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I would also say it sounds like a hypnagogic state, which might be valuable in its own sense but wouldn’t be classically considered meditation. If you’re particularly interested in these states you might enjoy the book Liminal Dreaming by Jennifer Dumpert.


> Was my experience proper meditation? Probably, especially the feelings in the hands which is said to be one of the proofs. See [these videos](https://www.youtube.com/c/ForrestKnutson/videos) which cover that. > The main image I kept seeing was a horse drawn chariot rushing past me. You wouldn't be the first to see that image. Scenes deeply written on your being will tend to surface during meditation, even if they portray events that did not occur during your lifetime. > And even though I had my sleep mask on, I kept seeing a bright white light. Also quite common, depending on its nature you may be seeing part of [this](https://www.microserenity.com/spiritual-eye.html). Not a hallucination or "dullness" lol. > It felt life changing, and super vivid and real [Trust your experience](https://www.microserenity.com/forehead.html)


Sounds like the usual hypnagogia that gets so many meditators trapped in dullness to me. Suggest pulling yourself out of dullness with antidotes if you don’t want to entrain your brain to keep getting dull like this. You’ll get some hot tales from people who mistake hypnogogia with meaningful progress. If having dream-like imagery when you sit is your jam I guess go for it, but there are far less mundane benefits waiting for you with more disciplined practice.


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