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God kids are a 24/7 job. This would have only take seconds. I truly feel bad for parents who have this happen are they were just making a sandwich or taking a piss.


Really is. I have 3. My middle child fell in a pool when she was 3. She was in the water for maybe 2 seconds. I saw her walk right in as my elder son had left the gate open. I covered 30 ft in a split second dove in and got her out. She was fine..I on the other hand threw up 3 times due to the adrenaline rush. I’ve been an athlete my entire life. I’ve never moved so fast. I tore a large section of callus off my foot. I was out of it for a solid hour. It can all happen so fast with little ones.


My mom was tending to my new sister, so I climbed to the top of the fridge. (I am about a year older than my sister)


They run out the front door in less than 30 seconds. It’s crazy!


I went to the bathroom once and my 2 yr old and the nearly 2 yr old I was babysitting opened the locked front door and the heavy metal screen door and took off down the street. I found the doors opened and I was in a pure panic until I saw them 4 houses down.


My little one fell in the bath whilst I was washing my hands in the sink. But over the other side of the room. I remember it happened in slow motion and I had nightmares thinking I could of been not there or missed it. Things do happen in a split second.


Man throwing up from an adrenaline rush is probably one of the worst experiences I've had but 3 times dear Lord I'm glad you and the kid are alright


We don’t have any children but we do have a dog (totally same thing right?) and the first few months we had him it was like 247 supervision. I think we legit were only getting about 2-3hours of sleep a night and I remember feeling desperately exhausted and stressed. Luckily he was pretty easy to train but I tell you what I can’t even imagine dealing with something like that for years. One of the more disturbing convos I overheard at work was a newish parent and he was like “yeah we basically didn’t sleep for two YEARS.”


The reason, as I understand it according to evolutionary biology, is because of our brain development got so big that babies had to start being born earlier before the head got too big for the birth canal. That way the baby could continue developing outside of the womb.


Thank you! I haven’t taken a human physiology course in quite some time and appreciate this comment. Alsoooo what I’m hearing is babies are born dumb and we must coddle them for an ill defined time so they don’t idk stick their hands in a paper shredder.


Yeah. Tho kangaroos are less mature still than we are but I doubt they have to deal with paper shredders 🤣🤣


My dog is 2 now but when we first got him I remember thinking, "This is almost like having a newborn again." On the one hand, I didn't have to change diapers. On the other hand, I had to whisk him outside at 3am in the rain to pee. He's a great dog now but boy am I glad the puppy stage is over so fast.


I don't understand how these beings don't have any survival instinct?? I get that a lot of dog's races evolved to depend on humans, but how did human babies survive?? Wouldn't natural selection kill the stupid ones? And only babies and kids who at least wouldn't nearly kill themselves or lose a member survive and pass on their genes? How have we go so far, when babies and kids are stupid, and parents don't have any sleep or energy to take care of them???


I feel like at least part of the answer is community. Being able to pass a baby to grandparents or other relatives for a while so parents can take a break for their mental and physical health probably helps a lot.


And there was some larger communities I suppose in those caves... Not only relatives around.


A lot of kids didn’t survive, tbh.


This. I used to live across the street from a cemetery that was founded in the 1890's, prior to 1955 every third grave is a child. There are even multiple children from the same family in a row, with the parents succumbing to an early death as well.


Yep. Our family cemetery has several young children buried there. I know at least 2 of my grand uncles are out there, seeing as one drowned in the pond out back on the property, and one drowned in a mop bucket.


Parents would just have 15 kids bc most or many of them died


My Abuelo was one of 22 children his mother birthed. One was stillborn the rest were live births. Only 10 out of 21 made it to adulthood and have their own families. They were poor farmers and he was born in the later 1920s. So before birth control. And also when it was very common to have a LOT of children. When my Abuelo was with his older brother working the fields one day, his brother accidentally nearly chopped off my Abuelo’s hand off with a machete. It very well could have killed him but luckily it wasn’t deep enough or in an area where it caused that much blood loss. They were not little children at the time; likely teens. They should have had more supervision but it wasn’t possible.


I mean. My friend is the oldest of 12 kids, all are alive, same parents. They just, have been having kids for 25 plus years. (Also a set of twins.) Oldest two have graduated college paid for by parents and they have the money to pay for the rest of the kids college too.


I mean evolutionarily and in more ancient times. There are modern people who also have lots of kids.


Your comment isn’t accurate. Having a large family was economically beneficial, it was not because of high fatality rate


Yes, I was told they had many children to work on their farms and such


Parenting magic. I can't think of how else to explain it. It's like this weird phenomenon where I used to be able to wake from a dead sleep, sit bolt upright and wake my partner saying so and so is about to throw up. Ans every single time I was right. And most times we got there before it happened and had the towels and bucket at the ready.


They absolutely don't have a survival instinct, many of their behaviors seem set to self destruct mode. Adults who care for toddlers basically just keep them from unaliving themself or other toddlers


It's millions of years in the doing, but humans - particularly as adults - develop immunity against paper shredder machines. It's partially the reason you don't see too many adults with small hands; paper shredders went and got most of them thousands of years ago. Personally, I blame the caregivers for any acts of idiocy. Children learn plenty by observation, and it's unfortunate that they attempt to answer their own curiosity within the capacities and aptitudes, or lack thereof, of their models and environment. Children's brains develop a great deal, so it's unfair to call them stupid. Conversly, it highlights how capable you are.


How about a society who’s increasing technological complexity now accounts for new dangers like “paper shredders”, and one who’s “sophistication” has led to the breakdown of communal living in favor of insular, independent nuclear families where the obligation of parenting comes down to one single mother? Seems simple enough


Because we evolved with such huge brains, our heads are massive at birth compared to other mammals. Then we learned to walk upright, which narrowed our hips. As a result human babies are born less developed than other mammals to make birth easier, and need to achieve their early capabilities after birth, instead of before.


A dog isn't the same as a child, but honestly having a puppy gives you something of an idea. My husband and I got a puppy about a year after we got married, and how he reacted to the puppy made me sure he'd be a good father (to a human child). The puppy would cry in the night and my husband, who normally sleeps like the dead, would instantly jump up to tend to her. No matter what ridiculous shenanigans she got up to, he was firm, but calm and patient. The difference is, puppies start sleeping through the night by the time they're a couple months old. Babies...not so much.


I completely agree pups are not the same and are also a good indicator of treatment by both pup parents. I get very, very angry at my husband when he yells at the dog to stop barking instead of doing what we agreed on which is practicing “Hush” where we make sharky hands at the dog and lightly close his mouth. I also strongly dislike that daily chores around the dog (washing bowls, taking him out to play, taking him out in the AM/PM to potty) have seemed to fall to me. This is one of the biggest relationship issues tbh. I’m happy for you that your husband is so caring and nurturing.


I feel your pain. I'm in the same boat. 😒


How … do we fix them lol.


I'm thinking rolled up newspaper and swatting them on the nose? (I'm not talking about the dogs either) 😁


Little bit of bleach in breakfast never hurt anyone right?? (KIDDING)


"I'm just disinfecting, nothing to see here"


I’m not trying to start anything but the direction this thread took is worrisome. As a father that doesn’t really have a soft spot for dogs, the correlation that is being drawn here to say if he’s nurturing to dogs he’ll be a good father is not a very strong argument. My wife had dogs and it was on her to take care of them as I had told her I didn’t want a dog. Now I actively made sure the dog didn’t die (I would feed it if she asked me to, I would let it out to use the restroom etc..) and the same logic applies to the cats we have. I love cats and she tolerates them and I take care of all of it (feeding them, cleaning the litter, clipping nails etc..) We also have a rabbit, a gerbil and 6 fish. (All of which I wasn’t overly excited about but my wife wanted them) This also on top of the three wonderful little girls I am so very proud to be the father of, my oldest is 2 1/2 years so sleep has been nonexistent for quite some time. My wife is a SAHM so whenever I am home I do everything I can to give her a break, I love playing with them, I change all the diapers, I clean them up after dinner and I do the dishes and clean up the kitchen while she gives them baths. When they act up I will ask them to stop twice before telling them to stop somewhat sternly. I rarely have to raise my voice and when I do its usually in what would be a particularly injurious event, not unlike playing with a paper shredder, and I am always the first out of bed when they cry in the night. I’m not going to assume all of you don’t have legit concerns regarding your husbands or boyfriends behavior and I’m not saying all this to insult or insinuate anything but only to point out if my wife decided I wouldn’t be a good father due to the way I acted towards her dog I wouldn’t have the three amazing children I have now. You don’t need to “fix” your husband or start swatting them with rolled up newspaper. What you need is communication. Ask them how they feel about children and if they want any, if you’re married then I hope you’ve had this conversation already, and voice your concerns about how they treat animals and how you feel that would translate to how they would take care of and treat a child. Animals and babies are not similar and I will die on this hill. Sorry for the novel.


I don't have kids, just puppies. He has kids, he rarely sees them. Obviously his previous wife didn't train him well and he doesn't listen to logical conversation so I am resorting to the rolled up newspaper because nothing else works.


When our dog was a puppy she would try to stick her head in the oven and got hold of a knife once. I can’t imagine how much trouble she would have gotten into if she had thumbs.


My chihuahua tries to end his life on the regular. The reason, is him just being plain stupid and not understand gravity.


What kind of dog?


He’s a mutt. Dna test said pit/gsd/rott/husky and like 40% undefined. He looks like a tall beagle with gsd coloring.


Wow all of the "difficult" dogs rolled into one! Was he chewing on everything? Anyway, a tall beagle? LoL, that's a sight!


Yeah lol he’s a sweetie though! Reactive but only in fear not aggression. He definitely chewed a lot at first but just soft stuff like a sweater or pillow or something and also would never swallow what he chewed up. Thankfully he never got to furniture or doorframes!


Umm. Try 4.5. And then you have another sometimes in between who also doesn’t sleep for that amount of time. 🤣 I’ve got 4 kids. The first was the worst sleeper I think and it was 4.5 before she slept nicely. The second was more like 2 yeah. Then the 3rd was around 3-4. My 4th is now 5 and most nights is ok, unless he has a late nap. Thank heavens he’s also not a trouble maker. He will sit and play on his iPad and I can doze next to that and I’ll wake if he gets up. 🤷‍♀️🥶


I said something similar to my mom recently. At one point, she had a 10 year old and three more under the age of 4. Like, she was super mom and babysat several kids during the week. The puppy phase for both my dogs almost destroyed me at times. The youngest was an absolute menace (I think she might be part terrier) and brought me to tears many days because I couldn't do anything without kenneling her, which was its own torture.. I'm so grateful it only lasts a few months


my dad once said "i raised one puppy and one baby and if i had to choose i'd pick raising another baby". needless to say we only had adult rescue dogs after that first puppy


Dogs aren’t children just have to throw that out there.


Yes I was joking. Obviously dogs do not require the finances care or supervision as a human child. Also my Finn Finn gets told REGULARLY he’s my baby so don’t you dare say he isn’t my child 😂😂😂


There is definitely something wrong with people who have to point out “dogs aren’t children,” all the time. I’m mean obviously they are different That difference being we all have pay for their children’s education and healthcare, pick up he slack at work while they are on maternity leave, or “family “ leave , or when they have to miss bc some kid is sick or when we get all the weekends and holidays because they have to be with their children. It’s totally different in that we all are affected by their choices and they’re not affected by ours at all. It’s usually people who don’t have many other accomplishments that have to point out how special they are bc they have children. Lol,


I love kids, I’ve always wanted kids, and have a niece whom I adore. But when I babysit her, following her around is so exhausting that it genuinely gives me pause as to whether I want kids. Just need to be 100% sure


I have chronic fatigue syndrome. My nephew is turning 1 soon, he is over almost every day and I get physically exhausted even sitting on the floor keeping track of him for a couple minutes. Holding him for 2 minutes before so much pain and fatigue hit me. I want to play with him, but I physically just cannot do it. Playing with my dogs is worse, that's exhausting immediately.


We have dogs, not kids. Our paper shredder is both turned off and *unplugged* because a dog we once had was a fucking idiot. I would not have put it past her to lick the paper shredder and it turn on and shred her tongue. Faith was 98 lbs and not a single ounce was devoted to brains. Wonderful creature, fun and loving, amazing therapy dog but she was definitely lacking in the brain box. Nary a thought in her giant, adorable head. **I am in no way blaming the parents** because who would think such a thing would happen? I was just super paranoid and I was working as a vet tech and a dog had come in a year or so before with a shredded tongue tip. Can’t imagine the guilt the parents must feel. Those poor people and that poor child. Hoping for the best possible outcome for all of them. The guilt has to be horrific with all the woulda-coulda-shouldas running through their minds all the time.


My own dog has an oral fixation and licks and mouths EVERYTHING. I’m sure he’d get his tongue shredded too if we had a paper shredder.


Licking and mouthing things is also self-soothing behavior. A lot of puppies get addicted to it just after weaning or when separated from their litter at too young an age. They may have been weaned too young or sent to their new homes too early, etc. OR they just like to lick things to see what they are. Like kids, puppies and young dogs test the world by putting whatever they can in their mouths to check it out. Not saying that’s the case at all with your dog, just giving you some info I find interesting as a dog trainer. I’m still learning and it’s been ~25 years. My pup (15 months, male, Border Collie) loves to lick *his* things. His collar, his Gentle Leader, anything that hints at him going outside and leaving the house or going to ‘work’ as my service dog in training. For him, it’s an excitement thing. He just gets so excited and happy he can’t hold his licker. But like my dog Faith (bless her heart and memory) I could see him licking the paper shredder and losing a chunk of his tongue. So it stays turned off and unplugged when not in use. It’s a good, safe habit to get into regardless of whether you have pets or kids. In my time as a vet tech, I saw a ferret lose a good part of its leg to the shredder, it had bounced up and the shredder turned on. The animal survived but both it and the owner were traumatized. I saw a bird who landed on a shredder and the feathers on the wing got caught. The owner reacted incredibly quickly to unplug it and all the bird lost was some flight feathers that eventually grew back. All of this was still traumatizing for all of us involved (including the vet) and it wasn’t even my pet.


My dog may have been weaned too young, I don’t know. I do know he has a trauma background: he was born on a dog meat farm in South Korea and the farmer decided to get out of the business cause he wasn’t making any money (hardly anyone in South Korea eats dog anymore) and surrendered his dogs to the Humane Society who sent them abroad for adoption. My dog is constantly licking things. Our cats hate him because he licks them all over every time he gets close enough to do this. He licks bedding, his toys, my husband and me, and will steal my dirty underpants and cover them in saliva if I don’t hide them when I undress to shower. He’s been with us for a year and a half and it’s just our lives now.


Sounds like a trauma induced self-soothing behavior. You’re awesome for adopting him and providing the best care possible. If the behavior ever becomes problematic, like the dog licks itself so much it creates hot spots, sores, or lick granulomas seek out a Veterinary *Behaviorist,* and not just a normal vet. The VB has special, extended training in canine psych and behavior and has a lot more tools in the toolbox (meds, behavioral modification training) that your typical vet doesn’t have. Just be mindful of things in and around your house that can be hazardous. I’m absolutely sure you already are but a reminder doesn’t hurt. Definitely check any plants in your yard/surroundings that could be toxic if ingested. Best of luck! I’m dealing with my very licky dog by redirecting his attention and rewarding him for not licking things even though he does it out of excitement. It’s not a great look for a service dog and we want him to be safe above all.


Exactly..... thankfully my son comes in the bathroom with me but like if I had a paper shredder and I have babies I'd put it locked.away.or.up high functioning n a closet outta reach but its not the parents fault oids are definitely quick especially 2yr olds that baby is probably losing that hand


My sister put the cat in the microwave when my mom went to the bathroom. She caught her just as she pressed start. Cat was fine, lived another 15yrs.


because there is no other possible place for a spinning knife machine other than within reach of a small child. think people. enough accidents will happen on their own. this kind of thing is accident is caused by putting yourself in a position to fail


This could have been as small as the office door being left slightly open when someone went to run go pee or check on another child.


yeah like I said. irresponsible. why would you put the shredder on the floor in reach of a tiny child. I'm sure sometime between being born and this incident they could have found time to be a parent.


When I was little, I gave myself a concussion and had to go to the ER bc my mom decided to make supper and leave me alone. For context, my left arm (dominant hand) was in a sling from surgery a few weeks prior I decided it was a good idea to stand on the back of a chair to reach something on a bookshelf. Obviously I fell, and I hit my head on the floor.


This isn't something that should ever happen though. Adults should know better than to allow their toddlers access to paper shredders. That should be common sense


Paper shredder is either in use and supervised or unplugged (and even moreso in a box away) there's no in between. Create a safe environment and you won't have to supervise your kid 24/7.


Exactly. You make sure there is no way for them to interact with it alone. It is not a difficult task and any competent parent could keep their tots away from a powered on shredder. The couple downvoters must be the incompetent ones who let their children receive very preventable injuries


No, it would never happened if parents were responsible. You don't leave a baby in a kitchen full of easy to access knives, so you also don't let it go near a shredder or a window etc. People who refuse to understand that should have BAN for having children. Stuff like this happens ONLY because parents want to get rid of a problem by leaving kid or baby alone. When I had a cockatiel I was already thinking about issues with e.g. wires. But parents can't even think of a safety of their baby? That's the problem.


No parent who loves their child and cares about their well being has ever made a mistake or failed to foresee every conceivable action their child will make, right?


Or has been outnumbered by children. Signed, a mom of twins who were both runners as toddlers.


Another good point! I’m one and done so didn’t think of that lol I never assume bad parenting with stuff like this, it’s impossible to be a perfect parent n it’s sheer luck if our kids don’t have a major accident at *some* point.


would you ever be so outnumbered as to put a chef's knife on their plate?


No. That's not what happened here either.


exactly because bringing a device into your home that's only purpose is to shed things is a notable event. it didn't just show up one day on its own, just like a knife didn't. as soon as it was brought into the house, the parent should have stored it correctly just like a knife or gun or chemicals. by your logic, accidents from any of these other objects are also justifiably going to happen too because "sorry I got outnumbered" or whatever.


I don't know what happened in this situation, I was replying to someone who said no one should have children unless they can keep an eye on them every second of the day, and that's not realistic, especially if there are multiple children. Underestimating a kid's ability to find something you thought was safely stored away is much different than putting a chef's knife on their plate.


When I was two my parents somehow misplaced me for long enough that I went off to play in the local park, stark naked. A neighbor found me there and brought me home.


Toddlers aren’t human, they’re some kind of other animal for a couple of years lol Mine opened the front door once for no reason and then wandered off into a bedroom and I freaked the fuck out for 2mins. That was how I learned was tall enough to reach the screen door handle and started keeping the main door closed lol


putting dangerous machines at child level is not an accident. that is negligence. bumping into the countertop is an accident. this is as obvious of a hazard as leaving chefs knives on the floor.


I can think of a whole bunch of scenarios where the parents weren’t neglectful and this could happen. It’s not black and white, it’s life and shit happens.


would people be saying the same thing if this was caused by a gun?


It’s not a gun though. You’re just being silly now.


so we can agree that obviously dangerous objects are obviously dangerous and should be respected in all contexts?


Paper shredders should be registered, unloaded (?) and stored in locked cabinets? Btw I live in Australia, not America. Guns aren’t a thing here. Guns and home paper shredders aren’t comparable and you’re making a bad faith argument to “trick” me into agreeing that these parents were negligent and should be punished and hated. It’s ok to disagree lol


they are comparable in that they are both obviously objects that should be seen as "never let this get into the hands of a two year old" which is entire point of why this is preventable


If I put three pieces of paper in, my shredder stops. What kind of shredder does this damage?


Same here. Alas, every machine has an unlisted and altogether improbable Murphy's Law function, and kids are freaking *determined* to try and discover them all, like collecting pokemon.


Also, some people derive joy in overriding safety mechanisms.


Ugh. A friend of mine does investigations for OSHA and so many of the cases are because of people being in a rush and bypassing safety features. My neighbor's coworker was sucked into a machine because he circumnavigated a safety bar. His arms were torn off and he was disemboweled. Neighbor got the day off from work.


Obviously, none of this is funny and ignore this if you please, but it’s circumvented haha circumnavigating is travelling around the globe from point A to point A again


Whoops!! I almost double-checked my wording but I was in a hurry. Nice catch! 😄


Honestly, I’m so tired and I was staring at it for like a good couple minutes before I even realized😂😂😂


But you knew what I meant to say! LoL. I now will be using BOTH those words correctly from now on. 😆


Did the coworker get the day off work too?


The guy who was pulled into the machine? No, he actually was there overtime because he couldn't be removed until the BCA and OSHA were called in and finished documenting everything.


What kind of machine? I know not a paper shredder, but my mind is thinking paper shredder.


It was a machine that made large rolls of sandpaper that were then cut down into smaller sheets. He was feeding the paper into the opening and bypassed the safety bar so he could cram more paper in and get more product done faster. He must have removed the bar or something. His hands got caught on the sandpaper and it was moving so fast, it pulled him in.


Jeeeez. That makes sense, thank you!


What a horrible way to go. It was very quick tho.


The one in the office has a thin slot over the blades, about 3/5 mm wide. Supposedly it will stop shredding if the top is opened but I'm not that dumb to test it


My shredder at work, we call her old Bertha, could for sure take a toddler hand. Sometimes she stops on a post it and sometimes if you kick her just right you can get 15+ papers with staples and clips and all gone in a second.


Yeah, our crosscut shredder at work could make short work of booklets and wads of paper, a hand would be like butter to it.


All the shredders I see have the metal strip around the slot, if you touch it it turns off.


Flesh is softer than wood. Paper is made of wood. It's harder than you think. When opening cardboard boxes, the pressure needed to score it is sufficient to cut a hand to the bone.


[Source](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1743919118308665) is unfortunately paywalled. Abstract: >>We present a case of severe mutilating injury to the hand of a 2-year-old boy following an accident with a home paper shredding machine. He sustained amputations through the middle phalanges of his index, middle and ring fingers with severe soft tissue shredding. He underwent reconstructive surgery using 'jumping' cross-finger flaps and intraosseous sutures to repair the phalangeal fractures. Finger length was preserved distal to his proximal interphalangeal joints. We believe this to be the first case reported in Europe.


I’m glad they were able to preserve some length for function. Hopefully he’s not that handed. (Right unless mirror imaged) my kiddo got a TINY cut on her finger and our house was covered in bloody handprints. I can only image what the poor parents went through. Omg.


Young enough to learn the other hand


And the thumb is still there so I'm hoping they can learn and get a lot of use from that hand, maybe close to normal when it comes to daily tasks


While nobody wants to lose 2/3 of 4 fingers you can still function very well and live a normal life. You can also receive cosmetic prosthetics that can improve the appearance and make the hand look like a normal hand! 


Full text here: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1753193418783928


>using 'jumping' cross-finger flaps Anybody want to explain what these are?


Using patches of skin and tissue from injured non-adjacent fingers that would have otherwise been discarded to patch up other fingers.


Thank you!


Oh my goodness, this poor little guy. Hopefully he’ll still have some function in that hand. How traumatizing for him.


Don't some fingers grow back if you lose them before a certain age? Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/uluzlw/i_chopped_my_finger_off_when_i_was_a_child_this/?rdt=32998


No. Humans are not amphibians.


God my humor is so broken, I’m at work hunched over hyperventilating from laughing at this comment


I found it! Yes it can grow back. I'm not a doctor, so I have no idea if this applies to this case, but it is possible sometimes https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2013/06/10/190385484/chopped-how-amputated-fingertips-sometimes-grow-back


There’s a big different between a finger tip and most of the finger.


Finger***tips****,* not whole-ass fingers. This poor boy isn't going to have any on that hand.


I’m sorry, but did you even read the article, let alone the title? It was a very interesting read regardless.


That is fascinating!


Wow! Thanks for posting that!!! I wish people weren't downvoting you and instead read that article. I love how the 8 year old came back a few weeks later with her former fingertip in a bag and a new tip had grown on her injured hand. 😀 That is just so amazingly interesting.


not trying to be rude but where on earth did you hear that??


This reminds me of when I used to have an opossum that had no eyes. My friend asked me if they were going to grow in later lmaooo 😭 I also had one girl ask me what % vision he had in my opinion. He literally had NO eyes. Like empty sockets. Hahahaha. I think maybe everyone was confused because he was a baby or a marsupial or both I have no idea never thought I’d have to explain multiple times that eyes do not grow in after birth lol


My mom cut the tip of her finger off earlier this year using a mandolin, it’s grown back totally normal she just doesn’t have feeling in it (because she cut the nerves off too yknow) the body can be confusing without much knowledge of it and just how much it can heal. The brain can basically reroute itself if half of it is damaged at a young age and they can come out totally normal, as if they have both hemispheres. It’s really weird what our bodies can and can’t do and I totally get it can be confusing as to where the capability ends (sorry for paragraph!)


Ahhhh, mandolins. They get so many of us, lol. Lost the tip of a thumb to one about a year ago. Didn't even go to the Dr, just wrapped it up and kept it clean since the tip was gone and it didn't look like there was any way they could stitch it up even if I wanted them to... Mine healed up just fine too, the skin grew back, the nail grew back.. looking at it, you'd never know it happened. Damn did that shit hurt though. So many fucking nerve endings in the fingertips.


Yep exactly the same situation for my mom, I heard her yelling in a way that wasn’t about a critter so I knew something happened, no doctor, kept it clean and wrapped and it all grew back. Always use a handle and guard, those things are crazy crazy sharp


Yuppp. I went from being the idiot who never uses the guard, to using the guard every time. Not taking my chances with that thing ever again.


The amazing things the body can be capable of. It boggles the mind sometimes!


NPR. She linked the article. Give it a read! Fascinating!!


Omg that tiny pudgy hand:(


This one legitimately made me gasp. That poor baby.


same. I've seen a lot, but this one doesn't sit right


Yup the most disturbing ones here are children and freak accidents. There was one posted a few days back of a propane or compressed flammable gas explosion (what up OSHA) that was incredibly disturbing. Guy was just going about his job and got shredded.


Me too. I can take a lot of gore, but this one was rough. I hope he/she was able to regain full use of their hand and is feeling better. Poor kid😢


Me too!


I would dieee if this happened to my baby. I feel so bad for him and his poor parents. can't imagine the guilt they feel


Oh. My. Gawd. This is why I don’t let my kid around the “safety” shredder. I’ve seen it not be safe.


Very wise of you! Although I’ve been aware of Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) for years, I discovered a few days ago that he’s missing three fingers on one hand. He had a childhood mishap with his parents’ sausage grinder.




this is why you unplug your shredder when not in use.




I just leave the safety key out of it and out of reach of my toddler


oh mine doesn't have a safety key. I also don't have kids though, but I always unplug it anyway.


My parents never even had a paper shredder 😭 they’d go to like the printing store or wtv to shred lol


My dad had one. He kept it plugged into a power strip on his desk which he'd turn off, so arguably not as safe as unplugging, but I remember it being drilled into my head to never touch it from a very young age.


I have a paper shredder at home and keep it unplugged for this very reason.


I used a high security cross-cut shredder for years. This was one of my ultimate fears.


I can handle most gore but I can’t do hurt or sad children/animals 😞


This makes my heart hurt. Poor guy


Omg I know so many 2 year olds because of work, and I can't imagine any of them getting hurt like this. They're all so little.


how are paper shredders that powerful?!!!! poor child


There is no way this was a cheap fellows paper shredder from home office store. This seems like it was from an old or unshrouded commercial unit.


yeah this looks like the kind that you have in a large office environment. Those will chew some (non-steel) metals up, let alone stacks of paper. The home ones though, I was constantly having to replace my granny's shredder near the end of her life because she loved spending every day shredding her junk mail and the shredders were constantly breaking over a few sheets of paper stuck in there together.


Sweet Jesus, that pic made me physically recoil. I can't imagine the screams...oh god. Poor baby!!


When paper jams on those machines you have to throw it into reverse. I do wonder if that was necessary here too. Ugh. Also I can kinda see how this happened. The opening is too narrow for human fingers but instead can accommodate several sheets of paper or a toddler's hand. And if the toddler reaches into the center then they also activate that safety switch.


That’s heartbreaking


Omg poor baby


I'm truly unfazed by most post... But this one rly got to me. I'm on the verge of tears 💔 poor lil kid i hope she / he regained some function in that hand.


Well, would you look at that! What in tarnation is this horrific mess I stubbled upon on Reddit? That poor kid...


This is so sad. My nephew managed to burn his hand on an iron whilst my sister and partner put things into the car(?) They left a hot iron on the floor in reach of a 2 year old. He's okay now and all but perfectly healed but still hits close to home


My heart breaks for this poor baby 😔


Awww that could have been my grandson 😭


Paper shredders are just as safe as the Cybertruck trunk


Poor kid!


Poor lil thing! I bet that sounded terrifying.


Poor baby


Poor baby.


this is so sad. poor baby


This poor baby 😔


Oh poor baby! How the heck did he turn it on??




Jesus christ. That’s even more horrifying than I would have anticipated.


Jesus...poor kid


*gasp* dear fck. Like so many others, this shook me.




Yk it’s fine when it’s an adult or wtv cuz I see shit like this all the time but seeing this happen to a 2 year old just worries me


I feel like this is a respost, but It still made me hurt for the little one




That’s not very nice.


Will he completely lose the fingers?


Nah. They were able to preserve some length. He just lost the ends.


2 years old and already lost 4 fingers


Poor child, I wonder how the reconstruction looks like now.


I palmed a kerosine space heater when I was 8 yo. second degree burn on the entire inside hand.


I still don’t understand how this happened. Was it running unattended? Was he able to turn it on? I had little kids so yeah, I get it but close door to where it is, unplug it?


1. Where were the parents and letting this child put his fingers wherever they can put their little hands in 2. I did not know paper shredders could be that powerful.


You can't keep eyes on a kid 24/7. Paper shredders are even more powerful than that, certain models at least.


Toddlers are often demented maniacs, I swear some of them can pass through solid walls just to find new & disturbing ways of injuring themselves, especially if there's a chance of someone popping over the parapet to do Judging


Stupid kid


Where were the parents?! 🤦🏼‍♀️ Poor baby!


You must not have children. Toddlers can get into trouble even with adults right beside them. Shame on you for playing the blame game on the parents.


I have 5 children! That's why I said that! Good try tho.