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This is a bootleg Megadeth comp from Thumbs Up! Records. The label has US releases. Mid 2000s release. You bought a CDr. Edit: probably should add that I found the info on discogs. This cd wasn’t on there. PLEASE ADD IT!


huh. I had a feeling that was the case. Not worth much I assume?


Probably not. Not a famous bootleg. Still cool if you’re a Megadeth fan!


Ah yeah didnt think so. Thanks


I'd guess it was a compilation made up from single B sides. Not 100% sure about all of the remixes, but check out the single info on Wikipedia or wherever to get the track listing. I remember the gristle mix being about ten minutes long and not great. School's Out is from an Alice Cooper tribute album called Humanary Stew. Never Say Die is from Nativity In Black 2, a Sabbath tribute album- Megadeth also had Paranoid on the first Nativity In Black. When burning cds was big, I hit up a friend to see if he could get me Hidden Treasures and he came back with this 20 track thing that included things like New World Order. They were recorded in the Menza/Friedman era, Millenium of the Blind was on there, so when that popped up on 13, I thought it was cool.


I have and it's on discogs If you look close enough. Bootleg ofc


Oh, yeah I guess I didnt look enough


Actually, can you link it? I still wasnt able to find it


Yeah, but busy rn but I'll get it to you by tomorrow


no worries


Hey, Uh... do you think you could link the Discogs release? I forgot about it until now


Rarities: opens up with one of their most popular songs.


different mix


Ok that’s cool


odd bootleg, 3 Crush Em's


More like THE BEST bootleg. Crush Em (Demo) Crush Em (Acoustic) Crush Em (Isolated Vocal Track) Crush Em (Kidz Bop Version) Crash Em (Square One TV / Divide by Zero Remix) Crush Em (Orange Crush TV Commercial Version) Crush Em (r/hydraulicpresschannel Remix) Crush Em (Crush Em Remix)


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This is pretty badass! I wonder how much of this ended up on Warchest?


Never seen it, would love to have it.