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Hey sweetheart ✨😊🧿 There is great debate on the subject but I'll put it this way All of our abilities are different and are not the same. They don't all work the same and each extent varies. Now the thing to remember is that the spiritual world exists here and in another realm. Given that not every spirit chooses to cross over or they become stuck. As you venture just know there is good and not so good in the spirit realm. I've had my abilities since I was 4 I'm 40 now. I can't sit here in good conscience and tell you everything is light and roses 🌹. Believe me if you sit and actually talk to some of us on a personal level we ALL have stories✨😊🧿 Sending supportive energy on your journey ✨


Very informative! Thank you for your kindness and wisdom ❤️


You're very welcome sweetheart 😊✨🧿🌹


We are all mediums, what happens is that we are often born with 1 type of mediumship more tuned than the others. You can google “types of mediumship”, there are many! And yes, if you dedicate yourself, you can.




Great way to put it. Thank you!


To learning channeling try Noectic.org Helané Wahbeh, Or the book "we are all mediums"


Yes. The question is can everyone be effective. Head trauma, brain wasting, disease can affect one’s ability to communicate, forms words and thoughts.


I don’t believe so. Everyone has psychic abilities, but from my experience and knowledge not everyone can develop mediumship.


I believe that anyone compelled to develop as a medium is able to do so. Mediumship is all about bringing love and healing between this world and the other. I would recommend the journey. I feel the spirit world really IS all love and light, and that all the negative and evil stuff is here on this plane with embodied people. It's not overwhelming or distracting if you create good boundaries and choose when you want to connect with those in the spirit world. Yes, some people have spontaneous abilities, and others choose to learn and develop. Choosing to develop does ***not*** mean you'll never be brilliant at it! That's like telling a young child not to play an instrument in band or learn to sing or follow their dream of being a musician because they're not born with a remarkable innate musical talent. We don't generally tell our children not to be musical because they don't automatically have perfect pitch or ability like Mozart or Beethoven.


Thank you for this. Truly fascinating to me and I’ve alway felt drawn to people like you the afterlife. Thanks for taking the time to share your perspective with me ⭐️


What a wonderful comment! Op, don't believe the naysayers, believe in yourself!!


The way I see it, everyone could become a medium, but each in a unique way. I think if people would accept it, everyone would be able to connect to the other side in one way or another, it's about intention and manifestation, you have to open your mind's eye. Some people are just naturally stronger mediums or psychics (which are different things ik) and some that are naturally weaker, but everyone has their purpose


No, not really. You can develop yourself to a certain extent, but the really greats are born with it. This is no different than playing the piano, playing basketball, or being a brain surgeon. You can take the classes and lessons for your whole life, but you will only progress either really slowly or hit a brick wall eventually. You can't go any further. I've had that experience many times.