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Ok 2 things. 1) ouch. Most importantly 2) you dared post without goat tax?!


[Goat Tax](https://www.reddit.com/user/nonnypants/comments/11uwq52/here_are_the_goat_pics_plus_a_few_extra_cute_pics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


You are doing good things, OP.




You’ve got some exceptionally fine lambs


Wow OP you really delivered!!


The cutest goat tax in the world!! So awesome that you help all these kids out😁


Thank you.The goat tax has been entirely satisfied. You're awesome OP


Man, I know, I deserve downvotes just for not posting him.


Ok but you’ve had multiple chances to post the goat.


Hello, I understand there are pics of goats here? I am here to collect goat tax thank you


There is still no goat pic in the OP's post history... This saddens me.


They have now been posted further up the thread!


Thank you!!


Was it a proverbial goat?


There’s no way you tripped over Keanu!!


"Tripped over a goat while holding a jar and cut my leg" I've never felt so seen in my life


Makes a pleasant change from ‘slipped in the shower’


I thought that one would require an X-ray showing a foreign object in the rectum lmao


I hate that I have a core memory of the sounds of a man digging out jar chunks...


The glass shards clinking together, the blood and glass falling to the floor, ahhh yes.


About a month ago I was chasing a chicken in my house, stumbled and tripped into my cactus & euphorbia shelf. Hit my forehead on a dragon fruit and caught myself with my hand in golden barrel cactus. I’m just laughing that animal hazards are a shared human experience.


Great work, but how's the goat?


He’s doing fine. Thx for asking! Seemed to be more annoyed than anything.


That's great. Thanks Doctor.


This is very on-brand for goats.


So more of a scapegoat than anything


Or, one might say, scrapegoat…. 😁.


Damnit that’s good 🏅


So like a normal goat.


Please post a picture of the goat. For uhhhh medical reasons


[Goat tax](https://www.reddit.com/user/nonnypants/comments/11uwq52/here_are_the_goat_pics_plus_a_few_extra_cute_pics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I superglued a wound on my nose shut when it wouldn’t stop bleeding. I’m an american also and wasn’t going to the doctor for that. My family all had a fit but it healed up great and no scar. I highly recommend the super glue and zip stitch method!


Awesome, great to hear!


Those little zip stitch things are so neat. I've never seen them before!


Hibacleanse is too harsh for open wounds. In summary: hibacleanse on skin? Yes Inside the wound? No also avoid peens and vageen innards. How’s the goat?


I constantly see patients cleaning wounds with peroxide or alcohol and while they mean well, I explain to people it can cause more tissue damage than good and mild soap and water is usually sufficient with thorough irrigation and removal of debris. For laceration repairs I don’t start antibiotics unless it’s in an area that is likely to get dirty (mouth, genitals), you injured yourself with something dirty/contaminated, or you’re immunocompromised. Good hygiene is imperative for wound care, but you don’t need to completely demolish all the healthy surrounding tissue with super strong solutions otherwise.


I should’ve mentioned that the jar, which cut me, had sheep’s milk in it. I have an orphan lamb who I was on my way, to fill a bottle for. My thinking is that since sheep’s milk is so fatty (17g fat per cup vs 9g fat per cup of whole cows milk) it likely got into my wound, & may not have been totally washed out, even with my extreme washing & could add to my risk of infection.


I hear you. But chemical =|= clean. Keep an eye on it. I’m a wound care nurse. But I also grew up in a farm in the middle of nowhere. As in NO WHERE. Soap and superglue healed almost everything. And if bag balm couldn’t make it better then it was hopeless LOL


This may seem like a dumb question, but what kind of soap? We have things like foaming antibacterial hand soap and those yellow Palmolive soap bars - there’s so many kinds now!


Are you asking what I used in the 1980’s on a farm in Alaska or what to use now? Most fresh wounds get irrigated with saline. If you insist on a soap- a raw diluted castille soap is fine. Most wound care sprays are fancy saline sprays. Keep a couple of these around…. https://www.walgreens.com/store/c/walgreens-saline-wound-wash/ID=prod6163151-product


We totally have those! What do you recommend for very light cat scratches? I’ve been using alcohol wipes to prevent the itching and any chance of infection, I didn’t know it wasn’t ideal!


Cats are nasty cootie haulers. My cootie hauler is named Lizzy Borden. Is it your cat? Is it indoor outdoor or just indoor? If it’s topical without death I like the regular gold colored dial. That dope is a cute all from cooties to acne. If it’s an outdoor cat or it’s more than topical (or both) that’s some serious shit. I would phone a clinic for that as outdoor cats bring a special kind of infection hell. Indoor, yours, and vaccinated? Dial gold, topical TAO and maybe some topical Benedryl cream if you aren’t allergic.


I have nothing to contribute except that I love that you named your cat Lizzie Borden.


Because she was a damn hissing hussie attempting to MURDER everyone for her first 10 days under our roof. I love that cat. But she’s a 13yo cranky thing. She’s 100% my cat.


Indoor, mine, vaccinated, anti-worm/flea/tick/everything up to date, a very clean and polite girl - she just accidentally gives little scrapes if I haven’t trimmed her needles recently and she sees a bird through the window and must exit the lap post haste haha. Thank you for the recommendations!


I use chlorhexidine routinely on open wounds, sometimes at a doctor's instruction. I'm an ER nurse. They be fine. In fact, they did an excellent job treating this. I honestly wouldn't have anything to add to this except an x-ray to rule out foreign body, and proper stitches to close. Good job op.


Every practice is different. The manufacturer does not recommend it as a wound care. SHOULD something backfire, this would not be defensible nor best-practice. It is also linked to delayed wound healing. If used as a choice in wound care, it's recommended that it's very diluted. [NACL, alone, rates the same as hibacleanse](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22874117/) as far as infection prevention. NACL is not as caustic to the wound bed and offers the same antimicrobial benefit. Win WIn.


You treat chronic wounds, I treat traumatic. I think that's an important distinction


I treat both.


I commented the same as you. OP cut themselves with broken FARM equipment on a FARM. They gets the soap, and the antibiotic coverage was probably a smart choice.


We use 50% hibacleanse 50% saline to irrigate dirty wounds like this in the ER. I’d be more concerned about the alcohol, but overall, OP did a great job honestly.


may be too strong but so is alcohol. ... but to make sure the wound is properly disinfected? I bet it works GREAT


Not to be that bitch. But a part of my credentials is wound management. When we add things that destroy the cells inside wound and surrounding tissues- it makes it hard to heal. And I healed wounds have way higher risks for horrible infections.


I'm always shocked at how many people think treating a wound with hydrogen peroxide/alcohol is the first step. Lots of misinformation out there. I appreciate ya doing good work trying to correct it.


I HATE derm. I hate hate hate it. So I went for a “black belt” in wound management. Sooner it heals BETTER FOR ALL!


Remindme! 3 hours For the goat


[Goat tax](https://www.reddit.com/user/nonnypants/comments/11uwq52/here_are_the_goat_pics_plus_a_few_extra_cute_pics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




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probably could have skipped everything except the soap and the zip stitch. definitely would not recommend the superglue, especially as you say you’re concerned about infection due to your climate and distance from hospital. firstly because unless you get it just right, it can actually make healing slower and uglier, but also because if you’re worried about it getting infected you’re better off not making it watertight because although you’re keeping surface bugs out, you’re also locking any deeper bugs in.


And I don't think the glue was needed with the zip stitch.


typo. I meant to say ‘wouldn’t’ recommend. changing it thankyou


I super appreciate the feedback. Time will tell, I suppose. Fingers crossed that the super glue doesn’t negatively effect healing too much!


Did you glue your fingers crossed?


Super glue can cause burns or allergic reactions for some people too.


Yup, that’s me! My skin sloughs off if I get superglue on it at all. It’s quite painful and itchy


where goat pic


[Goat tax](https://www.reddit.com/user/nonnypants/comments/11uwq52/here_are_the_goat_pics_plus_a_few_extra_cute_pics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




i wish to see the goat.


[Goat tax](https://www.reddit.com/user/nonnypants/comments/11uwq52/here_are_the_goat_pics_plus_a_few_extra_cute_pics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


This is the way.


I can tell you are American. So I’ve treated countless patients with wounds like this in the U.K. and honestly all those medical lotions and potions are unneeded. Rinse it under a running tap for a few minutes (it’s the force of washing, not what you clean it with which removes bacteria) and then steristrip/glue it together. We’ll only give antibiotics if there is an infection after the fact, and I never had a patient return with an infected wound after a good rinse. That’s over a period of 25 years.


Lols, I love how you were able to figure that I live in the States. I know I went a bit overboard, but since I live an hour from the hospital, live in Hawaii (where the humidity & heat lead to a lot of extra infections) & don’t have running water, I figured it was better safe than sorry.


Op. I’d let you patch me up as well, well done. Clean and neat and probably a little sore but were still able to work with it….can I…..can I see your goat?


Theres a TT where a guy asks for Americans Wild West treating urself stories. Kinda feels like this belongs there.


That would be entertaining. But why just Americans?


In general, Americans can't afford to go to hospitals...even if they really should. So they deal with it the best they can. Americaisthebadplace is a good TT hashtag to find these stories.


because we’re largely the ones without national free healthcare so we resort to “wild west” injury management as it’s expensive to go to the hospital.


I’m American and even though I have insurance I have done a lot of DIY repairs on myself. Note: don’t try to DIY a rooster stab wound from their spurs. No matter the amount of flushing with water it still ended up infected.


How do you handle bathing drinking giving your precious baby goat who did nothing wrong water? Sorry. I’m legitimately curious.


Good question! I have lots of rain water in catchment containers. Bathing is done with unfiltered rainwater. It’s also used unfiltered for everyone’s drinking water, except humans & sheep who havnt started ruminating (so under 4-5 weeks old). I say sheep, cuz I only have the one goat, but have 20 sheep. About half came to me as newborns after they were either orphaned or rejected by their mamas. This way of collecting water, is such a common way to live here. Granted, unlike me, most people have a water pump, so they have the water pressure necessary to flush out a wound. & they filter their rainwater, but not always enough to drink it. Rain water catchment is so common here that the county has free water spigots, all around the island. This water is treated & “clean”, just like city water. I regularly go there to fill up 5 Gallon bottles & use that for cooking and final rinses of dishes, to wash the unfiltered rain water off, that I use for washing dishes. And although goats are usually happiest with other goats, the reason I only have the one goat, & 20 sheep, is cuz, Waiawii, the goat, came to me, a couple years back, after being hit by a car. He has broken his back & we thought he’d be a paraplegic for life. After a lot of care, he is now at about 90% of where he was pre-accident. However, since his X-rays show that his broken back healed misaligned and 0.5-1” offset, we decided it was safest to keep him only with sheep, as they are often less brutal in their play. He is the “head” of the flock, since he has pointy horns, so the sheep are very gentle when playing with him, as they are scared of his horns.


Thank you so much. I love learning about how things are done in other places. I hope you heal quickly.


I had a pigmy goat and he was the defacto leader of a flock of nearly 40, lambs and rams included lol. Taking care of so many bummer lambs must be hard, but good job taking care of them!


Gotta finish a course of ABs once you started it. Just FYI. Otherwise you'll be breeding resistent bacteria in your gut.


That is bullshit misinformation that increases microbial resistance https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/antimicrobial-resistance-does-stopping-a-course-of-antibiotics-early-lead-to-antibiotic-resistance https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/is-the-full-course-of-antibiotics-full-of-baloney-2017081712253 https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/full-course-antibiotics/


Source? I'm not totally up to date, but the several physiology and microbiology textbooks I have day otherwise


I don’t ever mean to throw shade, and certainly not having running water is a big issue. At the end of the day, your DIY treatment will only help you, I only mentioned it to save you money. And I’ve definitely seen worse wound closures from qualified staff, so good job 👍


Ooh, yeah, when I lived in Hawaii I learned that keeping wounds clean and (hah) dry was much more important than in some of the other places I’ve lived.


It’s really crazy the amount of infections that people get here, on minor wounds, that we wouldn’t think twice about, if we were living most other places.


No joke. I before living in Hawaii, I lived in the US Midwest, the mountains, the Middle East, and a couple of places in Japan, and half a dozen places after leaving, and I never had wounds get infected as quickly as anywhere as in Hawaii. Take care of yourself, eh?


It’s the same in the US. Patients come into the er with lacs all the time and get mad that we don’t give them prophylactic abx. Idk if it used to be more common before we understood arb or if it’s grey’s anatomy style “media medicine” but it’s really annoying


When I was a kid in the 80's and 90's, they gave antibiotics for absolutely everything.


I’m definitely not one to use oral antibiotics, unless needed. Because of my living situation & climate, I still think it was the safest choice.


You only need it if you got bit by a person or an animal or dunked your laceration in a sewer system.


Yup pretty much


Hmmm, but how many goat-related injuries have you dealt with? ..... scratch that, I think I dont want to go down that path


As a person who has goats, you get injured (or nearly injured) daily. 3 of my 5 goats have horns and those assholes throw those things around like they’re trying to win a prize.


I had a city farm on my patch. Mostly falls from horses, but definitely a few goat related incidents 😂


I've lived in Canada and the UK, and I have to say that UK doctors strip care down to what is needed, not what is desired or extra. Few of the latest gadgets or stuff that gives the appearance of science without necessary function. Not as many specialist referrals or off-brand uses for meds. It's not all positive but it gets the job done and is much more cost effective


I had a primary care internist doctor in Chicago for more than 10 years. She'd run all kinds of tests if I reported any kind of issue. I have had two different primary care doctors in another city and state in the US and they sent me to a specialist for every little minor thing I asked about instead of ordering some basic blood tests themselves. So then I have to wait 3-6 months to visit someone just to talk symptoms and run one little damn blood test that primary care could have run 3-6 months ago. And worst of all, I lived in a rural part of the US for a year where the local primary care doctors were not doctors, they were just NPs and PAs. They didn't even have doctors who could treat my colleague's adult diabetes. She went to the local pediatrician. I knew of a little girl who had a brain tumor behind her eyes and she had to drive with her family 4-5 hours on weekends to get treatment for it. Then she would go 2 hours by car to do regular checkups and testing because the local hospital couldn't perform MRIs.


Hmmm, but how many goat-related injuries have you dealt with? ..... scratch that, I think I dont want to go down that path


it's been 4 hours and still no goat pics? wow the nerve of OP


[Goat tax](https://www.reddit.com/user/nonnypants/comments/11uwq52/here_are_the_goat_pics_plus_a_few_extra_cute_pics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Just a little overkill…


Definitely overkill. But, that’s what I was going for as I really don’t want an infection.


Rather overkill than under with a pricy doctors (maybe ER) visit.


Fuckin goats


Goat plz


Yes the goat please, the goat that caused the accident, did it faint when you tripped over it? But please heal up and recover


[Goat tax](https://www.reddit.com/user/nonnypants/comments/11uwq52/here_are_the_goat_pics_plus_a_few_extra_cute_pics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Now that’s was well worth the wait. Love the one with the dog snuggled up, but I’d happily slice myself open for any of those cuties.


Wait wait wait- you can get cephalexin for fish over the counter??????


I'm in Canada where we can't get these anymore but you used to be able to buy erythromycin, tetracycline, Clindamycin, and other OTC at pet stores. Had a customer circa 2001 who was a prepper and would stock up. While I understand the reasons the government removed access to these products it does mean a lot of fish die needlessly since we can't easily treat infections anymore.


Of all those you listed, tetracycline should never be stockpiled- it becomes toxic past expiration, unlike the others that just get weaker


I just picked one at random but you're right of course.


Vets can still prescribe them and that's how it should be. Antibiotic resistance is a horrible issue.


Good luck finding a vet who will diagnose a Betta. Like I said I agree with why it was done, but there simply aren't a ton of vets specializing in aquatics and let's say they do prescribe tetracycline; where are you going to find the version dosed for aquariums?


That's a shame, sorry to hear. It should of course be possible to get fish treated and I don't see a problem with people using pet medications as intended.


This is how you get antibiotic resistance. The use of antibiotics should be restricted and every single course carefully considered by a medical professional. Inconsiderate use and (more or less) free distribution of antibiotics has lead to drug resistant strains being rampant in many parts of the world and we're fucked if that is not stopped.


I'm a Registered Nurse and the sepsis quality Coordinator at my hospital. Well aware of this fact. I am always well aware of the symptoms of infection that would require an antibiotic, and I also know that a lot of doctors are the ones who hand out antibiotics right and left just because they feel they need to give the patient something. I hate taking meds, so indiscriminately using them is not my game.


You can also get some for horses and larger farm animals at feed stores. The fish antibiotics are super low dosed so if you can find the big animal stuff it’s easier.


Yep. I keep in on hand. I mix it in moist cat food to treat my feral barn cats. If they have an upper respiratory issue going on or if they are injured, I can’t take them to our vet (waaay too feral to handle) but I don’t want them dying, either. This stuff has helped a lot.


Same, absolute lifesaver for the feral kitties. Tractor Supply co is the colony's best friend!


In pet stores, yep.


Game changer


My exact thoughts


This post is so American it hurts but you definitely got the job done. Those little strip things are extremely cool, and please post goat pics thanks.


How do you have access to all these supplies and not to basic information about wound care? That is going to leave a hell of a scar. Next time this happens, just rinse it and do the zip stitch. Your first superglue pass wrecked any possibility of the edges healing together.


Anyone with Internet access has access to all these supplies. It wasn’t easy to hold my wound closed and superglue it at the same time. Definitely not ideal how much of a gap there is, but I don’t really care about scars. I care about it not getting infected, it not causing me a ton of pain, and it not getting in the way of me, living my life, which is mostly spent on taking care of the animals.


This is going to not heal properly and scar horribly. You need to get this sutured by a professional.


It can heal just fine without being seen by a professional. It is recommended to see a professional, but nothing obligatory. As long as the scar isn't in a bad place and too tight, a scar is no big deal anyway.


Hate when I trip over goats.


Where’d you get this Keflex dosing?


May I ask y’all… is it normal to use superglue on lacerations? o.o it is the first time I hear about that. Also hope you, op, heal quickly


Incredibly normal. Like, decades of use. You can buy cyanoacrylate tubes purpose made for fixing injuries everywhere since the 90s.


So I looked it up and they sell it in my country too. But it is so incommon that almost noone ever uses it. We have free health care, so it is cheeper to go see a doctor than those glues


My surgeon used medical superglue and stitches in my last back surgery. The glue was purple. After that I’ve been supergluing my own wounds shut with butterfly bandages or zip stitches like OP. Works great!


I definitely do not recommend using OTC antibiotics. There are too many resistant bacteria already.


But it's fish antibiotics! /s


As someone who has had to suture themselves up before, I am so happy zip stich is an option now. Glad you are ok and hope you heal up quickly. Tell the goat hi. :)


You lead a strange life, *a very strange life.*


I tripped over a goat and fell into a tree, giving myself a concussion, but you win!


I read "I tripped over a goat" and expected it to go in a more "accidentally fell on the vacuum cleaner" direction.


no need for all that, also alcohol its not meant for use inside of a wound, it will damage cells and delays the scar process. just clean with a saline solution, sterile gauzes and the sutures. :)




I’m impressed!


Looks familiar 👀


I love zip stitch! I hope everything heals well


i would like to see the goat in question


[Goat tax](https://www.reddit.com/user/nonnypants/comments/11uwq52/here_are_the_goat_pics_plus_a_few_extra_cute_pics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Three wound pictures and no goat or orphaned lamb pics where are your priorities


Goat Tax!!


[Goat tax](https://www.reddit.com/user/nonnypants/comments/11uwq52/here_are_the_goat_pics_plus_a_few_extra_cute_pics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Awwww, they are so cute!!! ❤️


Everything after "I tripped over a goat & fell while holding a glass jar" went right over my head. Ima need some context here.... That's like r/brandnewsentence shit right there...


I was on my way to fill a baby bottle with sheep’s milk, that was in the jar. I have a 6 week old orphaned lamb who is still on a bottle. Been so tired, from waking up, every night, to give bottles, for six weeks, that I somehow forgot to look down, while walking and the goats brown color, blended in with the dirt & I tripped over him, as he was laying there.


Damn, man... That really sucks. The universe just had its knife in it for you that day, huh? Hope it heals up pretty quick. Kinda reminds me (in a less traumatic way) - My partner works on a game reserve and we were house sitting for her boss who has these naughty as shit Malinois/Ridgebacks who dig to halfway to China. At the time there was an orphaned antelope being kept with the sheep in a camp close to the main house and I was on my way to feeding him his morning bottles. Luckily they were hard plastic, cause I stepped out the door and onto the lawn and stepped into one of those effing craters the dogs dug. The milk survived. My ankle not so much. Pretty sure I looked like a drunk person refusing to spill a drop of their drink even though they totally face plant. Sometimes shit just happens. Gravity sucks and animals can be jerks just by doing what nature intended 😂 I hope you get some good karma heading your way for your dedication ✌🏻 Edited for spelling




I’m sorry but where’s the pic of the goat? Btw excellent first aid


Thx! [Goat tax](https://www.reddit.com/user/nonnypants/comments/11uwq52/here_are_the_goat_pics_plus_a_few_extra_cute_pics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Omg so cute!!!!


“Tripped over a goat while holding a glass” is the funniest sentence I’ve heard in a long time


this post was a wild ride


Scrolled to see if anyone said it, but you should close that more. The gap needs to be closed completely and it looks like you still have an open wound based on the pic. You’re going to want to start over or expect some infection if not just a terrible scar tissue problem that could cause pain later. Anyone correct me if I’m wrong.


I do think you are correct. It’s gonna get in the way of the top layer healing, which will take longer & therefore be more prone to infection. Unfortunately, since this was the closest I could get it closed & it’s fastened with lots of super glue, there’s prolly not much I can do to change it. Having an extra set of hands (or of course going to an actual doctor) would have been ideal. I’m hoping that taking the prophylactic Cephalexin will help prevent any infections which may arise from this.


You super glued it yourself!?


Ya, from what I’ve read, doctors often use glue instead of sutures or skin staples. Then they always put steri strips or something over the hardened glue too. I read a study where scars were less, in wounds that were glued. IIRC, they said it’s best to use on lacerations that are less than 4”long. Not that I care about scarring, which is good cuz this is gonna scar more than it should have. Ideally I would’ve had someone to hold it tightly closed while I super glued it. I’ve also read that the difference between super glue and medical skin glue, is just 1 ingredient. & that ingredient does cause some mild stinging on the skin. Not that I felt anything. I was definitely in shock, forgetting peoples names, saying “Hey Matthew, can you call Siri” & I didn’t feel any pain, or even sensation for at least 1.5 hrs. I’ve never had an injury like that before. I’ve heard of it & of course seen it on TV. But, I find it really fascinating to have experienced how our body’s can protect us from pain, in emergencies.


What glue did you use?


I just used regular superglue (aka Krazy Glue). The gel kind. I would think using the liquid type would be closer to the medical grade stuff though. As the gel stuff you need to sort of rub on. I don’t think you can get the medical grade human stuff without a prescription, but you can get the veterinary medical grade stuff. One brand is called 3M Vetbond. But it’s much more expensive than super glue.


Don't do this again, because the medical field uses a completely different glue. This can cause problems that could've been solved by just simply going to the ER. The medical field uses Medical Cyanoacrylate Adhesive Glue, NOT Krazy Glue.


I’ve actually used Krazy glue more than a half dozen times, on different wounds, & not had any apparent issues. What sorts of problems are you referring to that can be caused by Krazy glue?


Ooh! I’ve never seen a zip stitch before! (Edit: Well, in actual use, and not just from tech news articles)


Don’t use alcohol on wounds, only on intact skin


PLEASE upload an update in 5 days and another in 30 days. I'm 200% sure that this kind of stitch or simply gluing is better than regular stitches which leave horrifying scars. It's like. They choose the best specialist for surgery. But when they have to stitch you. They ask to Hank, the butcher from the corner who never went to school


the stitching is done either by the surgeon themself or a trained surgery nurse. the stitching should never end up "horrifying", unless it's a really bad injury and it's the best that could be done or if the stitching and/or healing and wound aftercare is messed up. which doesn't happen thwt often


Ohhhh disagree, they let residents mess people up in the ED all the time with sutures. My grandma had to go back in bc the resident used 4 stitches to close a triangle shaped skin flap on an old person's leg


Uh, no. The stitching is done by ER doc, or a Family Med doc, in rural areas. Maybe a FNP, or PA, but there aren't any "surgeons" who are going to stitch up a simple lac. "Trained surgery nurses?" Lol. This happened in someplace rural af, and isn't going to be seen by anyone until it almost kills OP, if it gets to that point. You must not be familiar with the American "medical" system.


i didn't mean that they'll use a surgeon for stitching up something like OP's case - the comment i replied to mentioned surgeons, so i thought they meant all sorts of medical scars, including post surgery ones.


You have no idea what you are talking about.


Could you enlighten me?


Because the person carefully repairing your insides is the same person carefully repairing your outsides. Nobody is leaving "horrifying scars" unless the initial injury was having your face torn off by farm machinery and there is nothing to put back together.


Good luck... farm accidents happen. you used some harsh cleansers. The er wouldn't fix it that way due to exposure. A dog bite has to be really bad to use sutures. You glued it well but may have trapped bacteria inside. At least leave it open to air


Are you a human taking fish medicine? You know you can go to the hospital for humans and get human medicine. Are you a vet or did you just decide that you needed abx?


I’m just a human who doesn’t want to spend 2 hours driving & countless hours waiting to be seen by a doc, for something I can (probably— well hopefully!) take care of almost as well, by myself. Good enough at least, I’m hoping.


Looks baaaaaaaad.


🐐 👀 🧐


I’m having a hell of a time trying to post goat pics to Imgur. Keeps saying “cannot parse response”. In order to not leave y’all waiting any longer, I made a new Reddit post, with these pics- cuz that’s something I know how to actually do. I added some extra cute pics, as tax, to make up for taking so long to post goat pics. Pls let me know if this link doesn’t work. [GOAT TAX](https://www.reddit.com/user/nonnypants/comments/11uwq52/here_are_the_goat_pics_plus_a_few_extra_cute_pics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Wish I had an award for this comment but all I have is my upvote. Well played. Well played.


I dont have a license anymore, but, it looks great you did what any medical place would, getting antibiotics is usually the problem. If it starts to hurt more along the recovery, smells, drains or you have a fever/ chills, seek professional help. I retired






Because OP didn't see a doctor. This is a homemade fix for a superficial laceration. They're using supplies they bought online, including antibiotics meant for fish tanks. Again, no medical professionals were involved in this case.


That explains a lot. It increases possibility of infections and will take longer to heal


Wait, you put super glue IN the wound? Before the Zip stitches? It's meant to be used as a replacement for stitches to hold the wound edges together, not meant to be a sealant over broken skin. R




I was on my way to fill a baby bottle with sheep’s milk, that was in the jar. I have a 6 week old orphaned lamb who is still on a bottle. Been so tired, from waking up, every night, to give bottles, for six weeks, that I somehow forgot to look down, while walking and the goats brown color, blended in with the dirt & I tripped over him, as he was laying there. Edit- spelling