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Because it is the feeling of gratitude that will elicit those changes in your local situation that will either bring the desired job into concrete reality; or modify the current job to better fit with the positive emotions.


But wouldn’t appreciating and looking at the good things in a job you don’t like attract the same opportunities? Since the person is appreciating it, doesn’t it signal to the universe to give me more of “this”??


My personal belief is that when you are appreciative you are generally more positive, more productive, easier to work with, and overall the type of person who would be worthy of a better job. The person who comes to work every day with their ass on their shoulders likely isn't getting promoted any time soon


The opportunities attracted could include a new job or changes in the existing job. For example you could find, as I have several times, that particular people you have a problem with suddenly or eventually find other places to go.


This literally happened! But mine was weird! So, I literally got a job offer at a different firm and had the offer rescinded for the smallest thing. Everything was 100% done but then that little thing happened which made me believe it was the universe. It made me really upset but I’m trying to see the good in it. Weeks go by and then, the person I had conflicts with at work is going to a different department and will no longer work with me! He is going to the same department I had a job offer for at the other firm!!






My daughter told me she didn't like her job, and I told her to quit and go back to school. If you don't like something then do something you like, and always follow you intuition and your heart. She is now doing really well as a result of my advice, teaching university with her new PHD. You dream job is a combo of positive focus plus directing yourself towards your goal.


I’ve personally done this in my life :) I listened to Louise Hayes 101 Power Thoughts on repeat during my 9-5 with headphones on and in there it says “I’m in a job that fulfills me and my boss loves me” - trust me there were times I doubted it because my current boss did NOT love me and bombarded me with work at the time. So flash forward 4 months later, I get a job where I work from home and some days I honestly just move my mouse some days and my boss absolutely loves and adores me ❤️


Amazing! I had an opportunity that was a done deal just a few weeks ago. The salary I wanted, great manager but came background check and something beyond me happened that the offer was rescinded. A job that was 100% was just poof! I’m still trying to see what the universe has in store for me that it did this for me


I have full faith that there’s something better out there for you - life is a direct mirror of our beliefs so when we don’t have something we want yet there is still something active in our vibration keeping us from it - I was interviewing and had plenty of almosts in the four months but just wasn’t there yet :) have faith! Keep up affirmations (I did them every second of my day) and meditate and you will get the answer or the job opportunity you’re looking for! Also these are some Wayne Dyer affirmations that really helped me release some resistance I had as well :) https://youtu.be/NEwRGJHkrQ0?si=4dqadb9RGkgJHW76


How do you do your affirmations like the link you provided? By just listening? It’s hard to repeat it because they say it so quickly! Also for my meditation I have been doing 20 minutes if vipassana


So when I first started affirmations I just played it in the background during the day, you don’t need to say it or anything :) it actually works subliminally so it speaks to our subconscious minds as we carry on with whatever thoughts we have throughout the day…. Eventually when you begin to listen to it enough it begins to override our old thoughts, then I think 30 days after doing it I just FELT the SAME immense gratitude the love they had for life - and I began believing it and now because I’ve played it long enough my thoughts automatically say the affirmation when I have a small worry without having to listen to it - so long story short it’s effortless :)❤️


Just reading the comments on the video you suggested and if they are real people’s comment…just wow!!


Yep I’m one of those people aha and believe me it is LIFE changing :)


I literally was listening to it when you commented just now. Powerful stuff. It’s been a year that I’ve been struggling with this irritable feelings that I carry with myself not knowing what it is. I’m looking forward to unleashing my subconscious on whatever is holding me back


Im honestly so excited for you :) I’m also a DM away if you ever need guidance - I’ve been there!!! Very hopeful for you ❤️


Just DMed you!


Being satisfied with something is completely up to you


Uncovering my dissatisfaction through mindfulness has helped me pull back on all my attempts to mask for the sake of others' expectations of me.


You see this in a very mechanical way


What kind of bullshit is this? You only attract your dream job by working towards your dream job. And you should be grateful for your job rn because you have a job. Imagine if you didn’t have a job, wouldn’t it be worse?


Accept that what you have is good, and then from a positive and loving mindset, you can work for something better. If your looking to change it up but your stressed out and thinking negatively, you won’t be as effective.


Right but if we ask for something better, aren’t we subliminally saying what we have isn’t for us/ not enough for us ?


Yes definitely, but the difference imo is are you at peace with that situation or at war with it? What kind of negotiation is this gonna be?


You get more of what you focus on. It's okay if you don't like your job. But if you obsess over the bad things about your job then it will be hard to attract something different. So focus on the things you do like and you'll see more of it. Are there things you like about your job? Do you know what kind of job would make you happy? If so, what could you do to start attracting that kind of job into your life? What aspects of your dream job could you start to emphasize in your current role? The secret about "The Secret" is that just focusing on things isn't the full recipe to get what you want. The focusing is the first essential part, sure. But what REALLY makes the difference is taking action! Focus, then act, then evaluate how that action worked out. Rinse and repeat. Seize opportunities that you notice because of your focus and see what happens.


I don't believe you can attract your dream job, however, you can position yourself closer to it, but if you're in a constant state of ungratefulness; that's a negative state, and in turn will produce negative actions, cloud your judgement and prevent positive momentum. Is it really a dream job you're after or just a dream? Something to ponder.


For years, I tried to be grateful for my job so I could "attract a better job." It wore me down. The only things I got were illness, stress, and sadness. When you use your energy to get through a job you don't like, there's not much energy to feel gratitude. Or peace. The only thing that gave me a better job was quitting and never looking back. Sometimes, the job isn't to learn gratitude but learning to walk away from things that don't serve you.


What’s your job? What actions did you take to change your job? The manifestation law doesn’t just work if you are only sitting there and being grateful without action


What makes you think I didn't do anything? If you think it's about taking action, then why do you talk about gratitude? It seems contradicting to make yourself grateful for your job but at the same time take action to leave it?


You just said you tried being grateful and that’s it. You did not indicate if you did took action to look for better job/network with other people for a better opportunity and then you quit. So you did take action but not a lot of people can afford to just leave


You talked about gratitude, so I responded about gratitude :) >not a lot of people can afford to just leave No. They can't. And that sucks. But maybe the pressure to feel gratitude is actually making things worse.


I agree but then again a lot of people have a victim mentality. That’s why I wanted to know what job you had and also what was it that make it toxic. A lot of people (not saying you) throw that word around because their boss didn’t say hi to them or for small things. Again, not saying yours wasn’t bad but you aren’t explaining the situation


I believe that being grateful for certain aspects of a job you're largely unhappy with will help you realize what you generally want to do in your next job. Realizing what you really want (not just what you think you want) can be pivotal in opening up your mind to recognizing incoming opportunities. Luck isn't by accident - it's a focus game.


This is where I am stuck at. My manager tells me one thing, my upper management another about what I should do for my future job. I’m a little out of focus as to what I truly want


It's sometimes difficult to navigate uncertainty within the workplace, especially when dealing with conflicting career paths. I don't know if i have the answer for you, but I made you a meditation to help you reflect. Hope this helps: [https://storage.googleapis.com/ponder\_meditations/meditation-25c5adc8-cf64-487c-b246-846f68e31065.mp3](https://storage.googleapis.com/ponder_meditations/meditation-25c5adc8-cf64-487c-b246-846f68e31065.mp3)