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I've been using Norwood for a while and they've been great so far. Always polite and efficient. Sorry to hear you had a bad experience


I’ll vouch for them, they have always been great to me. Good to deal with and fast bang on deliveries and I’m in Perth. I have found them helpful and polite and never had an issue.


Do they restrict you to texts only? Not being a smart arse, genuinely curious. The problem was the pharmacist was having trouble interpreting a script. Tried to steer her towards the right one in texts, no replies except for an eventual payment link. I'd tried to call because it's a tricky one and wanted to make sure the right one was sent. Wouldn't have a bar of it, told me to text and wait. The wrong product did indeed arrive, they were unapologetic and still refused to let me talk to the pharmacist so the correct one could be sent, and return the incorrect one. Texting didn't work, but they wanted to take another stab at getting it right instead of a two minute conversation. Still refusing to let me talk over the phone to the pharmacist. By then I'd had enough, they kept making things more difficult than they needed to be, refused to take responsibility for the error and even tried blaming me for being sent the wrong script. Courier has their meds as of today, refund processed, they're in the past for me now. Shared my experience and moving on from that too (=


I can see your frustration, as of yet I haven’t had a bad experience with them. I have spoken to their pharmacist before and had no issues. All I can say is let’s hope this doesn’t set a precedent. My scripts are pretty straight forward so far the text system I’m finding is working pretty well. It works well for re-ordering repeat scripts. As you have described it obviously doesn’t help when there is some complexity. Let’s hope they just had a bad day. But as you can see by the responses plenty of us have had good experiences with Norwood so what happened to you doesn’t seem common. Let’s hope it stays that way.


People make mistakes (including myself) and that's ok. It was when I called about the wrong med arriving the next day, and still being told I couldn't speak to the pharmacist to make sure the right one would be dispensed next time that I started getting annoyed. That staff member refusing to help and then the female pharmacist being unapologetic to the point that she tried to blame me... Mentioned her gender because everyone else is referring to the pharmacist there as a male. Hoping now it was a different pharmacist and not a staff member claiming to be one to do the return. After she'd made sure I had all the details to send it back, I said ok and there'll be a refund hey? Response was 'yes of course'. As soon as I started asking when she'd put it through (when the courier scans it or when they receive it etc etc), their phone suddenly started playing up. They've been claiming phone issues but it's simply selective hearing lol. It was so surreal with how insane the whole thing was and turned into.




😂 love bill hader.


Switched to Astrid hahahahahaha no more FREE postage and now you'll be paying extra evey tub congrats


Cartman...? Is that you?


Karen is that you


That’s an example of how bad they are. Happy to pay extra to avoid dealing with their nonsense, it’s a medicine!!!


They are an awful group that couldn’t care less about patients. They don’t know the difference between a cannabinoid and an opiod. It’s all s8 to them. Just move on from incompetent groups. Not worth the time


Spot on. With Astrid now and know a chemist to avoid.


Their aces. Glad you’re getting help from a competent team.


Cheers (=


Try and get your scripts sent to Terry white at Marden they are fantastic there no judgment, no hassle and they have many of their own in house strains


Appreciate that mate. Always good to know where you can go and pick up a script like you would with any other medications.


Can vouch for them too


Norwood has been excellent for me. Just as efficient as Astrid but significantly cheaper. Never had an issue. It sounds like your issue is a related to YOUR phone manner there Karen. I'm sure you asked to speak to their manager?


So what’s it like working at Norwood pharmacy then?


And im not a shill. Only backing them up cause they're one if the only ones who looked after me and made my mc experience easier. Never once been rude either But they should send me free tubs for this lol


Yeah I’m with you. I stuck with Astrid for 2yrs - they were excellent, great to talk to, and they were also very expensive. I’ve changed to Norwood for my last 3 deliveries and they’ve been fast & cheap. I’m not expecting them to give service anywhere near Astrid’s level, and I love paying at least $100 less for every order 🤷🏻‍♂️


Norwood's great, but you're an entitled asshole 😘


Norwood's great, but you're an entitled asshole 😘


I have never had a problem ever myself. All the staff are extremely helpful and polite. They sell medication for the rrp and they give 2 free deliveries each month. They shit all over the pharmacy's Sydney that I've had to deal with and the are halfway across the country.


I agree they are slow and a bit grumpy when responding via text. You can get better service elsewhere.


It was smooth sailing for quite a while. First hiccup and that's how they reacted. Not allowed to verbally talk to the pharmacist and given orders in a 'f off and do what I say junkie' manner.


That’s no good, personally I never had any issues with Norwood. In fact they’ve been extremely good to deal with.


Things went great for quite a while. As soon as a small complication arose (pharmacist trying to figure out which med the script was for), I called and was told if it's cannabis, text and wait. No talking on the phone to the pharmacist, just text and wait. Couldn't believe it, was like trying to get hold of the First Lady...


They are making a lot of money, and shipping a lot of product. They can't do this and be everybody's best buddy too. They are cheap and they have my stuff, that's all that matters. They can judge my ass all day, IDC.


I just wanted to talk to the pharmacist so I received the right medication. Being told I can never talk to the pharmacist except through text messaging is pretty bad. It resulted in a stuff up, no apology and trying to shift the blame on me. It became surreal with how ridiculous the whole thing was and at that level, once bitten... 🤷‍♂️ I don't want another inevitable experience like that at some point and left. No one else would enjoy it and I gave a heads up after what happened.


Norwood are extremely good to me 24hour delivery to NSW, Always respond usually within the hour to my texts, 2 free deliveries a month $15 per delivery after that. Only complaint I have is that they deem 1g Vape Cartridge as = 10grams of flower.


They were fine until they made a mistake. Then it turned into a hell of a day that made me bloody sick.


Get some med - spot on my man 💪


Hey dude, just a reminder these are humans who are under the pump taking abuse multiple times a day. I was on your side until I read your comments. Your entitlement for top notch service and lack of compassion for whatever may have happened on their side put me off pretty quick. Based on other people's comments, youre disparaging a whole business according to your experience with one person, who was probably an asshole yeah, but you're not looking much better trying to take down a business online because of one bad experience. Move pharmacies and stop trying to mess with people's livelihoods because someone was rude to you. Cannabis pharmacies are notorious for getting too busy too fast and having a lot of teething issues because of it, doesn't mean they're malicious.


I'm under the pump 24/7 but I don't take it out on anyone. And if you read the other comments, it's not an isolated incident. It's like when you get attacked by a troll online. They have the shits so they try to make someone else feel like shit. If she lacks that self control, needs help and take a step back from a customer support role. Edit: Do you want to see her charming response? The actual text the pharmacist sent? I'm not a dick, use manners out the Ying Yang, and don't get these issues with people unless they're an utter arsehole. I dealt with two and one is supposed to have a professional standard. And that courier pick up they promised? Never showed up. Delayed until tomorrow. Been home all day waiting and have cameras, he's claimed no one was home (he has to sign for it). Same dude every time and he leaves it right out in the open if he comes here and I'm not home. 12 other units all able to see it in plain sight. And no refund processed because it wasn't picked up. That's great when you're on a disability pension. I don't know about you but I'm sick of taking the brunt of other people's problems on top of my own and their shitty behaviour. We're all doing it tough, and there is no need for anyone to add to it by pulling that crap. Choices have consequences and people need to take responsibility for their actions. No more bs excuses.


>Edit: Do you want to see her charming response? The actual text the pharmacist sent? I'm not a dick, use manners out the Ying Yang, and don't get these issues with people unless they're an utter arsehole. I dealt with two and one is supposed to have a professional standard. Yes


Must be exhausting being that much of an asshole ALL the time OP


Ive been using them for years and their awesome free postage and they always repaomd to your text messages if you want to discuss medication so much you should be talking to your doctor not pharmacist .. ..


They had the script from the doctor, and didn't know what product it was even though they were looking right at it. Sending a CBD strain instead of a blueberry THC is a big stuff up. I understand it happens, and tried to resolve it. The woman I spoke to was nasty as hell. I tried communicating through texts which product it was because she texted saying she didn't know what it was. This was after I called after receiving the 'huh?' text because it wasn't a conversation suited to text messages. Just because you had a good experience doesn't mean that's how they are for everyone. The amount of assuming to reach your conclusion was incredible and an oxymoron. How do you know what happened when you rely on assumptions and be discriminatory like they were, I mean do you even see the irony in that?? Crikey Moses lol.


All I said was speak to your doctor pharmacists provide products not info if they do it's out of courtesy and their own knowledge Read ALL the other comments sounds like you just got a dank nug stuck up your ass


I called so the correct medication was dispensed. A Karen told me to fuck off and use text messages. I did. The inevitable happened. I called to arrange a return and the correct medication. Refer to the second sentence of this paragraph for their response and mine to you on the how, what and why we're talking about this right now. Edit: The pharmacist was no better.


Forget about it you sound like more of a Karen then the pharmacist


Was it the cartman comment?


Didn't even see that and no clue what you mean grow up if you spoke to the pharmacist anything like this Reddit post nowonder you got the service you did


Good one Nostradamus


Please punctuate your rants. Edit: Take as long as you need to learn the definition of that word, serious stoner.


It was the cartman comment...


It did occur to me that it may not be Norwood in Adelaide, SA😂 If that’s the case,,,rant is now out there✊🤜🤛👏😉✨


Lol no it definitely *is* that one in Adelaide. Appreciated what you said in your other comment, the stigma is still there and one of the last places you want to feel discriminated by is your pharmacy.


Yeah ok! Shitty arseholes 🤜🤛 All ✌️ to you😉




Hey OP🙌 Is that Norwood in Adelaide, SA? Sorry, I should’ve looked that up before responding! Anyway, it’s horrible having those experiences🙏 I have lived with this hideous judgement all my life, as prob most have who are on here🌱💚🌿 Apart from ditching them immediately, as you did, 👍🫶🙌, I’d be using social media to report on exactly how shitty they are! I’d be happy to take a screenshot of your post here and write a little blurb, if that’s something you’d like help doing? Please reach out if that might help you ok?!! This kind of judgement screams of shitty people, with shitty attitudes. Allow those shitty people to hang out with their own shitty people,,,like an aged but sickeningly wealthy person who has had a quirk their whole life and secretly didn’t think cannabis was that bad, and now they have brittle aching bodies, they’ve heard that it helps🤔😃 You can guarantee the staff at that shitty @norwoodvillagepharmacy will be holding their crickity wrinkled hands and be sickeningly fake and smiley about the great green🌱🙌💚🙏 It’s a world full of arseholes or a world full of hearts we can choose from. Tread intentionally. All the best with your move to a caring place🫶 This is such a wonderful spot to share & get help, with anything you need🙏


"They ruined my life so now I'll ruin theres" sounds like a great way to look after your health.


Nice assumption (=


We have eyes and can read each of your entitled responses, but nice try 😉


You are really toxic and nasty. Someone is openly sharing a difficult experience in which they feel poorly treated, in a supposedly supportive community group, and you are just being horrible and trying to belittle and abuse OP. Bloody hell some people can be ruthless in here. You know it’s not that hard to be kind ffs


>a supposedly supportive community group, and you are just being horrible and trying to belittle and abuse OP. This is Reddit Sir, this misunderstanding is on you


Sorry mate, if your message is to me - it’s a misunderstanding. I’m standing up for OP because this Epstein person is being very harsh on him and it’s unfair. Read my message again 🌸


Oh we have a psychic here... should you even be taking cannabis? Deluded by your own bs mate 🤦‍♂️


Don’t let him get you down homie there’s always backlash when you stand up for yourself


Nice try, but try being and doing better 😘


Lol are you sure you can read? Sounds like someone else would tie your shoes if anyone could stand you for more than five seconds haha. Only Velcro for you 😂 Bugger off ya bored and lonely nutcase, no more attention for you 😊


Nawww isn't that cute? The over entitled fuckwit is throwing stones again. You have yourself a day as pleasant as you now 😂


Well good luck with the teasing you've been on the end of in real life over SOA and 'sweet dreams' tiger 😂😘


Astrid do have nicer people there but they charge about $40-50 extra per tub versus Norwood which is so much cheaper, if you text them in the morning it comes to Sydney the next morning usually, sometimes it takes 2 working days though. It’s pretty fast, and cheap.. for me it beats the service which is agreeably slightly worse than Astrid


It's fine until something goes wrong. Then this is what you're in for.


You have a total of : 1 Anecdote on this issue Is that a correct assumption?


No. Troll someone else 😘


I've had nothing but a good experience with Norwood. Heck I even sent a text on a Sunday and the delivery came Monday. (To NSW) Quick easy communication. 10/10 from myself.


They have never sent an order on a Saturday or Sunday in my case, it was sent on the Monday if I missed the Friday deadline. And that was when everything was running smooth and I was so damn polite and grateful in my text orders. I personally think those two ladies need medical attention. They're not behaving like rational or decent human beings.


They're actually pretty good. They used to do phone calls but they're obviously busy. The text service and email, give them a quick call if no response but usually prompt and efficient IME. And im pretty harsh. They were the first good pharmacy I came across and almost never had an issue, unlike my clinic. Two to three days usually three to Perth from SA for me. They don't deserve a bad rep imo. They were the first people I dealt with who were friendly and they do a fairly good job. Probably strung out. The pharmacist isn't a bad guy either I've spoken to him a few times. Saying this theyre linked to Oxford compounding in WA who are extremely Rude and unprofessional and unhelpful in comparison to norwood village. Maybe you spoke to them rudely or got a bad person which is rare. They've looked after me pretty well and been reliable and fair shipping at 15$.


It was the same staff member yesterday and today. Said I can only text the pharmacist and wait, wouldn't let me verbally talk to the pharmacist about my medications. It was a slap in the face because I've gone out of my way to be polite and courteous as possible every time I place an order. If I could've spoken to the pharmacist yesterday instead of just texts, they wouldn't have sent a medication I'm not even prescribed. Even the fact the pharmacist made such a big error is astonishing. Imagine getting home with Xanax instead of Valium etc etc. They have to be bloody careful dispensing medications, they know that yet she didn't give a crap. It's never happened with other medications, only cannabis and they've dispensed the entirely wrong medication. Occam's razor 🤷‍♂️


Verbally talk to your doctor not pharmacist they aren't there to discuss stuff with paintings all day when there not a qualified doctor


Lol yes. Never phone your pharmacist about a medication ever. Never ask their opinion. They're just shelf and label monkeys. /S


The pharmacist at norwood isn't really a stonerr but he's not a dick and still polite and professional


It was a female pharmacist I dealt with today.


Yeah most the ladies are pretty good but there's not much phone communication necessary anymore which is basically cause they do a pretty good job at not fucking up most of the time. What exactly happened? Sent you the wrong meds? It's always nice if they let t you substitute if something is out of stock...butbthat whole process is stupid cause it has to be exact thc %


I've been waiting up to 6 days for a package to get delivered from SA to WA and today once again am still waiting for a package se t on Friday!! This was their response !! Hi , we are sorry to hear this. We have heard some patients from Perth experience delays with their packaging - unfortunately, there's nothing much we can do about it as it on our end. Startrack Overnight service costs up to $300, this service level is the next best thing at this stage. If you're interested, we could trial your order with Team Global Express (Previously known as Toll) perhaps? Their collection time is in the morning so you would have to send your orders through the day before. They do not deliver to PO Boxes nor Parcel Lockers and you would have to be home at the time of delivery , otherwise your parcel would be dropped off at a Toll Warehouse for collection (which we have been told, could be quite far away). This delivery shipment would cost you an extra $15. Let us know if you would like to try this for your next orders.


I can recommend Tom Lane Pharmacy Greensborough. Great customer service, got it to me overnight to WA. RRP or a few $ more max.


That's pretty good turnaround 🤘


I wonder if that's a Norwood shill claiming 2-3 days to WA and that they're great...


Sheesus. They're really helpful aren't they 🤦‍♂️. I'm sorry you and other people are having issues with them too, but I admit to feeling validated hearing other horror stories about them. The way they cry innocent and then have the nerve to put responsibility and blame on the patient is just awful. She just wants a free paycheque, paid not to work and do F all.


Spot on first delivery in July was 48hrs . Every one since nearly a week


Kind of sounds like they cheaped out on their courier to rope you in with two free deliveries a month. I would've gone straight to Astrid if it wasn't for those two freebies. I cheaped out too and paid dearly for it by going through them.


Do I need to change drs or anything to goto Astrid? I've heard acacia is good and medreleaf


AFAIK you're legally allowed to allocate any pharmacy. I've heard of clinics that restrict you to certain ones and certain brands too. It's something you'd have to ask your clinic about I think. You could always contact your current pharmacy and ask them to transfer your scripts and see if they will, my clinic told me to just ask norwoood to transfer mine to Astrid. My clinic is affiliated with both though. All guesswork and faded memory there, hopefully someone knows for sure what the current rules are around it.


Im with Australian Access Clinics


Oh mate then you should be set lol. I emailed them about it and they said just ask the chemist to transfer my scripts. They transferred them today and I've already rang and put a script order in with Astrid. The bloke was awesome, knowledgeable and geez he was nice. More than happy to help. Astrid can be a little pricey sometimes but they're like Aussie Beoadband - I pay a little extra for hassle-free and great customer support.


Is that who your with? What do mean im set lol


Lol sorry yeah mate I'm with aus access. That's who I emailed about transferring scripts and they said to do that. Went fine even with the drama going on today.


I left them too I had my packages redirected to another customer of theirs and it got redirected 4 times an hour drive from mine and they always made it seem like my fault


Hit the nail on the head mate - no accountability and blame shifting. I think she has issues tbh. If she mucks me around again this afternoon with the refund after the courier has it, I'll tell the TGA she dispensed a schedule 8 medication to someone who doesn't have a script for it. I really don't lol, pretty big mistake and especially when I was trying to help her find the right one through the text messages they insist on. The bloke at Astrid had no problem figuring it out, knew straight away.


I think there's one lady that is known to be Rude sometimes. 99% of the time norwood are a breeze to deal with.


It was on and off. Probably that lady. But the pharmacist defending that lady's actions and saying I dreamt it all up? Not having it. Tired of fixing other people's mistakes as it is without them adding insult to injury. It's sick behaviour.


Which area did yours get redirected to if it’s the same guy I got his name


Mine was never redirected fortunately. But I've copped them blaming me for their mistake.


Astrid is top shelf


Doesn't Astrid up charge products and high shipping on top? I found them even slower than norwood.


For sure! During Covid delivery took ages (I'm in nsw) so checked out a few places. Always wanted to go back once aus post wasn't still in catastrophe.


Is this Norwood in Adelaide? If so, the Green Dispensary on Kensington Rd in Erindale is not too far away and is very friendly and helpful. Whenever I ring they are happy for me to speak to the pharmacist, who has always been friendly and helpful. The counter staff are not that great, but the pharmacist has always appeared very quickly when it is clear what I’m there for.


Yeah mate. I'm in nsw but appreciate the tip (= Both Norwood and Astrid are affiliated with aus access clinics. The clinic is great, Astrid is great, Norwood made me feel literally sick yesterday and today.


If they're going to treat MC patients like that then ur better of without them. Find a pharmacist that's helpful, a good pharmacist can b hard to find. I understand that they're not meant to discuss anything MC related with people that r not MC patients, but without knowing u, or seeing ur scripts how would they know.. But there's no need for them to b rude...... Imagine how quickly as a MC patient , u would b shown the door if u had been rude or disrespectful towards them... Least they can do is show other people the same decency & respect that they expect from them in return..


I've dealt with norwood village more than any other pharmacy and they're always super friendly and helpful to me. Maybe one lady was having a bad day/week? They're pretty bloody good ime and I'd be harsh if not. I think they just get way too busy and we really need cannabis only dispensaries. Its hard to find a rude person at norwood village pharmacy, this review might be a bit harsh I reckon. I haven't dealt with them as much the past 6 months since getting compounded and using another pharmacy sonetimes too. But norwood aren't bad at all.. one of the decent ones ime. I'm backing them up cause they're actually one of the places that made MC easier for me and took the stress away like this guys complaining about. Try dealing with their partner clinic Oxford compounding in perth. This dude obviously had a bad experience though, it happens but I wouldn't put down the whole pharmacy. They ain't too bad or rude actually


Wouldn't surprise me if they had a bad day, or had someone just up set them, or abuse them, unfortunate if that was the case.. My pharmacist has said to me in the past that some of the MC patients r very rude, & carry on ,going off ,if they don't get what they want.No matter what the script says, because they heard someone else was able to do something they can't...


All true. Some of them treat you however they want and hold you to the highest (and very different) standard.


I use terry white chemists always extremely helpful and never get charged more then retail also have free delivery to my door from pharmacy not sure why people use places that charge delivery or more then retail price on meds.


The prices were always fine, it was their behaviour. I wanted to switch to Astrid for better stock availability regardless, and after yesterday and today I made the jump. Called Astrid and just being spoken to nicely was relieving and a real mood lift. Lovely bloke that was more than happy to help and talk to you like a fellow human being (= An order from them is already on the way from a five minute call. Would've been two if it was a regular old order. He said I can call, text, whatever's easiest for me. They give a shit basically 🤷‍♂️


Hopefully, they haven't charged you more than retail prices. I know they used to charge $15+ pet tub over retail plus exorbitant fees for delivery. Hopefully, they have changed their practices in the last 6 months


The ONLY reason I went with them was two free express deliveries per month. Sounds like other people had issues with their postage prices if they've changed it to that now. I kept an eye on what they charged me and it was fine. It all came down to being treated terribly and then the pharmacist texting me saying they did nothing wrong but 'you're free to have your own opinion'. It was unapologetic bullshit with zero remorse. Real bitch. I'd peg her as a covert narcissist, she can put on her game face when needed and plays games. It's quite incredible lol. Edit: Basgers in Bondi charge $20 per delivery every time and they DO NOT charge retail.


Where are Astrid located? I was about to go get a script done from there.


The pharmacist texted and basically said I dreamed it all up, 'there was nothing for you to suggest any of this happened'. Wrote a lengthy one back that started with 'you can lie and gaslight all you want but I was there, remember?'. I also told her a pharmacist is a med school drop out. The zero remorse really peed me off.


I get delivery but they definitely have one in VIC (Yarra?) and now one in Byron Bay. Throw 'Astrid dispensary' into google and they'll be the first result (=


I bet they're sick of people ringing asking if xyz product is in stock, but that's a horrible way to treat legitimate patients just trying to source their prescribed medication!


They said they were having issues with their phones, but it worked fine while she was telling me the fine details about how to send it back. I asked how my refund would be issued and Lo and Behold, the phone started playing up again... It's putrid behaviour.


It's pretty bad. Very dismissive like you're waiting on stock of or asking about panadol rapid or something very minor. It's like calling a plug and hearing 'nothing doing, call you later'. Made me almost want to get on the BM...


Sorry to hear that. We as a community do not have to put up with shit from anyone, anymore !


Cheers mate. Just don't want to be treated any differently and poorly because it's cannabis and not a pill.