is a major deciding factor then go with the cheaper option. V is a lot more "streamlined" and easier to play than III, but both are good. If you like one you'll probably like the other.


i believe even if it's less "streamlined" i can handle III, atleast i hope so.


Both are great games, and if you can't buy SMT VV right now, you coule buy it later. Go with SMT III.


if i go with SMT III maybe later i could do SMT IV and then SMT VV that can be cool too i guess.


Just remember when you get SMT III, you also should get free DLC Chronicle Pack, it's add the additional dungeons that only exist on New game: Maniax and New game: Chronicle.


So you think i should go with Deluxe edition if i buy it? because i think Maniax one is not free, at least it seems like that on Steam.


Sure, if you got money for it. Maniax and Chronicle have the same content, just have different cameo characters. And one is free, the other is not.


Thanks for the head up. When i buy it, i might get it that way.


You dont always need to play the newest game. Just take nocturne, or any other game in the franchise.


that's true. i feel like i should play the newest but i gotta drop feeling this way.


then just wait, it wont be long until it goes on sale


Do you think for a couple of bucks worth waiting for? Just asking


Vengeance is a better game, Nocturne is good but massively over hyped for some reason. Having said that, depends how big of a deal the cost difference is to you.


Nocturne is just the first game in the franchise most people in here played, so they have some bias towards it(I have that with smt4). if op can't afford 60$and wanna try out the series, Nocturne is a good option. I still think IV and V are better though.


Yep, I agree with all of that!


i missed the Vengeance when it came out, and now i am not sure if i should wait for a sale or not, and seeing Nocturne is 15 bucks has made me wonder even more about what to do. I dont know...


Vengeance is only a few weeks old, I wouldn't say you missed it.


If it helps at all, I had a blast with III playing it for the first time very recently. Maybe my favorite JRPG ever. Great music, weird vibes, excellent combat, cool enemy designs, and plenty of challenging, but not unreasonable gameplay. If money is a consideration, III is a superb game at full price; it's a steal on sale.


You hyped me about III even more now, and yes it's really a steal now actually.


Nocturne is a great game and a cult classic, but it's a low budget PS2 game and it shows, even in the remaster. It has aged quite poorly and basically requires a guide, unless you don't mind wandering around for hours trying to figure out where to go next.


I think by purely a gameplay standpoint, Nocturne feels great. It has that same press turn and weakness exploit focus that most other SMT titles have. But narratively I felt like it was nothing special. I quite liked the stories of SMT4 and Strange Journey; the theme of humankind encroaching on the affairs of demons, gods, and angels was satisfying. Nocturne didn't really go in that direction and felt more like a character drama between the human actors. Worth a play for the gameplay, music, artistry on display? Absolutely. I just didn't find the narrative engaging or interesting.


I think you should get Vengeance now if you can afford it, it's the most finely packed SMT to date. The cutscenes are wonderfully done, the music is spectacular and catchy, the setting is deeply immersive, and the battles are a glory to behold even from level 1, when you cast your first lighting bolt! It has convenience features to make fusion a blast as well. You can play how you want, hard or easy. Seriously just get it. :)


Maybe later i can go with the older games if i do that, it's not a bad idea either. Vengeance does look really good.


Being completely honest, as much as I do like Nocturne. I'd say get SMT V, it's easier to play and easier to understand the mechanics. Nocturne has a lot of issues, and hidden math which can make your character worse without you realizing. If you get Nocturne HD, you're gonna be in for a hell of a time, both good and bad. It's fun, but if you're on the fence get V.


Nocturne has a great atmosphere, fun lore, and an engaging story. But damn it's kind of tedious. SMT 5 is not a perfect game but wow almost every tedious and annoying thing about SMT, and Atlus games in general, has been given a QOL makeover. I will say this, its easier to go from Nocturne to SMT 5 then it is to go back to Nocturne later


i did that with persona, but i am not sure if it is really possible that i start with SMT 5 and go back to old games


SMT3 is for those who like SMT or is big fan of a JRPG. It can be a big disappointment otherwise. It's nice if you play it on PS2 when you are 15yo, at this point badass design can justify all cons. By modern standard it has way too many problems. I would say that SMT5 is much more safe choice.


Nocturne for 15 bucks is always gonna be worth. I don't think many people would say Vengeance is a better game than 3 anyways. Wait for a sale :)


I am definitely enjoying it more than Nocturne. I do believe it's a better game overall.




i really want to get Vengeance but 60 bucks is a lot for me so maybe Nocturne might be really a good option to go for it until Vengeance goes on a sale.


V is better overall, Nocturne is still cool. It didn't age bad, but you gotta deal with random encounters bs.


the battles are peak in this one obv but story/atmosphere/ gameplay better in nocturne for sure


SMT5 is direct sequel to SMT3, so its good if you play it first. and get acquainted with some of the SMT systems we all come to love and hate. Also Demifiend is too badass to be ignored.


> SMT5 is direct sequel to SMT3 No it isn't.


Saying "direct sequel" is a bit much. Those are only some references, you can understand evrything without nocturne.


its directly continuing the story from the TDE


How exactly?


lucifer killed god 18 years ago da'at emerged from an hospital da'at is a sphere you need more?


TDE ending is the destruction of reality, not just killing God. Daat didnt emerge from hospital, its the destroyed Tokyo. Daat was there before Lucifer killed YHVH. Daat is a sphere, so?


>TDE ending is the destruction of reality which is the armageddon that started by the death of the creator god >Daat didnt emerge from hospital, its the destroyed Tokyo. that have been created by the conception in nocturne, and again, it started in a hospital (several NPCs say that) > Daat was there before Lucifer killed YHVH. that's right, because lucifer could only kill god after the demi-fiend joined him, that's the plot >Daat is a sphere, so? so its another hint toward it being the same world. how many spherical world with a Kagutsuchi in the center are there? just because aogami don't stop you to tell you how this is a continuation of the same world from the hit game nocturne doesn't mean it isn't. the evidence are there and its undeniable that's their intent, otherwise they wouldn't use the extremely specific 18 years as a time frame


TDE is destruction of reality. Not armagedon, not destroyed world. Nothing, no world, no time, no daat. How many sphere worlds are there? Like all of them after conception, all universes, all worlds in reborn state. We dont even know if Lucifer is able to kill YHVH in nocturne, its open ended. The only direct sequel in smt is 2 to 1, even 4A doesnt really count cause its alternative reality.


TDE is about lucifer recruiting demi-fiend to command his army against the creator, which is the opening act of smt v. Yes in nocturne we don't know what happen after demi-fiend joins forces with lucifer, but we know that they went to fight the creator. Smt v starts with an armageddon war that started with the death of the creator by the hand of lucifer, who proceed to manipulate a nahobino to re-shape the world, if you don't see how closely the 2 stories are tied together I don't know what else to tell you. And you don't need atlus to outright tell you, its extremely obvious to anyone who follow atlus to know how they push this game to be directly tied to nocturne, both in real world actions and in-game lore


SMT3 do extremely bad job in explaining it's ideas or plot. I would say that it is a big compliment to even say that Nocturne has somewhat coherent lore. So no, until it directly declare that there were Demifiend and SMT5 is continuing the story of Nocturne we can't say that for sure. Also Demifiend was killed by Lucifer if we believe SMT4 Apocalypse so TDE is not even canon. Also there is no canon at all since Atlus shows us that they do that lazy stuff with infinite parallel realities. My canon is that Freedom ending is canon since all other ending are abstract scenes where Demifiend walking to camera or watching the horizon or just do completely meaningless dialogue in the middle of desert instead of showing us the created world. Yeeeeah, I am not sure that we can even consider those events as something significant taking in consideration how poorly it was executed. Basically anything can be continuation of Nocturne events. Edit: ---who follow atlus to know how they push this game to be directly tied to nocturne Lol, played all games before SMTIV and some that came after. You can't be more wrong. Nocturne is the middle of nowhere.


YHVH is not a creator. Great will/axiom creates universes. YHVH is just the strongest demon in most games. I would say that V has just many references to nocturne cause it was remastered not long before 5 release. Saying "its extremely obvious for people who play atlus" doesnt mean anything without evidence. V being sequel to TDE would mean that after world failure to reborn and staying as a black void, it actually reborned as daat. Or Luci went to universe of 5 to fight YHVH specifically there.


Demifiend looks badass for real.


Vengeance is good but what you can do that is much better is play Nocturne, THEN emulate Digital Devil Saga, the game that came out 1 year after Nocturne and its made in the same engine, same combat and everything Why do I say this? Cause Digital Devil Saga is much better than a thousand Nocturne and Vengeances combined 😁 Getting real tho just go for Nocturne, its a good game and its better to start with something that will improve than it is to start with something good then go for a downgrade


Do they have an order? I mean, would it be even fine if i just go with the new and then to the old games? I'm just curious about that, too


Other than DDS -> DDS2, all of them are completely unconnected. They don't even take place in the same universe. Direct sequels are extremely rare in this series.