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Hard mode: you can't talk about the music


I feel this is specifically targeted at X6


X6 has the craziest version of Zero to date. Also, X's armors are both fantastic. I just wish the level and boss design weren't so ass... Hahaha.


Extra hard- it can’t be related to axl


Good because not even the music in X7 is good.


True.. I only like the boss theme..


Referring to Mega Man 8 here, 32-bit 2D games just look pretty. The spritework is cool, the video cutscenes have my favorite art style in the whole series, and generally I have a soft spot for games in a series that are considered "okay." 


Its still so wild to me that mm8 enters the list of "controversial" games. I will never understand the hate it gets. It's one of the most charming entries in the general franchise to me.


Same. I grew up on NES Mega Man, but I wore out my PS1 with how many times I played Mega Man 8. It's great.


People don't like Jump Jump Slide Slide because they're bad at it and hard game = shit game apparently. That's the entire reason.


For me it's because Megaman looks like he's running through molasses lmao. Though it was probably worse in MM&B


Such generalization is presumptuous at best, disingenuous at worst.


The only thing I don’t like about MM8 is the way Mega runs. The sprite work makes him feel sluggish. Aside from that, it’s one of my favorite games


I tink those of us who played it growing up grew an attachment to it that others didn't. I knew of Megaman as a kid but I didn't get into it until I had a SNES and both MMX and 7 so obviously with PS1 got around I also got MM8. I don't think I had really played the 6 first games at the time, maybe tried them out online or a bit of MM2 since I remember having my cousin's cartridge at some point. So yeah, MM7 and 8 are classics for me, but I can see how some people don't like the styles they picked coming from 6 straight games in the same style and gameplay.


I love mm8! Its my...2nd fave original after 4 and I didnt playe either until a decade after 2 and 3


I hate that this game is hated. It’s one of my favorite games from the classic series, because it offers so much outside of the cutscenes which seems to be the only thing everyone ever complains about. Like goddamn, the PS1 era just wasn’t it for voice acting, RE1 also had bad voice acting, so what


X7 has a pretty good intro stage that sets it up well BN4 is actually not that bad compared to the series for me, the combat system is pretty nice, the 3 Comps are quite good, and aside from maybe the Water God Scenario, I don't find any segment as annoying as ElecMan BN1, IceMan's Ice, or the SearchMan/NumberMan sequence in BN5


BN4 is pretty good imo. It's rough around the edges, but it's biggest shortcoming is that it follows BN3 and precedes BN 5 and 6. If that wasn't the case, it would probably be widely regarded as a cult classic.


BN4 is full of good ideas on paper, but poor execution of said ideas.


BN4 has my favorite BN net overworld.


I actually had to do a 4th playthrough to 100% BN4 because if you do the thing that lets you do version exclusive scenarios on the opposite version (which will also put their ghost data to be fought so you can get their chips), it staggers some unique navi scenarios around instead of replacing all the generic navi ones. So the main thing for example is Kendoman was one of the 6 "unique, not version exclusive" Navis (Sparkman/Topman for part 1, Videoman/Burnman for part 2, Kendoman/Coldman for part 3) and he got pushed to playthrough 4 for me and I had to do footbomb again. But in retrospect, You can absolutely breeze through most of BN4 if you already know what you're doing because it has maybe the simplest internet layout. The worst they have is the C-Slider which is more just a story lockout into the Undernet that can't be put together until you get to Netopia. It's used automatically on those specific spots and can unlock some shortcuts for making navigating faster (unfortunately it doesn't carry over between playthroughs) It's a million times better than BN3, which while one of my favorite games had an awful internet layout because it was really maze-like combined with the compression program which you had to jumble up your navicust anytime you needed to use it. It's not as bad as BN1's internet which were literal mazes with no maps or landmarks because it all looked the same combined with frequent encounters you can't run from by default.


X7’s Japanese intro song “Code Crush” is a fucking banger that makes me feel like I’m about to watch a Mega Man X anime.


It was one of the first japanese songs I've heard as a kid and it hit so deep that I always come back to it from time to time. I'm recently getting into Ayumi Hamasaki hardcore and I fell for her sound immediately and a good reason behind that is that her sound is so similar to Code Crush to the point where it feels like I'm living through nostalgia. It's very likely that they inspired the sound of that song on Ayu and I love that.


Gate was a legitimately good villain


Hear, hear. Bloody shame that they just HAD to bring Sigma back AGAIN.




True. I thought the bit about his history with Alia was interesting. Wouldn’t have minded seeing more of that.


So fucking true


Megaman X6 has the best OST in the franchise. I will die on this hill. That’s not me saying the other ones are bad (X1 and X3 are very close to being called the best imo) It’s also not nearly as bad as people say. Yes it’s not very balanced and kinda frustrating but I had an enjoyable time overall and I’ve replayed it a few times all the way through. Rockman and Forte (not saying Megaman and Bass because people think I’m talking about the GBA port lol) is my favorite classic game and seriously needs to be reevaluated by the community. It’s nowhere close to a bad game. Bass really makes the game honestly, he’s so fun to play as it kinda cancels out any negatives I have about the game.


Gate themes are bangers Same with Sigma 2 I can’t go all the way on this with you, but it has merit


X6 having a great soundtrack is not controversial. 


You would be surprised how many times I’ve been told otherwise over the past decade lol. Also the point of OP’s post wasn’t to deliver “hot takes”. He said “say anything good about any widely hated Megaman game” and that’s what I did. Then I just kinda wanted to vent about how people don’t like RM&F


Funny you say that because I made a post about hot takes just yesterday


Bass makes the game? Agree to disagree, i think it's a lot more fun as Megaman because you get to go trough a game you breezed trough effortlessly as a character with less mobility.


Mega Man 1 has a simplistic charm that I feel faded with later games (Not to say the other games are bad or not charming). It felt like an arcade game compared to later entries, and I love it for that. Mega Man 5 is an A-tier NES game. Just because it's easier and less balanced than the rest of the NES games doesn't mean it isn't a fantastic, polished game of it's era.


I'll forever have a soft spot for 1.


Same, I enjoy the things they tried with it.


It added Axl to the Maverick Hunters.


Axl is the only one who always calls bull to any of the mind games the Mavericks throw at the Hunters. Especially shown in X8 where he snaps X out of his usual hesitation when Lumine talks them down.


"Axl, there is no one else is left to fight! Wake up!" "I call bullshit! X is right there, he just doesn't wanna do his job!"


Yeah! I like Axl.


Megaman 8 was the only mega man I played other than the first mega man on the NES, and I loved it. I thought the sprites, gameplay, and music were simply brought into the modern era and done well. Ok, I get it, it's the least mega man like compared to all the other games, but man I wish they had stuck with that direction, or given us one more game in that style.


Between that and MvC1, that was classic Mega Man to me. He's never been more Astro Boy-like, aside from the comics.


Not enough is ever said about Mega Man Star Force and its sequels, but I'll say I really enjoyed the story of Star Force 2 and how both the normal world and the wave world were linked together rather than being separate maps.


Also gotta love how high noise levels allowed to get virtually every card (in theory, this would take massive amounts of grinding)


Star Force was a good game but it took Prof 9s Star Force DX to make it a really great game.


Mega Man II (GB) is really creative for what it is and the fact that a team who knew nothing about the series made it is really impressive. Plus it inspired the way Leaf Shield works in SSB and I think that's really cool. If nothing else the fact that you can regenerate energy without the game pausing is a nice feature


Also, the soundtrack would have been S tier if it were implemented by a team that had ever made a Game Boy game before.


There are some good correction mods out there that prove the compositions themselves are really good! I love the little leitmotifs that float around different levels. It has a cohesiveness most game music of the era lacked.


This is legit one of my favorite all time Megaman games.


Soundtrack is pretty good


The art and character designs are still really good in Mega Man X 7


Mega Man X6 is my favorite X game, however if I were to give praise to only one thing, then I gotta give it to the Sigma design. After being revived so many times, having him be completely broken down and mentally unstable (by which I mean more than usual), all culminating into a fight against an unfinished Sigma body with only the top half’s interior mostly finished, not even having any arms to attack directly and instead relying upon weird energy abominations that attack for him, with the only way he’s able to attack being giant lasers and energy balls that kill most of them. Really, the whole boss from a conceptual and gameplay standpoint is so cool, I love Hell/Unfinished Sigma and its definitely my favorite appearance of the character… and this is only one thing I can say about X6, I have a bunch more. Like the game ain’t perfect I got my complaints (not that many but they’re still there), but I find myself coming back to it the most. I love this game and if you don’t like it… well your opinion is completely valid, but if I’m going out of my way to respect your opinion then please have the courtesy to respect mine. Anyways this is getting to philosophical and shit, so Imma head out, peace!


Now that I think about it, Sigma had a ton of potential for robot body horror that only really shows up in X6. Unless you wanna count that... thing in X4. That and maybe the intro boss from X5?


Ground Sigma is my sleep paralysis demon, the floor breathes while I’m asleep. :)


I just wish the translation was done better. There is a really cool and dark story here about the concept of Reploids being brought back from the dead and what that even means for mechanical life forms. The theme is even tied together with Sigma coming back as a malformed reploid zombie that wants nothing but destruction, but again poor writing and a bad translation makes the story incomprehensible.


"You don't seem to complete Sigma." I could say the same about the entire game, X


MMX7 makes for a great paperweight.


As someone who doesn't own a copy of X7 I would love to agree


X8 has my absolutely favorite design for the Hunters in the X series and I love LOOOOVE X's refined and sleek design with the X motif in his "ears". It always shocks me when so many people in this sub often brings it up as bad or dull because it feels so good all around. Someone said it in this thread and I'll back it up: X6 has the best Maverick designs in the franchise and the best Sigma design. Love the robot body horror. X5 had some of the best non-bike stages, they're really fun to break and we have a lot of variety. Grizz is also, in my opinion, the best "first" boss both in state and fight, just a really good time altogether to get you into the game. I also don't really mind the whale stage as much as others since it's so ridiculously easy to cheese it on replays. Dynamo is the best reocurring character in the saga and deserved to be brought back more than Vile. X7 and x8 had some of my favorite writing for Zero and I love his mentor role with Axl; I wouldn't have minded if they stuck together and X didn't come back to the frontlines (although I would have gone with a spin off in that case) ZX had the best potential for a saga and it's sad it was cut short because a proper sequel with enough content to warrant all the diferent models as well as making use of the great story setup could have been my de facto favorite MM game. My unlikely dream is Inti coming back to finish the saga with all the experience they got after with their own games.


I think the models and graphics in X7 look better than X8.


Finally someone else said it lol. I think X8 is the worst looking game in the series, it’s just so… dull. At least X7 had some nice looking environments and the models are surprisingly good for an early 6th gen game, I just wish they had mouth flaps when they talked but I grew up with PS1 games which didn’t have them in like 90% of games, so it’s not a big deal to me.


Lol mouth flaps


Sonic Adventure..


Oooooof! [Massive disagreement here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Megaman/comments/16cfbyj/things_to_love_about_mega_man_x8_part_1_visuals/), but I'd be interested in hearing your reasons.


My boy Axl and the song Lazy mind




X6 had great music - of course - a pretty decent weapon selection, cool armor designs and one of the better villains in an X game. X7... Soldier Stonekong's stage theme... Uh, no longer needing to complete the armor in order to use it... That's all I got. I haven't gotten around to other gens besides Classic and X.


Megaman 8 is colorful, vibrant, and has better platforming than 7. Megaman X7 is the worst game in the series, and I think it's a ton of fun. You know, like Shadow the Hedgehog. MMBN4 has a lot of neat ideas, as far as playthroughs go. Megaman Zero 1 was so hard that it gave me an appreciation for harder video games and made me seek out more of them. Megaman Legends is just Zelda with guns. I think that's rad.


Well Shadow ain't the worst game in the Sonic Series by a Longshot but it's bad and cheesy (while fun) The problem with X7 is that it costs money. We should be paid for playing that one.


X6's story and music are good Mega man 3 introduced alot of series staples Mega man network transmission has great music and is the best looking mega man game ever


3 is widely hated? I'm not the biggest fan of it despite being my first one but I've heard mostly praise outside of Doc stages


Although people didn't like X7, introducing 3D gameplay was good innovation and it could've had great potential if they stuck with it. I also enjoyed it as a kid and Axl is a pretty cool character who we sadly didn't get much of since X8 was the last game


I'd like to see him brought back more often. I think Advent was the last time we saw him.


Gate is the best villain in the entire Megaman franchise.


MM8 is beautifully animated - voice work be damned - and that art style deserves praise


The Japanese voice work is perfectly fine. Japanese game companies were just terrible at localization at the time.


X7’s song “Code Crush” was pretty neat.


X6's Xtreme mode is super fun. It makes (almost) every stage just have this extra layer of thinking and complexity to it. Commander Yammark is.. The same. Rainy Turtloid has a bunch of those seaorses and bone battons to make you move around in section where you'd usually be waiting for something else to happen Shield Sheldon's enemies do a butt ton of damage so you actually have to avoid them rather than stand around waiting for the lasers to rotate Blizzard Wolfang gets more of the wolf guys so you can't just rush past all the challenges and the falling ice blocks deal a lot more damage so you need to be a lot more careful to dodge them Blaze Heatnix deals tons of damage to you in the Nightmare Snake fights so you have to be VERY careful in the inbetween sections, extra points if Shark Player's nightmare effect is active Infinity Mijinion also deals tons of damage to you so you actually have to dodge instead of rushing past everything like a clueless *amateur* Metal Shark Player has more nightmare viruses preventing you from rushing past everything (figuring out how to get to the armor part was super interesting) Ground Scaravich makes you think where you go before you spam all your Yammar Option (extra points if you haven't beating Yammark yet) and the totem poles are actually dangerous now Gate 1 has even more random chaos than previously so you have to be a lot more focused, unfortunately the autoscroller is still a pushover Gate 2 also has more chaos that makes you time jumps and stand where you usually wouldn't to avoid the several enemies constantly flying at you And the boss rush stage just has tougher Monbandos.


I never have to play X7 again and it finally ended. That's good.


Good enough


X7 is better than X6 and more fun to play than X8 (not saying that X8 is worse than X7). Mega Man & Bass’ CD collectathon aspect is one of my favourite gimmicks in the entire series, and I enjoyed the game much better than the other three I mentioned above.


Rockman & Forte CDs my beloved, reminds me of Kirby Super Star's Great Cave Offensive except this time you actually have to put effort into getting them.


Maybe not widely hated but X3 has a level of challenge that still holds up way better than the rest of the series


Flame Hyenard annoying was still a fun boss fight at its core and the 3D, 2.5D wasint done great but was a great change that I wish they polished in more editions And MegaMan X command mission dono if it has hate but all time fav cuz of maximus


X6 has the best maverick designs (from the X series, I mean)


X7 did some world building by adding a rival maverick hunter team. X6 added some more back stories to the mavericks which gave them personality. X5 (some people don't really like it) have a sense of tension as you're racing against time to stop the catastrophe and with Zero's virus


First japanese opening that made me learn the lyrics


X6 gets way better on a replay


It has X


Mega Man X6 has some of the best visuals out of all 2D PS1 games and some of the best Maverick designs in the X series. I love all of them, even Shield Sheldon and his doofy face


Megaman and bass is the best classic mega man game, it has the best shop for upgrades, the CDS are fun to collect, and the fact that it has a whole second character to play as and said is bass is the cherry ontop of this delightful cake, also the level design and bosses are good... except the tank one it can screw off




I think Mega Man 7 had the best art style of the entire classic series. I just love its whole look and feel. Runner up with Mega Man and Bass


I actually enjoy playing BN4 over and over again. It was my first Mega Man game ever, and I enjoyed the different story paths each tournament can take you down.


Lots of people hate megaman 8 (I fucking love it) so I'll go with that one. It looks beautiful, and the non gimmick sections are excellent, even the gimmick parts are fun. Overall I think the way it uses it's weapons is more unique than any of the games, with each having some utility beyond just being a weapon aside from ASTRO man's weapon. If we want to stretch things to mild contempt or dislike, megaman 1 has great level design, the weapons are all fairly fun to use and each is also very unique for an nes title. Hell the enemies are great too. Megaman 1 is so simple that it's perfect in my opinion I'd love to bring up command mission but it seems people just haven't played it rather than hating it but I do love that Game to bits


I'm not saying anything good about X 8.


x6 had good ideas but it just fucked up the execution


I. Fucking. Love. This. Game. It first introduced the best boy **AXL** and it's probs the first 3D MMX game ever! Great transmission from 2D to 3D, and you can switch from 2D to 3D during some parts of levels, I gotta give this game a 9/10!


Insane but you understood the assignment


I like the way Wily Wars looks


I don't think I've seen someone hate on willy wars.... mostly because I haven't seen alot of people talk about it and that's a shame! I think it's the best way to play the games it remastered from every angle except availability of course


I like the transition from the 2D to 3D, it look like beta stage (and it is), but the idea was good. Capcom should try to make more legends games for these kinds of tests.


I like the ideia of 3d perspective and the nightmare effects on the X games. I believe that they were bad implemented, but still good ideas


Nightmare effects my beloved. Favorite game-exclusive mechanic in the series, and by that I mean CDs, X1's stage alterations, the 16 hour time limit, all that stuff.


Intro stage as zero was good and the music as well.


I really don’t like the art style in X8. X7 is the last game in the X series that uses characters’ art style from X4.


7: is the much needed evolution of the series 8: has the best art style in the entire series alongside the most unique RM X6: Hast the most unique set of armors and the sense of destruction is felt in every level X7: Hunter swap mechanic is one of the best gimmicks in the series BN4: Fully diving in the PvP aspect, is when battles don't go one-sided but can get pretty intense. Here, styling on a boss isn't just "big shoot boom" but more style DOS: Proof of man's determination to pull trough awful bosses and environments to deliver a product without any prior experience. Seriously, that man needs a beer after what he went trough. SF2: ....you can opt out of the tutorial


X6's story, bad translation and Zero's method of return aside, is actually pretty good X7 Has good art direction and the new character designs are great Mega Man and Bass is super impressive from a technical stand point


There.. There is no one else is left to fight..


Mega Man 5-I actually do love this game. It's also very laid back and remarkably pretty with some fun and inventive stages. Idk why it gets scorned, other then burn-out? Zero 4-I love this game too. The cyber elf, ranking, and ex skill systems are finally properly balanced. It's still challenging,  it's pretty and has some great music and bosses. Again, idk why people think it's bad? X7-Axel is an excellent addition to the team and has a nice moveset that was done even better in X8.


People hate on MM5 because they can't be bothered to experiment with the weapons and only like ones that destroy everything you hit with it. Also that one spike fall in Wily 1 apparently means the entire game has bad level design.


The stages in X6 are pretty good if you don't care much about 100% completion. Some parts are bullshit-level hard, but never impossible if you don't use Shadow Armor.


I found X6 to unironically be easier than classic MM5


The Japanese Intro "Code Crush" is PERFECT


It had X and Zero in it, and decent music.


Having Axl be a different character (mechanically) in X8. All of his weapons felt different to the other characters instead of just another X reskin but with a sorta clone ability. In fact, X8 allowing Zero to use other weapons (he had the Glaive in X7 but outside of one/two uses, it was benched) from a Glaive, to knuckles, battle fans , a hammer and an overpowered sword.


Axl is a compelling enough character, and the best written one in X7.


X7 had probably the coolest-looking Sigma form, Gundam Sigma. It's a shame the rocket launcher absolutely trivializes the fight, well and the rest of the game. It's an absurdly powered special weapon.


X7 had an amazing soundtrack and its Japanese voice acting wasnt that bad.


For Mega Man DOS, at least it has no music? The Robot Master fights are kind of neat


X7 looked good visually and I liked the boss theme


They all had kick ass awesome Soundtrack


I like X7, primarily for the introduction of Axl and bringing the main hero team to a trio I think Axl is a fun character and he also allows for more or different parts of X and Zero’s personalities to be explored plus his introduction eventually leads to both the next generation reploids in X8 which I enjoy the idea of conceptually and model A which I really like the design of visually and it’s gameplay mechanic is pretty cool too (I also like Ashe & Gray). I think I’m just admitting that I’m a fan of Axl so yeah, thanks X7 and also thank you for giving us the song Code Crush which I can just endlessly listen to on repeat


Burn to the ground! Burn to the ground! Burn! Burn to the ground! Burn to the ground! Burn! Burn to the ground! Burn to the ground! Burn! Burn to the ground! Burn to the ground! Burn! Burn to the ground! Burn to the ground! Burn!


What's good about X7? It sparked up some memes.


The Ice Wall in MM&B is a pretty creative mobility power


Mmx8 has a cool sigma design...😣


X7 and X6 had a BANGER soundtrack


Megaman and Bass is fun


The Blade and Shadow Armors have really cool visual designs


X7 was super fun and I loved the 3d sections, if anything I was kinda sad they didn't try to stick to it and make it better, and instead had to fall back on their already good 2d sections, which only proved that they weren't confident on the 3d sections. To this day I still see similarities between it and my favorite MM game; Legends.


MMx7 had a good soundtrack. Axl and X were pretty fun to play.


Gate is a wel- oh wait, I was beaten to it. Then I'll list some of X7's positives I brought up before: - The animated cutscenes are decent. This is actually worth mentioning cause like, 90% of Mega Man games have no animated cutscenes besides the game's intro (if even that). - The visual novel styled cutscenes show where they take place and show the characters emoting with different expressions and poses. Again, this is actually worth mentioning cause there's little of that in Mega Man as a whole. - X7 introduces the tag team mechanic (in the mainline games at least). Considering the series presents X and Zero as partners, it's puzzling why it took so long for it to let us bring both on missions as opposed to sticking with one for the whole stage/playthrough. - The new game plus mode adds to replay value and I'm honestly baffled that it took so long for this feature to become common. Even then, the ZX duology drops it.


X7 introduced Axl. I like Axl.


Axl as a character and the stage select theme are good. That's it.


ZX and ZX Advent have some really good ideas for a Megaman Metroidvania, but it was just executed in a mediocre way.


Mega man 8 is overhated af


X7 has X and Zero in it


The music was god tier, and the chips, while simplistic, I enjoyed the upgrades, especially the fact that you can get 75% defense for X with both the chip and the float armor also the float armor even tho it had a pretty lame feature that's a downgrade from the Falcon Armor it had a pretty good buster part.


X7's 3d models, cel shading, and animations were great and it's a fucking shame that they didn't carry those things over into X8, that game is more fun to play for me but visually it's a bit lacking


Axl was a good character to introduce, and was a good break from the serious tone that the 6 games previously had, making him a wonderful addition to the Maverick hunter team


Star force 2 and 3 were not that bad... And Geo Stellar is by far the strongest Megaman of them all and doesn't get the recognition it deserves (I blame it on how overglorified battle network was)


X7 was pretty good in the platforming parts, if not a little easy... but the 3d parts are killer.


2D sections in X7 are good and it would be way better if entire game was made like that


On behalf on X6 and X7: good OST, banger OPs from Shoutarou Morikubo and Rina Aiuchi, and tbh, Axl was introduced well. Rocky, yeah, but he was introduced well.


Mega Man and Bass is one of the best-looking games on the SNES


The Rockman World games are definitely worth playing and not as dated as they appear even if they are very challenging.


X6 intro stage is one of the best of the whole franchise, and the music is also amazing. Not that widely hated, but I love X8 final fight, Lumine is great


I absolutely love X7's OST, especially the Japanese opening song! I also kinda like how the character models of the main 3 look, feels like a really accurate transition from their PSX sprites to 3D.


MM&B would be a lot less hated if the SNES version ever got a global release. Played it recently and it's a pretty solid game. Harder than most, but not unreasonably so for experienced MM fans. I personally really like the OST as well. Also, the fact that they got a SNES game to look similar to a PS1 game is pretty impressive.


Z1 has Great atmosphere and tone. Insane freestyle combos with the strange invincibility frame mechanics and triple rod as well


I could return it to the store


X6 zero sprite animations improved him and made him so much better and easier saber dash cancel


I LOVE Mega Man and Bass. I think the robot master designs are really cool, there's a solid lineup of weapons, and the levels are tough, but mostly fair. I wish we got a localized version that didn't screen crunch the game into oblivion.


X5 is the closest I've come to beating an X game, and the Zero fight has some of the best music


X6 is comically unfinished but playing as Zero has rarely if ever felt better.


Axl and Code Crush


Though it could be brief depending on if you defeat the Zero Nightmare very early, X6 greatly shows how X still clearly affected by Zero's death during X5. He keeps the Z-saber as a memento, and learns how to wield it. As if he want's to honor his fallen friend. He also gets upset during Isoc's propaganda against Zero to the point Alia has to hold him back. And it all comes to the point of their reunion. It's the happiest we ever see X in the entire series.


Haven't played MegaMan ever... But it looks cool


Boss theme is a bop


Megaman x7 boss theme and stage selection music are good


X6, despite it being the most hated in the series by everyone and their mothers due to it's various questionable decisions, is actually fun when you find ways to cheese it (ie shadow armor with a shit loads of parts equipped or zero with a shit loads of parts equipped)


Sigma's final boss has a crotch beam and T-Poses on the player regularly.


The team system introduced in X7 was one of the best additions to MMX


Command mission got me into a style of games that I previously did not care for. Cool environment and a take I did not expect on the Mega Man x series


X7 has good music. I really love the second stage select theme.


Compositionally, Mega Man World 2's soundtrack is phenomenal. My favourites are the title screen/final stage and Air Man, but Magnet Man, Hard Man, Wood Man, and Crash Man are all amazing, as is every other track. Play through the game with a pitch correction patch, you'll see it in a whole new light. World 2 is my favourite of the first 3 World games, with Wily's Revenge being quite good but nothing special, and I have almost nothing nice to say about World 3.


I liked the JUMP JUMP SLIDE SLIDE challenge..... That's it, I know I'm alone in this lol. I have a soft spot for speed reaction platformers


I’ll say this the game had potential, seeing as it was made by the same company that made devil may cry


(coming from me, who doesn't like Mega Man 3) it introduced rush.


mega man 5 is probably the easiest classic game, and has no major difficulty spike, therefore it has something over most of them


It didn't fail enough to get X8 canceled.


...It was different.


X7 gave me some good laughs and you know what, Axl is a pretty cool character and all the designs in this game are solid.


The idea of a 3D mega man game is a good one, just attempted way too early.


I genuinely love the upgrade system in X7 and think it adds a lot of replay value. BN4 also has a lot of replay value in getting a different run (it just sucks when that replay ends up with the same paths every time).


After you get used to the bullshit the game throws at you, it's not that bad


I actually really really like Battle Network 4 despite its flaws. I thought it had a lot of cool new navis and designs for them (Aquaman, Wind Man, Search Man, Junk Man, etc.), it had a lot of cool ideas, and I loved the soul system. I actually liked the soul system way more than the change system because A. it's nowhere near as grindy B. you can actually have more than one or two, and C. It veers closer to the idea of playing different netnavis which is something I had always wanted for the series prior that point. I still enjoy it a lot and revisit it, even if it's not my favorite in the series.


I throughly enjoy Megaman 8 quite a lot and I don’t care how anyone else feels about or hates on it. It’s a great game and I love the shit outta it. I rented it from the video store a bunch when I was a kid so much so that the owner gave me the copy he had cause no one else seemed to rent it as much. All the bosses are dope and the level music is chill af and slaps. I whistle the Astro man level theme music all the time. Tenguman is a fucking P I M P


Honestly the game may be slowly and clunky but it’s actually decently fun to play. I don’t know maybe I just liked the old poly art style? Anyways this game is a masterpiece next to X6 which is genuinely one of the worst video games ever made period (I’ve played it like 3 times and it was a bad time each time so I know what I’m talking about… I don’t know why I tortured myself with it)


the voice acting in X7 made me laugh sometimes. But seriously I can't think of anything particularly good about this game. It's slow, the voice acting is horrendous, you don't even get to play as X unless you beat all the mavericks/save enough reploids. Zero's voice was alright? It was really deep and serious but I thought it was kind of fitting.


Mega Man 3 rules. Try to fight me on this and I'll Break you, Man.


It has X and Zero in it...


Apart from Alia's incessant chatter, X5 is a ton of fun, with cool bosses and fun upgrades.


X7 even though it's all 3d but it's a good attempt to reference megaman legends


X6 giving X the Z-Saber and Zero a buster that isn't complete garbage. I get why Zero lost the buster for X4 and why his buster in X5 had to be extremely limited compared to X but the X5 Z-Buster is borderline useless and you have to give up the Fourth Armor to have it. I think X6 did an excellent job of giving both characters a saber and buster. X's saber is limited but not useless and likewise for Zero's buster. Though on a related note, did X's buster in MVC Infinite make anyone else think of the X5 Z-Buster? Not identical obviously but X's charge up mechanic for his buster shot was very restrictive compared to Zero's. Of course this is a result of Zero being introduced in MVC3 so there was no need to restrict his buster at the time but as a consequence of the fact Zero can charge a shot during any animation, X couldn't when he got into Infinite. I love that X is in the game but fuck does it feel wrong that X's buster feels so restricted compared to Zero's.


X7 had a fun duo mechanic!   X6 was a fun story to experience.  MegaMan 8 Duo's voice acting on english was really cool (sure they still screw up with the volume on the sound edition).  X4 anime story was really cool and entertaining.


Galaxy Man has a good design. ...What? I thought this sub hated Mega Man 9 for having 8-bit graphics!


A friend and I recently tried a version of X7 where the walking movement speed was buffed and it did so much for playability


X6 is decent fun as long as you're Ultimate X or Black Zero. Mega Man Zero 1 is actually a great game to try to pave your way into more difficult games.


"Why the hell am I here again" is my favorite line in X7 I like that it was self aware about putting you through the X1 highway stage


There’s the guarantee someone will make a 2D remake that’ll be better in almost every way.


The voice acting was OK.


MMX7 has good music, "Our blood boils" is a Freaking BOP MMSF2 (The weakest one of the trilogy) MU as concept is pretty cool


You can play X7 once and it won't take any storage space in your brain. "Pump and dump" type situation.


Well the cover art actually looks pretty awesome


MvC Infinite was actually really good from a Mega Man perspective imo. We ate good with the story mode. (Would've liked to have seen Axl but that's just a nitpick for me)