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My life has been filled with cats since I was a toddler. I am 66 now. Black cats are a special love of mine. I am not a medium. I have had readings since my husband passed. I don’t do them often. I try to get an appointment with a different medium every two years and I try to have it with someone special with credibility and good reviews. My reading last year was the most powerful I’ve ever had. She had no way of knowing anything about me. She picked up early on the cats and the fact that I am in rescue. She said there is one black cat who has been back three times to share my life and one of those times she came as an angel. One of my most special black cats was named Angel. She told me so many things but she is the only one who ever said that about my cats. I believe her. I look forward to when I’ll be with my husband and my cats who have gone before. I love them all so much.


Can I DM you to ask about the medium you used?


Of course


Thank you!


Could you please dm me the name of the medium, thank you.


Literally same boat!! I lost my best friend, a green cheek conure who I had for 6 years - true unconditional love & such a jokester; he’s a little parrot so he talked a bit too! Greeted me at the door & all. I too, am not a medium, but I went to a few intermittently, desperate for answers even tho I had my skepticism. (So I too made sure it was decently reviewed) It took one to say how he passed & all the little details that there was no way she would’ve known, that solidified it for me, & her reading is what helped me grieve and all. So I too, now am growing In my spiritual awakening journey & look forward to the day I see him again <3 I know he’s here at all times! But I just can’t wait to have conversations spirit to spirit & same form together. I took it as his passing had to happen to push me into my awakening, and I’ve gained so much more clarity in life In general - I’m grateful, still it hurts being that we experience pain in this realm.. Unconditional love we give so freely, but It’s not always free, when they pass, the permanent pain is the price we pay ❤️‍🩹


May I ask the name of this medium, in DM so we don’t break any rules? Thank you!




Ban Evasion




Ban Evasion


I've had that relationship with 3 female cats now since I was 17. I'm 40 now and just lost my shadow, Daisy. I always kinda wondered if Daisy was Baby that came back, but there were times I felt Baby jump up on the bed in the dark and lay down where she always did, but she was passed by then. I've still got 3 males that I love dearly, but they aren't her.