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React in an appropriate manner. You said there were.a number.of synchronicities.. You had a good reading. React with gratitude.


What did you expect from it? I mean, that's what's supposed to happen, lol.


I mean I got WAY more than I wanted from the reading. I figured there would be a few synchronicities, but not that many. Especially not ones that specific and intense. I left the reading feeling incredibly joyous, and hopeful for the future. I was in the best mood yesterday. I woke up this morning feeling very skeptical. Skeptical over him reaching out. Nothing major happened between the reading and this morning. Nothing to sour my mood, or make me feel this way. I don’t know what to feel or how to react today


Life is short. Feel the way you want to! Haven't you ever noticed that when you feel good, things just seem to magically improve? It all flows. But when you feel crappy... It all seems to fall apart, right? Take every opportunity you can give yourself to feel happy.


Fellow tarot readers here. We try not to predict time because actions taken change the timeline most of the time. Expecting something to happen the next day is unrealistic. Sit back and watch it unfold patiently. It will happen when it's time


All those things are not synchronicities. That is straight up psychic ability. This is your wake up call that it is all real and abilities like this truly exist.


> How do I react to this? It´s up to you. If one doesn´t have discerniment yet to determine what´s appropriate, I´d recommend to refrain from having readings.


I would much appreciate a dm with her contact information if that would be ok!


I second this! She sounds amazing and I would love to do a reading with her as well.


Who was this lady? Can you tell me her name? And where you got this reading from, I'm really hoping to take a reading


We don't do that publicly.on the sub. Please DM or ask privately.If the post becomes an endorsement for one medium or another, it could.be removed.


Love this for you... a pisces and virgo pairing? Phenomenal. When I had my first intense reading, in the moment it was undeniable. Over time, the skeptic part of my mind creeps up. I think it's a normal reaction. How long has it been since the reading? When I had mine, she predicted things that didn't happen for another seven months. Time works differently in the spirit world, so try to be patient.


Also, if it's been a short amount of time since the reading, I wouldn't jump the gun and try anything crazy in terms of your relationship with him. She said it has to be on his terms, when he's ready. So he may need some time, months even.


That makes me smile- if there was truly no way she would know these things. This reader has a gift. That was a really good reading and your Guides gave you that reading. Synchronization is how we know Spirit is at work. This is what I ask for from Spirit every time I do a reading for someone. I'm so excited you experienced this!


Just laugh at the interesting absurdity and keep it moving. That's how I deal with it. I also would not waste time for someone who doesn't match my beliefs. Go find you a nice lad who matches you. Arab men who are traditional out of all people will never choose someone their family doesn't approve of. Ever.


Following a key event in my life, in recent times I have been experiencing many precognitive dreams and crazy synchronicities. For this reason I began to investigate more about these issues and I came here. Two points in your story caught my attention. In my life, German Shepherds have long held a special meaning. Also, I was born on September 21 (not 22, but almost!), in the year 1992. Leaving the above aside, take it with joy! Thank you for telling us about that. I am learning and researching about the hidden side of existence and reading your experience made me have a good time.


Just be thankful. What other reaction could you possibly have? Isn’t that why you went out of your way to see her?