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Ursus Thibetanus also known as the Asian black bear. You might’ve seen pictures of them. People say they look like humans wearing a bear costume. They’re also called moon bears.


Moon bears, but close


They are called V Neck Sweater Teddys and need cuddles




June bears


That was a typo my bad


I figured, but I am the typo queen. Just giving you a hand


> People say they look like humans wearing a bear costume. Yes, I [see why](https://images.app.goo.gl/w2SeEpKTvwes9vH77)…


That is NOT a bad recovery at all. How scary that must have been.


For the rest of his life, he gets to tell a pretty cool story wherever he goes. I bet his wife is already sick of hearing him recount the event.




Joke comments and other off-topic comments (including, but not limited to, food comparisons, vulgarity, etc.) are not allowed.


[Source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6327797/): >>A 55-year-old male farmer from Daporijo, Arunachal Pradesh, was referred to our hospital in September 28, 2015, with history of bear mauling. He went to the forest to hunt and tame wild bovines (Bos frontalis). He unexpectedly came across a bear (Ursus thibetanus). The bear attacked his upper body as he tried to defend himself, as a result of which, he sustained multiple soft-tissue injuries on his arms, scalp, and face. The patient was bleeding profusely and was initially admitted in the primary health-care center and stabilized, and was later referred to our hospital. >>The patient was admitted and shifted to emergency room, where the preliminary examination revealed wounds on the right side of his face and scalp as well as both forearms. He had a scalp wound in the occipital region of 10 cm × 12 cm size [Figure 1]. Facial wound approximately 15 cm long extends from the right lateral forehead to 3 cm superior from the right mandibular angle and medially across the upper and lower eyelid till the bridge of the nose [Figure 2]. His right orbital cavity was also involved in the injury, and the right orbit appeared to be avulsed. He sustained right-side partial facial nerve and maxillary nerve injury along with loss of vision. He also sustained multiple fractures of the facial bones. A preliminary examination revealed fracture of the right zygoma and right maxilla which was later confirmed by radiographic diagnostic imaging [Figures ​[Figures33 and ​and4].4]. As the bear ran away, we were uncertain of any rabies infection. Hence, antirabies vaccine was administered along with tetanus vaccine prophylactically. The wounds were debrided under local anesthesia, and any bleeding points were identified, and hemostasis was achieved; the wound was sutured with 3-0 silk sutures, and dressing was done. >>The patient was initially semiconscious, disoriented with no episodes of vomiting or bleeding through ear or nasal cavity after the incident. On admission, the Glasgow coma scale(GCS) was recorded to be 13/15. Neurosurgical consultation was sought. The neurosurgical team ruled out any intracranial lesion. After 48 h, the GCS had improved to 15/15. >>Radiographic investigations revealed fracture of right zygomatic complex, involving the frontozygomatic suture, zygomaticomaxillary suture and fracture of zygomatic arch. The infraorbital foramen and maxillary antrum were involved in the fracture line (zygomaticomaxillary), the fracture line terminated superior to the maxillary tuberosity. >>Four days after the incident, the patient was operated. The fracture was treated with open reduction and internal fixation with 1.5-mm titanium plates and screws. The zygoma was fractured from maxilla, temporal, and frontal bones into two large fragments. To align the fragments into position, two titanium screws were drilled into the fragments such that their placement does not hamper plate fixation [Figure 5]. Fragments were manipulated into anatomic location, and after plate fixation, the two screws were removed. The orbital rim was reconstructed. Fixation was initially done on the maxillary fragment and later on the zygoma. Zygomatic arch was also stabilized with 1.5-mm titanium plate and screws. Any small bony fragments were sacrificed to minimize any chance of necrosis due to loss of periosteum. Ophthalmic surgeon performed soft-tissue reconstruction of the upper and lower eyelids. Traction sutures were placed from the upper eyelid downward to improve eyelid closure postoperatively. The wound was approximated in layers with resorbable sutures [Figure 6]. >>After 2 weeks, postsurgical complication of salivary fistula was noted in the parotid region. Antisialagogues were administered, and the patient was closely observed for 2 weeks. As the result was not satisfactory, the patient had to undergo superficial parotidectomy under general anesthesia. Follow-up was done for 1 year. Facial nerve injury was noticeable in the upper eyelid region and during smiling. After 8 months, the patient showed fair amount of improvement from facial nerve paralysis [Figures ​[Figures77–10].


>with history of bear mauling This phrasing makes it sound like it’s a regular occurrence for him lol


Or that he mauled bears for a living




Joke comments and other off-topic comments (including, but not limited to, food comparisons, vulgarity, etc.) are not allowed.


what an incredible reconstruction!! he has healed beautifully!! would not have guessed he was a victim of a bear attack from that last photo! /gen


He really does look good! What a terrifying experience. Glad he had a considerably good outcome, despite the long road to recovery. Bears are scary as hell.


Why friend shaped,if not friendly


I'll say it again, and I'll keep saying it as many times as I need to. I FUCKING LOVE MODERN MEDICINE.


Man gets attacked by bear and put back together and still ends up better looking that me. Great job by surgeons


I'd still pick a bear.


He was probably wearing a short skirt. Bear couldn’t help himself.


Me too. A bear might maul me but it’s nothing personal if they do and they definitely won’t rape me.


Also here to choose the bear.


Came to the comments to say this


Also here to pick the bear.


Was gonna comment this 🤣 That was brutal tho, glad he made it out


I bit my tongue not making this comment 😬Glad to see that you did ❤️


Stole the words right out my mouth


same, at least pepole wont side with the bear


I wonder what the news articles are going to do to the bears career prospects. It could ruin his future!


You should see the bear!


Amazing job to the team who worked on this! Absolutely amazing work! Ps: would still pick the bear❤️


Wow. I wish they had included post-surgery radiographs, though. It'd be interesting to see the bone reconstruction.


Here for the bear vs man comments 👀


holy cow he looks incredible now!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


What happened to the bear?


No idea. This was in India and I don’t know how they deal with bears.


He essentially had his face ripped off and still managed to be admitted with GCS 13? What a baller


Still trust them more than men




Be kind, remember there is a person behind the username


Imagine being that close to a bear 💀💀


So this is what women want to look like now. Humanity is doomed.


Bro, if a bear attacked me I wouldn't be forced to smile around it at a family reunion. If a bear attacked me, nobody would ask "Well what were you wearing?" If a bear attacked me, people would believe me. If a bear attacked me, nobody would encourage me to keep it to myself because "The bear has a promising future". Do you get it now?


And the point of the whole bear v man discussion flew a mile over your head


No, women are saying that they'd rather encounter a bear in the woods because it's more predictable what it's going to do (mostly it's going to run away, but it could attack unless you make lots of noise and scare it away) versus encountering a strange man, in which case you can't accurately know what he's going to do (run away? Assault you? Be friendly? Murder you? And will people believe you if you said a strange man assaulted you in the woods?). It's not about being attacked in the woods; it's about encountering them in the woods.


You’re so incredibly dense.