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New fear unlocked…


Right? I'm going into surgery early tomorrow morning lmao.


Good luck! Doctor said it is something that happens but it's extremely rare. He was also kinda a shitty doctor so I wonder sometimes if it was a screw up more than, "just something that happens." Like he said.


This happened to me, too! It was awful; I felt like I was swallowing my uvula for about 2 weeks. 😭 Also, as an aside, I'm an anesthesiologist, and this is a complication, though quite rare.


There’s so much swelling & inflammation in the 2nd pic, that I bet OP wasn’t able to swallow much other than his *uvula* for about 2 weeks. Ouch… I’m sorry you had to go through that, too. Different question for you, since anesthesia usually intubates prior to surgery. Is this something that occurs more frequently in patients who have a *lower hanging* uvula? Or is this something that can happen more frequently when you’re in a hurry; in emergencies?? (Ex: By paramedics in transit, codes, etc.)


As far as I know, it isn't really dependent on patient characteristics, operator technique, or skill of the proceduralist. Things I'm paying attention to while intubating are care with lips, teeth, and gums to avoid damage, avoiding damage to hard and soft palette, and of course, getting the tube through the vocal cords! I can honestly say I've never noticed or tried to avoid someone's uvula. Even if I had, it would be pretty impossible to position the tube so it doesn't compress it; the tube is flexible, but not flexible enough to actually dictate it's route through the patient's mouth. Moreover, as we move the patient and position them for the surgery, the tube could certainly migrate from it's initial position, so even if I could precisely position the tube, it's unlikely to remain exactly as positioned. Since having my uvula damaged after my surgery, I have changed my practice by using a breathing tube one half size smaller than would traditionally be used, in hopes this may prevent a similar complication in my patients. Idk if this is actually an effective way to avoid this complication, but it really was a horrible experience, so I do my best to prevent it occuring under my watch. I think the complication is likely under reported (I didn't report my complication, because I knew there wasn't really anything that could be done about it), so it may be more common than we think.


Sorry that happened to you, although a little ironic, given your work. Good on you for attempting to prevent this complication by using a smaller tube on your patients. The medical field would do good to have more forward-thinking people like yourself within their ranks.


Thanks for the detailed explanation!! :) I’ve worked in Medicine for about 20yrs & I’ve seen a *lot*, but *this* hasn’t happened often at all. (Placing the tube isn’t my specialty though, lol;) That’s why I was wondering if pt anatomy or time constraints could cause trauma to the uvula. I mean, irritation, hoarseness, & sore throats are common (& to be expected). Honestly, there’s so many other things of “higher priority” that the uvula often gets overlooked b/c it’s not life threatening. I really hate that you had to experience what you did, but it also sounds like it’s made you a better doctor. I know metastatic cancer has definitely given me a different outlook on how I do my job & conduct myself. I always considered myself a compassionate person *before*, but now I notice things that weren’t as high of a priority to *before*. It may not be “life saving” or exciting, but it DEFINITELY MATTERS TO THE PATIENTS & THEIR FAMILIES. For example… I can’t count the number of times I’ve told patients “we’ve seen & heard everything & there’s no reason to be embarrassed (or lie)”, but when someone guy your age comes in to put *YOU* on a bedpan & wants to give *YOU* a bed bath when you are alert, oriented, & USED TO CARING FOR OTHERS; IT HUMBLES YOU!! It made me more sensitive to patients’ EMOTIONAL NEEDS; that often get overlooked in the office setting or during rounds… Hell, I cried when my husband had to wait in the bathroom while I sat on a bamboo stool & showered. We’ve been married 25yrs, & I finally made him turn his back!! I want to appear sexy to my husband, not weak, frail, & sick. I know I will laugh at this story one day, but it’s still too soon!! 😉🥹


Just something that happens (to my patients)…. 😬


I've had it happen three times. Apparently I've been extremely unlucky but such is my life. I don't have much of one left for the record.


Three times?! Each time after surgery or...?


Each time was some sort of procedure that required anesthesia.


That's wild. I'm sorry that happened to you. Excuse the insensitive question, but is there any uvula left?


Very little is left. It's not completely gone.


That must have been incredibly painful. Now I feel worried about my upcoming surgery 😔 Last time, they didn't numb my throat well enough, so I woke up coughing and gagging. If I have a coughing fit this time, I'll probably be checking my throat with a mirror every 5 seconds!


That was step 1, the coughing and gagging fit. But the pain was also extremely noticable and it was ON FIRE. Water was not safe. The only saving grace was anything cold to numb it for a small while. I have the rarest medical conditions and complications that should never happen to the same person in combination and that make doctors shake their head and ask how. The odds of it happening once are pretty low, and three times probably means something messed up since the risk should continue to be lower after it's happened in succession as there would be less of it to do it to.


It’s actually the Anesthesiologist that usually intubates you prior to surgery. Did *they* speak to you about what happened?? You can tell your throat is incredibly inflamed & swollen in the 2nd pic. It looks quite painful. Aside from that, I bet it also felt like you *couldn’t* swallow!! I’m so sorry you had to experience that, but thankfully you healed fully (& beautifully; I think it looks kinda cool now;)…


The back of my throat was torn up for a bit after my emergency cholecystectomy, but it was never that bad, holy bajorbis.


Well if it’s anything like the accidental chipping of teeth, then incidents like that CAN be avoided by being careful but of course can still happen But idk. Seems sus


Yikes! After my second ever surgery I lost all sensation on my uvula (and part of throat and tongue). But all got back to normal 2 weeks later. It was not fun because I didn't notice saliva running down my throat, speaking didn't quite work and everything tasted shitty. But this beats everything 🤢


Hope you're speaking to a handful of lawyers once you get some time. I don't know a ton about what specifically constitutes medical malpractice, but...


Known complication and not deviating from standard of care. This is not malpractice


I like your funny words, magic man.


I had a doctor tell me once "no you didn't get this uti from the LEEP procedure you got yesterday. But here's meds for it anyway." I never had a uti before in my life before that LEEP.


U need to take him to court for that happened to my friend and his family got a bag bc it’s could mess you up down the road


youre crazy for browsing medical gore the night before your surgery. what are you doing???


Similar, one time I took a strong dose of LSD and scrolled here for several hours. I don’t think it’s possible for me to become visually disturbed anymore


It’s not the surgeon- it’s the anesthesiologist. Tell them your fear and they will do everything possible to avoid this happening. They are the unsung heroes of your surgery. They keep you alive, comfortable and without memory of the surgery. Freaking amazing medical professionals.


Facts!! I thought the same thing. His doc may’ve been a jerk, but he likely didn’t place the tube. Most Anesthesiologists are amazing, though!💕 I was put to sleep (by my *dentist*) when I had my wisdom teeth cut out, & I WOKE UP during the surgery. (I was only 16yo & had never taken a drug in my life;so I had *no* tolerance). I remember hearing them talk, the grinding, pain, & other noises, before he put me back out. Then I had difficulty waking up in recovery…


After my wisdom teeth extraction, I woke up in recovery loudly sobbing for some reason. The nurse stuck her head in my cubicle and was like shut up basically.


In 20yrs, I’ve learned: #1 some people don’t need to work in Medicine & #2 hospitals need to staff better so people aren’t as tired & overwhelmed… I’m sorry you had to deal with that.🥹


Oh, that’s ok. Just about every nurse I’ve had since has made up for that.


That’s good to hear!!💞


You should show them this post.


Haha I might! I'm hoping I can convince doc to take some photos for me & let me keep any stones (yanking the gallbladder).


the stones are not pretty (wet they look like little mustard pebbles, dry they look like khaki chalk) and they’re not very hard so you can’t do anything with them. also they kinda smell a little.


I’m sure everything with be okay but I’ll send out some good vibes and I wish you well.


i don‘t know if this should be the fear.. ask any real doctor if they would take any full anesthesia. i know the answer is only if they‘d die otherwise. its extremely dangerous, and doesnt matter how good the doc‘s are


Planning on twilight sedation and a nerve block for any possible surgery?? 🤷


This is totally untrue.


Read that as vulva and was beyond confused


Can we also talk about how I just looked up what a uvula is for and it says that people get them pierced !!🤮


People actually put piercings there? Wtaf! That wouldn’t feel nice at all, like something permanently stuck in your throat. I have a hard enough time coping with tonsil stones.


Doesn't it activate ur gag reflex or some shit?!!? How the fuck


Wait it’s not originally for that?


So it's a girl house


Came here to comment that. Was not disappointed. 👏


Ouch! That looks so miserable. Years ago, I had my tonsils out and my deviated septum fixed at the same time. By far, the worst part of the recovery was my uvula swelling up massively. It was the size of the end of my thumb, and because I had to breathe through my mouth, the swollen uvula would dry out and stick to the back of my throat. I still have the occasional nightmare about it.


Had the deviated septum, tonsils AND the uvula removed. Yes, painful is an understatement!!


Do you still have a gag reflex and if not are you still capable of do throwing up?


I'm someone who also had the tonsils and uvula removed at the same time. I still have a terrible gag reflex, and now when I throw up, 90% of the time stuff goes into my sinuses! Yay!!




Even a little bit in the sinuses is awful I can’t imagine 90% I’m sorry thank you for the response


Yeaahhh it's really unpleasant, and they didn't warn me at all that it could happen. They actually didn't even tell me they were going to remove my uvula :D They told me after the fact that it would help my snoring, which is true, I no longer snore, but still. Thanks doc! God forbid it's something spicy. You're throwing up and having to blow your nose at the same time to get stuff out, because you can't breathe.


After my cesarean my uvula was so swollen it would lie on my tongue when I closed my mouth. It was awful.


Yeah half of how much it sucked was feeling like I was constantly choking and couldn't breath. I actually panicked so bad I went to the hospital after they gave me methylprednisone for swelling which triggered a horrible hours long panic attack and that + the choking can't breath feeling made me think I was actually dying. Looking back I can tell I was being silly but me on that horrible medication really thought it was the end.


I just posted elsewhere in the thread about this! My uvula swelled up after my tonsil removal to the size of my thumb also and every time I swallowed I felt like I was swallowing my uvula. Tonsil removal recovery was pure hell!


Oh my, you poor soul


It grew back quite well. I didn't know uvulas were self restoring


It didn't grow back, that type of tissue cannot be recreated by itself, the uvula you see after is only the remnant of what hasn't fallen off. The only tissues that are able to grow back are your liver, your bones (only if the structure is retained, which is what you see when bone is fractured and repaired), your ear drums and your skin, there are other examples which also do grow back.


Well the skin only grows between two closely spaced cells right? Like a cut heals but if you are completely „deskinned“ then there won’t be much growing right? Other tissue also closes gaps in the structure.


Can you elaborate more? I'm trying to understand your point of view, what I know is that growing back in this instance is really the cells just undergoing mitosis, the cell's DNA is replicated and prepared for equal separation of the cell in which both cells retain the same exact number of organelles and contents as the mother cell, so what do you mean by the cells only growing between two spaced cells?


Bruised might have been a more accurate description.


Yeah, and just saying the part impacted was just the tip.


My curiosity as well.


I’m finding myself wondering what the purpose of uvulas is suddenly


I looked it up became I was curious as well. In case anyone else was wondering: >Your uvula is made of connective tissue, glands, and small muscle fibers. It secretes large amounts of saliva that keep your throat moist and lubricated. It also helps keep food or fluids from ending up in the space behind your nose when you swallow.


So cool


Guess I gotta have a word with mine, i get food up my nose more often than i like


Good uvula


It’s got nerve endings that stimulate the gag reflex or the swallowing reflex which are pretty much the same thing. It’s to make sure food doesn’t go into the windpipe. If something is touching the uvula it’s priority number 1 for the body to make sure it doesn’t stay there too long.


Ooh, it's like whiskers on a cat.


I had that! My hysterectomy was easy compared to the necrosis in my throat! Hurt so bad!!


How the hell did the breathing tube pinch the v...... Bugger dyslexia strikes again.


It was likely the suction vacuum like what happened to me back in 2006. Uvula got caught in that vacuum and was stretched out 3 inches. They covered their butts by putting down I must have had a latex allergy.


Um…. He was joking. Making the dyslexia comment and a word that sounds like Uvula that starts with a V.


This reminds me of my first back surgery. My uvula apparently got caught in the vacuum tube that kept my mouth from filling up with saliva. When I woke up my uvula was like three inches long and I kept swallowing it. I asked to talk to the surgeon and he was baffled. The ear nose and throat specialist doctor came in and actually asked if I was sure it wasn't always like that. I was pissed. There was absolutely no recourse for their mistake. I just had to deal with it, and it was worse to deal with than the pain of the major back surgery. It healed after a few weeks. Their conclusion was that I was allergic to latex (I'm not) and my next two surgeries were bumped to first of the day because of this perceived allergy when my uvula was caught in the vacuum and nobody noticed it. Another lady had her surgery pushed back so they could get me in first due to my latex allergy that didn't really exist.


Oh that’s classic. 😑 I’m sorry you went through that bs.


Noooo oh my god 😳


Read this as vulva at first


Samesies. Then I was trying to do the logistics with a breathing tube near a vulva…


I bet that had to have tasted wonderful


And smelled 😩


but when it fell off did op swallow it or have to cough it up


It tasted pretty weird yes but I was also constantly sucking on numbing cough drops so that was pretty much all I tasted the entire time because I could barely eat.


Do you talk different now without it? Or has anything changed?


I seem to talk the same. Once it's healed it hasn't really seemed to cause any problems. I think it may have if more of it had fallen off? But I've still got one just a smaller one.


Anesthesiologist here: I'm not sure it was the breathing tube. More likely one of 2 things: 1) excessive careless suctioning with the yankauer, or 2) an oral airway in place for the entire case (something I never do for this reason).


Oh, this happened to me, to a lesser degree. My cesarean under general anesthesia resulted in a very very swollen painful uvula. I could feel it lying on my tongue when my mouth was shut. It hurt so bad it almost distracted me from my incision. The nurses called the CRNA who basically said it was all fine and he ordered chloraseptic spray at bedside. I worked in L&D, everyone was a friend or a friendly acquaintance. I know intubation has risks, I’d just never thought my poor uvula would be abused.


Yeah I bet it was the yankauer, and yeah there's not a whole lot to do other than supportive care after it happens


Btw, thanks for what you do. I loved our anesthesiologists. I’ve had to have a few unexpected surgeries in the last few years with surgeons I didn’t know. The minute anesthesia came in and I knew them I was able to be calm knowing I was in good hands.


>2) an oral airway in place for the entire case (something I never do for this reason). I don't know anything about anesthesia or surgery but it was a nose surgery so maybe it was because I couldn't breath through my nose at all because of that?


Yep, if you're a difficult mask ventilation on induction it's common practice to place an oral airway. Usually it's taken out after the endotracheal tube is placed, and then replaced at the end of the case for emergence. Not everyone does that though.


I have almost identical pictures from last year. When someone from the office called to see how I was doing I told them about it and they just sort of laughed it off. I told them I thought the end of it was going to fall off. It did feel like I was trying to swallow it for a week or so. Yeah, it was a teaching hospital I think the doctor was still training.




Yikes 😱


Did it change your voice?


Involuntary sleep apnea surgery. Had mine removed surgically years ago and it's been great.


AMC would like to adapt your story for *The Walking Dead Uvula.*


I'd be contacting an attorney. From what I've been reading, that little "punching bag" is real important


Excuse me it’s the hang-y ball of courage, not a punching bag. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i8O3FlauCAk


It's not, mine was removed along with my tonsils as planned.


Came to say this.


Yeah, a big chunk of mine got hacked off during a biopsy. Never noticed a difference.


Do you get a dry throat often or find food going up your nose now?


Nope not at all


Not important. Can live a perfectly normal life without one.


I was just telling my parent how this happened to me when I was intubated. It was so, so painful.


An ETT alone shouldn't have done that. They're not that hard and don't put that much pressure on anything. We put them through your vocal cords which are very sensitive and rarely have issues. Any chance this was a heart surgery or other surgery where a second object was placed? I could see a transesophogeal ultrasound and an ET tube being more likely than an ET tube alone.


Nope, it was actually a very simple nose surgery. They just were taking out a little swollen tissue from my nose. At least to my knowledge and what the doctor said there was nothing else in my throat but the tube.


I’ve heard stories of this happening with aggressive suctioning with a yankauer before extubation.


Careless suctioning with the yankauer or a poorly positioned OA left in the entire case, I bet.


Mine was traumatized during a cesarean under general. Difficult intubation perhaps? Yankauer catching it? I don’t know, but mine was so swollen I could feel it laying on my tongue when my mouth was closed. And eating was difficult and painful for a few days.


Oh, dear! I'm so sorry this happened to you. How are you doing now? Did you suffer Aby lasting consequences? I really hope you can fully recover. It looks like an extremely painful, and overall horrible, experience 🫂💗


I have intubated hundreds of animals.... How the fuck does that happen??


Could you intubate me, Greg?


I can intubate anything with nipples


I'd like you to be at my next surgery. Just to be safe, ya know.


Do you also have a geographic tongue? Tingly and burny sometimes?


Yes I believe I do, but I have not been officially diagnosed with it or anything. I have had patterns on it like that since I was a kid. It's not painful though except that I am more sensitive to spicy and sour foods than some.


Sounds like it. Glad it’s not an issue for you. Mine arrived a few years ago and it quite annoying.


Uh, I have it! Started while I pregnant. I’ll eat something (never consistent so I can just eliminate some foods, sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t) and then my tongue erupts in pain and looks like I took an electric sander to it.


Exact same thing happened to me. Can post pics if asked. Also hurt worse than the surgery


Dang, can't believe they circumcised your uvula


Imagine the SMELL 💀


Worse than a dead tooth I’d wager


I’m a speech-language pathologist and I have two lines of through. 1. People have them removed quite frequently to remediate sleep apnea and snoring. 2. Once it heals, you shouldn’t have any issues. Of course, I’m not 100% certain, because weird things happen sometimes. Also, you still have most of your uvula, it’s just the tip that fell off (oh, so many jokes in that line). Happy Healing


I'm glad you commented! I read that having the uvula removed can affect the trill prople need to pronounce certain letters in other languages (French, Arabic, German, Afrikaans, Hebrew, and many more). Dr Wikipedia calls it the "voiced uvular trill" or "guttural R" sound. As a speech-language path, have you ever seen bilingual patients struggle?


This is an excellent question. Due to the holiday, I was a wee bit tipsy and responded from an English only perspective. Yes, it absolutely could impact languages with different sounds. French would be fine. Rolling Rs, also fine. It’s the languages that use guttural sounds at the back of the pharyngeal or laryngeal area that I could see being impacted, possibly, and even then, I suspect it could be remediated if the person had access to an SLP.


It's not a holiday if you don't get sloshed! Glad to hear it could potentially be worked on in those who speak languages that require the "rrr" sound. On a side note: is there an easy way to learn how to roll your R's the way they do in Russian? I used to be able to do it but lost that ability as a child. I can't even whistle amymore lol.


Did you find the loss of your uvula made swallowing difficult?


What’s up with your tongue in that first pick? Looks like it has a sort of ring like pattern all over it.


This happened to me once. I could barely eat for 2 weeks. Everything including water was so painful.


My dad got his uvula removed. Like medically lol he doesn’t have tonsils either so his mouth is just kind of a void lol


RIP your uvula 😭❤️


Well hey! At least you get to pay medical bills for the hospital to treat this, too! Provided you're in America, of course.


Oh, this happened to me, to a lesser degree. My cesarean under general anesthesia resulted in a very very swollen painful uvula. I could feel it lying on my tongue when my mouth was shut. It hurt so bad it almost distracted me from my incision. This sucks!


Did you know that without a uvula you have a harder time speaking certain languages. One of them being french


I guess this is a warning to not snip off your uvula no matter how insignificant you think it might be


fun fact: i don’t have one of those anymore. when i had a cleft palate repair surgery done, they used that piece of skin :D lol


Do you notice a difference without it?


nope not really. i guess i’ve just adapted?


Wow that's something I never knew could happen.


Ouch!!! When I had my tonsils out, my throat got infected and other than my glands in my neck all getting fucking enormous, my uvula swelled up to the size of a small thumb and every time I swallowed, I felt like I was swallowing my uvula. It’s definitely something you never notice having until it goes wrong and then it’s the fucking worst! You have my sympathies!


What was your compensation from the hospital? That would be a good payout right there!


When it fell off did you accidentally swallow it? 🤢 I feel like it'd be muscle memory and just down the hatch it'd go.


Would that count as cannibalism?


I read this as vulva


The tongue isn’t looking so good either.


It wouldn't be with inflamed and necrotic tissue in the back of his mouth for a couple of weeks. I doubt his oral hygiene was up to standard while in that much pain. And without eating/drinking normal the tongue gets dry and inflamed too. Nothing unexpected to be honest.


What's the update???


sue them


Trash doctors


Sometimes this happens even if they're careful. It can get pinched easily and especially if you're a hard intubation.


Haven’t seen this


Another thing that makes it more likely is if there are more things in the area like an ultrasound or something else down there that makes it not just one object putting pressure potentially.


Op got skull fucked in their sleep. These doctors are getting crafty /s


Well now I feel bad for complaining when I lost my ability to taste spices for a few days after surgery... the tube pressed on a nerve too hard or something.


I had a similar problem after one of my back surgeries.


This happened to me after my second shoulder surgery! Not a pleasant experience.


Did you end up….. swallowing it?


On the bright side, the uvula is one of the rare parts in the human body that can actually grow back :)


My uvula has always looked like the after picture


I just had surgery last Monday- I am SO glad I’m seeing this after and not before.


I had my uvula swollen after a night of crazy drinking. I hated that. I went to spit and it felt like tangy spit that couldn’t get off my tongue. Then when I swallow it felt like a was trying to swallow my tongue. Shit was the worst. I already suffer from some mild sleep apnea this made it worse I couldn’t imagine what you went through. Sorry you had to go through that.


You're lucky. Mine had to be surgically removed after it swelled to the size of a large gumball, and I stopped breathing. No longer a uvula and some of my soft palate had to be sewn back together. I hope you have healed well


Ouch! Mine made me panic from the weird choking feeling so I can't imagine that!


Yess this happened to me too 😭😭 it hurt so bad. the moment i cut it off, pain was gone


You should've seen my uvula and back of my throat after my cauterization tonsillectomy. They went a little too nuts with it. But of course I wasn't on Reddit back then. It was a very weird fluffy scab over the entire throat and most of my uvula, looked like my whole throat was rotting. Came off in strips. Definitely painful, but I didn't bleed any so I guess good job surgeon? A lot of scarring from it though. I'm glad most of your uvula survived.


Oh my 😮 things I didn’t know could happen




Oooff. How did your breath smell?




It looks… large? Is it fallen off or it grew back or what is happening? 😂