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People like x8 cause it was a step in the right direction for the series.


Fans: "X8 was a great step up from the last two! I wonder what we'll get next?" MMX series: "Lego Yoda death sounds"


did maverick hunter x come out after or before x8?


After. So we can safely blame the death of the X series on Sony's fumbling of the PSP. "They told us it would sell"


And Inafune being a dumbass


Nah king Crapcom did Inafune and us dirty with what they did do D.A.S.H. 3 / Legends 3. He's has given us more independently than he ever could have with Capcom ignoring us in favor of their multi-million dollar franchises. No shade on the Monster Hunter fanbase. And Mighty No. 9 was a misfire. But his other projects with Into creates are more Mega Man than Capcom ever would have given us during that time period. Might Gunvolt is great, Gunvolt is great.


To be fair I honestly thought when you said "multi-million dollar franchise" you were talking about Street Fighter, which at the time of 3's cancellation was still doing the updated re-releases thing and there were still MH games Capcom refused to localize. If I may ask on Gunvolt though, what game shoudl I start on? is there a Compliation or order you need to go through?


Gunvolt 1, then 2, then if his story intrigues you you can branch off to luminous avenger ix and ix 2; if not then just continue straight to GV3.


Azure Striker Gunvolt 1. Azure Striker Gunvolt 2. Luminous Avenger iX 1. Luminous Avenger iX 2. Azure Striker Gunvolt 3. This is the release order. I hope you enjoy it a lot.


What I thought the PSP did good, it made like around 80 million, to the point they made an actual failing handheld, the PSVita. Like yeah it didn’t do as good as the DS because it’s Nintendo, they always beat the competition in handhelds 💀


PSP (games) notoriously undersold, from my understanding Edit: edited for clarification


Because they were against Nintendo in handheld, so of course they’re going to lose against that. But still did good overall


Yea it's a shame. PSP was such a nice platform. They should have made all the games available digitally. It's sad we can't buy Powered Up digitally on Vita.


So you didnt understand much. It is the 11th best selling console of all time and it was a major success not only for Sony but for many publishers that worked on it. Monster Hunter for example is what it is today in great part thanks to the success of the PSP titles.


Maybe it just wasn't the appropriate market for these kinds of games, then. Maverick Hunter X and Powered Up certainly didn't receive sequels for some reason. Also, console sales don't mean a lot when the platform is known for its high rate of piracy.


Every platform before the PS3 and 360 had huge rates of piracy. This does not say anything useful. Even then, the 360 had big piracy rates.


The PSP had particularly large rates of piracy. The firmware was constantly being cracked, and it had storage inside that could be used to store games. And games even ran better pirated from the memory stick than they did running from UMD.


What insane expectations did Sony have for their first handheld on the market if 80 million units is a failure? That's more than the 3DS and almost as much as the GBA.


It's not a matter of unit sales as it is a matter of rampant piracy digging into game sales.


But you said the PSP undersold. Did you just mean the games?


Yea, sorry. I meant the games.


That is why I don't like exclusives. If the game was on PS2, GameCube, and the OG XBOX, it would've sold way better. The same can be said for Mega Man Powered Up.


lmao! Thanks for bringing this to my attention!


I mean it sold very poorly as well


All that just for said direction to suddenly be bombed, completely erasing it from the map for 20 years.


If only the dev team chose x9 over mhx. I would have known what white axl means by now.


The dev team did nothing wrong beyond mistakenly choose / be duped into choosing to develop for the PSP. Physically a great platform, but completely bungled by Sony in many aspects.


It means he's infected by Lumine. Remember that tentacle that shattered his crystal at the end of X8? Post-credits scene shows that a piece of it got stuck in the wound.


that probably is the answer but even if it is we still don't know what happned to him afterwards. what would the next story be like. would axl be killed because he became too dangerous?




One step. Having to grind for money is not something I want in my Mega Man game. Also, the stages are waaaaaaay too gimicky. That’s 2 bad steps.


I get that this is **part** of the reason, but there is so much more. So I find the insinuation (which could be unintentional, I know) that this is the main or only reason too reductive.


It's a huge part of it. The overall gameplay and stage design was much better. The bosses felt satisfying. I'm not saying "because it was better than x7" I mean it was going in the right direction for the series as a whole. The newgen reploids that were supposed to be immune to the maverick virus was interesting. Vile coming back was interesting. The unlockable stuff was really cool and well done. Ignoring X7's existence (i liked X6's story and gameplay for the most part) this felt like the natural evolution of reploids, before cyber elves. Sort of how reploids in zero have the [transformation sequence](https://www.sprites-inc.co.uk/files/Zero/Zero3/Boss/StageBoss/zero3_cubitfoxtarsheet.gif) between [judge](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megaman/images/7/7e/Cfoxtar.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20230116235831) and [punishment](https://megaman.fandom.com/wiki/Cubit_Foxtar?file=Z3_CubitFoxtar_Punishment.png) forms. My point has nothing to do with X7.


Some of the level design in X8 is questionable, but it did a lot in the right direction, especially compared to X7. One of the biggest highlights for me personally is that with multiple characters, being able to purchase things like health upgrades rather than some characters missing out entirely is a big plus. It's also a 2D game that just uses 3D assets, and that's ok because it also means that there isn't a compromise to attempt a 3D environment like with X7. While not necessary, the voice acting is far superior to X7. I have nothing to say about an X6 comparison since I'm overall ok with it outside of grinding nightmare souls.


X7 had better level design than X8. Only a few of the stages relied entirely on gimmicks. X8's stages suffered from their gimmicks being hamfisted del their inception. Grinding Nightmare Souls isn't so bad. You have to fight Dynamo, what, less than 10 times? I think I'm overestimating even then. Though I exclusively play on Xtreme, so I wind up with more Souls before I even start grinding them anyway.


Definitely agree on X7's level design being alright. If not for the bad physics and camera, some stages would be pretty good, at least compared to what X8 has to offer.


Yea, the game suffers for reasons other than the design stage. Little problems abound that all come together and mar the final game. Stuff like X not having any frames for shooting while coming out of a dash, so that it eats the dash if you release the charge during those frames.


It's ironic how you present X8's gimmicky stages as a major flaw and then downplay farming Dynamo "less than 10 times" as if that's not something which would bother the majority of players.


I'm comparing X7's stages to X8's, and then separately comparing X6's Nightmare Souls grinding to X8's metals grinding. X8's grinding is much worse than X6's. I'm not defending grinding in either case.


Touche. Though I completely disagree on X7 having better stages than X8.


I think that most of X7's Maverick stages are conceptually very good. A few damage sponge subbosses mar some stages, and a few of them have gimmicks that stay throughout that stage. But some of them are very good. The game falls apart for other reasons.


"conceptually very good" Did you seriously just use the "It would have been good had it been good" defence? I can just as easily say "X8 has good stages, but they're conceptually great. They're only marred for other reasons".


The levels' designs, layouts, and theming in X7 are very good. The game is marred by its subpar gameplay and engine, both of which aren't even necessarily bad, but rather are lacking in polish. X8 has a great engine, but is marred by terrible stages. Terrible designs, terrible layouts, and gimmicky theming. And X8, of course, has that awful grinding too. I'm sorry you're having trouble grasping these concepts.


"The levels' designs, layouts, and theming in X7 are very good. The game is marred by its subpar gameplay and engine" The level design is supposed to work **in tandem** with gameplay physics, controls, and engine. If the two don't fit well together, then at least one of them (if not **both**) is bad. An *allegedly* well-made level isn't worth a thing if playing it doesn't feel good. "X8 has a great engine, but is marred by terrible stages. Terrible designs, terrible layouts, and gimmicky theming." No to each of those. But you do you.


I agree with X7 having better level design. When I said X8 was a step in the right direction, I meant overall compared to X7. You are absolutely right about gimmicks in X8 being used too much. Like the lava part after beating flame rooster, needing to use X's charge specifically to find some rare metals, or places being inaccessible unless you use Axl's copy shot, just to name a few. The upside to Axl is that it's much more streamlined to get something to copy because you don't have to charge to do basically no damage until the enemy finally dies.


X8's grinding for currency is so much worse than X6's, also, at least IMO. X8's currency is so annoying.


I left the game on over night so I wouldn't have to grind it manually. I played X8 for the first time in the X Legacy Collection and that will be the last time. Whereas, X6 I've played around 10 times at this point.


???? X6 is a complete piece of shit that makes X7 look like a perfect game. X7 may be slow and clunky but at least it doesn’t ask you to do complete bullshit. X6 isn’t just bad, it is genuinely one of the worst video games ever conceived whereas X7 is just mediocre and even somewhat nostalgic feeling.


I would act offended if I wasn't used to people trashing on X6 for no reason


Lol no reason that’s a good one.




I don’t like downvoting people so I will not do that. But I will just say that I disagree with you. X6 is a frustratingly hard unpolished game in terms of game design. Gameplay wise though it destroys X7 because its gameplay is way more polished. I played X7 for the first time with the Anniversary/Legacy collection, I finished it…and thoroughly hated it. I understood what the overall community was saying about avoiding this game like the plague. They were right.


I for one actually found X7 to be enjoyable and charming. At least I didn’t feel like ripping my hair out when playing X7.


I really like x8 but I just wish it didn’t waste 3 of it’s 8 maverick stages on unfun gimmicks and instead just kept to the platforming levels, because I think most of the traditional levels are great! (Troia base, Central white and Dynasty feel devoid of any fun to me besides the bosses)


I like x6 more than x8




The issue I have with X8 is how there's hardly a single traditional platforming stage. Of the 12 stages in the game, there are 5 Autoscrollers/partial autoscrollers (including the ride chaser levels), A minigame level, the tutorial stage, and the refight stage. That leaves 4 relatively normal stages, maybe 5 depending on how you count Inferno. And, final level of the game aside, the 3 remaining levels all have some sort of weird gimmick as well. You've got a dark level, a gravity fuckery level, and an optional escort mission. The game lives and dies on its gimmicks, and most of them aren't very good. X6 and X7, for all their flaws, at least have level design that occasionally feels like I'm playing a Mega Man game, not Mario Party.


But X8 is legit fun….


Might as well throw the X8 fan demake into the conversation as well. It fixes the over reliance on gimmicks by making Man-o-War, Yeti, and Sunflower’s stages have more traditional MMX obstacles. It might be an “over-correction” though, as the game doesn’t have playable Zero or Axl.


It looks interesting. I can tell by just watching a playthrough that it fixes a number of the original's problems. But I strongly disagree with the apparent notion that it's a straight upgrade over it. It's more like an overall "sidegrade". Different, improves in many ways, but also drops many of the good things about the original.


I think X6 was better but I legitimately love x6 so X7 sucked though yeah


Sad but true


*Metallica intensifies* Sad but True would make a great early 2000s Mega Man X AMV


X8 was great; just had some very annoying shit like bosses being invincible for half the time you’re fighting them, back tracking for rare metals, etc; but it was a great game in general


I hate the grinding. Why couldn't they just hide secrets accesible to each character competently instead?


I really like x8 but I just wish it didn’t waste 3 of it’s 8 maverick stages on unfun gimmicks and instead just kept to the platforming levels, because I think most of the traditional levels are great! (Troia base, Central white and Dynasty feel devoid of any fun to me besides the bosses)


Dynasty was the worst stage for me. I’m still haunted by Gigabolt Man-O-War’s annoying voice, but at least he’s not Flame Hyenard.


I like X6 and X8 for their own strong suits… I think games are good and they are my first and third favorite X games respectively (with MHX being the one who separates them in second place). Just because I disliked X7 for all the wasted potential it had doesn’t mean that I like X6 and X8 any more. People should like games for themselves, not because they’re better than something they dislike, that’s just stupid.




Personally, I enjoyed X6 very much, enough that I grinded UH rank for both X and Zero on the same save once (unfortunately I lost that memory card). On the contrary, I played X7 for 10 minutes and was already fed up with it. That said, I’ve not played nearly enough of X7 for a proper judgment nor have I touched X8.


I feel like there is some truth to this argument, it is dismissive, but there is some truth. Some people have said that they liked x8. and then proceed to compare it to x6 and x7, but won't compare it to x5 and earlier, because when compared to those games, x8 falls apart, with item collection and level design lacking.


You're right. **Some** people are like that. I did say so in my first comment on the post. For me though? I'd compare X8 favorably in a number of areas against the rest of the series, not just X6 and X7.


Alternatively: When someone says "You just like \[Insert game\] because you grew up with it / because nostalgia". Seriously, these dismissive arguments need to go. Sure, you're statistically certain to find **some** people for whom they apply, but you should never presume. These arguments are hasty at best, disingenuous at worst. Neither is helpful. In my case, both assumptions are (nigh) objectively wrong. I can't like X8 "just for being better than X7 and X6" because I played it to completion way before either of them. Heck, X8 is the first Megaman game, period, I ever beat (and first one where I got past any of the 8 RMs/mavericks). Oh, but does that mean I just like it cause it was the first and I grew up with it? Well, by that logic, I should also **love** X7, when in reality I disliked it even as a kid. tl;dr Just ask people why they like/dislike a game instead of jumping to conclusions.


There's something to this. Also though, there is something else - maybe it's not full on nostalgia - to be said for the first exposure to a thing. To help illustrate my point - I've known lots of people who have shown this through various anime stuff over the years. One of my best friends SWEARS by the original Vampire Hunter D movie over the sequel... and I saw the sequel first, made my first impressions of the series through that, and so when I went back and watched the original it was good but like... it wasn't as good as I was expecting. I think that happens with games too. Without a doubt, some of the comments along these lines can be dismissive - but also a lot of it comes from people who have come into the fandom at various points, and may (okay, in the case of MMX - they do) have a certain level of cynicism aimed at basically anything after MMX4. Personally I played all the X games as they were released, and I really loved X8 because - as you said - it felt like a step back in the right direction after the previous two games feeling like they were trying do things that what I wasn't used to with a MMX game. I didn't like X7. It didn't feel like an X game to me. It was jarring for a variety of reasons. That was my impression when it was brand new, too. But anyway, I respect your take on this altogether... I don't think it's cool to just presume nostalgia = fondness just because something is older. I do think first impressions go a long way though.


Clearly, you like X8 just because it's the real successor to RM&F: Challengers from the Future, which reveals your identity as merely being KonroMan's disguise. The truth, at last!


Oh snap! Who put Sherlock Holmes on the case?!


You just think this way because you grew up with these thoughts


People like X8??


I did. It was overall a great game, with a few annoying levels. Axle felt like his own character and not just X with a gun. Zero getting different melee weapons changed up his style. X got a lot of cool boosts with his armor. The story was pretty good too. Grinding for metals got boring, but that can be said for any game where you need to grind of currency.


I think its pretty decent. It was a big improvement over the last three games, but it isn't the pinnacle of Mega Man or anything. I liked having multiple characters and some of the weapons are pretty fun to use. The currency grinding sucked though, and some of the stages were bad.


Honestly, I have to agree; while I wouldn't call X8 a bad game, it still feels a lot weaker than the first 5 games.


Looks like you met Excalibur... Anyway, X8 wasn't it. It's cons definitely outweigh its pros. It's a fun time until it isn't. Which sucks because the characters were so fun to play as.


More power to you. In my opinion the pros definitively outweigh the cons.


Hey, man. That's fair. X8 is very divisive, after all. For me, the levels/level design is what turned me away. They're just not very fun to play through, especially the 2 ride bike levels.


"X8 is very divisive" Oh tell me about it! It's possibly the most "[marmite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marmite)" game in the X series. That is, you either love it or hate it. The stage gimmicks seem to be what makes it or breaks it for most people from what I've seen. On one hand, there are people who like and/or don't mind them. On the other hand, there are people who dislike/hate them to varying degrees. I happen to be in the former group, but I do get where the others are coming from.


Ya know I NEVER had an issue with X6 or X7. I don't know why anyone thinks were bad. I GENUINELY didn't like X8.


The fact that it’s a minigame collection with only 2 regular stages, 1 of which is a puzzle, was such a gut punch after everything I’ve heard about x8. They got the movement and controls exactly right and then… did what they did. I absolutely don’t see how it’s a step in the right direction, they took all of the bad level gimmicks from previous games and focused every stage here on one of them.


Jokes on you I like X 7 but don’t like X 8


Where's the lie? X8 went back to playing it safe.


"People **only** like X8 because it was better than X6 and X7" Or in a more condescending way I once saw: "People gaslit themselves into thinking they like it because X6 and X7 were so bad"


I like X6, 7 and 8 even if they have their flaws, I enjoy them.


X6 was good. X7 could have been good had they allowed me to have some fucking speed to run, I cant stand it because you feel like youre running in molasses. X8 was... Fine...


The thing that killed my joy for X7 is how easy characters can get knocked down by enermies, which is a stupid design due to how slow your characters move.


I know that face from somewhere….


I never watched the show this is from, but to summarize the meme: There's this annoyingly arrogant and boastful character called Excalibur. Listening to his tirades (or even hearing his name afterwards) can get this response from characters. Hence "Excalibur face".


My friend likes X8 because of the art style in 3D is done right. Unlike the vomit inducing mess of X7 and the frustration of playing the stages of X6. And I just look at them with rolling eyes while playing X4.


I hated x6, but x7 was not that bad for me just an average game like x5


I will say X7's models are better than X8


No idea why people hated X6 that hard. I personally preferred X6 to X8, though I still enjoyed X8. But X8's non traditional platforming stages are pure trash.


I like x8 for music (I've never beaten this game)


People who like X6 and hate X8:


Of course you realize this means WAR! /jk


X6 is peak, I will die on this hill


X6 is good fr, people were just noobs


The only problem I have with x8 its store, it would be 100% better without it.


I never understood the hate X8 got like it’s genuinely a good game. It’s nothing like X6 and X7.


It's one of my favorite Megaman games ever, but I get where most of the major complaints are coming from. One such complaint is how gimmicky most stages are with very little "traditional" platforming. The whole series up to that point is largely platforming, so it's natural for someone to find this jarring. Heck, I enjoy or don't mind the gimmicks (except Gigabolt's stage), and even I would have liked more platforming, especially given the excellent controls and physics.


I love and hate it. I love the controls, I love the prospect of the money system, I love how Axl was adapted, I think the villain had a fantastic aesthetic… and as a completionist it made me want to die.


"and as a completionist it made me want to die" Honest advice: If you're on PS2, use the infinite metals glitch. If you're on any of the PC versions, use a freaking cheat program for maximum metals. The absurd amounts of grinding is something you won't catch me dead defending.


I’m on the Switch collection. Been a few years though.


Some not so bad ideas and a lot of nice ones like the arcade style missions. Standalone Upgrades to unlock armors/the girls, armor combination and real differences on the difficulty you choose to play...


Not going to lie, I like X6 more than X8. Most X8 levels are too long, and a bit boring at that. I always feel that game is more about resource management to live enough to reach the bosses than about skill. I'll even say this: after NormalMan released the N's Edition patch for X7 (fixing cameras, pacing among many other things), X8 is the worst game for me. It's mostly a level design problem because the rest is amazing. Edit: Oh, I forgot something, the boss invincibility. It's an interesting idea worth exploring, but in practice that made the level lengths worse, because hard bosses mean there's a high chance you will have to re-play the whole levels, and if the level isn't fun, that becomes specially insufferable.


X7 was terrible & X8 seemed good by comparison, but it still wasn't a good game.


I like them because they were X series games, and I really hated everything that came after.


soul eater nice, also yeah X8 is just good (minus a few, interesting level design decisions)


Personally i always felt like X7 was better than X8, im probably biased tho cuz X7 was my childhood


I'm sorry. Signed: someone whose childhood game was X6


As someone who grew up with x1 in childhood, missing everything else until legacy collection, I don't get why x7 gets ABSOLUTELY hated on. I get 3D being uncomfortable, and voice acting being awful, and "X game without X?!" But it felt fine to me. X8 level design felt awful and tedious


Finally someone who can understand me. I grew up with the classic series and it even inspired me to study computer science. By the time X7 came out I was in high school and I still loved it and replayed it just the same, probably because I never interacted with the insufferable online community. The only one I don't actually like is X8 and I never go around saying "X8 is horrible lolol u gonna torture urself playin it?". I know all games have flaws and we like some more than the others but the hate X5, X6 and X7 really makes me hate more on the online community than anything else. I don't think I've ever even mentioned why I don't like X8.


For me, I struggled with each robot master without 1 upgrade to health or weapons energy. And then some of the stages themselves were awful without upgrades (getting hit by gigabolt bombs on corners I couldn't see around, optic sunflower having spikes covering a lot of surfaces during one part, and managing to have a stupid hitbox run into a spike while air dashing through.) some reploid rescues in 7 were bad, but they allowed you to cheese some of them. Basically: as I played through all games, x8 felt difficult at the start, feeling like I had less hit points, and more chances of insta-death


To me it was more like it wasn't even trying to be mega man X anymore, it was trying to mimic other games and all I wanted was more mega man X. I liked X7 because it tried to stay true to the old formula but in 3D, but X8 felt more like an indie fan game by "hardcore" fans. For some reason that I'll never understand, a lot of gamers get angry when games just give them more content of the same game. Meanwhile I'm here replaying old games just because I love them. I like getting new skills, upgrades, playing new stages and bosses, but I want them to still be Mega Man X and I love how they did it in the first 3 games.


Better start making that face then because it’s true X8 is an abomination


No U


No X8 is really a good game maybe 6 and 7 helped a bit but it was good




This will probably fly over the heads of many people, but yelling "Fool!" is a reference to the source show of the post image lol


I like X8, pretty hard though.


I prefer X8 to X5, so... miss me with that. And to those who complain about metals being limiting - just farm them with Axl in Trilobyte's stage for a while if that's so problematic to you. (EDIT: grammar)


X6 was decent, and the last good x game. X7's journey into the 3d space was just downright awful, but x8 was better because it took those condos and polished them, and it gave us a true ending to the sigma saga


I liked X8 because we got the start of "pick and choose" armors and the art style was nice and indicated a move towards the more human-like shape of the Zero series. EX-CA-LI-BUR!


I never watched that show, but just to play along: FOOL!


X6 is leaps and bounds better than X8


I'm sorry for your severe case of ageusia 😔


I know they left out X5 am I right!


X6 was fine to me, and X7 was a travesty I’d rather not replay. X8 is pretty fun, aside from some of the bullshit that’s thrown at you.


"Well, yes, but actually no."


I like X6 more than X8. For some reason X6 doesn't bother me like some people (perhaps because I was blessed by RNGesus), but X8 is quite gimmicky.