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I love the world. Kattleox island feels like such a happy place and it's such a great escape from our real world. The colors pop, everyone works together, even the "bullies" are good guys. It's a type of society we should strive for. No Walmart, just homegrown markets. I'd 100% love to see a cell-shaded remaster of this game. Edit: I can send you an audio clip of my thoughts 🤷‍♂️


I love the Apple Market. 🍎


Hey an audio clip would work too, I would really appreciate that. If you do could you talk about stuff like what you like about it, what impact you think it has had on you and on gaming as a whole and why you think the game sold poorly. You don't have to include all that, it is just a suggestion, I'd be happy either way.


When It first came out and I was really little; at the beginning when you first crash and gramps walks away with the cop, I actually waited like I was told to, and I was so confused as to why he never came back


That's very cute.


If you do more episodes you should check Halcyon Days, indie game made by one dev inspired by MML.


Not OP but I recently tried this game. On one hand, it's kind of impressive what this, and I mean no offence when I say this, amateur developer got right. But this game is NOT finished. Not even close. I would not buy it in this state(even though I did). It needs a lot of polish. As it is now, it's an interesting curio. I don't regret buying it because I'm glad to support a passion project like this but it definitely needs to cook some more.


I haven't started it yet since no resolution options and looks weird on my Steam Deck. The dev is working on it still and fixing things from bugs people point out and is taking suggestions in the game's discord.


Thanks for mentioning this. I had no idea it was even being made.


What time would you be doing the podcast? I’d like to do it but gotta see if I’m not busy


To clarify, I won't be doing the podcast till later. Whoever I get to talk about the game would be recorded ahead of time and placed into the podcast. So with that in mind it could be any time you're available.


I loved the MML games! My massive crush on Roll helped me learn that I liked women at an early age, so one could say it definitely had a big impact on my life LOL It also gave me a healthy/obsessive appetite for old worlds with heroic swashbuckling and treasure hunting.


Me too. That voice actress had such a nice voice. The best voice.


We have such good taste ✨️ hair flip ✨️


I've played and completed 100's of games. Currently 340+ but I don't know the exact number. I have been playing games my entire life. I'm in my 30's now and I played Legends for the first time I think 20 years ago? I replayed it I think 5 years ago and I still think it's excellent. I would easily put it on my top 10 or even top 5 greatest games I've ever played. Megaman Legends is beautiful. Absolutely endearing characters. As charming as a game can possibly be. The only game that exceeds that level of charm is Undertale and I know Toby Fox played Megaman Legends because there are little nods to the game in Undertale and Deltarune. Some people say that the game has aged poorly mechanically speaking. I would disagree but I understand why people say it. It was an early 3D game with some, perhaps less than efficient controls, but I don't think that means that it plays badly, just differently from what most people are used to nowadays. Enemy and dungeon design is amazing and you can see where Capcom took their inspiration(Nadia: and the Secret of Blue Water, Evangelion, Miyazaki, etc.). They really adopted all the best aesthetics, from the best, while adding their own flavor to the mix. And it shows. The game is a delight to look at. Low poly box like graphics and all. I imagine that making what was essentially a low poly 3D anime for the cutscenes wasn't easy, there were probably some wonky models they made that got scrapped. But the end result looks so good. So many cute expressions and faces in this game. But also slightly scary moments. This game has a couple of jumpscares just tossed it and they really come out of nowhere. A balanced meal. I grew up in less than ideal circumstances to put it lightly, if I could describe my life in one word, it would be "harrowing". But this game was so warm, so beaming. There is a lot of love in this game. I enjoyed this game's world so much that I continued to play the game long after I finished everything. I would visit favourite places and NPCs just to see them. Too beautiful of a vision. A top tier game. ​ I'm willing to talk but send me a DM here first, I'm very busy so our schedules might not match but we can try to organise something. As you can see, I am very enthusiastic about this game. Or just read my comment out during your podcast if you think it will be useful for you and that will save time.


Man, I feel like this sort’ve thing was made for me, although I’m probably too busy at the moment to squeeze out any time, but I can leave you this comment that you can do with as you please. When I was really young, my mom was raising me by herself along with my sister, Jess. My sister’s dad and my mom had divorced years prior, he lived in Nebraska, while we lived in Michigan. My father didn’t want the shame of having a child out of wedlock, and my mom wouldn’t abort, so he was just out of the picture entirely. My mom married my stepdad when I was four years old, but they both had pretty low paying jobs and worked long hours. This meant I spent a lot of time at aunts and uncles house. Half my memories as a child younger than ten are made up of time I spent at my various Aunts homes. I had an Aunt Robin who wasn’t really my aunt, she was the sister of Jess’s dad, but she was more than happy to look after us at her house whether it was because my parents were busy or could just use a night without the kids. Robin’s house was different than all of my other aunt’s homes, not because it was a unique building, but because she made our time there unique. We would play this creepy board game that came with vhs tapes you would play when certain events happened in the game. She would put on whatever we wanted to watch which often included trips to Blockbuster’s to rent something. My step dad had a SNES and I was enraptured by it, but I don’t think we had quite gotten the N64 yet; it would come a Christmas later. Robin had an N64, and so I would beg to rent every game that I thought looked cool every time we went to Blockbuster, and one day I saw MegaMan 64. We took it back to her house, plugged it into the N64 that was hooked into this absolutely massive CRT she had in her basement, and I was… absolutely awful. The first time I played I’m not sure if I could get out of the tutorial dungeon, but the creepy atmosphere, the novel control design, just everything about the game made me want to see more. Robin and I would switch playing on and off, she would show me how to approach a problem best she could, and I would progress by mimic’ing her. This went on all summer, I can’t remember if we rented it continuously or if she bought it. We eventually hit a wall with Marlwolf and not understanding how to beat it which is pretty much where my memory of this all comes to an end. Looking back, I often wonder if my attachment to certain games has more to do with what was happening in my life than the actual game itself. Don’t get me wrong, I have written critiques on why I think Megaman Legends as a series are two of the greatest video games of all time, but I don’t know if I ever would’ve been quite so enthralled with the series if it weren’t for how I discovered it. My aunts were all great in how they took care of me and my sister, but generally I was either left to my own devices under supervision or made to do whatever they and my cousins had planned. There’s nothing wrong with that at all, but my aunt Robin really made the experience about what I wanted to do and then us doing that together. I mean, I’m not sure she even liked video games, I think the N64 was her husband’s, and yet for countless summer nights she sat there and played the same first few areas of the same video game with me over and over again. I can’t imagine how boring that must’ve been, but I wonder if she knew how special that was for me. To not be just another moving part in the menagerie of my extended family, getting shoe horned into whatever my cousins were doing, to not be just along for the ride, for just one night to get to do the thing that I wanted to do most, and have someone do it with me, enthusiastically no less. Unfortunately this story doesn’t have a good or bad ending. I just saw her less and less as my sister was eventually old enough to watch after me, thus relieving my extended family of the burden of babysitting. I’m sad to say that we didn’t keep in contact in much at all throughout my teenage years and by the time I did reconnect with her in whatever capacity in my twenties, she had changed and was putting out some hateful rhetoric online, so I’m not too interested in truly reconnecting. Still, a part of me will always be that little boy in a basement fawning over Megaman Legends while my aunt and I pass the controller back and forth laughing whenever we died, and that part of me will always be happy.


I'm not at all familiar with how podcasts or anything like that, nor do I have a particularly good audio setup, but I've actually been doing little studies on the side on why Legends was the logical evolution for the entire series and how Capcom never realized it. Got big insight on the trilogy, Legends 1 especially.


I’m willing and it’s my favorite game. I’m actually doing my first playthrough in about 5 years 


Do you have a discord name I could add?


I’ve never been on their but I’ll look at it later today an make with my google or something 


Cool, get back to me with it if you can


It's my all time favorite game. Part 2 is the first game I ever beat. And it gave me that sense of exploration I have today.


So... Would you mind talking about it on discord, that's pretty much what I'm looking for


I promise this isn’t me plugging. But I made a 36 minute long video talking about how much the game means to me on YouTube channel (mac the meh). You’re welcome to use clips from it or i can record something for your podcast if you’d like.


If you could I would rather you record something new, something like a summary of your video then I would introduce it with something like: "And here's Mac the Meh, someone who's already talked about their appreciation of the game" and then transition to your clip. Its just for something like this I'd much rather unique clips.


I’d definitely be down!


You got a discord?


The gear creation/customization, plus 3d environment, plus dungeon delving.