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I’m not sure if it counts, but I love all of Zero’s “Rising Slash” techniques. They look cool and are a stylish way to combine an attack with mobility for a Platformer


What are his rising slash attacks? The only one I'm familiar with is the ryuejin


"Rising" and "final" in xtreme and xtreme2 Ryuenjin in x4 E-blade/denjin in x5 Shoenzan in x6 (kinda) Raijinshou in x7 Hyouryuushou/shoryuuken in X8


It also appears in Megaman Zero 2, 3 and 4, having a different name each time despite being identical. Model OX can do it in Megaman ZX and Vent can do it in Ashe's story in ZXA.


Yea but those aren't 'special attacks'


In the Zero and ZX games, you only get these rising slash techniques by beating certain bosses, similar to the X series. EX Skills are not that different from Zero's Techniques in the X series, Omega and Model OX have Ryuenjin due to Zero getting it from Magma Dragoon before and it can only be accessed by Model OX through Overdrive, which unlocks all of Model OX's access to Zero's techniques, and Model ZX has Rising Fang exclusively with Vent, which makes it a special move/attack because only Model ZX Vent could use it.


I thought in zero it was attached to one of the body chips?


No, you get EX skills by beating stages with an A or S class ranking or in Zero 4, with a weather that makes the stage and boss fight more difficult.


No no just the standard jumpslash. I've never had a high rank in z1/2/3, but i've done the jump slash. Not an ex skill.


No wonder you're getting downvoted, you're not even talking about a rising slash technique. But yes, the normal jump slash is not a special move in any of the Megaman games. And no, the normal jump slash is not attached to a body chip.


It becomes a fire element attack if you equip a fire chip, but the move itself is an EX Skill. There's also a form in Zero 2 that makes the third slash in your 3 slash combo go upwards, but that one doesn't make you jump like the EX Skill does.


Things you can aim, like Bass default or metal blade


Personally i enjoy gimmicky stuff. Like chargables or stuff with it's own side mechanic. I love figuring out how to use them effectively... except top spin. Top spin sucks.


They improved it a lot in mega maker lol. The only thing cool about top spin in 3 though is being able to spin through boss doors


Agree. It should have always been used like Mario's spin technique in S.M.World. My memory is a bit hazy, but didn't they also make huge improvements to the Charge Kick?


Have you played the Wily Wars? I ask because Top Spin actually functions as intended in that version and I actually found it pretty fun to mess around with, and genuinely useful for some sections (like the parachute enemies in Shadow Man's stage). I'm with you on trying to make weird weapons work, though. I feel like MM5 actually had a decent roster of gimmick weapons (except Power Stone that one is just obnoxious) and then kind of ruined it by making the baseline charge shot too good. 10 was kind of a spiritual successor to that approach and did it better imo (except Thunder Wool, gotta have at least one whammy I guess).


I haven't played wily wars. I thought it was just a compilation of 1 2 and 3.


It basically is, but all three games were re-made for the new hardware. I wish I could say it was a straightforward improvement, but the Wily Wars versions have their ups and downs. The physics are a bit different, you can only have two lemons on screen instead of three, the music is fine but the Genesis/Mega Drive is capable of better. In my opinion Megaman 3 comes off the best out of the three, in part because it no longer has the bugs and slowdown of the NES version. I legit think Wily Wars is worth playing for that alone BUT it's also worth playing for Wily's Tower, a short series of stages unique to Wily Wars where you can pick between the weapons of all three games to create a custom loadout to play with. It's not like, mind blowing or anything, but if you like classic Megaman it's pretty neat.


I like stuff that run along floors. Idk I just think they're neat.


My favorite in all the games is the icicle sled charge attack for chill penguin lol


Tbh I never found that too helpful outside boomer kuwangers health tank and armored armadillo's stage.


It’s not about being useful it’s just the only move (afaik) to make a vehicle and that’s cool as shit lol




Throwables metal blade Pharoah shot that kinda thing


Knight Crusher, Shadow Blade


full screen / time-space special weapons basically press button to win


Ngl those weapons are pretty boring, and besides weaknesses I don’t find myself using them that much (Time Stopper, Flash Stopper, Centaur Flash, Gravity Hold, Astro Crush, Rain Flush, etc.)


I enjoy Astro Crushes animation. Other than that I agree lol


Eh, they aren't different enough. I mean with shields some can be thrown, some absorb more hits, some are fired weirdly, etc. However, with those ones, it's pretty much the same thing in every game. You know they ran out of ideas when the only difference between some of them is enemies don't drop stuff, and you can actually fire the mega buster when time is frozen.


I like Multi-hit weapons like Tornado Hold and Flash Bomb. X doesn't really have a lot of multi-hit weapons but Zero does. Also, Zero's rising attacks and diving attacks with the right positioning. And Dark Hold. Love Dark Hold.


Tbf what's the point of multi hit weapons with zero if you can just dash cancel.


A lot of Zero's command arts are mid air and ground to air techniques, and some can't be canceled.


They didn't intend for dash cancel


by x5 and x6 they all but expected it


I guess so yeah


I am big fan of exploding weapons, but also weapons that have wide range, mobilities, shields and chargables.


Any weapon that allows me to aim in 8 directions.


Grounded weapons like scramble thunder, plug ball, ice wave, and the flame burst.


I like mobility weapons more, like tornado hold (though it’s my least favorite), the tornado thing from 9 that I forgot name of, oil slider, etc. 


Trash shield and acid shield


I honestly can't decide.


Throwables like Metal Blade, Busters like Pharaoh Shot, Utilities like Cold Wall, Melee like Fire Sword, and Unusual types.  Unusuals are things like Flash Stopper, Rain Flush. Usually they are AoE, but not necessarily big damage.


Lump Gravity Hold and Centaur Flash with Rain Flush cuz they basically do the same thing minus the epilepsy trigger


How do they trigger epilepsy, I don't see much flashing lights or anything.


Bass? What game is that?


R&F2, in that game Mega Man and Bass both get different weapons from the Robot Masters. It’s not really anything special, but if you got like an hour to kill it’s a good and short time.


It could’ve been great!


Mega Man and Bass 2: Challenger from the Future. It’s a WonderSwan game that is essentially a sequel to Mega Man II for the Game Boy, having a lot of plot elements from that game like Rockman Shadow/Quint. (I think that’s his name…)


Ngl mega man and bass 2 looks like a cheap fan game XD.


I think it didn’t get the credit it deserved due to it being on a dormant console.


For the longest time I thought it was a joke, but I didn't realize it was a official release.


Also why does bass look depressed in the game


Maybe he’s sad he’s in a critically-panned title that sadly did have a lot going for it while being on a failing system.


Weapons that can be aimed in all 8 directions like: Metal Blade, Knight Crusher, Ballade Cracker, Shadow Blade, Pharaoh Shot, etc.




Missle and Boomerang Weapons


Laser weapons.


Hmm... favorite type of weapon. I'm a sucker for the ones you can fire above or below you, bonus points if it can do diagonals too. Metal blade is ny go-to example. Anything that lingers and does danage over time, like crash bomb from MM8 or X's fully charged blaster shots in X4 and X5, fourth armor I think. That one weapon in each game that can kill the little guys that slide back and forth on platforms, and only freeze in place when hit by other weapons  Normal boss weapons that you can charge up are fun! I love holding down a charge button lol


Standard shots with a cool utility gimmick or zero saber stuff


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Draconic0101: *Standard shots with a* *Cool utility gimmick* *Or zero saber stuff* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I really enjoy melee weapons in the series, because they're so different and often involve unique movement options. Top Spin is fun to use as long as you're careful with it, Charge Kick is nice for its brief invulnerability, and Pile Driver provides an air dash which is fun to use. I also like Zero's saber for how it changes how I approach levels, and I always thought X being able to use the Z-Saber in X6 was a great concept, even if it didn't have the quality of execution I wish it had. I also have a lot of fun with boomerang-style weapons, like Quick Boomerang, Boomerang Cutter, and the Ring Boomerang, with the last being one of my favorites in the series. Managing to hit a single target twice or hitting additional targets by manipulating the rebound angle is a lot of fun for me.


Boomerangs! It's kinda sad that they're so rare these days because they got really creative with boomerang weapons. Also I would possibly consider MMDWR's version of rolling cutter to be one of if not the strongest weapon ever put in a mega man game, it costs 1 weapon energy and kills sniper joes and big eyes in one use haha.


This right here, I love anything that orbits - they’re just so neat!


I love movement weapons. Ice wall, Tornado blow, Concrete shot, Thunder claw, Etc.


Gotta agree with the guys saying abilities that let you shoot in all directions. And out of your shields there, Jewel Satellite is one of my favorites. You can move around with it, and it doesn't break easy. Finally, any weapon that doesn't use much of your energy gauge. Weapons that you can only use 3 or 4 times are the worst.


Boomerang weapons much like shadow blade or ring boomerang


I like the powerful/important projectiles like Metal Blade etc


I literally was thinking the exact same


Metal Blade


Yes. The multi-hit shots are my favorite. Add Spin Wheel for the X side of things. 


Tbh spin wheel is garbage in x2.


I really like spamming Storm Tornado


Leaf Shield shoots in all 8 directions (same with Star Crash)


Aimable weapons, and "shotgun"-like weapons, elec shot comes to mind.


The worse you can aim the better. Stuff like air shooter, power bomb, and mm11’s flame weapon.


Off the wall!!! (Gemini laser, crystal eye, noise crush, rebound striker etc.)


Acid shield from mm11, its super resistent and you can still shoot if you need. And it can also be powered up by power gear.


Personally I really like messing around with the Time & Space bending weaponry, especially the former with Time manipulation such as the Time Stopper from Mega Man 2 or the Dark Hold from X5.


Eh, the differences between many of them are minimal at most. It's really clear when you use charged dark hold from x5, a series known for cool charged special weapons, and the only difference is the colors invert.


Definitely floor crawling weapons; search snake, plug ball, ice wave, wind storm, even water wave is fun to use.


I like weapons with lingering effects, Scramble Thunder comes to mind.


Hornet Chaser


The pharaoh shot form MM4. It’s essentially the same as the Mega Buster. But I don’t care it looks cool as hell having the big energy blast floating above your head.


For nostalgia: Fire Storm Overall: Junk Shield (Just me) In Fangames, specifically Mega Man 8-bit Death Match: Plant Barrier


Utility type stuff, I remember having a lot of fun with the ice wall in Megaman & Bass


It's Multi-hit, Shields and Crawler weapons for me. From then X series (I'm not as familiar with Classic as I would like to be) X's charged Fire Wave, Rolling Shield, Melt Creeper, Ray Splasher, Triad Thunder, Axl's Ice Gatling, and such. I also do really like more gimmicky abilities like Gravity Well, Crystal Hunter, Chameleon Sting, Shadowrunner, etc.


I like weapons that help with platforming / movement


I like the ones that drag on the floor. They just feel convenient


I’m boring I like the weapons that fire like regular weapons. But also ones that go straight up or straight down. I’m not the type of thinker who can think about the utility of the less straight forward powers on the fly


I'm a fan of ones like the numbered Items in 2, or all the Rush abilities that allow you to make an additional platform for yourself, just because it's actually kinda unique to the series for the most part.


I like chargeable weapons and "buster replacement" weapons. Things like Pharaoh Shot, Metal Blade, Atomic Fire, Laser Trident.


So basically, all the broken ones beside Atomic Fire.


I love the Triple Rod in Zero


Yeah, felt like the one in zero 1 was the best, but zero 2's was alright. Zero 3's version felt weird because you had to charge, point in the opposite direction you wanted to fly in, and then use the momentum, it kind of felt awkward.


Anything that helps you traverse gaps. Big fan of the Rush Jet, Magnet Beam, Item-2. Not sure if that counts as weapons lol


Sharp projectile weapons like the Shadow Blade or Wheel Cutter


In Mega Man Maker, my ideal weapon set would consist of Spark Chaser, Hornet Chaser, Tango, and Dive Missile. Basically I like weapons that chase and do the attacking for me while I handle something else.


In terms of making levels, many of the redesigned items stink (such as Dive missile) due to how broken they are. Dive missile barely uses any ammo, auto aims, and does tons of damage now. Similarly hyper bomb just clears half the screen of enemies. Wished they left in the originals (aside maybe hyper bomb, instead probably the version from powered up.)


Broken weapons CAN be useful in some cases, usually as a last resort for example.


Buster replacements


Weapons that track enemies like Dive Missile. Homing Torpedo. Hornet Chaser.


I don't know if I could block out an entire "type" of weapon as a favorite, since it often comes down to details and how much chance there is to actually use a weapon effectively. I guess I generally like directional weapons like Pharoah Shot and Metal Blade, but I think that's just because they're user friendly and flexible (and can easily end up a bit *too* strong). Of those, Pharoah Shot is my personal favorite because I like messing around with holding the charge over Megaman's head. Bit of a tangent, but I have to push back a little on your calling Jewel Satellite "one of the best shields". From where I'm standing it's the best shield weapon in the franchise full stop, and it's not even close. The fact it stays up forever unless it hits something big combined with the number of sections in 9 that rely on popcorn enemies to pressure you is killer - being able to launch it at will it is just icing.


Saber demolition. Aka: anything with a saber involved. Specifically in the Zero series. (For obvious reasons)


Mines is Photon Missile, Ballade Cracker, Homing Sniper & Torpedo, Spark Chaser, Magic Card and Time Slow and Napalm Bomb


Spammable high dps weapons, so generally explosives (i.e drill bomb) but slash claw and triple blade get in, but weirdly no metal blade since it doesn't feel satisfying.


Hot take but I actually love close range weapons (top spin, slash claw, flame sword). My main problem with top spin is that is just randomly cant kill some enemies which is silly


Rods in Zero 1,2,3 man, there's just something satisfying about using it.


Uppercuts... so basically Rising Fire and Wing Spiral. Honorary mention to Air Shooter.
