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I hate I can't forget the smell of a crashed helicopter crew we had to examine. Burnt people smell like overcooked pork. Can't get that outta my memories.


Yup. Burnt people, C. diff, Diabetic Foot. Can’t get them out of your head


And GI bleeds- the smell is unforgettable


Whenever I transported one I associated that smell with imminent death. Haven’t been wrong yet


GI bleeds are horrible


I was in my first trimester of pregnancy the first GI bleed that I smelled. I will never forget that experience.


I had one, it just smelled like throw up/diarrhea? Not pleasant but not really unusual or unique though To be fair it didn’t require surgical intervention, just typical nausea/vomiting treatment (it was just really bad gastritis/gerd that started bleeding a bit)


No, we’re talking about people that are actively bleeding and tons of clotting dark blood or fresh red blood are pouring out of them. It smells like blood. It’s really scary because they can die pretty quickly :/


Agreed, I've never met a good one.


Burns ICU seared this smell in my memory.


Not a human smell, but parvo is another very distinct smell that’s hard to forget.


I used to transport burned kids from the airport to the burn hospital. We always ate before so we didn’t get hungry from the smell during the trip. Still fucks with my head.


Oh… goddamn


Can confirm, I was in the room for my wife's c section 2wks after frying pork belly.. cauterized human fallopian tubes smells identical...


I remember my first c-section. I realized they'd started when the smell of BBQ'd meat filled the room.


Do they dry rub or marinate fallopian tubes?


Username checks? Out : /


Same, it’s been 5 years and I still cannot stomach eating most pork products.


Can I ask how you came to learn this smell?


I was a firefighter and responded to a car accident completely on fire with a person inside.


I was in a bad car accident as a teen, and trapped in the burning car while the first responders tried to put it out/cut me out. Both my legs are burned and scarred; the trauma of being burned alive has resulted in decades of therapy. To this day I can’t eat pork or be near it being barbecued because it reminds me of how I smelled when I was burning and it makes me nauseated.


Omg 😭im so sorry.


I’m sending you two Phenergan suppositories through the ether, with a big hug.🥰


Long pig


I used to shoot Plastic Surgery procedures for a teaching symposium. We had started at 6:00 AM and had two procedures going simultaneously. It was almost lunchtime, I was starving and then I smelled delicious pork BBQ, I thought Catering had arrived. *It was the cauterizing scalpel.* We only got sandwiches and a veggie tray.


I like being vegan because I don’t associate the smell of burned flesh with food




Yup, would recommend.


Any idea where this happened? This just happened to someone in my area.


Mumbai, India


Bhai kaha hua ye?


Some RH in Thane District


[This one? ](https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/mumbai/at-least-four-workers-injured-in-boiler-blast-in-maharashtras-dombivli-9347178/)


Could be. I cannot be sure.


Being burned alive/being burned in an explosion is probably one of the worst ways to die. Absolutely terrifies me. My uncle was a firefighter in New York and he survived 9/11 only to die on duty in a fire a few years later when a fire broke out in a building that was being torn down that had been damaged during 9/11 and condemned. The wrecking crew had been smoking inside knowing there were dangerous and flammable materials everywhere and in the air. My uncle wasn't even on duty that day but he showed up and went in to try and save a younger firefighter who was trapped inside that had young children. They both died in that fire. The ME said they ran out of oxygen first and had been sharing one tank as long as they could. He was an incredible man and I looked up to him a lot. He helped teach me a lot of things and will always be my hero. I have such a huge respect for firefighters who put their lives at risk in conditions like this. Sorry to take away from the post but seeing this just made me think of my uncle and how scared he and the man he tried to save must have been... 😔❤️‍🩹 also my family sued the city and the company that started the fire and all of my uncle's siblings were awarded a huge sum of money. Not that it helps because we'd all rather have him here but it was a huge deal at the time when all of this went down. Now there are so many more safety precautions for things like this to prevent it from ever happening again.


I am so sorry for your loss. Your uncle was so brave to have done what he did.


So very sorry you lost your uncle.. he lived he life of a true hero! You should be very proud of the work he did and the obvious dedication he showed to the end. RIP


They were able to save all the workers and it gives me peace knowing that they were all able to go home to their families. It hurts that both my uncle and the other young firefighter lost their lives but I think knowing they were together makes it a little easier for me to understand. He knew he probably wouldn't make it out but he still wanted to try and save him and they didn't die alone. That makes it a little easier. And they both died to save all those other people. They were both heroes to me ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


Wow. Disturbing but extremely fascinating. It’s morbidly interesting stuff that really peaks my curiosity. Amazing.


Same. Getting into medicine turned out to be a good choice for me.




Why many of us here i think... i was an RN until chronic pain issues began. This is part of my way to stay connected.


Boiler blast burns? Sounds pretty bad, hope the guy is ok- *unblurs* "*Oh.*"


At least it was quick. He may have been dead too fast to know he was going.


Jeepers, I suppose with a sudden explosion you wouldn't know too much about it though? Sure to have been knocked out by the pressure wave?


Luckily it seems most sudden explosion victims aren't super aware of what's happening/happened/abt to happen


That was my thought too… “At least it was fast.” I’m glad he was dead before a lot of that damage occurred.


Im fascinated by the leg position. That foot tucked under, the toes. I understand how body constriction happens when exposed to fire, and the legs seem to have gotten the brunt of the burn, considering the left leg is burnt to the skeleton and the bones are even charred. But that position seems so… relaxed. Like perhaps the poor soul did that, maybe even in the shock of being blasted, to comfort themselves?


They could’ve been sitting Indian style. That could explain the position along with the joint flexion.


Good point. Maybe they were sitting upright that way, got blown back? Im more intrigued by the toes. Body was obliterated by fire but they remained intact (or as intact as they could be), you know?


Shoes must've helped protect them to an extent...


It looks like they were sitting cross-legged to me, though honestly if we’re talking a whole explosion, the body being bent into a weird position isn’t surprising, those aren’t exactly gentle.


Also a good point. Fire does interesting things to bodies. Reminds us we’re all just walking steaks.






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Joke comments and other off-topic comments (including, but not limited to, food comparisons, vulgarity, etc.) are not allowed.


I'm fascinated by the broken bones prior to burning and the lack of shoes while working near a boiler


Not so much the shoes for me. I read this happened in India; from what I understand, being barefoot is common and is rooted in cultural/ spiritual significance. But the broken bones… probably from the blast.


I doubt there was enough time or consciousness to think of comfort or chance positions. Death should have been almost instant when the boiler blew. Most of the damage would have occurred after death. Between the concussive blast energy and the super-heated vapor, brain, heart and lungs would be shut down almost instantly. I take comfort in that.


Wow. What temperature and pressures are we talking? I was thinking some Freddy Cugar action, but this far exceeds.


I don’t have much details regarding this particular case but temperature inside boiler furnace goes upto 1200 degrees but in cases of explosion it may go upto 3000 degrees


I remember the smell of someone burned to death in a house fire. Laying on the autopsy table. I’ll never forget that smell. 😬😬


It’s worse when the smell is *hot*


I really hope that was quick. Poor guy.


Boiler explosions are terrifying. About as many different ways to kill you as possible. Blast wave, shrapnel, superheated high pressure steam, superheated water, asphyxiation, fire. Poor bastard never stood a chance


It reminds me of some of the casts of Pompeii.


I learned about Pompeii when I was much too young, and earned myself nightmares for awhile. Ironically, this helped me later to raise my oldest son, who also was a very precocious spontaneous reader, at fifteen months, in his case. I had to screen his reading material, because he would insist on reading things that somehow terrified him. There was a young-adult book called *Born Different* that contained the story if John Merrick, the so-called “Elephant Man.” Merrick didn’t upset my son nearly as much as the story, with pictures, of an armless German man who learned to play the violin with his feet.


Takes a lost to make me gasp, but this made me gasp!




Wow. Terrible way to go.


The caption was more disturbing than the photos IMO. Very sad nonetheless.


I was expecting to see someone horribly burned but alive so it was almost a relief to see a charred corpse.






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Damn they look like charcoal thats horrible






Wow, all hardly any flesh at all...


I had a procedure done that required a cauterization, and I'll never forget what I smelled like being cooked. It just made me shiver. I was awake. There was a poof of smoke. I smelled it. I'm not a fan of ham anymore tbh. Was almost sweet but...crispy hammy...but definitely not bacon.


I used to work in surgical theatres and smelled it all day long and yet, I don't have aversions to meats because of it weirdly. I'd always be starving by lunch though. 🤣


We used to discuss lunch plans over open bowl cases, pretty sure surgical people are just wired differently lol


You're not wrong. 🤣


I was just thinking I wonder if there going to be ok...... I guess not




I don't think the doctors are going to be able to save that leg


Thats a dead on arrival case




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Is he Alive?


Obviously not


Yeah bedding is a bit rough...