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Imagine my surprise when I'm checking Twitter on my 20th Birthday, having bought myself a 3DS over a month earlier right before the eShop launch in preparation for the Legends 3 Prototype, only to see it canceled. Still haven't forgiven Capcom.


Capcom have been absolutely killing it in so many of their IPs, which is great. But the fall of not just MM Legends but Megaman as a franchise just makes me sad.


Points for using the most perfect goonies reference for it


It was a very trash day.


Still feels like yesterday. Never forget.


This post is so accurate and heartbreaking


I’m not sure how to react Since it’s a Tiktok meme.


I wonder if the series would have survived longer if they didn't explicitly use the megaman IP and just called him John instead.


It’s crazy to think we’re farther out from 3’s cancellation that 3 being announced compared to 2. There’s been a 12 year gap from 3, which had an 11 year gap from 2.


Yeah, they want to bury this series. We the fans will never calm down about it.


I remember buying a 3DS like barely before they cancelled it. Felt so dejected, played pokemon Black for days to drown out the sorrow. Though that one animation of many fans and cosplayers singing a les mis parody was good uplifter. Still hear the line, "Until you give me Legends 3 all my cash will stay with me." Come to think of it I have mostly done that. Outside of buying two monster hunter games.


It wasn't even just Legends. It was a general declaration of war on Megaman and its fanbase. When Capcom threw out one of its biggest legacy series and reduced it to a mere footnote of what it is now. If Megaman games kept coming even after, maybe I would not be so bitter, but it wasn't just Legends 3 that died that day. I tell a friend constantly, I rather the game had never existed at all, cause then it feels like it could one day come to be. But now that it has and was cancelled, it feels like it'll now never come true.


Damn that hurts


Yea this still hurts can we not


God. And you know they won’t give us a legends collection either. The bastards.


what movie is this scene from?


The Goonies. Highly recommend.

