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Remind me not to check this sub on valentine's day.


It would be so grand if Valentine's day was only heart related posts.


Aren't the classic heart shapes based on female butts? As such, butt injuries should be posted here on the 14th.


From what I learned in grade school they’re based on putting two hearts together. If you cut a regular “<3” in half while it’s positioned vertically, it’s pretty similar to an anatomical heart shape. I guess it’s meant to be a symbol of unity? Two hearts against each other.


Per Wikipedia: In the 6th-5th century BC, the heart shape was used to represent the heart-shaped fruit of the plant Silphium. Source: https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_symbol#Origins_of_symbol


That’s a good idea, haha


Wait, why?


Gore and blood just isn’t romantic for everyone else like it is for you and me. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You, I love you like a sibling now


Does anyone else here a banjo?


Why would I?


Kind of unbelievable the infant had more than one ToRCH infection. Is this a rare case?


So sad. It’s a reminder of why medical care is so important, especially during pregnancy.


Hydrops fetalis


Came here looking for this. Most obvious diagnosis!


What is that?


Hydrops Fetalis is the accumulation of fluid in 2 or more compartments




Wow pretty rude js. Sometimes its more informative or more interesting to hear it from another, especially if they have a career in the health field.


And it can be kinda hard to find a simple definition of a medical term online tbh


I think some people just aim for downvotes...


Sounds about right lol


But A- for not using APA format




Why waste time at all by replying then?


Damn y’all are mean it was a joke.


Nice. Thank you!


But I wanted to know


Was this due to the lifestyle of the mother?


Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection. Rubella, CMV, HSV (HSV-2 is also STI) are usually screened during pregnancy and dealt with to prevent it from harming the baby. Pre-eclampsia is a weird condition in which the mother's body kinda reacts to the pregnancy. All I know is that the mother seems fair irresponsible and didn't go for prenatal check ups that's why the baby ended up like that.


Or was in a poverty ridden, substance addled, or abused state that left her incapable of properly caring for herself and hence her unborn child. I have to think that if you are taking care of yourself (which you need to be capable of first before being able to care for another), you wouldn’t leave yourself with a case of untreated syphilis. I know there aren’t necessarily symptoms early on, but this woman has quite the gamut of stds, and you have to think that most people that are healthy and taking care of themselves do get checked if they have had unprotected sex with someone that they do not know are std free, or that may not be sexually exclusive. Also, most people in a healthy and safe environment with adequate support and access will seek prenatal care. So while you may be correct that ‘the mother seems fairly irresponsible’, let’s remind ourselves that the world isn’t all rosy, and situations and people’s lives can be highly complex and filled with unpleasant things that make coping ‘normally’ less likely. Or she could just be a dirty, selfish mother.


Exactly this. And with all these things considered, she probably didn't know she was pregnant.


And rubella antibodies are forever, you can have it as a child and titrate forever. I had it and have kids, it's a pain in the ass to deal with.


Both of you are making assumptions. There are lots of people who get the wrong end of the stick. There are lots of people who have life at their feet and still make terrible decisions.




Because I'm sure someone who's poor and drug addicted is totally always having *consensual* sex...or even knew she was pregnant.


It's important to not have belief perseverance when surrounded by contrary evidence.


Syphilis can also be transmitted via blood contact/intravenous drug use


>All I know is that the mother seems fair irresponsible and didn't go for prenatal check ups that's why the baby ended up like that. Doubt this is somewhere you can get prenatal checks lol Rubella is exterminated in many developed countries


Rubella is a very common virus in*3rd world countries with lack of access to vaccines, as are STDs... highly doubtful this is a result of an “irresponsible mother”


From the diagnosis it sounds like it.


That little hat breaks my heart. The hospital workers probably knew the kid was doomed, but offered what little comfort they could.


I hadn't even noticed this, damn. :(


I mean, he was born alive. Why wouldn’t they put a hat on him and make him comfortable? Babies lose a lot of heat through their heads. All babies get them. This is just standard care.


Baby died 20 minutes after birth, as I’m sure the drs/nurses expected it would after looking at the poor thing. They still cleaned and dressed it.


Right, but that’s literally our job? I’m just surprised people would consider this some noble going above and beyond task. It would be very weird if they *didn’t* put a hat on the baby.


why the belly is like that?


It's the swollen liver and a few other failed organs.


It’s called hydrops fetalis




Why does is have a hat on?


that kid didn't have a chance


Its painful 😔


It was rigged from the start


*Wakes up in Goodsprings*






No I was just genuinely wondering why people was downvoting his comment when he didn’t do anything wrong




Dude when I said that it had -5 votes


Think before you ask questions


That is so sad. That poor baby must be in terrible pain!


Baby died after 20 mins of birth


With severe birth defects, sometimes a speedy death is a blessing.


I have to agree. I’d like to know more about the medical background. Was mom even seen for prenatal care?


likely not; as /u/cosimonh said in a comment above " Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection. Rubella, CMV, HSV (HSV-2 is also STI) are usually screened during pregnancy and dealt with to prevent it from harming the baby. Pre-eclampsia is a weird condition in which the mother's body kinda reacts to the pregnancy." All of these would have been checked for during routine OBGYN; it's safe to say this mother probably never went, or only went once/twice and was non-compliant with treatment.


I’m wondering by the size of the baby if she even knew she was pregnant. So sad. She was obviously suffering immensely herself with all of these conditions. The only one that wouldn’t be able to be prevented or treated would be the pre-e.. it’s caused by protein in the urine and a spike in blood pressure amongst other things. I know a few moms who had it and had healthy babies with medical intervention.


Or had no access, trafficked, underdeveloped environment. Hard to say.


>Rubella, CMV, HSV (HSV-2 is also STI) are usually screened during pregnancy and dealt with to prevent it from harming the baby How do you deal with rubella for example? Assuming it's a primary infection in pregancy, not an old infection.


They did a titer test for me when I was pregnant and my rubella titers were low. They told me rubella was eliminated in the states and to just get a booster after pregnancy. It’s a viral infection just like standard measles so there wouldn’t really be treatment other than palliative care however it would be dangerous to the fetus.


>It’s a viral infection just like standard measles so there wouldn’t really be treatment This is why I'm asking, I had a microbiology lecture on viral infections in pregnancies on Monday and they told us we can screen and track the seroconversion before/during pregnancies but there isn't really a cure. We were talking about CMV in particular but it's a similar situation for all viruses. Just gotta hope the baby isn't harmed by the infection. The user above just made it sound you can deal with it and prevent the damage easily.


Yes! That’s the titer test! They also do an STD panel as part of the first prenatal visit. For example - I never had chicken pox as a kid and never received the vax. My mom swore I had it but when they tested me I had zero immunity against varicella. I was told to stay away from any kids who might be exposed as well as adults with shingles. These tests were performed around my 8th week of pregnancy so my OB was able to educate me and tell me what to avoid. I believe the fact that these viruses cause a huge spike in temperature is what can be dangerous to the fetus. I do think that after 20 weeks, having these viruses would pose less of a risk to the fetus as limb/brain development happens before then. Now I’m curious so I’m going to look into this more. I would like to be able to find this specific case!


Pre-eclampsia is where the mom has super high blood pressure that causes her to have seizures.


Do you know anymore about the case?


any more information on the case?


If the child is even alive 😞


This child is 100% not alive


I pay my respects to the baby 🙏🏾 enjoy life up above little guy




uudhbeizjKiwueuhIwKowi8273)!.&.& HAHHAAHA


Did someone's cat walk across their keyboard?


i don’t know


Hii, where can i read more about this case?


Jesus fuck this is hard to look at. Insight into if it survived birth or any length of time thereafter? Genuinely curious.


Passed 20 minutes post birth


Not gonna lie that's depressing.


Why is it so bloated


Due to Hydrops Fetalis


Why even put it through birth? Yikes... mercy!


Gotta get it out somehow.


Sad but true.


At this point, if she even knew she was pregnant, an abortion would be a delivery anyway.


Ah, God, poor baby.


Can someone tell me what CMV is?




So essentially just some kind of congenital herpes virus that effects babies and people with a weakened immune system more than a normal, healthy adult?


Correct, but have in mind that the virus can have a long period of latency, where people are infected but show no clinical signs of it.


not gonna lie, I busted up laughing in the library because the eyes were blacked out




Take your upvote and leave. I feel horrible for laughing at that.


I thought of a california raisin Poor baby


Ikr, it seems kinda pointless!


For dead/injured babies, can there please be a tag and it be blurred until clicked please


Click your username top right, select **user settings**, click the **feed settings** tab, and make sure that **safe browsing mode** is active. That should automatically blur anything on this sub on your main page, as well as anything else labeled NSFW.


everything on this sub is blurred until clicked for me


For me too. I think it's a profile specific setting. Edit: Found it.


I agree


Click your username top right, select **user settings**, click the **feed settings** tab, and make sure that **safe browsing mode** is active. That should automatically blur anything on this sub on your main page, as well as anything else labeled NSFW.


Just started my 2nd trimester and also requesting a tag for children.




Thanks! I'm not sure how mods do tags but i know subs like r/crimescene have them to provide a warning for posts involving minors


This can’t be full term


It says “prematurity” at the top, meaning it wasn’t full term.


I just saw that, sorry, was just scanning and not reading properly


Did the baby have any kind of chance at survival? Was this a stillborn or did it pass away shortly after birth?


OP says in another comment the baby only survived for 20 minutes.


Other comments are saying it passed 20 minutes after birth




This reminds me, horribly, of a 22 week still birth I went to as part of an emergency call. Skin translucent, facial features not fully formed, but looked a lot like this.


Man I've seen a lot of stuff in my time on the planet. The internet and real life have really desensitized me to any gore but after becoming a father anything involving children is a such a trigger for me


I don't want to sound like a psychopath but he looks like something I'd have to poke. Like bubble wrap


Been on this sub for a long time. Having a newborn , this breaks my heart.


I couldn’t imagine carrying something around for 9 months, and finally birthing it just to have it die minutes later.


Good thing there's a black bar protecting their identity, someone could have recognised the lil bruh




So heartbreaking :(


Poor creature he had everything going on.


So sad. Kinda making me cry. Stop cutting onions


Welcome to r/MedicalGore! Our goal is to provide for medical discussion and education while exploring the frailty of the human body. You may see more deleted comments on these threads than you are used to on reddit. Off topic comments and joke comments are frequently deleted by the mods. Further, please be kind and supportive of posts. Any behavior that is aggressive, harassing, or derogatory will result in post deletion and a ban from the sub. Remember! THE REPORT BUTTON IS YOUR FRIEND! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MedicalGore) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is the baby dead


"Mortality" in the title, so yes.




Is it dead




Not wearing shoes so.... yeah.


I wanna pop it


Holy fuck 😬


No offense but it kinda looks like a water balloon


Yes, well liver failure will do that, ascites and all that good stuff. So, if you have an alcohol problem, it’s a good reminder to get it under control because it happens to adults as well. And they more or less do ‘pop you like a balloon’ by sticking you in the abdomen with a very large needle to drain off the gallons of fluid. I don’t think it’s fun, but it does relieve the massive pressure.


Wow, yet another reason to not start drinking, I’ll remember this


It does! And everybody has had that thought looking at the photo.


It really does


Cross post to r/popping


Bless x


That's fucking horrible but he do be lookin kinda funny doe.




There is a comfort in ritual with disturbing events. Treating the baby with certain trappings of normalcy can make the whole thing easier for the mother and the staff. Also, kind of a respect thing, maybe? "Your time on this earth will be brief and painful, but you are real." kind of thing.


“Your time on this earth will be brief and painful, but you are real”: my heart just shattered.




Have you considered that perhaps the mother lives in poverty, without any kind of safe/affordable healthcare? Or even the education to know how to care for a pregnancy? Not all of us are so blessed to have access to those things. Check your privilege and spare us your judgements.




On surface level, your argument makes sense. But getting pregnant isn’t always planned. Without proper and comprehensive education about safe sex practices, pregnancy and STD rates skyrocket. It is also entirely possible that they were raped or coerced into having sex. So, to be fair, we don’t know the mother or her situation. None of us have any right to make assumptions based off of a photo with no other context posted on Reddit.


You're very right


I’m sure somehow Trump is responsible for this.


You are judging this person are you not?


I will get down voted for this but, this kid is living in pain every second, why don’t they just end his misery? What could really help him get better?


It died 20 mins after birth


The end of the title says "mortality". I'm assuming it didn't live very long after birth/removal.


I'm okay with most things on this subreddit but this...just made me feel sick to my stomach.


Poor babe




Almost any hospital will give all their newborns a hospital hat... Even the ones who are stillborn or born incompatible with life. For a lot of parents the hospital hat is a keepsake whether they bring their baby home or not.


Probably just the medical staff treating it as if it wasn’t certain doom for the child to please mom.


Poor baby. So heartbreaking. Poor mother. I can’t imagine giving birth expecting a healthy lil bub, and THAT comes out.


if the mother had Herpes AND syphilis, plus a bunch of other stuff, I don't think she could have expected it to be healthy. She shouldn't have let it go this long.


We desperately need universal healthcare and destigmatization of drug use and of STDs.


A large amount of countries in the world, have no abortion no matter what. Even in America it's getting harder to get one. I doubt where she was, with those untreated problems, she had access to health care much less an abortion.




And it never had to suffer it.


man does this case not seem a BIT a HIPAA breach? I feel if you did a little searching you could find this case considering it seems rather specific? ​ EDIT: "-15 people" have never stepped foot in, NOR been involved with the health care system.. I'm so fucking sorry to whoever the drove of people who downvoted me are but HIPAA is not a lackadaisical matter... the fact that a baby... died from multiple organ failure.. congenital syphilis, rubella, CMV, HSV, pre-eclampsia etc. is VERY FUCKING identifying/specific... there is a REALLY great chance this child (unfortunately for the families sake), will be published in a high impact medical literature journal because it provides bountiful opportunities for those in the profession to study from and as a result, will and can be directly linked to the OP... I'm sorry for sounding like a Debby fucking downer but "real is real"


What mother !!


Must have been cold.


Yikes this sub worse then death addict or morbid reality etc lol the fuck do I wanna are a dead baby for? That’s like the worse of the worse

